Alexander Spear
1760 Alexander Spear had a son, also called Alexander, who was baptised in Wakefield[1]
1762 Alexander Spear married Elizabeth Lupton in Wakefield[2]
At some point went into business with John Love, as John Love and Co
1775 The Partnership between John Love, Alexander Spear, and William Alexander (2), all of Sheffield in the County of York, Linen-drapers and Factors, was dissolved by mutual Consent; the said Business was continued by John Love and Alexander Spear.[3]
1782 Alexander Spear, junior, became an apprentice of Thomas Barnes, cutler, in Sheffield[4]
1784 Lived in Park, Sheffield[5]
1789 Whereas George Carr the Elder and George Carr the Younger, both of Sheffield, in the County of York, Sawmakers and Partners, did, by Indenture of Assignment bearing Date the 13th Day of February, 1787, assign over all their Estate and Effects to Mr. Alexander Spear, of Sheffield aforesaid, Factor, James Smith, of Sheffield aforesaid, Iron-master, and Joseph Frith, of the same Place, Iron-master, in Trust for the equal Benefit of all the Creditors of the said George Carr the Elder and George Carr the Younger, who should execute the said Indenture. ... Final dividend was to be paid in November 1789[6]
1807 Property owner in Sheffield[7]
1814 The business was taken on by his nephew, John Spear