Bromford Ironworks

of West Bromwich.
c.1790 Bromford works were established
1816 The Dawes, owners of the ironworks, gained a patent[1]
John Dawes and Sons operated the ironworks
1850 Dissolution of the Partnership between John Samuel Dawes and William Henry Dawes, late of the Bromford Works, at West Bromwich, in the county of Stafford, Iron Masters, under the firm of John Dawes and Sons. William Henry Dawes would meet the debts.[2]
1873 Boiler explosion, due to corrosion, caused several fatalities[3].
1878 William Henry Dawes died, leaving his estate to his widow Elizabeth. Investments were later made in improving the foundry at Bromford.
1887 Elizabeth Dawes, carrying on business as John Dawes and Sons, finished iron manufacturer at Bromford Iron Works, was in the Court of Bankruptcy; the estate was bankrupt, even though some creditors had proposed reconstruction[4]
1888 Part of the Bromford Ironworks was reopened as Bromford Iron Co[5]
1892 Partnership dissolved of B. Scarf and E. Hadley, under the style of Bromford Iron Co[6]
1909 Frederick Scarf was managing director of Bromford Ironworks
1909 Novel continuous steel-strip rolling mill installed, to the design of Messrs F. Scarf and J. W. Hal (of Birmingham)[7].
By 1920 was part of Tubes Ltd; the works were back in production but more needed to be done; the company supplied hollow blooms to Tubes and Accles and Pollock as well as hot drawn weldless tubes[8].
1921 Tube Investments floated Bromford as a separate company, of which Tube Investments subscribed for a large part of the shares[9].
1944 Frederick Scarf, chairman and managing director of Bromford Iron Co, died
1944 The company's rolling mills and goodwill were acquired by Darlington and Simpson Rolling Mills[10] and the company was wound up[11].
Possibly later connected with Bromford Iron and Steel Co