1959 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Name V
Note: This is a sub-section of 1959 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Persons
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
VALENTINE, Alexander Balmain Bruce Member of British Transport Commission since 1954, and of its Southern Area Board; Director of Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., and of Channel Tunnel Co.; President, Institute of Transport, 1951-2. b: December 22, 1899. Educ: Highgate School, and Worcester College, Oxford. Joined staff of Underground Rly., 1928, and became personal assistant to the late Frank Pick, 1928-36; Commercial Officer, 1939; Chief Supplies Officer, 1943; Chief Commercial Officer 1945-47, and Operating Manager, Railways, 1946-47; member of London Transport Executive, 1947-54. Clubs: United University, Transportation. Recreations: bird watching, fishing and country life. Add: British Transport Commission, 222 Marylebone Road, London, N.W.1. T: Ambassador 7711; and 34 Southway, London, N.W.11.
VALENTINE, George T.D., J.P. Managing Director, Valentines Motors, Ltd., since 1946. b: November 12, 1915. Educ: Perth Academy. Served apprenticeship with Austin Motor Co., Ltd., awarded Austin Cup for best apprentice of 1935; studied engineering at Birmingham Central Technical College; son of late Frank D. Valentine, founder of the company; took part in trials and rallies, 1936-38; joined Austins home sales staff, returning to Perth in 1938; Second World War, joined Army, 1939, commissioned; P.O.W., 1940 45; demobilized 1946; continued T.A. after war in 51st Div. R.A.S.C. as O.C. Transport; retired as Major holding T.D., 1952; transferred to R.E.M.E., T.A.; Chairman, Dundee Centre S.M.T.A., 1948 and 1949; member S.M.T.A. Council, 1949-53, 1955-56 and 1958; their representative on B.M.T.A. in 1952 and 1953; President, S.M.T.A. 1954 and 1957; Chairman of Scottish Motor Exhibition Committee, 1957; Member S.M.M.T. Council, 1954-58; Member, S.M.M.T. Distribution and Service Committee, 1957-59; Member of Trade Negotiating Committee with M.o.T. on compulsory vehicle testing; Member of Joint Committee Vehicle Manufacturers and Retailers, 1957-58; elected to Perth Town Council, 1952; Magistrate of Perth City, May, 1956; Senior Magistrate, 1958-59; Justice of the Peace, 1957; on General Committee, R.S.A.C.; Elder at Dunbarney Parish Church; member of local Rotary Club and former member of Council. Married; one son. Recreations: motor snort, golf, curling. Clubs: R.S.A.C., Royal and Ancient Golf Club, Gleneagles Golf Club, Perth Ice Rink Curling Club, Craigie Hill Golf Club. Add: Valentines Motors, Ltd.. City Hall Square, Perth. T: Perth 1020-1; and Mount Grange, Viewlands Terrace. Perth. T: Perth 2623.
VERULAM, 5th Earl of, cr. 1815, James Brabazon Grimston M.A., Comp.I.E.E., F.B.I.M., J .P. Chairman, Sternol, Ltd. b: October 11, 1910. Educ: Eton, where he distinguished himself in rowing, athletics and by winning the Jelf Latin Verse Prize four times; and Oxford University. Is chairman of Enfield Rolling Mills, Ltd.; Chairman, Engineering and Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd.; is Chairman of Bryanston School; President of National Baby Welfare Council; Chairman of Council of British Institute of Management; Member of Council of Anglo-Swedish Society; has written many articles and pamphlets on industrial administration, etc. Recreations: languages, farming, public service, swimming. 'Clubs: Bath, Atheneum. Add: Sternol, Ltd., Royal London House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2. T: Monarch 3871-5; and Gorhambury, St. Albans. T: Gorhambury 55000.
VIGNOLES, Charles Malcolm C.B.E., M.A. (Honours degree in Mechanical Sciences Tripos), F.R.S.A., M.Inst.T. Managing Director Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., since March, 1951; Chairman, National Benzole Co., Ltd., since January 1957; Chairman, Scottish Oils and Shell Mex, Ltd., since June, 1957. b: May 2, 1901, Grimsby. Educ: Sedbergh; Magdalene College, Cambridge. Joined Royal Dutch-Shell Group, 1924; served for 8 years in the Far East; later was transferred to Fuel Oil Dept.. of Shell Petroleum Co.. Ltd.. in London; during the early days of the Second World War served on Overseas Supply Committee of the Petroleum Board; later became Joint Executive Secretary and received the O.B.E. for services in this connection, 1946; after the war, was appointed Eastern Area Manager, Shell, covering Far Eastern Territories; Chairman of the Petroleum Industry Advisory Committee formed in 1956; awarded C.B.E., June. 1957; a member of the Clean Air Council and of the Council of the Institute of Directors: served as Master of the Worshipful Company of Turners: a Governor of Sedbergh School; a Trustee of the Civic Trust; President, Institute of Petroleum. 1958-59. Clubs: Garrick, R.A.C. ; East India and Sports. Add: Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Shell-Mex House, Strand, London, W.C.2. T: Temple Bar 1234; and Pear Tree House, Chertsey Road, Chobham, Surrey. T: Chobham 42.
VILLIERS, John Hyde Managing Director, Anthony Hoists, Ltd., since 1952. b: March 11, 1925, London. Educ: Merchant Taylors; McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Served with the British Embassy, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 1941-42; in the R.C.A.F., with rank of Flight Lieutenant, 1942-46; served in 601 Squadron, R.Aux.A.F., as Fighter Pilot, 1947 52; Sales Director and Secretary, Anthony Hoists, Ltd., 1946-52. Recreations: golf, flying and tennis. Clubs: Devonshire. Add: Anthony Hoists, Ltd., Braintree Road, Ruislip, Middx. T: Ruislip 6011; rind 16 More's Garden, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W.3. T: Flaxman 8204.
VINCENT, John Hyndman F.R.S.A., M.I.R.T.E., A.I.T.A. Technical Officer, London Carriers, Ltd. b: April 21, 1900, Truro, Cornwall. Educ: Truro. Following technical and practical training in Truro and Salisbury, took charge of upkeep of small fleet of motor vans and cars; from 1920 to 1940, practical engineer in charge of maintenance of various small fleets of lorries, vans and cars, in London, Lancashire and Croydon; in 1941, joined London Carriers, Ltd. (Philips-Mullard group transport) to organize and control maintenance of fleet of 250 cars and commercial vehicles (now 800). Author of a number of articles on systematic control of transport maintenance, etc., for technical Press under pen-name " Trelawny "; Founder-Member Institute of Road Transport Engineers and Honorary Secretary from 1946 to 1957; Vice-President, 1958-59; Chairman, 1957-59. Recreations: photography, golf. Add: London Carriers, Ltd., Croydon and Bromley. T: Ravensbourne 9881; and 1 Sundown Avenue, Sanderstead, Surrey. T: Sanderstead 4376.