Booth's Distillery
of 55, Cowcross Street, E.C., distiller of Booth's Gin.
1740 Booth's distillery was founded[1]
1840 Felix Booth, a gin distiller, went into partnership with William Grimble in order to produce vinegar from spirit left over from the manufacturing process. The venture was unsuccessful so they turned to the more conventional method of vinegar brewing.
1897 The company was registered, to take over the businesses of Messrs. Booth and Co. and Grimble's Distillery, Limited.
1920 Acquired Millburn Distillery of Inverness from A. P. and D. P. Haig
1922 Acquired from Style and Winch Ltd their wholesale wine and spirit business. Also acquired Old Style whisky. Planned to acquire Samuel Mart and Co Ltd wholesale wine and spirit merchants of London.
1923 Acquired a majority interest in the distilling business of John Watney Ltd of Wandsworth[2]
1933 became Booths Distilleries