1959 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Name Q
Note: This is a sub-section of 1959 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Persons
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
QUEENBOROUGH, John Editor, The Garage and Motor Agent, since 1946. Director, Cable Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., since 1951; Director, Motor Racing Publications, Ltd., since 1958. b: March 26, 1908. First connected with industry as draughtsman, Midgley Car Lighting Co., Ltd.; joined The Garage and Motor Agent, 1926; assistant editor, April, 1946; Director, Cable Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., December, 1951; served from 1943-46 in R.A.O.C. as Lieutenant. Add: The Garage and Motor Agent, 62 Doughty Street, London, W.C.1. T: Holborn 7771; and 60 Brook lands Park, Blackheath, London, S.E.3. T: Lee Green 7228.
QUICK, Norman Managing Director, H and J. Quick, Ltd., Manchester, since 1957. b: November 19, 1922. Educ: Arnold School, Blackpool. Joined R.N., 1941; commissioned, 1942; transferred to Supplementary Reserve, 1946; appointed Director, H. and J. Quick, Ltd., December, 1947; Joint Managing Director, December, 1954, sole Managing Director in October, 1957; President, Manchester Junior Chamber of Commerce, April, 1958-April, 1959; Chairman, Stretford Divisional Conservative Assn. Recreations: motor sport,. golf. Clubs: Mere Golf and Country, M.G. Car, Lancs and Cheshire Car, Caravan, R.A.C., R.N.V.R. Add: H. and J. Quick, Ltd., 660 Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, 16. T: Trafford Park 2201; and Morningside. 113 Manchester Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire. T: Wilmslow 5566.