1959 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Name J
Note: This is a sub-section of 1959 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Persons
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
JACKSON, Alfred Mann Chairman and Managing Director, Spenborough Engineering Co., Ltd., Heckmondwike, since 1945. b: March 27, 1886. Educ: Heckmondwike Grammar School. A partner in the Spenborough Co. on its inception in January, 1915; appointed Chairman on the formation of Spenborough Engineering Co., Ltd., April, 1935, and Chairman and Managing Director, June, 1945. Recreation: gardening. Add: Spenborough Engineering Co., Ltd., Heckmondwike, Yorks. T: Heckmondwike 924; and Lynderville, 369 Halifax Road, Hightown, Liversedge. T: Cleckheaton 2158.
JACKSON, George Hunt Chairman and Managing Director, Chaseside Motor Co., Ltd. b: November 8, 1888, Long Eaton, Derbyshire. Educ: Board Schools in Nottingham and Derby shire. First came into contact with the Motor Industry in 1912 in Canada; was offered an agency by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.; has been Managing Director of the above company for 36 years, and Chairman for six years. Club: Overseas League. Add: Chaseside Motor Co., Ltd., Cambridge Road, Enfield. T: Enfield 3456; and Castle Street, Hert ford, Herts. T: Hertford 2456.
JACKSON, Robert Raynsford M.S.A.E., A .M.I.M .E., B.A .(Can tab .). Director, Byfleet Machine and Tool Co., Ltd.; Thorns Garage (Sheen), Ltd.; St. Vincent's Engineering; Thorns Engineering Products, Ltd.; proprietor— own business, Engine Research and Development. b: April 14, 1903, Burnside, Rutherglen, Glasgow. Educ: Uppingham School; Cambridge University. With British Anzani on engine building and tests, 1927-29; with Frazer-Nash Cars, Ltd., on engine building and tests, 1929; conducted own business at Brooklands Motor Course, Weybridge, on maintenance of cars, mainly for sporting events, 1930 39; with Engine Div., Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., on engine research and development until 1945, and research development, flight testing of aircraft carburetters, 1939-45; two years of the carburetter development period were spent in the U.S.A. as liaison officer between the Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., for the Ministry of Supply and the Bendix Aviation Corpn., U.S.A.; proprietor of own business carrying out engine test and development work, from 1946 to the present time. Clubs: B.R.D.C., B.A.R.C., B.R.S.C.C. Add: Byfleet Machine and Tool Co., Ltd., 23 High Road, Byfleet, Surrey. T: Byfleet 2832; and Tannenward, Camp End Road, St. Georges Hill, Weybridge, Surrey. T: Cobham 2522.
JAMES, Peter Michael Hall M.I.M.I. Deputy Chairman, L. F. Dove, Ltd., and L. F. Dove (C.V.), Ltd., Croydon. h: May 4, 1915, Ilkley, Yorks. Educ: Dulwich College. Apprenticed to L. F. Dove, Ltd., 1933; M.I.M.I. by examination; has worked through all departments of the Company and was appointed to present position in 1958; mobilized with T.A. in 1939; served as dispatch rider with 1st and 6th A.A. Divisions (T.A.) R.A.S.C. Officer Producing Centre, Bournemouth, 1940; promoted T/Major, R.A.S.C., 1942; served overseas as 0.C., 477 Inf. Bde. Coy., R.A.S.C., serving 1st Guards Brigade, 6th Armoured Div., mentioned in Dispatches, Italy, 1945., council delegate, M.A.A. (Metropolitan Division), 1954; Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers, 1951. Clubs: R.A.C., Royal Porthcawl Golf. Married, 1938 to Valmai née Owen; two sons and one daughter. Recreation: golf. Add: L. F. Dove, Ltd., 111-115, Addiscombe Road, East Croydon, Surrey. T: Addiscombe 3066; and Wykham, Ditton Grange Drive, Long Ditton, Surrey. T: Emberbrook 4806.
JAMES, William Peter O.B.E. Licensing Authority, West Midland Traffic Area, and Chairman of Traffic Commissioners, West Midland Traffic Area, since 1952. b: October 13, 1892. Educ: Elementary School and part-time studies later. Entered Civil Service after First World War; President, Civil Service Clerical Association, 1944-46; entered Administra tive Grade, 1948. Recreations: walking, fishing. Club: R.A.C. Add: Five Ways House, Islington Row, Birmingham. T: Midland 8191; and 9a Sandon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. T: Bearwood 2364.
JARRETT, Charles Sidney Secretary, The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., since May, 1955. b: December 10, 1909, Wallasey, Cheshire. Joined Austin Motor Co., Ltd., November, 193b; accountant at Shadow Factory until 1947; cost accountant, Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 1947-50; chief accountant, 1950-55. Add: The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge Works, Birmingham. T: Birming ham Priory 2101.
JARVIE, John Robert Thomas Gibson B.A.(Hons.Cantab.). Joint Deputy Chairman, United Dominions Trust, Ltd., since 1954; Managing Director, United Dominions Trust (Commercial), Ltd., since February, 1959, and Director of Associated Companies. b: August 22, 1921, London. Educ: Rugby; Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Served in Royal Navy, 1940-46; called to the Bar in 1949 and joined present company in January, 1949; Director, October, 1951; Joint Deputy Chairman, July, 1954; Managing Director, United Dominions Trust (Commercial), Ltd., 1959. Member of Council of B.E.N. Recreations: motor racing, restoring and driving vintage cars. Clubs: R.A.C., East India and Sports, and Devonshire. Add: United Dominions Trust, Ltd., United Dominions House, Eastcheap, London, E.C.3. T: Mincing Lane 3020; and Rectory House, Warfield, Berks. T: Winkfiejd Row 324.
JEFFERY, Harold A.M.I.Mech.E. Assistant Chief Engineer— Hydraulic Division, Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., since 1956. b: April 24, 1912, Nettleham. Educ: Lincoln Christ's Hospital. Became an apprentice with Clayton Wagons, Ltd., in 1927, working in buying dept., in jig and tool drawing office, and on design of wire-wound still tubes, and wire-winding machines; company was taken over by present con cern in 1928; worked in D.O. until completion of apprenticeship in 1933; began to specialize in vacuum and pressure brake equipment design, etc., 1933-40; in 1940, 2nd in Command to Chief Draughtsman; design work included flame-throwers, tank equipment, and the "Hamilcar" glider; in 1946 took charge of design on vacuum and air pressure equipment sections; became brake designer. 1949 ; visited U.S.A., 1951, to deal with technical side of business agreements; lectured in evenings at Lincoln Technical College, 1942-49; specialized in hydraulics from 1954. Recreations: music, campanology. Add: The Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln. T: Lincoln 11305; and Breedon, Mill Hill, Nettleham, Lincoln.
JEFFREY, Archibald I.B.C.A.M. Managing Director, James B. Stevenson, Ltd., Glasgow; Chairman, Archd. Jeffrey, Ltd., Ayr; Director, J. B. Stevenson and Jeffrey, Ltd., Dumfries; Director. J. B. Stevenson (Industrial Finishes), Ltd., Glasgow. b: 1911. Stewarton, Ayrshire. Educ: Kilmarnock Academy. Early training in industry in London; commenced business on his own account, Ayr 1937, as coachbuilder and motor body repairer; Limited Company formed, in 1957, as Archd. Jeffrey, Ltd., York Street, Ayr; joined Jas. B. Stevenson, Ltd., as Director in 1946; Commenced J. B. Stevenson and Jeffrey, Ltd., 1950, and J. B. Stevenson (Industrial Finishes), Ltd., 1950; President, Scottish National Vehicle Builders' Association, 1954-57; Vice-President, Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, 1957; Chairman, Scottish Centre, I.B.C.A.M., 1958-59. Recreation: golf. Club: Royal Scottish Automobile Club. Add: James B. Stevenson, Ltd., 8 Forth Street, Glasgow, S.1. T: South 2017; and Troys, 12 Lynton Avenue, Giffnock, Renfrewshire. T: Giffnock 4372.
JEFFRIES, Harry Hubert General Manager, Chassis Manufacture Group, Ford Motor Co., Ltd., since December, 1955. b: April, 1901, Mayland, Essex. Educ: Maldon Grammar School, Essex; Walthamstow Technical College. Served indentured apprenticeship with Gnome and Le Rhone Engine Co.; experience with Associated Equipment Co. and the Moss Gear Co. before joining Ford Motor Co., Ltd., in 1932; superintendent at Ford Motor Co. (Aero Engines), Ltd:, Manchester, 1939-45; appointed Production Manager at Dagenham in 1948; General Manager, Chassis Manufacture Group, 1955; Director, Henry Ford and Son, Ltd., Cork, in January, 1957. Recreations: flat-green bowling, contract bridge. Add: Ford. Motor Co., Ltd., Dagenham, Essex. T: Rainham 3000; and Herries, Chigwell Rise, Chigwell, Essex. T: Hainault 2718.
JENKINS, John Harold B.Com.(Lond.), A .C.I .S . (Chartered Secretary). Director, Nuffield Exports, Ltd., Cowley, Oxford (with British Motor Corporation responsibilities towards export finance and the commercial operation of both Austin and Nuffield exports), since 1956. b: April 24, 1901, Wallasey, Cheshire. Educ: Wallasey Grammar School, Cheshire, and London University (London School of Economics). Joined Morris Motors, Ltd., Export Dept., Cowley, 1924; second-in-charge of London Export Office, 1925-28; deputy head of Shipping Dept., Morris Motors, Cowley, 1928-33; Assistant Shipping Manager, Morris Industries Exports, Ltd. (on the consolidation of the separate, Morris, Wolseley, M.G. and Morris Commercial Export Departments), 1933-37; Shipping Manager, Morris Industries Exports, Ltd., 1937-40; Supply Manager, Admiralty Mine Contract (Morris Industries Exports), 1940; Assistant Director, Ministry of Supply, 1941; Controller of Supplies, Nuffield Organization Tank Engine Parentage, 1941-45; Shipping Manager, Nuffield Exports, Ltd. (formerly Morris Industries Exports, Ltd.), 1945-50; Commercial Manager, Nuffield Exports, Ltd., 1950-56; Export Commercial and Financial Executive, British Motor Corporation, Ltd., 1956; Chairman of Shipping Committee, S.M.M.T., and a co-opted member of British Manufacturers' Committee, S.M.M.T., 1948-52; nominated by the President of the Board of Trade to serve on the General Panel of the Trans port Tribunal, as representing the light engineering, agricultural machinery, hardware and holloware industries. Add: Nuffield Exports, Ltd., Cowley, Oxford. T: Oxford 77733; and 23 Harbord Road, Oxford. T: Oxford 58805.
JENNENS Paul Kerr Director, Temple Press Ltd., since June, 1957. b: September 26, 1913, London. Educ: West minster School. Joined Temple Press Ltd., in 1935 on the advertisement staff of The Aeroplane; served with Royal Signals, 1939-45; Major, T.A.R.O.; rejoined Temple Press Ltd., 1945; appointed Advertisement Manager, October, 1948; is a Livery man of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers. Club: Bath. Add: Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. T: Terminus 3636; and 28 Aubrey Walk, London, W.8.
JENNINGS, Frederick Thomas Secretary, since 1954, and Accountant, since 1952, Cheshire Engineering Co.; All Wheel Drive Co., Ltd.; Michigan (Gt. Brit.), Ltd:; -Power Diggers, Ltd. b: February 13, 1925, Bushey Heath, Herts. Educ: Watford Central School, Watford. -Accounts assistant at Watford and St. Albans Gas Co., Watford, 1941-44; served in R.A.F., 1944-47; audit clerk with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co.. London, 1948-52; certified accountant. Recreations: cricket, squash. Club: Camberley Autocar. Add: Yorktown Works, Stanhope Road, Camberley, Surrey. T: Camberley 2330; and Medleigh Lodge, Grange Road, Camberley. T: Camberley 2606.
JENNINGS, Richard Edward Christopher M.B.E. (Military), High Sheriff of Carmarthenshire, 1957-58; Editor The Motor since 1946. b: June 8, 1911, Llandefeilog. Educ: Repton. Served with Riley (Coventry), Ltd., 1931-37; joined Temple Press Ltd., as Midland Editor of The Motor, 1937; Second World War, Lieutenant Ordnance Mechanical Engineer, 1940, Captain, 1942; Major, 1943; Lt.-Col.. 1944; served in Western Desert (awarded M.B.E.) and in Greece, Crete, Syria and North Europe; nominated Sheriff of Carmarthen shire, 1954; is the author of a military publication dealing with the fall of Greece and Crete, 1941. Recreations: sailing, interested in preservation of historic ships and vehicles. Club: St. James'. Add: The Motor, Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. T: Terminus 3636; and 5 St. Alban's Grove, Kensington, W.8. T: Western 8370.
JENSEN, Frank Alan Joint Managing Director, Jensen Motors, Ltd., since 1936. b: February 9, 1906, Moseley, Birmingham. Educ: Woodrough School; King Edward's School, Birmingham. Joined Avon Bodies, Warwick, as Designer and Engineer, and supervised building of Jensen Avon Standard Bodies; appointed Director of Patrick-Jensen Motors, Ltd., 1930: joined West Bromwich Motor and Carriage Works, and formed Jensen Motors as subsidiary jointly with his brother Richard Arthur; formed Jensen Motors, Ltd., incorporating The West Bromwich Motor and Carriage Works, 1936. Recreations: yachting, gardening. Clubs: R.A.C., Royal Motor Yacht Club. Add: Jensen Motors, Ltd., West Bromwich, Staffs. T: West Bromwich 2841; and Avondale House, Stratford on Avon, Warks.
JENSEN, Richard Arthur Joint Managing Director, Jensen Motors, Ltd., since 1936. b: April 13, 1909, Moseley, Birmingham. Educ: Woodrough School; King Edward's School, Birmingham. Served apprenticeship with Wolseley Motors, Ltd.; appointed director, Patrick-Jensen Motors, Ltd., 1930; joined West Bromwich Motor and Carriage Works and formed Jensen Motors as sub sidiary, jointly with his brother Frank Alan, in 1931; formed Jensen Motors, Ltd., incorporating the West Bromwich Motor and Carriage Works in 1936. Recreations: mechanized farming, shooting, ski-ing, motor yachting. Clubs: R.A.C. Royal Motor Yacht Club, S.C.G.B. and B.A.R.C. Add: Jensen Motors, Ltd., West Bromwich, Staffs. T: West Bromwich 2841; and Sodington Hall, Mamble, nr. Kidderminster, Worcs.
JOBSON, John Edgar Vincent M.I.Mech.E., F.C.W.A. Chairman and Managing Director, Qualcast. Ltd. b: January 22, 1887, Derby. Educ: Rossall School. First connected with the motor industry on becoming Managing Director, 1920. Recreation: yachting. Clubs: Devonshire, Royal Thames Yacht. Add: Qualcast, Ltd., Victory Road, Derby. T: Derby 23260; and Broom Park, Duffield, Derbyshire. T: Duffield 2182
JOHNSON, Charles F. Director and General Manager, Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd. b: 1888, Coventry. Educ: Coventry Technical College. First connected with the motor industry in 1906 as sales assistant; Publicity Manager of the Swift Motor Co., Ltd., 1919-21; Publicity Manager, Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., 1923-35; Publicity Manager and Assistant Sales Manager, Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., 1935-46; Sales Manager, Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd.,1946-53; appointed General Manager, Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd., 1953, and elected to the Board, 1954. The title of Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd., replaced in 1948 the earlier title of Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., and the company is associated with Guy Motors, Ltd. Recreations: gardening, country life generally. Add: Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. T: Wolverhampton 31241; and 47 Osborne Road, Penn, Wolverhampton. T: Wolverhampton 38020.
JOHNSON, Edward General Sales Manager, Fodens, Ltd., since 1955. b: June 8, 1899, Sandbach. Educ: Crewe Technical College. Served apprenticeship with Fodens, Ltd. First World War: Machine Gun Corp; seven years drawing office on design; 23 years on the road as salesman; three years Assistant Sales Manager, and then appointed to present position. Recreation: gardening. Add: Fodens, Ltd., Elworth Works, Sandbach, Cheshire. T: Sandbach 644; and The Lakes, Elton Road, Sandbach, Cheshire. T: Sandbach 201.
JOHNSON, Harold Cresswell Publicity Manager, The Thornycroft Organization. b: November 26, 1893, Richmond, Surrey. Educ: St. Benedict's, Ealing; Maison de Melle, nr. Ghent. Joined John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 1914; First World War: 2/6th City of London Rifles and Intelligence (B), attached 4th and 5th Armies; resumed appointment with John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 1919. Clubs: Anchorites and Norwegian. Add: John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Thornycroft House, Smith Square, London. S.W.1. T: Abbey 8000; and 9 Glyn Mansions, Addison Bridge, London, W.14. T: Fulham 4948.
JOHNSON, Harry Edward F.C.I.S. Director of Dennis Bros., Ltd. b: January 23, 1885. Educ: Colston Boarding School, Bristol. In 1909 joined White and Poppe, Ltd.; from 1914-18 was chief accountant of National Filling' Factories, Nos. 10 and 21; appointed secretary, 1918; Director, 1921; in 1933, liquidator of White and Poppe, Ltd., upon manufacture being transferred to Dennis Bros. •, appointed works accountant, 1936; secretary, 1939; Director and Secretary, Dennis Bros., Ltd., 1948; in 1957, relinquished office of secretary but retained office of Director. Add: Dennis Bros., Ltd.,, Woodbridge Works, Guildford; and Stoneleigh, 41 Ganghill, Guildford. T: Guildford 5810.
JOHNSON, Malcolm Edward A.M.I.Mech.E., B.E. Director, Feeny and Johnson, Ltd., since 1930. b: October 23, 1889, London. Educ: Upper Latymer, Hammersmith. With Commer Cars, Ltd., 1905; joined Kew Bridge Motor Engineering Co. as a Charge Hand, 1907; with W. and G. du Cros as Foreman, 1909; Harding and Summers as a Designer, 1911; the Alperton Motor Co., Ltd., as General Manager, 1912; Geo. Constaninous, as Assistant Manager, 1915; Unic Motors, Ltd., as a Buyer, 1922; Chief Engineer with Marelli Magnetos (England), Ltd., 1927. Add: Feeny and Johnson, Ltd., 134-6 Ealing Road. Wembley. T: Wembley 4801-2; and Westoe, Alperton, Middlesex. T: Wembley 0157.
JOHNSON-DAVIES, Col. Kenneth Cuthbert M.A., T.D., F.I.M.I. Secretary, The British Motor Trade Association, since 1935. b: May 30, 1894, London. Educ: Merchant Taylor's School; Scholar and Exhibitioner of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge; Member of Gray's Inn; served during First World War in 10th Gurkha Rifles; practised at Bar in British Colombia and in East Africa; also served in Sudan Political Service; served in Second World War as Colonel R.A.O.C.; a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers. Add: The British Motor Trade Association, 14 Fitzhardinge Street, London, W.1. T: Welbeck 5533.
JOHNSTON-SMITH, Gordon Thomas M.B.E., M.I.M.T. Managing Director, Lucas pt Brixton Hill, Ltd., since 1946. b: August 20, 1899. Educ: Dulwich College. Left school, 1915, and worked in the shops at Small Electric Motors, Ltd., Beckenham, later joining Sopwith's at Kingston, before joining the R.F.C. as pilot; after First World War, joined Laytons of Oxford, thence into father's firm of publishers; a Director of L. F. Dove, Ltd., 1928; joined the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1940, serving most of the war with 5 Corps in Africa and Italy; joined present company, Lucas of Brixton Hill, Ltd., as Managing Director, 1946; became a Director of Lucas Metal Working Co., Ltd., 1955. Recreation: photography. Add: Lucas of Brixton Hill, Ltd., 240 Brixton Hill, London, S.W.2. T: Tulse Hill 5261; and 56 Higher Drive, Banstead, Surrey. 1': Ewell 5642.
JOHNSTONE, Arthur Talbot Director, H. J. Mulliner and Co., Ltd. b: July 13, 1922, London. Educ: Shrewsbury School. Served in the Army, 1941-46 as Captain, 12th Royal Lancers; from 1947 to 48, Commercial Training Course with Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Derby; joined H. J. Mulliner, 1948; appointed to Executive Council of National Federation of Vehicle Trades, 1956. Recreation: sailing. Add: H. J. Mulliner and Co., Ltd., Bedford Park Works, Bath Road, Chiswick, W.4. T: Chiswick 7831; and 2 Callcott Street, Campden Hill, London, W.8. T: Park 6503.
JOHNSTONE, Harry Talbot Managing Director, H. J. Mulliner and Co., Ltd. b: July 26, 1894, Australia. Educ: Geelong College, Australia. Served in British Army, 1914-18 (commissioned); held appointments with Albion Motors prior to joining present company. Recreations: sailing, golf. Clubs: R.A.C., Royal Solent Yacht, Worplesdon Golf. Add: H. J. Mulliner and Co., Ltd., Bedford Park Works, Bath Road, Chiswick, W.4. T: Chiswick 7831; and Rose Farm, Burrow Hill, Chobham, Surrey. T: Chobham 354.
JONES, Charles Bernard F.I.M.I. Joint Managing Director, Somo, Ltd.; Managing Director, Jarvis and Sons, Ltd.; Director, Wimbledon Motor Works, Ltd.; Director, Jackson's Garage (Guildford), Ltd.; Director, Somo Service, Ltd. b: October 29, 1899, Norwood, Southall. Educ: County and Technical School. Served apprentice ship with marine and general engineers; Royal Flying Corps in France, 1917-19; engaged in Motor Trade in executive positions, 1919-40; in charge of Army Auxiliary Workshop, 1940-46; since 1946, has been engaged in Motor Trade in directorial capacity; Chairman of Kingston and District Sec tion, M.A.A., 1952-54; Chairman of Metropolitan Division, M.A.A. (Council Delegate of M.A.A.). 1954-56; Chairman and member of N.J.I.C. Area Committee, 1955-58; Chairman of Croydon and Surrey Centre of I.M.I., 1957-58; President of Kingston and District Motor Cycle Club, 1956-58. Recreation: photography. Add: Somo, Ltd., Morris House, Morden Road, London, S.W.19. T: Liberty 8221-8; and 79 Ashley Road, Epsom, Surrey. T: Epsom 5896.
JONES, Francis Motoring writer; consultant on publicity and public relations. b: August 15, 1893, Wold Newton, Yorkshire. Educ: Orleton, Scarborough; St. Peter's, York. Following minor jobs in industry, started writing, 1912; joined editorial staff, The Garage, just !winched under editorship of late Charles Jarrott, 1913: joined ranks, 19th Royal Fusiliers (" U.P.S."), 1914; granted leave to join flying school at Hendon; Commissioned Royal Flying Corps, serving as pilot in Nos. 5 and 45 Squadrons, B.E.F.; unfit for flying following accident in France, 1916; subsequently staff, British Aviation Mission, Washington, D.C., with rank of Capt., R.F.C. and later R.A.F.; retired owing to disability, 1919; served in Home Guard and Civil Defence, 1939-45; rejoined The Garage and Motor Agent, leaving in 1927 to take up editorial appointment with Temple Press Ltd.; resigned 1932 to work as freelance. Publication: " The Berkshire Ridgeway," etc. Recreation: histori cal studies. Add: Horton-cum-Studley, Oxfordshire.
JONES, Harold Geoffrey Joint Managing Director and Deputy Chairman, Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd. h: September 23, 1902, Birmingham. Educ: King Edward's High School, Birmingham. Started career with Enfield Cycles, Ltd., Redditch, in 1919, receiving training in drawing office, engine test and development department, and motorcycle repair shop; later joined Temple Press Ltd., on the editorial staff of Motor Cycling for a short period before joining Villiers Engineering Co., in April 1923; appointed Sales Manager of this company, 1930; Director, May 1937; Joint Managing Director, October 1949; Deputy Chairman, May 1957. Recreations: cricket, philately. Add: Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., Marston Road, Wolverhampton, Staffs. T: Wolverhampton 22399; and Burley Hayes, Wightwick, Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton 61020.
JONES, Sydney Harold F.S.M.A., Chairman and Managing Director, William Pender, Ltd.; Chairman, Scottish Division, Trader's Road Transport Association since 1949; Vice-Chairman, National Council, Traders' Road Transport Association. b: January 4, 1894, Hornsey, London. Educ: London. First World War, served at sea, 1914-19, in Royal Navy; thereafter engaged in Food Industry. Recreations: travelling, colour photography. Add: William Pender, Ltd., East Silvermills, Edinburgh, 3. T: Edinburgh 34349; and 33 Ravelston Garden, Edinburgh, 4. T: Edinburgh 64087.
JONES, Thomas Henry Director and Secretary, The Morgan Motor Co., Ltd. b: 1892, Malvern. Served in R.A., 1911-14; in County Regt., .1914-19, and in Second World War in command of Mobile Coy., H.G.; in 1913, joined company in clerical capacity, subsequently transfer ring to the service side and becoming Service Manager. Clubs: Malvern Rotary, Worcestershire Golf (Captain, 1950, 1951), Worcestershire Motor (Vice-President), Malvern Swimming (Vice-President), 62 Rifle (Past President). Recreations: golf, angling. Add: The Morgan Motor Co., Ltd., Malvern Link. T: Malvern 106; and Sundew, Hanley Swan, Worcestershire.
JORDAN, Charles Edward M.Inst.T. Chief Transport Officer, Tube Investments, Ltd., since August 1948. b: September 29, 1892, Leeds. Educ: Leeds Modern School. With Great Northern Railway. 1908-19; Transport Manager, Accles and Pollock, Ltd., 1920-48; Chairman, West Midlands Division T.R.T.A. since 1945; National Vice-Chairman, Road Traffic Section since 1946; Chairman Road Traffic Section since 1945 and Chairman, Transport Committee, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce; Chairman, Transport Committee Association of Britain, Chambers of Commerce 1951-57; Transport Adviser to Executive Council of Association of British Chamber of Commerce. Recreations: gardening, reading. Add: Tube Investments. Ltd., Rocky ane. Aston. Birmingham, 32. T: Woodgate
JOYCE, George Thomas M.Inst.Pet. Director, Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd. b: May 29, 1893, London. Educ: Higher Elementary School and studied engineering at Technical Institutes. Became an apprentice with Duckham's, 1907, and. worked through all departments; served in First World War with 56th London Territorial Division (decorated). Recreations: gardening, golf. Club: R.A.C. Add: Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., Hammersmith, London, W.6. 7': Fulham 3300; and 12 Fairway, Bexleyheath, Kent. T: Bexleyheath 1568.
JUNNER, Gordon Mackenzie F.R.S.A.. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T.E., M.Inst.Met. Editor, The Commercial Motor, 1929-1959. b: July 26, 1892, Dumfries, Scotland. Educ: St. John's College, Westcliff; Southend Technical College; Battersea Polytechnic. In 1906 was pre paring taxicab analysis forms for fleets operated in many towns by the Provincial Motorcab Co., Ltd.; learner-apprentice large motor works, Kennington. 1907-11; won consecutively certificate, bronze and only silver medal in motor engineering, City and Guilds examinations, 1909-12; redesigned several types of London taxicab to reduce maintenance costs, 1912; draughtsman on design and experimental work, Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. (builders of London buses), 1912-13; joined The Commercial Motor as technical sub-editor in 1913; joined Army from Mechanical Transport Reserve, August 4, 1914; was in battles of Mons, Marne and Aisne, and later, Ypres; commissioned from Field as workshop officer A.S.C. (Mechanical Transport) with Heavy Repair Shop, 1915; demobilized May, 1919, and appointed assistant editor of The Commercial Motor; helped to found the British Road Federation, and in 1930 founded the Long distance Road Haulage Association, which became the Road Haulage Association; founded the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, 1944, and is still President; during Second World War was in Civil Defence and originated the Submersible-pump system of drawing water for fire-fighting from the Thames. First vehicle, 1905, Rex twin-cylindered motorcycle, owned 1908. Publications: 1932, " Compression Ignition Engines for Road Vehicles " (forerunner of The Oil Engine Manual); 1933 " The A.B.C. of Goods Vehicle Licensing " (an explanation of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933); 1946, joint author of the Jubilee book of the S.M.M.T., Vital to the Life of the Nation "; 1956-57, " The Road Transport Engineer." Recreations: motoring, swimming. Club: R.A.C. Add: Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. T: Terminus 3636; and 64 Embassy Court, King's Road, Brighton, 1. T: Hove 36910.