Charles Grant Cook
Charles Grant Cook (1887-1923)
1923 Obituary [1]
CHARLES GRANT COOK was born in Aberdeenshire on 30th May 1887, end was educated at Aberdeen Grammar School and Robert Gordon's Technical College.
He served a three years' apprenticeship in the marine engine works of Messrs. Clyne, Mitchell and Co., Ltd., Aberdeen, after which he was employed for two years as junior assistant engineer at the Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and one year at the Carville Power Station.
In 1911 he went to Buenos Aires, and was engaged as station superintendent at the works of the Santa Marieuse de Luz Electrica.
Two years later he was appointed to take charge of the steam plants, etc., of the Mexican Light and Power Co., Mexico.
In 1917 he resigned his appointment to return to England with a view to joining the Army, but his health broke down under the preliminary training in Scotland.
At the end of 1922 he returned to Mexico, but his health was so undermined that his death took place on 28th May 1923, two days before his thirty-sixth birthday.
He became an Associate Member of this Institution in 1919.