Allied Bakeries
1935 Public company incorporated to acquire 14 bakeries, 80 shops (most with ovens attached) and 277 van and other routes. W. Garfield Weston was chairman of the company[1]
1939 Merger of Allied Bakeries and Weston Foods, both subsidiaries of George Weston Holdings[2].
1950s The Sunblest loaf dominated the British market for packaged bread.
1955 Acquired Aerated Bread Co[3], England's second largest chain of eateries, with 164 budget tea shops and restaurants; Allied intended to put more emphasis on its bakeries than its tea shops. Also acquired Meredith and Drew[4] and London and Provincial Bakeries[5]. The Sunblest loaf dominated the British market for sliced white bread.
1960 Name changed to Associated British Foods.
The name Allied Bakeries continued to be used for the bakeries
1982 Allied Bakeries introduced a loaf under the Allinson brand[6]
1986 Introduced Mighty White grain-enriched white bread[7]
By 1990 brands included Kingsmill, Sunblest, Mighty White, Allinson and Vitbe[8]