Engineering 1874 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1874 Jul-Dec: Index
- View the 1874 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ABSTRACT of Experimental Trials of H.M.S. "Jumna," 136
- Accident, Railway, The Thorpe Contemn, 225, 248, 268, 828
- Accident to the Hirsch Propeller of H.M.S. " Raleigh," 128
- Accident to the "Independencia," 109, 165, 248
- Accidents on Russian Railways, 299
- Accumulation of Scale in Boilers, Field's Apparatus for Preventing the, 114
- Address of the President of the British Association, 138, 171, 193
- Address of the President of the Institution of Cleveland Engineers, 434, 466
- Address of the President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 133
- Address of the President of the North British Association of 0 MS Managers, 66
- Address of Professor Thomson, President of Section of the British Association, 166, 191
- Adjustable Jaws, Vice with, 448
- Agricultural and Highland Society of Scotland, 130
- Agricultural Show, The Royal, at Bedford, 23, 33, 89, 56
- Agricultural Show, The Yorkshire, 104
- Air, Compressed, as a Motive Agent, 293, 315, 353, 391, 4.12
- Air-Compressing Machinery, Sturgeon's. By Clayton, Son and Howlett, London, 820
- Air-Heating Apparatus. By J. II. Reinhardt, Wurzburg, 253
- Air, The Properties of, 16
- Aligning the Sights of Ordnance, The Proper Method of, 325
- " Almirante Cochrane" and " Valparaiso," The Chilian Armour-Clads, 490
- Ambulance Carriages, Railway, 201
- America, The Bessemer Process in, 10
- American Bridge, The Central Avenue, at Newark, 179
- American Cable, The Direct, 268, 804, 366
- American Railroad Stations, 142
- American Railway Construction and Management, 415
- American Rolling Mills, 195, 218
- On American River Steamboats, 87, 77
- Report of Committee on the Form, Endurance, and Manufacture of Rails, 814, 868
- On Draw-Spans and their Turntables. By C. S. Smith, 407, 448
- American Stool Production, 307
- Ammunition and Ordnance, English, 178 Anniversary, Twenty-fifth, of the Prussian Telegraph System, 422
- Annual Distribution of Prizes at Cooper's Il111 College, 110, 116
- Annual Mooting of the North British Association of Gas Managers, 52
- "Anti-Primer,' Johnson's, Johnson's, 274
- Apparatus for Drying Corn. By Davey, Paxman, and Cu., Colchester, 33
- Apparatus for Feeding Thrashing Machines. By Ruston, Proctor and Co., Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 67
- Apparatus, Morgenstern's Gravity-Equation, 432
- Apprentices, Engineering, Principles of Shop Manipulation for, 2, 20, 251, 277, 294, 391, 410, 490
- Arched Bridges, Upright, 285, 291, 830, 849
- Arctic Expedition, Our, 493
- Armour-Clads, Chilian, The " Almirante Cochrane" and " Valparaiso," 490
- Art of Prospectus Compilation, The, 70
- Artillery, Breechloading. By L. W. Broadwell, Carlsruhe, '289
- Artillery, British, 308
- Artillery, Swedish, 166
- Conference on the Pollution of Rivers, 480
- Protection for Inventions, by F. J. Bramwell, 483, 601
- Ascension Pipes, Self-acting Seal for, 164
- Ascension Pipes, Stoppages in, 96
- Askham Iron Works, The, Z00
- Address of the President, Professor Tyndall, 138, 171, 193
- Address of Professor Thomson, 168. 191
- Report of the Committee on the Utilisation of Sewage, 189
- Report of the Committee on the Rainfall of the British Isles for the Years 1873-4, 215
- Report of the Council for the Year 1873-4, 157
- On Self-Regulating and Adjusting Apparatus for Distant Signal Wires of Railways, by O. W. Beynon, 161
- On the Vertical Shearing Stress of Beams, and the Point of Maximum Bonding Moment, by J. Neville, 192
- On the Moans Adopted for the Improvement of the Navigable Channel, Dundalk, by J. Neville, 194
- On a Means of Resisting Inertia, and its Application to Retarding or Stopping Heavy Bodies in Motion, by T. H. Varley and E. Furness, 194
- On the Upper Bann, by John Smyth, Jun., 231
- On the Eclipsing Apparatus at Holywood Lighthouse, by W. Bottomley, 234
- On Technical Education, by Jeremiah Head, 265, 280
- On Coal Mining in Italy, by P. Lo Novo Foster, Jun., 311
- Association of Gas Managers, French, 18 Astronomy: The Orwell Park Observatory, 267
- Atlantic Cables, The Life of, 184
- Atlantic Cables, The New, 209
- Atlantic Telegraphs, 161
- Atmospheric Pollution, 9
- Atmospheric Railways, '294
- Atmospheric Transmission, 293, an, 353, 891, 442
- Atmospheric and Vacuum Brakes, Trials of, 274
- Attomporator. By J. Hartley, Ormskirk, 431
- " Audacious," H.M.S., Trials of, 883
- Automatic Gear-Cutting and Wheel Dividing Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 281
- Automatic Machines, Weaving without the Aid of, 271
- Awards, Table of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 60
- Band-Saw, with Compensating Bearings. By A. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 170
- Band-Saw for Iron. By J. and .1. Rioter, Winterthur, 175
- B inn, The River, 231
- 13.1rrol Staves, Cylindrical Saws for Cutting. By B. D. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 313
- Barrow Hematite Iron and Stool Works, The, 228
- Harrow Shipbuilding Works, The, 237
- Beams, Strains on, 19
- Beckton Gas Works, Gas Exhauster at. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, London, 287
- BEDFORD, THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT (See Show of the Royal Agricultural Society at Bedford):
- 23, 33, 39, 65
- Chaff Cutters, 49
- Combined Drills, 27
- Corn Drills, 25
- Cultivators and Grubbers, 49
- Drills, 47
- Drum Guards, 49
- Feeding Thrashing Machines, 80
- Gorse Cutters, 49
- Grain Cleaning and Sorting, 55
- Harrows, 49
- Horse Gears, 55
- Horse Hoes, 46
- Manure Distributors, 48
- Miscellaneous, 66
- Mowers and Reapers, 49
- Ploughs, 48
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 44
- Potato Drills, 28
- Root Pulpers, 66
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines, 42
- Table of Awards, 60
- Table of Particulars of Vans for Mon Engaged in Steam Cultivation, 41
- Thrashing Machines, 49
- Trials of Carts and Wagons : Tables Showing the Results of, 33,39, 67
- Turnip Thinners, 45
- Vans for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, 39
- Wagons and Carts, 23
- Berry's Radial Drilling and Boring Machine, 66
- Bessemer Converter Bottoms, Setting, 196, 211
- Bessemer Plant, 197, 209
- Bessemer Process, The, in America, 10
- " Bessemer," The Saloon Steamer, 267, 288, 476
- Bessemer Steel Works, The American, 307
- Bill, Proposed, to Prevent Atmospheric Pollution, 9
- Bill, Proposed, for the Purification of Rivers, 457
- Bills, Private, for Session 1876, 440, 467
- Black's Tank Locomotive for the 2 ft. Gauge, 220
- Blair's Iron Sponge Manufacture, 126
- Blower and Engine, Roots'. By Thwaites and Garbutt, Bradford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 66
- Blowing Engine, Vertical. By H. G. Morris, Philadelphia, 28
- Blowing Engines, Bessemer, 167
- Board of Health, Philadelphia, Returns of the, 241
- Board of Trade Report on the Loss of the Steamship " Mary," 460, 482
- Board of Trade Report on the Wreck of the Paddle Steamer "Chusan,“ 892
- Board of Works, The Metropolitan, and Gas Supply, 163
- Boiler Bursting Experiments, '232
- Boiler, An Experimental, 14
- Boiler, High-Pressure Marine. By J. Empson and Company, Hamburg, 428
- Boiler, Howard's Safety. By the Barrow Shipbuilding Co, Barrow-in-Furness, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Boiler, Vertical. By Robey and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 84
- Boilers, Domestic, Mr. Fletcher's Report on, 889
- Boilers and Machinery in the Royal Navy, Care and Management of 176, '208, 283
- Boilers in the Royal Navy, 283, 400
- Boilers, Safety, Mr. Fletcher's Report on, 340
- Bolt and Stud-End Cutter, By J. Nelson, Sunderland, 35'2
- Bombay Harbour, 807
- Boring Machine. Horizontal. By R. Daglish and Company, St. Helen's, 827
- Boring Machine, Horizontal. By Pfaff and Company, Vienna, 868
- Boring and Radial Drilling Machine. By F. Berry and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, viii
- Boring, On the Rampside, near Barrow, 192
- Brakes, Atmospheric and Vacuum, Trials of, 174
- Brakes, Hydraulic, 194
- Brassey, Mr. T., on the Marino Department of the Board of Trade, 419
- Brazilian Turret Ship, The " Independencia," Launch of, 109, 166, 148
- Break of Gauge in India, 205
- Breaking of the Iron Steamers " Chusan" and " Mary," 862
- Breakwater, The Now South, Aberdeen, 491
- Breechloading Artillery. By L. W. Broadwell, Carlsruhe, 289
- Breechloading Ordnance, English, 214
- Brick By J. Whitehead and Company, Preston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, (14
- Brickmaking Machinery, Semi-dry. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 203
- Bridge, Central Avenue, Newark, U.S.A., 179
- Bridge over the Nerbudda, River, 302
- Bridge, The St. Louis, 69
- Bridge, The Victoria Swing, Leith. By A. M. Rendel and G. Robertson, 433
- Bridge, The Wanganui, New Zealand. By G. R. Stephenson, 237
- Bridge Work, Hydraulic Rivetter for, 98, 130
- Bridges, Upright Arched, 285, 291, 330, 349
- " Britannia.' Engine, The. By Grover and Company, London, 378
- " Britannic," Screw Steamer. By Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 406
- 138, 146, 157, 101, 108, 171, 189, 191, 192, 198, 194, 215, 2Z4, 266, 280, 311
- On Gasholders, by C. Woodhall, 18
- On Gasholder Tanks in Concrete, by J. Douglas, 86
- British Ordnance and Ammunition, 178, 803
- Broadwell's Brew:111011(111w Artillery, 289
- Brotherhood's Steering Gear for the Channel Steamer "Castalia,' 394
- Bucharest and its Railways, 9
- Budget, The Indian, 107
- Buildings, Concrete, 51
- Buildings, Public, Ventilation in, 207
- Burmah, Iron Works for the King of, 471, 489
- Business, Private Parliamentary, 834, 872, 480, 408
- Bute Docks and the Mechanical Arrangement for Shipping Coal, 101
- Buttgenbach’s Cap for Exhaust Pipes, 428
- Cable, The Direct United States, 268, 804, 366
- Cables, Atlantic, The Life of, 184
- Cables, The New Atlantic, 206
- Capital of the Russian Railways, 299
- Captain Tyler’s Report on the Thorpe Collision, 828
- Caro and Management of Machinery and Boilers in the Royal Navy, 175, 208, 238
- Carriage, Sleeping, for the East Indian Railway, 818
- Carriages, Railway Ambulance, 201
- Carrington's Wire Tramway at Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway, 300
- Carts and Wagons at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 23
- " Castalia" Channel Steamer, Steering Gear for the. By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 394
- Castle Pit, The, 121
- Catch for Cranes, Safety, 274
- Cattle Show, The Manchester, 422
- Central Avenue Bridge, Newark, U.S.A., 179
- Central Station, Liverpool, Roof of the. By J. Fowler and W. M. Brydone, 65
- Chaff Cutters, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Chain Towage on the River St. Lawrence, 221
- Channel, The Dundalk, 191
- Channel Steamship, The " Bessemer," 267, 288, 476
- Charging and Drawing Retorts, Machine for, at the Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, 268
- Chomical Manufactures, The Injurious Effects of, , 419
- Chemicals and Sugar, Filter Presses for. By A. L. G. Dehne, Halle-on-the-Saale, 890
- Chilian Armour-Clads, The " Almirante Cochrane" and " Valparaiso," 490
- "Chusan" and " Mary," Iron Steamers, Breaking of the, 362
- Circular for the Instruction of Naval Engineers, Officers, 175, 208, 233
- Circular Quay, Sydney, New South Wales, Proposed Extension of, 387
- City Gas Supply and the Corporation, 269
- Civil Engineers, The Institution of (Sec Institution of Civil Engineen9
- Clamond's Thermo-Electric Generator, 477
- Clarkson's Steam Pump, 210
- Classes, Railway, 881
- Clayton's Semi-dry Brickmaking Machinery, 203
- Cleaning and Sorting Grain, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 65
- Address of the President, Mr. T. Wrightson, 434, 466
- Cleveland, Notes from, 16, 32, 67, 67, 95, 113, 131, 143, 109, 181, 204, '23'2, 244, 273, 289, 308, 829, 842, 867, 880, 406, 415, 436, 461, 473, 500
- Miscellaneous, 453
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 452
- Steam Ploughing Machinery and Traction Engines, 461
- Thrashing Machines, 453
- Three-Horse Portable Engine, 456
- Coal In Germany, 14
- Coal and Iron Trades of the West of Scotland, The, 302
- Coal Mining in Italy, 811
- Coals, Deterioration of, through Exposure, 14
- Cockburn's Equilibrium Safety Valve, 501
- Collieries, The Rhondda and Aberdare Valley, 121
- Collision, The Thorpe, 225, 248, 268, 828
- Cologne and its Industries, 865, 370, 421
- Colour Printing, V43
- Combined Drills, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 27
- Combined Planing and Moulding Machine. By W. Furness and Co., Liverpool, 827
- Combined Planing and Slotting Machine at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Commission of Scientific Instruction, The Royal 400
- Commission, The Unseaworthy Ships', 29, 145
- Commissioners of Patents, Report of the, 205
- Companies, London and Metropolitan Gas, 71,89, 163, 269, 305, 399, 439, 477
- Companies, Public, and Patents, 61
- Companies, Public, and their Prospectuses, 183
- Companies' Reports, Gas, 305
- Compensating Bearings, Band - Saw with. By A. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 170
- Compilation, Prospectus, 70
- Completion of the St. Louis Bridge, 69
- Compound Engines, 280
- Compound and Simple Engines, 272
- Compressed Air Machinery, 119
- Compressing Bricks, Press for. By J. Whitehead and Co., Preston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 64
- Concrete Houses, 51
- Condensation in Steam Cylinders, 267
- Conference at the Society of Arts on the Pollution of Rivers, 480
- Conflagrations, The Origin of, 11, 62, 119, 261
- Congress, The Yarn, at Vienna, 295
- Constant and Intermittent Water Supply, The, 284
- Construction of Railways, Indian, in 1873, Total Expenditure for, 324
- Cooling Railway Carriages, Indian, 178, 288, 833, 871
- Cooper's Hill College; Annual Distribution of Prizes, 110, 116
- Corliss Engine, Horizontal. By the Graflich Stolberg Wernigerodische Faktorei, Ilsenburg, Harz, 141
- Corn Drills, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 26
- Corn-Drying Apparatus. By Davey, Paxman, and Company, Colchester, 35
- Corporation, The, and the City Gas Supply, 269
- Council of the British Association, Report of the, 157
- Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers; List of Prizes and Subjects for the Session 1874-5, issued by the, 190
- Counterbalance, Pneumatic, for Winding Engines. By O. T. Owen, Chesterfield, 233
- Crampton's Revolving Puddling Furnace, The, 81, 197, 211
- Crane Jibs, Weichum's Method of Mounting, 167
- Cranes, Safety Catch for, 274
- Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, The, 494
- Cultivation, Steam, 94
- Cultivators and Grubbers, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Curious Information, 64
- Curve, Metacentric, The Nautical Magazine on the, 112. 128
- Cutter, Bolt and Stud-End. By .T. Nelson, Sunderland, 862
- Cutters, Chaff, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Cutters, Gorse, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Cutting Iron, Band-Saw for. By J. and J. Rioter, Winterthur, 175
- Cyfarthfa Iron Works, The, 122
- Cylinders, Steam, Condensation in, 267
- Cylindrical Saws for Cutting Barrel Staves. By B. D. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 313
- Daglish's Horizontal Boring Machine, 327
- Damask Weaving, 387 874
- Danchell’s Water-Testing Apparatus, 873
- Davis's Mining Dial, 500
- Davey's Corn-Drying Apparatus, 35
- Decay of Boilers in the Royal Navy, The Causes of, 283, 400
- Defective Irrigation in India, On, 165, 882
- While's Filter Presses for Chemicals and Sugars, 390
- Do Negri and Hermann's Engine, 339
- Dennis's High-Pressure Valve, 84
- Dennis's Water Waste Preventer, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 57
- Deterioration of Coals through Exposure, 14
- " Deutschland," The German Ironclad, 227
- Dial, Davis's Mining, 600
- Diaper Weaving, 297
- Difficulties of Sanitary Legislation, 245
- Dip Pipe, Improved, for the Hydraulic Main '292
- Dingey's Pulveriser, 879
- Direct United States Cable, The, 268, 304, 860
- Direct-Acting Pumping Engines and Pumps for High Lifts in Minos, On, 845
- Disinfector, The Universal, 852
- Disintegrating Machine. Norton and Hawkesley, London, 497
- Dismasting of Large Iron Sailing Vessels, Th. , 481
- Disposal of Sewage, The, 351
- Disposal of Sewage Matter, &c., at Rochdale, 3, 498
- Docks, The Middlesbrough, 278, 301, 341, 379
- Docks, The Penarth, 117
- Domestic Boilers, Mr. Fletcher's Report on, 339
- Donkin's Experiments with Steam Jackets, 304
- Double-Acting Steam Hammer. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 404
- Double-Bogie Locomotives; The Fairlie System, 142
- Dovetailing Machine, 139
- Dowlais Iron Works, The, 122
- Draw-Spans and their Turntables, 407, 448
- Drawing and Charging Retorts, Machine for, at the Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, 263
- Drill-Grinding Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 12
- Drilling Machine, Radial. By F. Berry and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, 66
- Drilling Machine, Radial. By J. J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 387
- Drills, Combined, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 27
- Drills, Corn, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 25
- Drills, Miscellaneous, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 47
- Drills, Potato, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 28
- Driving Tools, Power for, 338, 431, 495
- Drum Guards, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford 49
- Drums, Thrashing Machine, Guard for. By Garrett and Sons, Leiston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Dubs's Tank Locomotive for the Indian State Railways (Metre Gauge), 85
- Dundalk Channel, The, 194
- Dunlop's Marine Engine Governor, 188
- Durability of Atlantic Cables, 184
- Duty of Pumping Engines, The, 498
- East Indian Railway, Sleeping Carriages for the, 318
- Education, Technical, 255, 280, 420
- Eighteen-seventy-three, Postal and Telegraphic Service for, 385
- Eighteen - seventy - five, Private Bills for the Session of, 440, 457
- Eighty-one Ton Gun, The, 429
- Electric Generator, A Thermo, 477
- Electrical Pyrometer, Siemens', 161
- Electro-Metallurgy, Gramme's Machine for, 413
- Elementary Scientific Instruction, 420
- Emery Wheels, 404
- " Emirghian," Steam Yacht, Trial of the, 151
- Empson's High-Pressure Marine Boiler, 428
- Engine and Blower, Roots'. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 56
- Engine, The " Britannia." By Grover and Company, London, 373
- Engine, Floating Fire, for Sunderland. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 243
- Engine, Horizontal. By the Maschinen and Waggonbau fabriks Actien Gesellschaft, Simmering, 105
- Engine, Horizontal Corliss, By the Graflich Stolberg Wernigerodische Faktorei, Ilsenburg, Harz, 141
- Engine, Horizontal, with Variable Expansion Gear. By De Negri and Hermann, London, 339
- Engine, Petroleum. By J. Hock, Vienna, 242
- Engine, Portable Winding, 157
- Engine, Ransome's Portable, 34
- Engine, Three-Cylinder. By P. W. Willans, Greenwich, 221
- Engine, Three-Horse Portable, at the Smithfield Show, 456
- Engine, Vertical Blowing. By H. G. Morris, Philadelphia, 28
- Engine, Vertical, with Head's Variable Expansion Gear. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4
- Engineer, The, on Compound Engines, 230 Engineer, The, on Condensation in Steam Cylinders, 267
- Engineer, The, on Simple and Compound Engines, 272
- Engineer, The, on " Steam Engine Cylinders," 249
- Engineer, The, on the Trials of Carts and Wagons at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Engineering Apprentices, Principles of Shop Manipulation for, 2, 20, 251, 277, 294, 391, 410, 490
- Engineering, Practical, The Crystal Palace School of, 494
- engineering Progress, 434, 466
- Engineering and Shipbuilding Works at Barrow-in-Furness, 237
- On American River Steamboats, 37, 77
- Report of the Committee on the Form, Endurance, and Manufacture of Rails, 314, 368
- On Draw-Spans and their Turntables, by C. S. Smith, 407, 448
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded out of Trust Funds,34
- List of Prizes and Subjects for Essays, 190 Fourth Ordinary Meeting of the Session 187475, 438
- On the Nagpur Water Works; with Observations on the Rainfall, the Flow from the Ground, and Evaporation at Nagpur; and on the Fluctuation of Rainfall in India and in other Places, by W. A. R. Binnie, 378
- On the Pennsylvania Railroad, with Remarks on American Railway Construction and Management, by C. D. Fox and F. Fox, 415
- On the New South Breakwater at Aberdeen, by William Dice Cay, 491
- On the Extension of the South Jetty at Kustendjie, Turkey, by George Lenton Roff 498
- Report, Annual, of the Council, 493
- Progress of Engineering; Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. T. Wrightson, 434, 466
- Programme for the Cardiff Meeting, 78
- Bute Docks and the Mechanical Arrangements for Shipping Coal, by J. McConnochie, 101
- Inaugural Address of the President, F. J. Bramwell, 133
- On Direct - Acting Pumping Engines and Pumps for High Lifts in Mines, by Mr. Henry Davey, 355
- On the Helical Pump, by Mr. John Imray, 359
- Engineers, Naval Architects, and Philanthropists, The Messrs. Stevens, of Hoboken, as, 426
- On Faults in Su' marine Telegraph Cables, by J. J. Fahie, 404
- On Earth Borers for Telegraph Poles, by J. Gavey, 418
- The Society's Soiree, 4.59
- Annual General Meeting, 480
- Engines, Bessemer Blowing, 167
- Engines, Compound, 230
- Engines, Compound and Simple, 272
- Engines, Pumping, The Duty of, 498
- Engines, Swedish Marine, 130
- English Breechloading Ordnance, 214
- English Ordnance and Ammunition, 178
- Epicyclic Trains, 449
- Equations, Gravity, Morgenstern's Apparatus for Demonstrating, 432
- Equilibrium Safety Valve, Cockburn's, 501
- Escapement, Schoof's Resilient Lever, 254
- Evaporating Pans for Sugar, Halpin and Alliott's. By Manlove, Alliott and Co, Nottingham, 357
- Examination of Iron Ships, The, 419
- Exhaust Pipes, Cap for, 428
- Exhauster, Gas, at the Beckton Gas Works. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, London, 287
- Exhibition at Manchester in 1875, Proposed, 226
- Exhibits, Miscellaneous, at the Smithfield Show, 453
- Expedition, Our Arctic, 493
- Experimental Boiler, An, 14
- Experimental Trials of H.M.S. " Jumna," Abstract of, 136
- Experiments on the Strength of Phosphor Bronze, 414
- Experiments, Torpedo, 126, 165, 269, 384, 439
- Explosives, Researches on : Fired Gunpowder, 153, 215
- Express Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway. By Neilson and Company, Glasgow, 417
- Extension of Telegraphs, The, 248
- Extent of Russian Railways, 299
- Factory Legislation, 11
- " Facts' for Steam Users, 249
- Fairbairn's Combined Planing and Slotting Machine at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works, 263
- Fairbairn, Sir William, 147
- Fairlie System, The, 142
- Farm Reports, Recent Sewage, 343
- Feeding Apparatus for Thrashing Machines. By Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 57
- Feeding Thrashing Machines, Special Prize for, 30
- " Ferdinand Vandertaelen," Screw Steamship, Trial of the, 250
- Field Artillery, Breechloading. By L. W. Broad-well, Carlsruhe, 289
- Field's Scale Preventer, 114
- Filter Presses for Chemicals and Sugar. By A. L. G. Dehne, Halle-on-the-Saale, 390
- Financial Position of the London Gas Companies, 71, 89, 399
- Financial Prospects in India: The Indian Budget, 107
- Fire Engine, Steam, for the London Fire Brigade. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 310
- Fire in Mines v. Steam, 401
- Fired Gunpowder : Researches on Explosives, 153, 215
- Fires, and how they Originate, 11, 62, 149, 261
- Fixed and Portable Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 44
- Fixed and Portable Engines, at the Smithfield Show, 452
- Fleet, Our Indian Troopship, 485
- Floating Fire Engine for Sunderland. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 243
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 18, 32, 59, 75, 113, 134, 143, 178, 201, 231, 249, 292, 311, 351, 390, 405, 411, 447, 464, 481, 487
- Foulis's Retort-Charging Machine at the Daws-holm Gas Works, near Glasgow, 263
- Four-sided Moulding and Planing Machine. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna,102
- Fowler's Central Station Roof, Liverpool, 65
- Fowler's Semi-Portable Winding Engine, 424
- Fowler's Tugboat for Wire-Rope Towage, 2:39
- Fox, Sir Charles, 53
- Fraser 81-ton Gun, The, 429
- French Association of Gas Managers, 13
- French Magneto-Electric Apparatus, Monsieur Gramme's, 413
- Furnace, The Crampton Puddling, 81
- Furness's Combined Planing and Moulding Machine, 327
- Furness's Metallic Packing, 352
- Garrett's Guard for Thrashing Machine Drums, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Gas Companies' Reports, 305
- Gas Companies, London and Metropolitan, 71, 89, 163, 269, 305,399, 439, 477
- Gas Exhauster at the Beckton Gas Works. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, London, 287
- On Gasholders, by C. Woodhall, 18
- On Gasholder Tanks in Concrete, by J. Douglas, 36
- Gas Managers, The French Association of, 13
- Address of the President,
- On the Stoppages in Ascension and other Pipes, their Causes and Remedies, with Relative Advantages by A. Malam, 96
- On a new form of Slide Valve Pump; specially adapted for Heavy or Thick Tar, &c., by D. M. Nelson, 114
- On a Self-Acting Seal for Ascension Pipes, by J. Alexander, 154
- On an Improved Dip Pipe for the Hydraulic Main, by G. Boyd, 292
- Gas Question, The London and Metropolitan, 71, 89, 163, 269, 305, 399, 439, 477
- Gas Supply, The City and the Corporation, 269
- Gasholder Tanks in Concrete, 36
- Gasholders, 18
- Gauge, Break of, in India, 205
- Gear-Cutting Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 281
- Gears, Horse, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Generator, A Thermo-Electric, 477
- Geology of the North Lancashire and Cumberland Iron Ore Districts, On the, 179
- German Ironclad, The "Deutschland," 227
- Germany, Coal in, 14
- Germany, Notes from, 14
- Goods Locomotive, Hungarian, 264
- Goods Locomotive, Russian, 491
- Gorse Cutters, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Government Board, The Local, on the Water Supply, 30
- Government, Local, and Public Health, 70, 90
- Government and the Purification of Rivers, 457
- Government Reports, Local, 324
- Government Wharf, Sydney, New South Wales, Proposed Extension of, 387
- Governor, Dunlop's Marine Engine. By Cunliffe and Dunlop, Port-Glasgow, 188
- Grain Cleaning and Sorting, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Gramme's Magneto-Electric Machine, 413
- Grantham, John, 75
- Gravity-Equation Apparatus, Morgenstern's, 432.,
- Great Britain, The Rainfall of, 215
- Greig's New Turnwrest Plough, at the Royal, Agricultural Show, Bedford, 93
- Grinding Drills, Machine for. By W. Sellers and. Company, Philadelphia, 12
- Grover's Vertical Engine, The " Britannia," with Variable Expansion Gear, 373
- Grubbers and Cultivators, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Guard for Thrashing Machine Drums. By Garrett and Sons, Leiston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Guards, Drum, at the Royal Agricultural Show. Bedford. 49
- Gun, the 81-Ton, 429
- Gun, 7-inch-Muzzle Loading, and Carriage, The Vavasseur. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Guns, Swedish. 166
- Guns, Working very Heavy, 235
- Gwynne and Beale's Gas Exhauster at the Beckton Gas Works, 287
- Hall's Lever Vice, 5
- Halpin and Alliott's Evaporating Pans for Sugar. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 357
- Hammer, Single - Action Steam. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, 153
- Hammer, Steam. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 404
- Hand-worked Slotting Machine, 210
- Harbour, The Bombay, 307
- Harbour, Sydney, Proposed Extension of, 387
- Harland's Screw Steamer " Britannic," 406
- Harris's New Pits, 123
- Harrows, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Hartley's Attemperator, 434
- Head's Vertical Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4
- Health, Public, and Local Government, 70, 90
- Heating Air, Apparatus for. By J. H. Reinhardt, Wurzburg, 251
- Heaton's Emery Wheels, 404
- Heavy Guns, Working very, 235
- Helical Pump, The, 359
- Hematite Iron and Steel Works, The Barrow, 228
- Hematite Iron Works, The West Cumberland, 200
- Hematite Works, The Maryport, 200
- H.M.S. "Audacious," Trials of, 383
- H.M.S. "Himalaya," Trials of, 479
- H.M.S. "Jumna," Trials of, 97, 135
- H.M.S. "Oberon," Experiments with Torpedoes on, 126, 165, '269, 384, 439
- H.M.S. "Raleigh," The Hirsch Propeller of, 128
- H.M.S. "Raleigh," Trials of, 247
- Her Majesty's Yacht "Osborne," Trial of, 79
- Hicks's New Spirit Thermometer, 13
- Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 130
- High-Pressure Marine Boiler. By J. Empson and Company, Hamburg, 428
- High-Pressure Valve. By T. H. P. Dennis and Company, Chelmsford, 84
- High-Speed Air-Compressing Machinery, Sturgeon's. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 320
- Hirsch Propeller of H.M.S. "Raleigh," The, 128
- Hock's Petroleum Engine, 242
- Hodbarrow Mines, The, 200
- Hoes, Horse, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 46
- Horizontal Boring Machine. By R. Daglish and Company, St. Helen's, 327
- Horizontal Boring Machine. By Pfaff and Company, Vienna, 368
- Horizontal Collies Engine. By the Graflich Stolberg Wernigerodische Faktorei, Ilsenburg, Harz, 141
- Horizontal Engine. By the Maschinen and Waggonbau fabriks Actien Gesellschaft, Simmering, 105
- Horizontal Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By De Negri and Hermann, London, 339
- Horse Gears, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Horse Hoes, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 46
- Houses, Concrete, 51
- Howard's Safety Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Hungarian Goods Locomotive, 264
- Hydraulic Brakes, 194
- Hydraulic Power Applied to Workshop Machinery, 118
- Hydraulic Rivetter. By R. H. Tweddell, 93, 130
- Hydraulic Valves, 177
- Illumination, Lighthouse, 234
- Improved Condition of the River Thames, 125
- Improved Dip Pipe for the Hydraulic Main, 292
- Improving the Ventilation of the Metropolitan Railway, 89
- " Independencia, Accident to the, 109, 165, 218 India, Break of Gauge in, 205
- India, On Defective Irrigation in, 155, 382 India, Railways in, 324
- Indian Budget, The, 107
- Indian Civil Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, Annual Distribution of Prizes, 110, 116
- Indian Railway Carriages, Arrangements for Cooling, 173, 238, 333, 371,
- Indian Railways, Working of, 344
- Indian State Railways, 19, 61, 150, 260, 276
- Indian State Railways, Tank Locomotive for the (Metre Gauge). By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 85
- Indian Troopships, Our, 485
- Industries at Cologne, 365, 376, 421
- Industry, Scientific, 226
- Information, Curious, 51
- Inspection of Iron Ships, The, 419
[[1874 Institution of Mechanical Engineers|INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, THE: 493
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded out of Trust Funds, 34
- List of Prizes and Subjects for Essays, 190
- Fourth Ordinary Meeting of the Session 1874-75, 438
- On the Nagpur Water Works; with Observations on the Rainfall, the Flow from the Ground, and Evaporation at Nagpur; and on the Fluctuation of Rainfall in India and in other Places, by W. A. R. Binnie, 378
- On the Pennsylvania Railroad, with Remarks on American Railway Construction and Management, by C. D. Fox and F. Fox, 415
- On the New South Breakwater at Aberdeen, by William Dice Cay, 491
- On the Extension of the South Jetty at Kustendjie, Turkey, by George Lenton Robb, 498
- Report, Annual, of the Council, 493
- Programme for the Cardiff Meeting, 78
- Bute Docks and the Mechanical Arrangements for Shipping Coal, by J. McConnochie, 101
- Inaugural Address of the President, F. J. Bramwell, 133
- On Direct-Acting Pumping Engines and Pumps for High Lifts in Mines, by Mr. Henry Davey, 355
- On the Helical Pump, by Mr. John Imray, 359
- Institution of Naval Architects; List of Subjects for 1875, 253
- Instruction, Science, 420
- Instruction, Scientific, The Royal Commission of, 400
- " Intermittent Downward Filtration;" Results of Experiments at the International Exhibition, 351
- Inventions, Protection for, 483, 501
- Inventions for Saving Life at Sea, 409
- Inverness Agricultural Show, 130
- Ipswich, Sewerage and Sewage of, 306
- Iron and Coal Trades of the West of Scotland, The, 302
- Iron Manufacture, Rolling Mill Machinery for, 74
- Iron Ore Mine, The Mwyndy, 123
- Iron Ores of Sweden, The, 188
- Iron Sailing Vessels, Large, The Dismasting of, 484
- Iron Ships, The Inspection of, 419
- Iron Sponge Manufacture, Blair's, 126
- Iron Steamers " Chusan" and "Mary," Breaking of the, 362
- Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, by A. L. Stevenson, 176
- On Valves Suitable for Working Hydraulic Machinery, by R. Luthy, 177
- A New form of Wagon Drop for Blast Furnaces, by T. Wrightson, 177
- On the Geology of the North Lancashire and Cumberland Iron Ore Districts, by P. Wurzburger, 179
- On the Iron Ores of Sweden, by C. Smith, 188
- On the Rampside Boring, near Barrow, by A. Brogden, 192
- Description of the Latest Improvements in Appliances for the Manufacture of Bessemer Steel, by B. Walker, 209
- On Setting Bessemer Converter Bottoms, by A. L. Holley, 211
- On Crampton's Revolving Furnace and its Products, by T. R. Crampton, 211
- American Rolling Mills, by A. L. Holley, 213
- Iron and Steel Works, The Barrow Hematite, 228
- Iron Works, The Askham, 200
- Iron Works, The Cyfarthfa, 122
- Iron Works, The Dowlais, 1'22
- Iron Works for the King of Burmah, 471, 489
- Iron Works, The Millom, 200
- Iron Works, The Solway, 200
- Ironclad, German, The " Deutschland," 227
- Iron-Cutting, Band-Saw for. By J. and J. Rieter Winterthur, 175
- Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, 176
- Ironwork, Practical, 115
- Irrigation in India., On Defective, 15.5, 382
- Italy, Coal Mining in, 311
- Jackets, Steam, 304
- Jacquard Apparatus, 4:5
- Jacquard Loom, The, 467
- Jaws, Adjustable, Vice with. 448
- Johnson's "Anti-Primer," 274
- Johnson, T. Marr, 86
- Jones's Universal Disinfector, 352
- "Jumna," H.M.S., Trials of, 97, 135
- Keys and Keyways, 326
- King of Burmah, Iron Works for the, 471, 489
- Kustendjie, The South Jetty at, 49R
- Lancashire Boiler, An Experimental, 14
- Landore Siemens Steel Works, The, 122
- Landore Tin Plate Works, The, 123
- Large Iron Sailing Vessels, The Dismasting of, 484
- Launch of the "Bessemer" Saloon Steamer, 267, 288, 476
- Launch of the " Independencia," 109, 165; 248
- Launch, Steam. By Yarrow and Hedley, Popl4r, 201
- Lawrence's Self-Feeding Nail Machine, 152 Leaden Water Pipes, 401
- Legislation, Factory, 11
- Legislation. Sanitary, 245
- Length of Railways Sanctioned for India, :324
- Lever Escapement, Schoof's Resilient, 2.54
- Lever Vice, Hall's, 5
- Lire of Atlantic Cables, The, 184
- Life Raft, Roper's, for Saving Life at Sea, 409
- Lighthouse Illumination, 234
- Lighting Railway Trains, 363
- List of Subjects for the Institution of Naval Architects, in 1875, 253
- List of Subjects for the Session 1874-5, issued, by the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 190
- Local Board of Nuneaton, The, and their Sewage Works, 207
- Local Government Board, The, on the Supply of Water, 30
- Local Government and Public Health, 70, 90 Local Government Reports, 324
- Locomotive, Express, for the North-Eastern Railway. By Neilson and Company, Glasgow, 417
- Locomotive, Hungarian Goods, 264
- Locomotive, Russian Goods, 491
- Locomotive, Tank, for the 2 ft. Gauge By Black, Hawthorn, and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Locomotive, Tank, for the Indian State Railways (Metre Gauge). By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 85
- Locomotives, Double-Bogie; The Fairlie System, 142
- London Fire Brigade, Steam Fire Engine for the. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 340
- London and Metropolitan Gas Question, The, 71, 89, 163, 269, 305, 399, 439, 477
- Loom, The Jacquard, 467
- Loss of the Steamship " Chusan," Report of the Board of Trade on the, 392
- Loss of the Steamship " Mary," Report of the Board of Trade on the, 460, 482
- Machine, Disintegrating. By Norton and Hawks-ley, London, 407
- Machine, Dovetailing. By the Sachsische Maschinen-Fabrik, Chemnitz, 139
- Machine, Drill Grinding. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 12
- Machine, Hand-worked Slotting., 210
- Machine, Horizontal Boring. By Pfaff and Company, Vienna, 368
- Machine, Nail, Lawrence's Self-Feeding, 152
- Machine, Radial Drilling. By J. J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 387
- Machine, Slotting. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 232
- Machine, Stone-Breaking. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 21
- Machine, Thrashing, at the Smithfield Show, 453
- Machinery for Air-Compressing, Sturgeon's. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 320
- Machinery and Boilers in the Royal Navy, Care and Management of the, 17.5, 208, 233
- Machinery, Compressed Air, 119
- Machinery of H.M.S. " Raleigh," Description of the, 247
- Machinery, Paper, 403
- Machinery, Rolling Mill, 74
- Machines, Thrashing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Machines, Thrashing, Special Prize for Feeding 30
- Magneto-Electric Machine, The Gramme, 413
- Making Bricks, Semi-dry Machinery for. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 203
- Manchester Cattle Show, 422
- Manchester and Scientific Industry, 226
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Experiments on Boilers by the, 232
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Report of Mr. Fletcher to the, 190
- Manufacture of Iron Sponge, Blair's, 126
- Manufacture of Scotch Pig Iron in America, The, 253
- Manufacturing Nuisances, 419
- Manure Distributors, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 48
- Marine Boiler, High-Pressure. By J. Empson and Company, Hamburg, 428
- Marine Engine Governor. By Cunliffe and Dunlop, Port-Glasgow, 188
- Marine Engines, Swedish, 130
- Marsden's Stone Breakers, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 21
- " Mary" and " Chusan," Iron Steamers, Breaking of the, 362
- Mary," Steamship, Board of Trade Report on the Loss of the, 460, 482
- Maryport Hematite Works, The, 200
- Materials, On the Strength of, 312
- Measuring the Intensity of the Sun's Rays, Solar Thermometers for, 91
- Mechanical Engineers, The Institution of (See Institution of Mechanical Engineers)
- Meeting, Annual, of the North British Association of Gas Managers, 52
- Meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers at Cardiff, 107, 117
- Meetings of the Society of Telegraph Engineers 418, 480
- Merryweather's Floating Fire Engine for Sunderland, 243
- Merryweather's Steam Fire Engine for the London Fire Brigade, 340
- Merthyr Sewage Farm, The, 121
- Metacentre, The, 112, 128
- Metallic Packing, By A. Barnes, Accrington, 4152
- Metropolitan Board of Works, The, and Gas Supply, 163
- Metropolitan and London Gas Question, The, 71, 89, 163, 269, 305, 399, 439, 477
- Metropolitan Railway, The, 89
- Middlesbrough Docks, The, 278, 301, 341, 379
- Midland Railway, Proposed Abolition of Second Class Carriages on the, 381
- Millom Iron Works, The, 200
- Mineral Statistics, 440
- Mines, The Hodbarrow, 200
- Mines, Iron, Wire Tramway at, near Aalsund, Norway. By W. T. H. Carrington, 309
- Mines, the Montreal and Cleator, 200
- Mines, Steam v. Fires in, 401
- Mining Dial, Davis's, 500
- Mining, Ironstone, in Cleveland, 176
- Miscellaneous Drills, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 47
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 56
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, at the Smithfield Show, 453
- Modules, On, 1, 98
- Montreal and Cleator Mines, The, 200
- Morgenstern's Gravity-Equation Apparatus, 432
- Morris's Blowing Engine, 28
- Motor, Siemens' Steam, 179
- Moulding and Planing Machine. Combined. By W. Furness and Company, Liverpool, 327
- Moulding and Planing Machine, Four-sided. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna, 102
- Mounting Crane Jibs, Weichum's Method of, 167
- Mowers and Reapers, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Murphy's Part-Rifling System, 246
- Muzzle-Loading 7-in. Gun and Carriage, The Vavasseur. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Mwyndy Iron Ore Mine, The, 123
- Nagpur Water Works, The, 378
- Nail Machine, Lawrence's Self-Feeding, 152
- Nautical Magazine, The, on Metacentre, 112, 128
- Naval Architects, Engineers, and Philanthropists, The Messrs. Stevens, of Hoboken, as, 426
- Naval Architects, The Institution of; List of Subjects for 1875, 253
- Naval Engineer Officers, Circular for the Instruction of, in the Management of Boilers and Machinery, 175, 208, 233
- Navy, Royal Boilers in the, 283, 400
- Neilson's Express Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway, 417
- Nelson's Bolt and Stud-End Cutter, 352 Nerbudda River, Bridge over the, 302
- New Atlantic Cables, The, 206
- New Channel Steamship, The " Bessemer," 267, 288, 476
- New Form of Wagon Drop for Blast Furnaces, A, 177
- New Pits, Harris's, 123
- New South Breakwater, Aberdeen, The, 491
- New Turnwrest Plough, The, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 93
- Newark, U.S.A., The Central Avenue Bridge at, 179
- Nixon's Ynysowen Colliery, 121
- 52, 66
- Address of the President, 66
- On the Stoppages in Ascension and other Pipes, their Causes and Remedies, with Relative Advantages, by A. Ma'am, 96
- On a New Form of Slide Valve Pump; specially adapted for Heavy or Thick Tar, &c., by D. M. Nelson, 114
- On a Self-Acting Seal for Ascension Pipes, by J. Alexander, 154
- On an Improved Dip Pipe for the Hydraulic Main, by G. Boyd, 292
- North-Eastern Railway Company's Dock Extension Works at Middlesbrough, 278, 301, 341, 379
- North Lancashire and Cumberland Iron Ore Districts, On the Geology of the, 179
- Norton and Hawkesley's Disintegrator, 407
- Notes from Cleveland, 15, 32, 57, 67, 9.5, 113, 131, 143, 169, 181, 204, 232, '244, 273, 289, 308, 329, 342, 367, 380, 405, 41.5, 436, 461, 473, 500
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 18, 32, 59, 75, 113,134, 143, 178, 201, 231, 249, 292, 311, 351, 390, 405, 411, 447, 464, 481, 487
- Notes from Germany, 14
- Notes from the North, 15, 32, 58, 67, 87, 105, 131, 143, 169, 181, 208, 223, 244, 273, 289, 302, 329, 342, 367, 385, 405, 423, 443, 461, 476, 500
- Notes, Sanitary, 146
- Notes from the South-West, 15, 32, 67, 87, 114, 131, 152, 157, 181, 204, 232, '244, 265, '289, 300, 321, 342, 355, 380, 395, 4'23, 437, 461, 481, 500
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 15, 53, 67, 87, 114, 131, 143, 169, 181, 204, 231, 244, 273, 281,308, 329, 347, 368, 380, 395, 418, 443, 462, 481, 497
- Nuisances, Manufacturing, 419
- Nuneaton and its Sewage, 207
- "Oberon," H.M.S., Experiments with Torpedoes on, 1'26, 165, 269, 384
- OBITUARY : (Moved to separate index)
- Observatory, The Orwell Park, 257
- On Modules, 1, 98
- Opening of the Saint Louis Bridge, 69
- Ordnance and Ammunition, English, 178
- Ordnance, British, :303
- Ordnance, English Breechloading, 214
- Ordnance, Heavy, The Working of, 235
- Ordnance, The Proper Method of Aligning the Sights of, 325
- Ordnance, Swedish, 166
- Ores, Pulveriser for Reducing. By F. Dingey, Truro, 379
- Ores of Sweden, The Iron, 188
- Origin of Fires, The, 11, 62, 149, 261
- Orwell Park Observatory, The, 257
- " Osborne," Her Majesty's Yacht, Trial of, 79
- Our Arctic Expedition, 493
- Our Indian Troopships, 485
- Our Villages : their Sanitary Reform, 367, 388
- Owen's Pneumatic Counterbalance for Winding Engines, 233
- Packing, Metallic. By A. Barnes. Accrington, 352
- Pans for Sugar, Evaporating, Halpin and Alliott's. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 357
- Paper Machinery, 403
- Parliamentary Private Business, 334, 372, 430, 468
- Part-Rifling System, The, 246
- Passenger, Goods Traffic, and Gross Receipts of Russian Railways, 299
- Patent Commissioners, Report of the, 205
- Patents and Public Companies, 51
- Penarth Docks, 117
- Petroleum Engine. By J. Hock, Vienna, 242
- Philadelphia, Sanitary Progress in, 241
- Phosphor-Bronze, 414
- Piedmontese and Milanese Modules, 1, 98
- Pig Iron in America, Scotch, The Manufacture of, '253
- Pipes, Leaden Water, 401
- Pit, The Castle, 121
- Planing and Moulding Machine, Combined. By W. Furness and Company. Liverpool, 327
- Planing and Moulding Machine, Four-sided. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna. 102
- Planing and Slotting Machine, Combined, at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Plant, Bessemer, 197, 209
- Plough, The New Turnwrest, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 93
- Ploughs, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 48
- Pneumatic Counterbalance for Winding Engines. By C. T. Owen, Chesterfield, 233
- Pneumatic Transmission, 293, 315, 353, 391, 442
- Pollution, Atmospheric, 9
- Pollution of the River Thames, 125
- Pollution of Rivers, Conference on the, at the Society of Arts, 480
- Polychrome Printing, 343
- Portable Engine, Ransome's, 34
- Portable and Fixed Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 44
- Portable and Fixed Engines, at the Smithfield Show, 452
- Portable Engine, Three-Horse, at the Smithfield Show, 45e
- Portable Winding Engine, 157
- Postal and Telegraphic Service for 1S73, 3S5
- Potato Drills, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 28
- Power for Driving Tools, 338, 431, 495
- Practical Engineering, The Crystal Palace School of, 494
- Practical Ironwork, 115
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, 34
- President of the British Association, Address of the, 138, 171, 193
- Press, Brick. By J. Whitehead and Company, Preston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 64
- Principles of Shop Manipulation for Engineering Apprentices, 2, 20, 251, 277, 294, 391, 410, 490
- Printing, Polychrome, 343
- Private Bills for Session 1875, 440, 457
- Private Business, Parliamentary, 334, 372, 430, 468
- Prize, Special, for Feeding Thrashing Machines, 30
- Prizes at Cooper's Hill College, Annual Distribution of, 110, 116
- Process, The Bessemer, in America, 10
- Professor Thomson, President of Section G, British Association, Address of, 168, 191
- Professor Tyndall, Address of, at the British Association, 138, 171, 193
- Programme for the Cardiff Meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 78
- Progress, Engineering, 434, 466
- Progress, Sanitary, in Philadelphia, 241
- Propeller, Harland's, for the Screw Steamer " Britannic," 406
- Propeller of H.M.S. " Raleigh," The Hirsch, 128
- Propeller, The Screw, Petition to Parliament of H. Wimshurst, 75
- Proper Method of Aligning the Sights of Ordnance, 325
- Properties of Air, The, 16
- Propontis," Steamship, Particulars of the First Voyage of the, 129
- Prospectus Compilation, 70
- Prospectuses and Public Companies, 18:3
- Protection for Inventions, 483, 501
- Prussian Ironclad, The " Deutschland," 227
- Prussian Telegraph System, The, 422
- Pumping Engines, The Duty of, 498
- Pyrometer, Siemens' Electrical, 161
- Public Buildings, Ventilation in, 207
- Public Companies and Patents, 51
- Public Companies and their Prospectuses, 183
- Public Health and Local Government, 70, 90
- Puddling Furnace, The Crampton, 81
- Pulleys and Wheels, Keys for Fastening, 326
- Pulp Strainers for Paper Manufacture, 403
- Pulpers, Root, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Pulveriser for Reducing Ores. By F. Dingey, Truro, 379
- Pump, The Helical, 359
- Pump, Steam. By Clarkson Brothers, Glasgow, 21
- Pump, Steam. By A. Schmid, Zurich, 262
- Pumping Engines and Pumps for High Lifts in Mines, On Direct-Acting, 355
- Pumps, Tar, 114
- Purification of Rivers, The, 457
- Question, The London and Metropolitan Gas, 71, 89, 163, 269, 305, 399, 4391 477
- Radial Drilling and Boring Machine. By F. Berry and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, 66
- Radial Drilling Machine. By J. J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 387
- Radiation Thermometers, Solar, 91, 345
- Railroad Stations, American, 142
- Railway Ambulance Carriages, 201
- Railway Carriages, Indian, Arrangements for Cooling, 173, 238, 333, 371
- Railway Classes, 381
- Railway Collision, The Thorpe, 225, 248, 268, 328
- Railway Construction and Management, American, 415
- Railway, East Indian, Sleeping Carriage for the 318
- Railway, The Metropolitan, 89
- Railway Signals, 161
- Railway Train Lighting, 363
- Railway, Working a Single Line of, 268
- Railways, Application to Parliament for, 440
- Railways, Atmospheric, 294
- Railways at Bucharest, 9
- Railways in India, 324
- Railways, Indian State, 19, 61, 150, 260, 276
- Railways, Indian, Working of, 344
- Railways, Russian, 299
- Rainfall of Great Britain, The, 215
- "Raleigh," H.M.S., Trials of, 247
- Rampside Boring, near Barrow, On the, 192
- Ransome's Portable Engine, 31
- Reapers and Mowers, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49
- Recent Sewage Farm Reports, 343
- Reform, Sanitary, of our Villages, 367, 383
- Regulating and Measuring Water from Canals and Reservoirs, Modules for, 1, 93
- Reinhardt's Air-Heating Apparatus. 251
- Renders Victoria Swing Bridge at Leith, 433
- Rennie, Sir John, F.R.S., 206
- Report, Annual, of the Council of Civil Engineers, 493
- Report, Annual, of the Postmaster - General, 385
- Report of the Board of Trade on the Loss of the Paddle Steamer " Chusan," 392
- Report of the Board of Trade on the Loss of the Steamship " Mary," 460, 482
- Report, Captain Tyler's on the Thorpe Collision, 328
- Report of the Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers, on the Form, Endurance, &c., of Rails, 314, 368
- Report of the Council of the British Association, 157
- Report of Major Donelly on Science, Schools, and Classes, 420
- Report for 1873 of Mr. R. Hunt, on our Mineral Products, 440
- Report, The Final, on Unseaworthy Ships, 29, 145
- Report of Mr. Fletcher on Domestic Boilers, 339
- Report of Mr. Fletcher to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 190
- Report of Mr. Fletcher on Safety Boilers, 340
- Report of the Patent Commissioners, 206
- Report on Railways in India for 1873-74, 324
- Report of the Refuse Removal Committee, Ipswich, 306
- Report on Safety Valves Presented to the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 445, 463
- Report of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of the Council on Education, 420
- Reports of Gas Companies, 305
- Reports, Government Local, 324
- Researches on Explosives : Fired Gunpowder, 153, 215
- Resilient Lever Escapement, School's, 254
- Results of Trial Trips with Steamships, 323, 361
- Results of Trials of Wagons and Carts, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, Tables Showing the, 33. 39, 57
- Retort-Charging Machine at the Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, 263
- Returns of Work done by American Bessemer Plant, 10
- Revolving Puddling Furnace and its Produce, The Crampton, 197, 211
- Rhenish Railways and Cologne Industries, 365, 376, 421
- Rhondda and Aberdare Valley Collieries, The, 121
- Rieter's Band-Saw for Iron, 175
- Rieter's Radial Drilling Machine, 387
- Rifled Guns, War Office Report on the, 303
- Rifling System, The Part, 246
- Rival Schemes for Bombay Harbour, 307
- River Bann, The, 234
- River Nerbudda, Bridge over the, 302
- River Pollution, Conference on, at the Society of Arts, 480
- River St. Lawrence, Chain Towage on the, 221
- River Steamboats, American, 37, 77
- River Thames, Present Condition of the, 125
- Rivers, The Purification of, 457
- Rivetter, Hydraulic. By R. H. Tweddell, 93. 130
- Robey's Vertical Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Redford, 34
- Rochdale, Disposal of Sewage Matter, &c., at, 3, 498
- Rolling Mill Machinery, 74
- Rolling Mills, American, 195, 213
- Rolling Stock of the Russian Railways, 299
- Roof of the Central Station, Liverpool. By J. Fowler and W. M. Brydone, 65
- Root Pulpers, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Roots' Blower and Engine. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 56
- Roper's Life-Raft for Saving Life at Sea, 409
- Royal Commission of Scientific Instruction, The, 4UU
- Royal Navy, Boilers in the, 283, 400
- Royal Navy, Boilers and Machinery in the, 175, 208, 233
- Russian Goods Locomotive, 491
- Russian Railways, 299
- Russian Vice with Adjustable Jaws, 448
- Ruston's Apparatus for Feeding Thrashing Machines, at the Royal Agricultural Show. Bedford, 17
- Safety Boiler, Howard's. By the Barrow Shipbuilding Company, Barrow-in-Furness, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Safety Boilers; Mr. Fletcher's Report on, 340
- Safety Catch for Cranes, 274
- Safety Valve, Cockburn's Equilibrium, 501
- Safety Valves; Report on, Presented to the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 445, 463
- Sailing Vessels, Large Iron, The Dismasting of, 484
- St. Lawrence, The River, Chain Towage on, 221
- St. Louis Bridge, The, 69
- Saloon Steamer, The " Bessemer," 267, 288, 476
- Sanitary Legislation, 245
- Sanitary Notes, 146
- Sanitary Progress in Philadelphia, 241
- Sanitary Reform of our Villages, 867, 388
- Saws, Cylindrical, for Cutting Barrel Staves. by B. D. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 313
- Scale Preventer, Field's. 114
- Schmid's Steam Pump, 262
- Schoof's Resilient Lever Escapement, 254
- School of Practical Engineering, The Crystal Palace, 494
- Science Instruction, 420
- Scientific Industry, 226
- Scientific Instruction, The Royal Commission of, 400
- Sclater-Booth's Proposed Bill to amend the Alkali Act, 9
- Scotch Pig Iron in America, The Manufacture of, 253
- Scotland, Highland and Agricultural Society of, 130
- Screw Propeller, The, 75
- Screw Steamer " Britannic." By Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 406
- Screw Steamship, " Ferdinand Vandertaelen," Trial of the, 250
- Second-Class Carriages, Proposed Abolition of, on the Midland Railway, 381
- Self-Acting Seal for Ascension Pipes, 151
- Self-Feeding Nail Machine, Lawrence's, 152, Sellers' Drill-Grinding Machine, 12
- Sellers' Gear-Cutting Machine, 281
- Sellers' Slotting Machine, 231
- Sellers' Steam Hammer. By W. Sellers and *Company, Philadelphia, 404
- Semi-dry Brickmaking Machinery. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 203
- Semi-Portable Winding Engine. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 424
- Sensitive Thermometers, 13
- Session 1875, Private Bills for, 440, 457
- Setting Bessemer Converter Bottoms. 196, 211
- Seven-Inch Muzzle. Loading Gun and Carriage, The Vavasseur. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Sewage, The Disposal of, 351
- Sewage Farm, The Merthyr, 121
- Sewage Farm, Reports, Recent, 843
- Sewage498 Matter, &c., at Rochdale, Disposal of, 3,
- Sewage at Nuneaton, 207
- Sewage Progress, 3, 146, 207, 306, 343, 851
- Sewage, The Utilisation of, 189
- Sewerage and Sewage of Ipswich, 306
- Shallow River Tugboat for Wire-Rope Towage. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 139
- Shedding (Weaving), 217
- Shipbuilding Works, The Barrow, 237
- Shipping Coal, Mechanical Arrangements for, at the Bute Docks, 101
- Ships, Iron, The Inspection of, 419
- Ships, Unseaworthy, The Commission on, 29, 145
- Show, The Manchester Cattle, 422
- 23, 33, 89, 55
- Chaff Cutters, 49
- Combined Drills, 27
- Corn Drills, 25
- Cultivators and Grubbers, 49
- Drills, 47
- Drum Guards, 49
- Feeding Thrashing Machines, 30
- Gorse Cutters, 49
- Grain Cleaning and Sorting, 55
- Harrows, 49
- Horse Gears, 55
- Horse Hoes, 46
- Manure Distributors, 48
- Miscellaneous, 56
- Mowers and Reapers, 49
- Ploughs, 48
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 44
- Potato Drills, 28
- Root Pulpers, 55
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines, 42
- Table of Awards, 60
- Table of Particulars of Vans for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, 41
- Thrashing Machines, 49
- Trials of ()arts and Wagons : Tables Showing the Results of, 33, 89, 57
- Turnip Thinners, 45
- Vans for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, 39
- Wagons and Carts, 23
- Show, The Yorkshire Agricultural, 104
- Siemens' Electrical Pyrometer, 161
- Siemens' Steam Motor, 179
- Siemens' Steel Works, The Landore, 122
- Sights of Heavy Ordnance, The Proper Method of Aligning, 325
- Signals, Railway, 161
- Silk Waste, The Utilisation of, 6, 100
- Simple and Compound Engines, 272
- Single-Action Steam Hammer. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, 153
- Single Line Working, 268
- Single Lines of Railway, The " Staff" System for Working, 225
- Sir Charles Fox, 53
- Sir John Rennie, 206
- Sir William Fairbairn, 147
- Sleeping Carriage for the East Indian Railway, 318
- Slotting Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 232
- Slotting Machine, Hand-worked, 210
- Slotting and Planing Machine, Combined, at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Miscellaneous, 453
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 452
- Steam Ploughing Machinery and Traction Engines, 451
- Thrashing Machines, 453
- Three-Horse Portable Engine, 456
- Conference on the Pollution of Rivers, 480
- Protection for Inventions, by F. J. Bramwell, 483, 501
- Society of Telegraph Engineers, Meetings of the, 404, 418, 480
- Soda from Common Salt, Injurious Effects from the Manufacture of, 419
- Soiree of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 459
- Solar Radiation Thermometers, 91, 345
- Solway Iron Works, The, 200
- South Jetty, The, Kustendjie, 498
- South-West, Notes from, 15, 32, 67, 87, 114, 131, 152, 157, 181, 204, 232, 244, 265, 289, 300, 321, 342, 355, 380, 395, 423, 437, 461, 481, 500
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 15, 53, 67, 87, 114, 131, 143, 169, 181, 204, 231, 214, 273, 281, 308, 329, 347, 368, 380, 395, 418, 413, 462, 481, 497
- Sponge Manufacture, Blair's Iron, 126
- "Staff" System, The, for Working Single Lines of Railway, 225
- State Railways, Indian, 19, 61, 150, 260, 276
- State Railways, Russian, 299
- State Subventions for the Russian Railways, 299
- Station, Roof of the Central Station Railway, Liverpool. By J. Fowler and W. M. Brydone, 65
- Stations, American Railroad, 142
- Statistics, Mineral. 440
- Steam Cultivation, 94
- Steam Cultivation, Vans for Men Engaged in, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 39
- Steam Cylinders, Condensation in, 267
- Steam Fire Engine for the London Fire Brigade. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 340
- Steam v. Fires in Mines, 401
- Steam Hammer. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 404
- Steam Hammer, Single-Action. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, 153
- Steam Jackets, 304
- Steam Launch. By Yarrow and Hedley, Poplar, 201
- Steam Motor, Siemens', 179
- Steam-Ploughing Machinery and. Traction Engines, at the Smithfield Show, 451
- Steam-Ploughing and Traction Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 42
- Steam Pump. By Clarkson Brothers, Glasgow, 210
- Steam Pump. By A. Schmid, Zurich, 262
- Steam Users' Association, Manchester, Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher to the, 190
- Steam Users, " Facts" for, 249
- Steam Yacht " Emirghian," Trial of the, 151
- Steamboats, American River, 37, 77
- Steamship " Chusan," Board of Trade Report . on the Loss of the, 289
- Steamship "Mary," Board of Trade Report on the Loss of the, 460, 482
- Steamship "Propontis," Particulars of the First Voyage of the, 129
- Steamships, Results of Trial Trips with, 323, 361
- Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, by A. L. Steavenson, 176
- On Valves Suitable for Working Hydraulic Machinery, by R. Luthy, 177
- On a New Form of Wagon Drop for Blast Furnaces, by T. Wrightson, 177
- On the Geology of the North Lancashire and Cumberland Iron Ore Districts, by P. Wurzburger, 179
- On the Iron Ores of Sweden, by C. Smith, 188
- On the Rampside Boring, near Barrow, by A. Brogden, 192
- Description of the Latest Improvements in Appliances for the Manufacture of Bessemer Steel, by B. Walker, 209
- On Setting Bessemer Converter Bottoms, by A. L. Holley, '211
- On Crampton's Revolving Furnace and its Products, by T. R. Crampton, 211
- On American Rolling Mills, by A. L. Holley, 213
- Steel and Iron Works, The Barrow Hematite, 228
- Steel Production, American, 307
- Steering Gear for the Channel Steamer " Castalia." By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 394
- Stephenson's Bridge over the River Wanganui, New Zealand, 237
- Stevens, The Messrs., of Hoboken, as Engineers, Naval Architects, and Philanthropists, 426
- Stone Breakers, Marsden's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, '21
- Stoppages in Ascension Pipes, 96
- Strainers, Pulp, for Paper Manufacture, 403 Strains on Beams, 192
- Strength of Materials, On the, 312
- Strength of Phosphor-Bronze, Experiments on the, 414
- Storage and Supply of Water, The, 284
- Stud-End and Bolt Cutter. By J. Nelson, Sunderland, 352
- Sturgeon's High-Speed Air Compressor. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 320
- Submarine Wires, Decrease in the Manufacture of, 248
- Sugar and Chemicals, Filter Presses for. By A. L. G. Dehne Halle-on-the-Saale, 890
- Sugar Pans, Evaporating, Halpin and Alliott's. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 357
- Supply, The City Gas, and the Corporation, 269
- Supply of Gas and the Metropolitan Board of Works, 163
- Supply and Storage of Water, 284
- Supply of Water, 80
- Suspended Saloon Ship, The "Bessemer," 267, 288, 476
- Swedish Marine Engines, 130
- Swedish Ordnance, 166
- Swing Bridge, The Victoria, Leith. By A. D.I. Rendel and G. Robertson, 433 •
- Sydney Harbour, Proposed Extension of, 387
- System, The Fairlie, 142
- System of Part-Rifling, The, 246
- Table of the Annual Duty of Pumping Engines, 499
- Table of Awards at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 60
- Table of Experiments on a Beam Engine with and without Steam Jackets, 305
- Table of Indian State Railways, Projected and in Course of Construction, 62
- Table of the Number and Weight of Vehicles for Passenger Traffic on the Midland Railway, 382
- Table of Particulars of Vans for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 41
- Table of Pressures, Temperatures, and Volumes of Compressed Air and Permanent Gases, 17
- Table of Results of Experiments on Shearing Strains of Iron bolt s, 312
- Table Showing Cost of British Guns, 303
- Table of Trials of H.M.S. " Audacious," 381
- Table of Trials of H.M.S. "Himalaya," 479
- Table of Trials of H.M.S. " Raleigh," 248
- Table of Trials of our Indian Troopships, 486
- Table of Weights, Charges, U., of English, Russian, and French Guns, 430
- Tables of Cost, Expenditure, and Extent of Indian Railways, 314
- Tables of Experiments on Safety Valves, 416, 447
- Tables of Quantities and Weights of Materials for Constructing Bridges, 330
- Tables Showing the Results of Trials of Wagons and Carts, at the Royal Agricultural Show at Bedford, 33, 39, 57
- Tabulated Details of the Trials of H.M.S. " Jumna," 9/, 133
- Tabulated Details of the Trial of Her Majesty's Yacht " Osborne," 7J
- Tank Locomotive far the Indian State Railways (Metre Gauge). By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 85
- Tank Locomotive for the 2-ft. Gauge. By Black, Hawthorn, and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Tanks, Gasholder, in Concrete, 36
- Tar Pumps, 114
- Technical Education, 255, 280, 420
- On Faults in Submarine Telegraph Cables, by J. J. Fahie, 404
- On Earth Borers for Telegraph Pules, by J Gavey, 418
- The Society's Soiree, 459
- Annual General Meeting, 480
- Telegraph System, The Prussian, 422
- Telegraphic and Postal Service for 1873, 385
- Telegraphs, Atlantic, 164
- Telegraphs, The Extension of, 248
- Testing the Strength of Boilers, 232
- Testing Water, 373
- Textile Manufactures; Mr. Cross's Bill for the Regulation of, 11
- Thames, The River, Present Condition of, 125
- Thermo-Electric Generator, A, 477
- Thermometers Sensitive, 13
- Thermometers, Solar Radiation, 91, 315
- Thorpe Collision, The, 225, 248, 268, 328,
- Thrashing Machine Drums, Guard for. By Garrett and Sons, Leiston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Thrashing Machines, Apparatus for Feeding. By Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 57
- Thrashing Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 49.
- Thrashing Machines at the Smithfield Show, 453
- Thrashing Machines, Special Prize for Feeding, 80
- Three-Cylinder Engine. By P. W. Willans, Greenwich, '221
- Three-Horse Portable Engine, at the Smithfield Show, 456
- Thurston, Professor R. H., on the Properties of Air, 16
- Thwaites's Single-Action Steam Hammer, 153
- Times, The, on Steam Cultivation, 94
- Tin Plate Works, The Landore, 123
- Tomline's Observatory at Orwell Park, 257
- Tools, Power for Driving, 838, 431, 495
- Torpedo Experiments, 126, 165, 269, 384, 439
- Towage, Chain, on the River St. Lawrence, 221
- Towage, Wire-Rope, 239
- Traction Engines and Steam Ploughing Machinery, at the Smithfield Show, 451
- Traction and Steam Ploughing Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 42
- Trains, Epicyclic, 449
- Trains, Lighting Railway, 363
- Tramway, Wire, at Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway. By W. T. H. Carrington, 309
- Transmission, Pneumatic, 298, 315, 858, 391, 442
- Trial of Her Majesty's Yacht " Osborne," 79
- Trial of the Screw Steamship, " Ferdinand Vandertaelen," 250
- Trial of the Steam Yacht "Emirghian," 151
- Trial Trips, 323, 861 . Trials of Atmospheric and Vacuum Brakes, 274
- Trials of H.M.S. "Audacious," 383
- Trials of H.M.S. "Himalaya," 479
- Trials of H.M.S. " Jumna," 97, 135
- Trials of H.M.S. "Raleigh," 247
- Trials of Wagons and Carts at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 39
- Troopships, Our Indian, 485
- Turnip Thinners, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 45
- Turntables for Draw-Spans, 407, 448
- Turnwrest Plough, The Now, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 93
- Tweddell's Hydraulic Rivetter, 93
- Twin-Steamer "Castalia's," Steering Gear for the. By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 394
- Two-Foot Gauge, Tank Locomotive for the. By Black, Hawthorn, and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Tyler, Captain's, Report on the Thorpe Collision, 328
- Upright Arched Bridges, 285, 291, 330, 349
- United States Cable, The Direct, 268, 304, 866
- Universal Disinfector, The, 352
- Unseaworthy Ships' Commission, The, 29, 145
- Users of Steam, " Facts" for, 249
- Usual Causes of Fires, 11, 62, 149, 261
- Utilisation of Sewage, The, 189
- Utilisation of Silk Waste, The, 6, 100
- Vacuum and Atmospheric Brakes, Comparative Trials of, 274
- " Valparaiso" and " Almirante Cochrane," The Chilian Armour-Clads, 490
- Valve, High-Pressure. By T. H. P. Dennis anti Company, Chelmsford, 84
- Valves, Hydraulic, 177
- Valves, Safety, Report on, Presented to the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 445, 463
- Variable Expansion Gear, Head's Vertical Engine with. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4
- Variable Expansion Gear, Horizontal Engine with. By De Negri and Hermann, London, 439
- Vans for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 39
- Vavasseur's 7-in. Muzzle-Loading Gun, and Carriage. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Ventilating Indian Railway Carriages, 173, 238, 333, 371
- Ventilation of the Metropolitan Railway, Improvement in the, 89
- Ventilation in Public Buildings, 207
- Vertical Blowing Engine. By H. G. Morris, Philadelphia, 28
- Vertical Boiler. By Robey and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 34
- Vertical Engine, The " Britannia," with Variable Expansion Gear. By Grover and Company, London, 373
- Vertical Engine with Head's Variable Expansion Gear. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4
- Vice with Adjustable Jaws, 448
- Vice, Hall's Lever, 5
- Victoria Swing Bridge, Leith, The. By A. M. Mendel and G. Robertson, 433
- Vienna, The Yarn Congress at, 295
- Villages, Our; their Sanitary Reform, 367, 388
- Voyage of the Steamship " Propontis," Particulars of the, 129
- Wagon Drop for Blast Furnaces, A New Form of, 177
- Wagons and Carts at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 23
- Wagons and Carts, Trials of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 39
- Wallachian Railways, 9
- Wallis's Three-Horse Portable Engine at the Smithfield Show, 456
- Wanganui Bridge, New Zealand. By G. R. Stephenson, 287
- War Office Report on Rifled Guns, 303
- Waste Silk, The Utilisation of, 6, 100
- Water Pipes, Leaden, 401 . Water Supply, 30
- Water Supply and Storage, 284
- Water 'resting, 373
- Water Waste Preventer. By T. H. P. Dennis and Co, Chelmsford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 57
- Water Works, The Nagpur, 378
- VIII. Twilled Fabrics, 110
- IX Shedding, 217
- X. Weaving without the Aid of Automatic Machines, 271
- XI. Diaper Weaving, 297
- XII. XIII. Damask Weaving, 337, 374
- XI V. Jacquard Apparatus — Introduction, 425
- XV. The Jacquard Loom, 467 Weichum's Method of Mounting Crane Jibs, 167
- West Cumberland Hematite Iron Works, The, 200
- West of Scotland Coal and Iron Trades, The, 302
- Westphalia and Rhenish Railways; their Effects on Cologne Industries, 365, 376, 421
- Wheel - Dividing and Automatic Gear - Cutting Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 281
- Wheels, Emery, 404
- Wheels, Keys for Fastening, 326
- White's Steam Yacht " Emirghian," Trial of, 151
- Whitehead's Brick Press, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 64
- Whitney's Band-Saw, with Compensating Bearings, 170
- Whitney's Cylindrical Saws for Cutting Barrel Staves, 318
- Willan's Three-Cylinder Engine, 221
- Wimshurst's Petition to Parliament respecting. the Screw Propeller, 75
- Winding Engine, Portable, 157
- Winding Engine, Semi-Portable. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 424
- Winding Engines, Pneumatic Counterbalance for. By O. T. Owen, Chesterfield, 233
- Wire-Rope Towage, 239
- Wire Tramway at Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway. By W. T. H. Carrington, 309
- Woodall, C., on Gasholders, 18
- Woolwich Arsenal, The 81-ton Gun at, 429
- Working very Heavy Guns, 235
- Working of Indian Railways, 344
- Working a Single Line of Railway, 268
- Works, The Barrow Shipbuilding, 237
- Works, Bessemer, The Number of, in America, 10
- Works, Iron, for the King of Burmah, 471, 489
- Workshop Machinery, Hydraulic Power Applied to, 118
- Wreck of the " Chusan" and " Mary" 862, 392, 460, 482
- Yarn Congress, The, at Vienna., 295
- Yarrow's Steam Launch, 201
- Ynysowen Colliery, Nixon's, 121
- Yorkshire Agricultural Show, The, 104
See Also
Sources of Information