1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Companies E

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
E. N. V. Engineering Company Ltd. Manufacturers of Gears, Differential Assemblies, etc. Hythe Road, Willesden, London, N.W.Io. Telephone: Ladbroke 3622 6. TIA.:"Envied," Westphone, London. Directors: C. G. Twallin, C.B.E. (Chairman). A. E. Hukins (Managing). E. B. Wilson (Assistant Managing). R. S. Witchell. W. A. Roy, M.I.Mcch.E. ( Works.). Secretary and Commercial Manager: N. Stott, A.S.A.A.
Eagle Engineering Co. Ltd., The. Goods, Utility Body, Trailer and Accessory Manufacturers, Municipal and General Trans- port Engineers. Eagle Works, Warwick. Telephone: 526/7/8. T!A.: " Eagle, Warwick." Directors: H. B. Palmer (Chairman). Dennis Guy Palmer (Managing). Dr. Neville Bradley. Mrs. M. P. Bradley. H. Roberts. Managers: E. Collier (General). B. Hackett (Sales). J. Walter ( Works). 70
Eagle Star Insurance Company, Limited. Undertakes Motor, Life and General Insurance. Motor Dept., 1, Threadneedle Street, E.C.2. Telephone: London Wall 1212. Eaglestaco, Stock, London. Directors: Sir Brian Mountain, Bt. (Chairman and Managing). Duke of Beaufort, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O. Marquis of Bute, D.L., J.P. Marquis of Carisbrooke, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. J. C. Davis. Group-Capt. Sir Louis Greig, K.B.E., C.V.O. Hugh Macnabb. H. M. Merriman. Gen. Sir Edwin L. Morris, K.C.B., O.B.E., M.C. S. W. Mountain. J. A. Rank, D.L., J.P. Duke of Roxburghe. Duke of Somerset, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.L., J.P. John Spencer, F.I.A. Earl of Hopetoun. Secretary: J. B. Andras, F.I.A. Eastbourne Motors Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 19, Cornfield Road, Eastbourne, Sussex. Telephone: 2999. Director: H. A. C. Dingle (Managing).
Eaton Axles Limited. Engine and Unit Component Manufacturers. Cleveleys Road, Warrington. Telephone: 2205. Registered Office : 25, Victoria Street, London, S.W./ Telephone: Abbey 6475. Directors: F. Woodhead. A. G. B. Owen. E. B. Wilson. E. G. Morley. General Manager: N. J. H. Swain. Chief Engineer: T. R. Beady.
Geo. H. Eden & Son. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Town Lane, Mobberley, Cheshire. Telephone: 3524 3293. Partners: Gco. H. Eden. Geo. C. Eden.
Edinburgh Haymarket Garage Co. Ltd., The. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 42 and 62, Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, 12. Telephone: 62453. Directors: C. F. Farquharson, A.M.I.M.I. H. C. Macpherson, A.M.I.M.I.
Edison Swan Electric Company Ltd. Radio and Electrical Manufacturers. 155, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Telephone: Gerrard 8660. Directors: I. R. Cox, D.S.O. (Chairman). H. Butterworth (Managing). Sir George E. Bailey, C.B.E. J. S. A. Bunting, M.C. (General Manager). A. G. Everett. N. V. Everton. F. E. C. Miller. V. L. J. Plascott. V. J. Radbone.
Edison Swan Electric Company Ltd. (Continued). J. W. Ridgeway, O.B.E. E. Y. Robinson. Sir H. W. Hugh Warren. Other Executives: A. G. Bradbury. H. Briden. E. W. Crunden. H. S. Greenough. S. Hale.
Edmunds Walker & Co. Ltd. Specialised Distributors of Motor Components. The Broadway, West Hendon, London, N.W.9. Telephone: Hendon 6321. Directors: S. K. Thorburn. F. Lowther. C. E. Walker. A. P. Pcapell (Secretary). J. T. McNeil (Sales). Branch Manager: W. H. Ogden (Edinburgh).
H. F. Edwards & Co. Ltd. Car and Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 28/30, Upper High Street, Epsom, Surrey. Telephone: 9400/I. Directors: H. F. Edwards. H. \V. D. Hatfield. J. S. Pickard. General Manager: A. G. Benham.
Edwards & Marshall Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 30, Winchcombe Street, Cheltenham. Telephone: 3118. Director: Kenneth Dale Marshall (General Manager).
Edward Motors (Doncaster) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Station Road, and York Road, Doncaster. Telephone: 243115. Directors: Ralph Llewellyn Drimmie Edwards (Chairman and Governing). S. L. Edwards. E. Clarke, M.I.M.I. Secretary: A. C. Ranshaw, A.S.A.A.
Egertons (Ipswich) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Crown Street, Ipswich. Telephone: 55083;9. T/A " Egcrtonia," Ipswich. Directors: J. R. Egerton, F.I.M.I. B. T. Davies, M.I.Mech.E. J. C. Egerton, M.A., M.I.M.I. Ellen H. Finch. A. P. Angell. J. P. Clancy, A.C.C.A., A.C.C.S., A.M.I.M.I. (Secretary). L. S. Cordy, M.I.M.I. C. C. Cox.
Elliott-Lucas Ltd. Handtool Manufacturers. Churchbridge Works, Cannock, Staffs. Telephone: Cheslyn Hay 321. Directors: T. L. Elliott. N. L. Elliott (General Manager). S. L. Elliott. A. S. Lucas. H. Howe Graham, F.C.A.
Ellis & Co. (of Hornsey) Ltd. Retail Car Sales and Service. 44'56, High Street, Hornsey, London, N.B. Telephone: Mountview 2255. Director: F. B. Allpass (Managing).
William Elrick (Aberdeen) Ltd. Motor and Diesel Engineers. Sales and Service : 2, Great Northern Road, Aberdeen. Telephone: 44325. Directors: W. Elrick, Junr. (General Manager). Mrs. M. Elrick. Miss M. Elrick. Service Manager: J. R. Meek, A.I.R.T.E.
Ely Service Motor Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Lynn Road, Ely, Cambs. Telephone: 481/2. Directors: C. A. Hull, F.I.M.I., M.I.Mech.E. E. N. Bowyer, M.I.M.I., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.P.
English Electric Co. Ltd. Electrical and General Engineers. Queens House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Telephone: Holborn 6966. T/A.: Enelectico, Westcent, London. Directors: Sir George H. Nelson, F.C.G.I., Md.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. (Chairman and Managing). H. G. Nelson, A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. (Deputy Managing.) Col. Sir Geoffrey Cox, C.B.E., T.D., D.L. Sir Edward T. F. Crowe, K.C.M.G. Brig. Gen. Wade H. Hayes, O.B.E. P. Horsfall. C. P. Snow, C.B.E., Ph.D. Sir Edward Wilshaw, K.C.M.G. Secretary: G. N. Gabell, F.C.I.S.
Epps Brothers. Car Stockists. The Larches Garage, Sevenoakes Road, Green St. Green, Kent. Telephone: Farnboro' 2244. T/A: "Epps Bros." Proprietors: H. West. T. Epps.
Erne Engineering Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. West Bridge, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh. Telephone: 2503. Directors: W. E. Brownlee (General Manager). W. R. Donaldson. Managers: W. Kennedy (Stores). W. Hammil (Works).
Erredges Limited. Wholesale Motor Factors. 75/77, Paris Street, Exeter. Telephone: 4095. Directors: J. A. Erredge. R. E. A. Erredgc. W. H. Smith. K. W. Erredge.
Esplanade Garage. Car Stockists. Esplanade, Rcdcar. Telephone: 507. Proprietor: Edward Laurence Denny. 73 Essam & Hewson Ltd. Car Stockists. 178-184, London Road, Sheffield, 2. Telephone: 52488. And at 9, Machon Bank Road, Sheffield, 7. Telephone: 51301. Directors: Sir George Kenning, J.P. (Chairman and Managing). Sir Richard Hughes, Bt. (General Manager). G. Kenning, Jnr., D.F.C., M.A. Service Manager: A. Harrison. Secretary: R. D. Cooke.
Essem Distributors Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 29/31, Edgware Road, Marble Arch, London, XV.2. Telephone: Paddington 3075/6. Garage and Service Station. Middlesex House, Cleveland Street, W.I. Telephone: Museum 1932 and 8574. Directors: S. Morris (Managing). M. Davis (Buyer). Managers: P. Hyams (General). F. H. Tate ( Works). H. A. Salkeld (Commercial Vehicle Sales).
Evans & Cutler Ltd. North Street Garage, Totnes. Vehicle Repairers. Telephone: 2340. Directors: K. D. Evans. L. A. Cutler.
Evans & Elliott Ltd. 76 78, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. Car Stockists. Telephone: 40186. Directors: C. H. Elliott. H. M. Evans. Managers: M. K. Baumfield (General). J. King (Service).
Exelby Foster & Co. Brook Street, Selby, Yorks. Car Stockists. Telephone: 258. Proprietor: A. Exelby.
Express Motor & Body Works Ltd. Body Builders and Vehicle Distributors. 150, Goswell Road, Telephone: Clerkenwell 4425/6/7. 7, Seward Street, E.C.1. Margery Street, W.C:x. Telephone: Terminus 1369/3777. Riverside Road, S.W.17. Telephone: Wimbledon 4268. 282, Belgrave Gate, Leicester. Telephone: 60829. Directors: J. Peterson (Chairman). J. B. Osier. J. S. Hartridge. A. R. Martin. F. W. Carter. H. C. B. Berens. Managers: L. F. Cogdale (London). S. Bradford (Twickenham). E. Smith (Tooting). J. Green (Leicester).
Eyre Brothers (Barnsley) Limited. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. The Garage, Barnsley (and Branches). Telephone: 2461. Directors: George Harry Eyre. Hubert Eyre. H. J. Edwardes-Crate. Hubert Harry Eyre. Peter A. Eyre.
See Also
Sources of Information