1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Companies V

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Valentines Motors Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. City Hall Square, Perth. Telephone: 502011. Directors: George Valentine (Managing). James Valentine. Mrs. J. M. Valentine.
L. M. Van Moppes & Sons (Diamond Tools) Limited. Transport Service Equipment Manufacturers. Diatipt Works, North Circular Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Telephone: Gladstone 8225. Managers: E. W. Marks (Southern Area). R. A. Straker-Nesbit (Midland Area).
Vanden Plas (England) 1923, Ltd. Automobile Body Builders. Kingsbury Works, Kingsbury Road, London, N.W.9. Telephone: Colindale 6171. Directors: L. P. Lord. G. W. Harriman. J. Gibson Jarvie. E. R. Fox (Works). E. Fox. Managers: J. Bradley (Technical). D. B. H. Gale (Sales and Service).
Vaughan-Harbourne Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Austin House, Wellington Street, Leicester. Telephone: 5829113. Directors: Mrs. A. C. Vaughan-Harbourne (Chairman). D. C. Vaughan-Harbourne. L. E. W. Mann (General Manager). S. Allen. F. A. J. Carpenter (Works). Managers: L. Coote (Sales). H. Poynton (Stores).
Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Motor Vehicle Manufacturers. Kimpton Road, Luton, Beds. Telephone: 2600. T1A.:"Carvaux, Telex," Luton. Directors: G. N. Vansittart (Chairman). Sir Charles J. Bartlett (Managing). A. W. Laskey (Assistant Managing and Supply). R. H. Batchelor (Export). H. Drew (Chief Engineer). C. H. Fisher (Parts, Service and Sales). W. E. Hill. E. S. Hoglund. C. E. King (Engineering). G. J. Leaver (Secretary and Treasurer). J. R. Pearson (Factory Manager). E. C. Riley. T. A. Simpson. Thos. Mackenzie. ... Managers: G. C. Welby (Domestic Sales). C. G. Tipper (Export Sales). W. B. Draper (Service). W. H. Phillips (Parts Service). F. S. Groom (Publicity). F. W. Beard (General).
Vearncombe's Motors. Car Stockists. Bristol Road, Bridgwater. Telephone: 2942. Also at Union Street, Bridgwater. Director: A. M. Veamcombe.
Verity's Garage & Motor School. 2-5, Wright Street. Manchester, 15. Telephone: Ardwick 4542. Proprietor: Elsie Eleanor Verity, F.I.M.I. 199
Victor Limited. Car Stockists. 1/3, Upper Queen Street, Belfast. Telephone: 21677/8. TIA.:" Victory," Belfast. Directors: J. S. C. Cupples (Managing). A. M. Hamilton, J.P. M. Hamilton. Other Executives: H. Fisher (Service). M. J. Holifield (Sales).
Vigzol Oil Co. Ltd. Oil Manufacturers and Distributors. Bilton House, 113, Park Street, London, W.r. Telephone: Mayfair 8240. T/A.: Vigzol Audley London. Directors: Percy Bilton, M.Inst.Pet. (Chairman and Managing). Samuel Elliman, M.Inst.Pet.i(Productions). R. E. Rhodes (Sales). D. P. Bilton (Sales). Secretary: W. E. Hughes.
Vincent H.R.D. Ltd. Motor Cycle and Marine Engineers. Stevenage, Herts. Telephone: 69o/3 and 375/6. Directors: M. A. Stride (Chairman). Frank E. Walker, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.C.E., A.C.G.I. joint Managing). Philip G. Vincent, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.P.E. Air Cdre. J. Russell, D.S.O. R. McLellan. Col. C. B. Broome. R. J. Mason. Managers: R. D. H. Eatly (General). H. K. Mainwaring, A.M.I.E.I., A.M.I.Ex. (Sales). M. Casey, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E., F.I.F.M. (Works). Chief Engineer: A. Mitchell, M.I.Mech.E. Superintendents: G. Manning (Spares and Service). G. J. Williams (Test House). Secretary: Miss E. F. Chelsom.
Voices Limited. Motor Accessory Manufacturers. Guildford, Surrey. Telephone: Guildford 6286. TIA.:"Vokesacess," Guildford. Directors: Sir Ian Stewart-Richardson, Bt. (Chairman). C. G. Voices, M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.S.A.E. (Managing). H. F. Osborne. Jim Phillips, A.C.A. (Secretary). Sales Manager: J. Cairns.
Vulcan Motors Limited. Manufacturers of Petrol and Diesel Lorries, etc. Victoria Works, Maidstone. Telephone: Maidstone 3327. TIA.:"Petelobus." (Controlled by Tilling-Stevens, Ltd.) Sales Manager: F. M. S. Best. Service Manager: F. J. Hughes.
See Also
Sources of Information