Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1895 Jul-Dec Volume
- ABERDEEN and London Railway Trains, 121, 151, 192, 243, 246, 278, 307, 340, 426, 543, 632. See LETTERS, Railway Race to the North
- Acceleration Diagram, Piston and Connecting Rod, 55
Accidents, Railway :
- Butt Collision on a Single Line, 646
- Collision at Bolton, 817
- Collision at Brechin, 817
- Collision at Drighlington, 817
- Collision at Grosmont, 817
- Collision at Herne Bay. 817
- Collision at Landore, 817
- Collision at Leith, 817
- Collision at Liverpool-Street, 817
- Collision near Newport (Mon.), 784
- Collision at Sheffield, 817
- Derailment at Croydon, 700
- Derailment near Doublebois, 81
- Derailment at Rushey Platt, 614
- Fatal Derailment at Tanfield Lea, 301
- Fatal Level Crossing Accident, 710
- Montparnasse Station, Paris, 548
- Near Newport (Isle of Wight), 47
- Rear Collision near Basingstoke, 279
- Recent Train Collisions, 817
- Reports of Railway, 432
- Shandon Station, 797
- Slight Collision at Penrith, 818
- Slight Collision at Romford, 419
- Triple Smash at Mirfield, 64
- Accumulators Charged from Alternating Current Circuits, 252
- Accumulators, Electrio, Capacity Increase, 611
- Acid, A New Organic, 566
- Adams' Sewage Lift, 572
- Admiralty Contracts, 669
- Admiralty Works Department, 677, 743
- Adzing and Boring Machine, Combined Sleeper (Robinson, Rochdale), 570 .
- Aerial Navigation, 448, 787
- Agriculture (Dairy Show), 461
- Agriculture and Light Railways, 351. See
- Ariatum, 440
- Agriculture and Light Railways, 703
- Agriculture and Science, 566
- Agricultural Machinery, 788
- Air Electrification and Diselectrification, 478
- Air, Liquid, 743
- Air Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling, 452
- Air Pressure, 787
- Air, Respirability, in which a Candle is Extinguished, 566
- Albert Bridge, Windsor, 889
- Allan Glen's School Physical Laboratories, 805
- Alloys, 580
- Alloys, Tenacity at High Temperatures, 186
- Alpine Tunnel, 692, 756
- Alternate Current Wave Tracers, 563
- Aluminium Torpedo-Boats, 548
- America Cup, 488, 516. See larrEits
- American. See United State8
- American Metallurgical Industry, 460
- American Railway Speeds, 426, 632. See 121, 151, 192, 243, 246, 278, 307, 340, 543. See Railway Race to the North
- American Technical Publications, 221
- American Telegraphy, 611
- Anderson's Electric Welding System, 664
- Anglo-American Telegraph Company, 641
- Annealing and Welding of Iron and Steel, Dilatation, 745
- Annuals and Year-Books, 806
- Apprentice Lathe (Shanks, Johnstone), 390
- Arbitrary Functions, Development of, 558
- Arc, Back Electromotive Force and True Resistance of the, 523
- Arc, Electric, Potential Difference, Current and Length, 5z3
- Arc Lamp (Inverted) for Indirect Lighting, 373
- Arc Lamp, " I. R." (Richardson, Patricroft), 746
- Arc Lamp, Jandus, 649
- Arc Systrm of Electric Welding, Deflected, 664
- Archbutt-Deeley Process, Water Purification, 610
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires" (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co.), 567, 707
- Argon, Refraction and Viscosity, 478
- Armature Reaction in a Single-Phase Alternating Current Machine, 64
- Armour Plate Bending Rolls (Striven and Co., Leeds), 113
- Armour-Plates in the United States, 609
- Armoured Ships. See Warships
- Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co., Argentine Cruiser "Buenos Aires," 567, 707
- Arnold, Mr. John Oliver, on Influence of Carbon on Iron, 745
- Arrhenius' Generalisation, 566
- Arrol, Sir William, Gas Works, Automatic Plant, 107, 153, 170, 231, 312
- Artillery, Canet's Electrically Worked Turrets, 690
- Asphalte, Beton, 307
- Aspinall, Mr. John A. F., on Express Locomotives, 95
- Asquith, Radial Drilling Machine, 509
- Association of Water Works Engineers, 644, 712, 742, 778
- Astronomy at Cape Town, 516
- Atlantic Liners and Plymouth, 704
- Atomic Theory, Genesis of Dalton s, 565
- August Weather, 805
- Automatic Water Flow Recorders, 402. See 154, 362
- Avalanche, Ice, on the Gemmi Pass, Switzerland, 445
- Average Wages of British Workmen, 397
- B.A. Screw Gauge, 418, 496
- Back Electromotive Force and True Resistance of the Arc, 623
- Baden Two-Phase Hydro-Electric Installation, 530, 591, 655. See 719, 759, 789
- Baker, Sir Benjamin, Presidential Address of, 607, 649, 683, 715, 747
- Baku Naphtha Fountains, 337
- Balancing Locomotives, 23
- Baldwin Eight-Wheeled Locomotive, 455
- Baldwin Eight-Wheel Locomotive for Brazil, 45
- Bally and Sons, Schoenenwerd, Hydro-Electric Installation, 789. See 530, 591, 655, 719, 755
- Baltic-B ack Sea Canal, 87
- Baltimore City and Suburban Railway, 597
- Baltimore and Ohio Electric Locomotive, Eo. See 755
- Baltimore and Ohio Electric Railway Locomotive, 755, 793
- Barcelona Depositing Dock, 481
- Barnaby's Safety Mountings for Domestic Boilers, 811
- Barometers, Mechanical Device for Correcting,783
- Barring Engine (Victor Coates and Co., Belfast), 362
- Bascule Bridge at Chicago, 92, 159. See 284
- Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me., Windlasses and Capstans S.S. " St. Louis," 211
- Batteries, Storage, 389
- Battle Creek Steam Pump Company, Marsh Boiler Feed Pump, 746
- Battleships. See Warships
- Beam Engines, Mossend and Summerlee Works, 218
- Beck, London, Schonheyder Water Meter, 420
- Beckton Gas Works Retort Charging Plant, 170, 232, 312. See Glasgow Gas If orkl
- Bedlington Local Board Water Supply, 363
- Belfast Boiler Explosion, 817
- Belfast and Clyde Dispute, 608, 707, 739
- Belfast Strike, 608, 707, 739
- Belgian Railways, 220
- Bell and Co., Theodore, Kriens, Lucerne, Interlaken Hydro-Electric Installation, 719. See 530, 591, 655, 769, 789
- Bell and Rock' ffe's Joggle Plating Machine, 419. See 463
- Bellefontaine Bridge, Missouri River, 296, 373
- Belleville Boilers, Evaporative Trials, 671
- Belleville Boilers in the French Navy, 554, 587, 617, 682, 749. See Limns, Water - Tube Boilers
- Belleville Boilers, United States Report on, 554, 587, 617, 682, 749. See 'Arms, Water- tube Boilers
- Belt Fastener, Edwards', 169
- Belt and Rope Driving, 635
- Belting, Link, 279, 431
- Ben Nevis Meteorological Observations, 478
- Bending Rolls, Armour-Plate (Scriven and Co., Leeds), 113
- Benham, Mr. Charles E., on the Sympalmograph, 127. See ',Erma
- Bennett, Mr. A. It., on Telephony, 415, 526
- Benzene, Latent Heat of Evaporation, 622
- Berlin Exhibition, 1896, 278, 642
- Berlin, Lighting of, 806
- Bessemer Flame and the Hardening of Steel, Spectrum, 585
- Bessemer Process, Thermo-Chemistry, 263
- Beton, Asphalte, 307
- Biggart, Mr. Andrew, on Hydraulic Machinery in Gas Works, 153, 312. See also Glasgow Gas Works
- Birt, Mr. W., on the Growth of the Port of Harwich, 620
- Black Sea-Baltio Canal, 87
- Blackwall Tunnel, Thames, 549 •
- Blake Air Pump, United States Cruiser, 600, 728. See 'Arms
- Blast-Furnace Engines, Summerlee Works, 218
- Blowing Organ by Fan, 355
- Board of Trade Electric Lighting Regulations, 729
- Boiler Efficiency, 50. See LETTERS
- Boiler Experiments, Steam (Summary), 347
- Boiler Explosion at Belfast, 817
- Boiler Explosion at Cheadle, 663
- Boiler Explosion at Drumgowan, 814
- Boiler Explosion at East Keal, 744
- Boiler Explosion near Glasgow, Compound, 87
- Boiler Explosion near Halifax, 197, 343
- Boiler Explosion at Longton, 525
- Boiler Explosion at Newport, 80
- Boiler Explosion, Redcar, 51, 122, 163, 199, 217, 715. See LETrms
- Boiler Explosion, Stainland, 197, 343
- Boiler Explosion near Stamford, 63
- Boiler Explosions, Domestic, 679
- Boiler, Fairbairn-Beeley, 361, 362. See 154, 402
- Boiler Feed Pump, Marsh (Battle Creek Steam Pump Company), 746
- Boiler Gauge Glasses, Fracture of, 815
- Boiler, Haythorn Water-Tube (Meehan, Glasgow), 80
- Boiler Injectors, Steam (Holden and Brooke, Limited, Manchester), 281
- Boiler, Kitchen, Safety Mountings (Barnaby's) 811
- Boiler-Making Plant. See Clydebank Works
- Boiler, Niclausse Water-Tube, 93
- Boiler, Normand and Sigaudy's Water - Tube, 541
- Boiler Shells, Strength of, 165
- Boiler Tests, 43
- Boiler Tube Scraper, 780
- Boiler Tubes, Lewis's Corrugated, 614. See LETTERS, 645
- Boiler with Water-Tube Firebars (Thornycroft), 269
- Boiler (Water-Tube) Shop at Clydebank Works, 136 •
- Boiler Works at Clydebank, 67
- Boilers. See also Water-Tube Boilers
- Boilers for Central Electric Stations, 428, 503, 597. See Central Stations
- Boilers, Domestic, 81
- Boilers and Engines, Factors of Safety for, 418
- Boilers, Evaporative Trials of Belleville, 571. See LETTERS
- Boilers, Locomotive, Fireboxes and Tubes, 10
- Boilers, Navy, 396, 437. See LETTERS
- Boilers, The Strength of Short, 165, 489, 672. See LETTERS
- Boilers, T.-S. Cunard Liners " Sylvania " and "Carinthia" (London and Glasgow Company), 539. See LETTERS.
- Boilers, United States Cruiser " Minneapolis" (Cramp), 600, 728
- Boilers, Water-Tube. See LErrEits
- Boilers, Water - Tube, Boston Street Electric Railway, 446
- Boilers, Water-Tube, in the French Navy, 554, 587, 617, 682, 749. See LErms, Water-Tube Boilers
- Boilers, Water-Tube, in Navy, 396, 437
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway, 19. See LErrER.s, Indian, dec.
- Bond and Cooper, Birmingham, Drilling and Milling Machine, 433
- Bonehill, Mr. Emile, on the Direct Puddling of Iron, 250, 283
- Books Received, 471, 693, 725, 793
- Bordeaux Exhibition,409
- Boring and Adzing achine for Railway Sleepers (Robinson, Rochdale), 570
- Boring, Drilling, and Tapping Machine, Universal (Shanks, Johnstone), 135
- Boring Machine, Corliss Valve (Shanks, Johnstone), 797
- Boring, Tapping, and Drilling Machine, Universal (Shanks), 135
- Borings in London Area: 596 To ;ton West End Electric Tramway, 446
- Bourne End Bridge of the Great Western Railway Company, Old, 562 ; New, 563
- Bows of Torpedo-Boats, 614
- Bradford College Testing. Laboratory, 609
- Brake, Westinghouse Quick-Acting, 399, 406, 419. See LErrERs
- Brakes for Electric Cars, 69, 70
- Brakes on Freight Trains, 712
- Brakes for Light Railways, 80
- Brandt, Brandau, and Co., Simplon Tunnel, 692, 756
- Brassey's Naval Annual, 324
- Brazil Locomotive, Baldwin, 45
- Breakdown Crane, 15-Ton Steam (Cowan, Sheldon and Co., Carlisle), 268
- Breech Mechanism Gledhill's (Whitworth), 305
- Breechloading Mechanism, Melin's (Vicars), 328
- Brewers' Exhibition, 516
- Bridge, Bellefontaine, Missouri River, 296, 373
- Bridge at Chicago, Lifting, 92, 159. See 284
- Bridge Deflections, 490
- Bridge Flooring, Knight's, 160
- Bridge Flooring, Pease's Tubular, 780
- Bridge Reconstruction, Great Eastern Railway, 696
- Bridge and Trestle Members, Strength of, 815
- Bridges, Canadian Pacific Railway, 627, 657, 721
- Bridges on Galway and Clifden Railway, 412. See 319, 384, 506
- Bridges, Loath, 471. See LETTERS
- Bridges on North Sea Canal, 210, 234
- Bridges over Thames. See Thames Bridges
- Brighton and Rottingdean Railway, 580, 613. See LETTERS
- Bristol Electric Tramway, 359, 490. See LwrrEas
- British and American Wages, 596
- B.A. Screw Gauge, 418, 496
British Association : 334, 351
- Presidential Address, by Sir Douglas Galton, 334
- Mechanical Section, 280, 351, 388, 416, 435, 448
- President's Address, by Professor L. F. Vernon Harcourt, 351
- Light Railways as an Assistance to Agriculture, by Major-General Webber, C.B., 351. See rratum, 440
- The Gobert Freezing Process for Shaft Sinking and Tunnelling under Rivers, by Mr. A. Gobert (Brussels), 353
- East Anglian Coal Exploration, Description of
- Machinery Employed, by Mr. J. Vivian, 354
- The Effect of Wind and Atmospheric Pressure on the Tides, by Mr. W. H. Wheeler, 353
- Notes on Autumn Floods of 1894, by Mr. G. J. Symons, 354
- Weirs in Rivers, by Mr. R. C. Rapier and Mr. F. G. M. Stoney, 364 -
- An Experiment in Organ Blowing, by Mr. W. Anderson, C.B., 355.
- The Growth of the Port of Harwich, by Mr. W. Birt, General Manager G.E.R., 357, 620
- Snowdon Mountain Tram Road, by Mr. F. Oswell, 357, 378
- Report of Committee on Standardising, 358
- Report of Committee on Coast Erosion, 358
- Dredging Operations on the Mersey Bar, by Mr. A. G. Lyster,358
- Carbonic Anhydrie Refrigerating Machinery, by Mr. E. Hesketh, 358, 555. See LETTERE;
- Deodorising of Sewage by Hermite Process, by Mr. J. Napier, Public Analyst of County of Suffolk, 358
- The Modern Application of Electricity to Traction Purposes, by Mr. P. Dawson, 388
- An Improved Portable Photometer, by Mr. W. H. Preece, C.B., and Mr. A. P. Trotter, 369, 389
- Storage Batteries, by Mr. W. H. Earle, 389
- The Development of the Telephone Service in Agricultural Districts, by Major-General Webber; C.B., 416
- Some Lessons in Telephony, by Mr. A. R. Bennett, 415, 526
- The Field Telegraph in the Chitral Campaign, by Mr. P. V. Luke, C.B., 416, 525
- A Movement Designed to Attain Astronomical Accuracy 4n the Motion of Siderostats, by Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 416
- Modern Flour Milling Machinery, by Mr. F. W. Turner, 416
- On the Production of Letterpress Printing Surfaces without the use of Types, by Mr. J. Southward, 418
- Memorandum on the B. A. Screw Gauge for Small Screws, by Mr. R. E. Crompton, 418, 496
- Uniform Factor of Safety for Boilers and. Machinery in Steamships, by Mr. F. Key, 418
- Experiments on the Transfer of Heat through Plates with variously arranged surfaces, by Ur. W. G. Walker, 418
- British Association—continued.
- A New Principle of Aerial Navigation, by Lieut. B. Baden Powell, 448
- Receiver and Condenser Drop, by Professor A. E. Elliott, 436, 448. See 687, 753. See Erratum, 816
- Concluding Proceedings in Section 0, 449
- Mathematical and Physical Section, 449, 475, 521, 563
- President's Address (Vortex Theories of Matter and of Ether), by Professoi Hicks, 450
- Bicyclic Vortex Aggregates, by Prof. Hicks, 451
- Hill's Spherical Vortex, by Prof. Hicks, 451
- Species of Tetrahedron, by Prof. M. J. M. Hill, 451
- Suggestions as to Matter and Gravity in Hicks' Cellular Vortex Ether, by Dr. Burton, 451
- On Recent Developments of the Lunar Theory, by Mr. P. H. Cowell, 451
- On the Velocity of Light in a Rarefied Gas through which a Current is Passing, by Mr. B. E. Edser and Mr. S. G. Starling, 451
- Report on Solar Radiation, 451
- Report on Cosmic Dust, by Dr. J. Murray, 475
- Report on Underground Temperature, by Professor Everett, 475
- Report on Earth Tremors in England, by Mr. C. Davison, 476
- Report on Earthquakes in Japan, by Professor J. Milne, 475
- Report on the Reduction of Magnetic Observations, by Dr. Chree, 476
- As to whether Vertical (Earth-Air) Electrical Currents Exist in the United Kingdom, by Professor Rucker, F.R.S., 476
- Report on Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis, 478
- Report on the Application of Photography to Meteorology, by Mr. Clayden, 478
- On Probable Projective Lightning Flashes, by Mr. E. S. Bruce, 478
- On Indian Thunderstorms, by Professor Michie Smith, 478
- Some Observations with Lord Kelvin's Portable Electrometer, by Professor Schuster, 478
- Electrification and Diselectrification of Gases, by Lord Kelvin, P.R.S., Messrs. Maclean and Galt, 478
- On the Refraction and Viscosity of Argon and Helium, by Lord Rayleigh, Sec. R.S., 478
- On Specific Refraction and. the Periodic Law, with reference to Argon and other Elements, by Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S., 479
- Discussion " On the Evidence to be Gathered as to the Simple or Compound Character of a Gas, from the Constitution of its Spectrum," by Professor A. Schuster, F.R.S., 479
- The Spectrum of Cleveite Gas and Helium, by Professors Runge and Paschen, 479
- The Interpretation of Spectra, by Dr. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 479
- Discussion "On the Objective Character of Combination Tones," by Professor A. W. Rucker, F.R.S., Dr. Koenig, and Professor Hermann, 521
- Discussion " On a New Practical Heat Standard," by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, F.R.S., 521
- On the Latent Heat of Evaporation of Benzine, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, F.R.S., and Miss Dorothy Marshall, 521
- On a Method of Comparing the Heats of Evaporation of Different Liquids at their Boiling Points, by Professor W. Ramsay, F.R.S., and Miss Dorothy Marshall, 521
- Thermal Conductivities of Mixtures of Liquids, by Dr. C. H. Lees, 522
- On some Recent Improvements in Measurements of High Temperatures, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, F.R.S., 522
- The Reichsanstalt Charlottenburg and a National Research Laboratory, by Sir Douglas Galton, F.R.S., 522
- On the Teaching of Geometrical Drawing in Schools, by Professor 0. Henrici, 522
- An Harmonic Analyser, by Mr. G. U. Yule, 522
- Report on the Sizes of Periodicals, 522
- On the Relation between the Morphological Symmetry and the Optical Symmetry of Crystals, by Mr. Wm. Barlow, 522
- On a Dynamical Top, by Mr. G. T. Walker, 522
- On the Translational and Vibrational Energies of Vibrators after Impacts on Fixed Walls, by Lord Kelvin, P.R.S., 522
- On the Graphical Representation of the Partition of Numbers, by P. A. Macmahon, 523
- On a New Canon Arithmeticus, by Lieut.-Col. Allan Cunningham, R.E , 523
- On Mersenne's Numbers, by Lieut.-Col. Allan Cunningham, R.E., 523
- On Absolute and Relative Motion, by Professor J. D. Everett, F.R.S., 523
- On the Choice of Magnetic Units, by Professor Lodge and Professor S. P. Thompson, 523
- Reports on Electrical Standards, 523
- On the Hysteresis of Iron in an Alternating Field, by Mr. F. G. Baily, 523
- Note on the Electrolysis of Iron, by Prof. W. M. Hicks and Mr. L. T. O'Shea, 523
- On the Equation connecting the P.D., Current, and Length of the Electric Arc, by Mrs. Ayrton, 523
- On the Back E.M.F. and True Resistance of the Arc, by Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., and Mr. T. Mather, 523
- On a Magnetic Field Tester, by Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., and Mr. T. Mather, 523
- On Some New Methods and Apparatus for the Delineation of Alternate Current Wave Forms, by Mr. J. M. Barr, Mr. W. B. Burnie, and Mr. Chas. Rodgers, 563
- On the Relation between Speed and Voltage in Electric Motors, by Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., and Mr. T. Mather, 563
- On Alternating Wave Tracers, by Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S , and Mr. T. Mather, 563
- Chemical Section, 563
- President's Address, Chemical Theories, by Professor Meldola, 563
- The Genesis of Dalton's Atomic Theory, by Sir H. E Roscoe and Mr. Arthur Harden, 565
- British Association—continued.
- Experimental Proof of Van't Hoff's Constant, of Dalton's Law, &c , for very Dilute Solutions, by Dr. M. Wildermann, 566
- On the Velocity of Reaction before Perfect Equilibrium takes place, by Dr. M. Wildermann, 566
- Report of the Committee on the Bibliography of Spectroscopy, 566
- Report of the Committee on Wave-Length Tables, by Sir H. E. Roscoe, 566
- Report of the Committee on Quantitative Analysis by Means of Electrolysis, by Dr. C. A. Kohn, 566
- Report of the Committee on the Action of Light on Dyed Colours, 566
- The Action of Light upon the Soluble Metallic
- Iodides in Presence of Cellulose, by Mr. D. J. P. Berridge, 566
- Some Remarks on Orthochromatic Photography, by Dr. H. W. Vogel, 566
- The Sensitising Action of Dyes on Gelatino-Bromide Plates, by Mr. 0. H. Bothamley, 566
- The Formation and Properties of a New Organic Acid, by Mr. H. J. H. Fenton, 566
- The Respirability of Air in which a Candle Flame has Burnt until it is Extinguished, by Professor F. Clowes, 566
- Report of the Committee on the Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools, by Dr. J. H Gladstone, 566
- How shall Agriculture best obtain Help from Science? by Professor R. Warington, 566
- Agriculture and Science, by Mr. T. Hendrick, 567
- The Application of Science to Agriculture, by Mr. M. J. R. Dunstan, 567
- Work at the Experimental Plots in Norfolk and Suffolk, by Mr. T. B Wood, 667
- The Chemical History of the Barley Plant, by Mr. C F. Cross and Mr. C. Smith, 567
- Economic Section, 595
- President's Address, by Mr. L. Price, 595
- Rate of Increase of Wages in the United States and Great Britain, by Mr. A. L. Bowley, 596
- Normal Course of Prices, by Dr. W. Smart, 596
- The Growth of Population in England and Wales, by Mr. Edwin Cannan, 596
- Geological Section, 696
- Presidential Address, by Mr. W. Whittaker, 596
- The Recent Coast Erosion at Southwold and Covehithe, by Mr. John Spiller, 597
- Report of Committee on Coast Erosion, 597
- Circulation of Underground Waters, Committee's Report, 597
- Earth Movements observed in Japan, by Professor Milne, 597
- Volcanic and Seismological Phenomena of Japan (Committee's Report), 597
- Auriferous Conglomerates of the Witwatersrand, by Dr. Hatch, 597
- Dip of the Underground Palaeozoic Rocks at Ware and Cheshunt, 697
- Investigation of Deep-Seated Rocks by Boring, by Mr. F. W. Warner, 597
- Zonal Division of the Carboniferous System, by Messrs. Garwood and Marr% 597
- Lectures and Entertainments, 697
- British Battleship " Sultan," New Engines (Thomson). 451, 483
- British Battleship " Victorious," 517
- British Cruiser "Minerva," 401
- British Cruiser "Powerful" (Naval Company, Barrow), 118
- British First-Class Cruisers, Contracts, 581, 605
- British Foreign Trade Decadence, 87
- British Iron Trade, Deputation to the Continent, 803
- British Railway Working Profits, 366
- British Torpedo-Boat Destroyer "Lightning " Damaged (Palmer's), 699
- British Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 579. See Erratum, 637
- British Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 629
- British Trade Relations with the Colonies, 121
- British Warships Launched, 1895, 770
- British Workmen's Average. Wage, 397, 596
- Brooklyn City Electric Railway, Kent Avenue Station,660
- Brooks' xpress American Locomotives, 632
- Broomhall's Corn Trade Year-Book, 806
- Brown, Boveri, and Co., Baden Hydro-Electric Installation, 530, 591, 655. See 719, 759, 789
- Brown's Horseshoe Roasting Furnace, 665
- Bruce's Signalling by Electric Flashes, 478
- Brunsbtlttel Lock Gates on North Sea Canal, 3. See 71
- Brunsbttttel Locks, Building, North Sea Canal, 71, 101
- Brush Engines at Dover, 238
- Buchanan's Method for Securing Railway Carriage Doors, 190
- Bucyrus Dredge Company, Milwaukee, Suction Dredger, 797
- Buda-Perth Electrical Underground Railway, 307
- "Buenos Aires," Argentine Cruiser (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co.), 567, 707
- Buenos Ayres, Hydraulic Power Supply, 154, 362, 402
- Buildings, Bordeaux Exhibition, 409
- Burstall, Mr. H. R. J., on Electric Lighting of Edinburgh, 531, 573, 618
- Butter Manufacture, 420, 671
- Cable Gear and Windlass, H.M.S. " Terrible" (Napier Brothers, Glasgow), 240. See LETTBR, 279
- Cable Tramway, Streatham, 706
- Cables, Telegraph, 641 •
- Caisson, Southampton Docks (Rennie, Greenwich), 270
- Campbell and Hunter, Leeds, Cold Plate Rolls, 67
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Reconstruction, 627, 657, 721
- Canal, Black Sea-Baltic, 87
- Canal, Corinth. See Corinth Canal
- Canal, North Sea. See North Sea Canal
- Canals, Dimensions of Existing, 411
- Canals in Prussia, Ship, 221
- Canet's Electrically Worked Turrets, 690
- Cape Government Railways, 87
- Cape Town, Astronomy at, 516
- Capital and Labour, 55
- Capper, Prof., on Rope and Belt Driving, 535
- Capstan Gear, Windlass, H.M.S. " Terrible " (Napier Brothers), 240. See LETTER, 279
- Capstan, Sheppard's (Simpson, Strickland, and Co.), 730
- Capstans and Windlasses, S.S. " St. Louis " (Bath Iron Works), 211
- Car Body, Specifications for Electric, 8
- Car Construction, Electric 7, 38
- Car Heating, Lighting, Watering, &c., Electric, 7
- Car Wheels and Brakes, Electric, 38
- Cars, Electric Tramway, 7, 38
- Carbon, Atomic Weight of, 439
- Carbon in Iron, Influence, 745
- Carbonic Acid Spring, 807
- Carbonic Anhydride Refrigerating Machines, 358, 555. See LErrEits
- "Carinthia," Cunard T.-S.S. (London and Glasgow Company), 539. See Limns
- Carriage, Daimler Motor, 772
- Carriage, Electric (Morris and Salom's), 419
- Carriage Manufacture, 239
- Carriage, Road Power, in France, 245
- Carriage, Serpollet oad Steam, 471, 499. See LETTERS
- Carriages, Horseless, 239, 245, 419, 471, 490, 499, 740, 772, 807
- Carriages, Securing Doors of Railway, 190
- Cast Ingots, Small, 288, 316
- Cast Iron, Malleable, 337
- Cast Iron, Peculiarities of, 203, 288, 375
- Cast Iron, Physical Properties, 339
- Casting, Modern Foundry Practice, 321, 561, 625, 653, 788
- Catenary in Stereo, A Spherical, 737.
- Caversham Bridge, 761
- Cellulose, Light Action on Metallic Iodides in, 566
- Central Electric Stations, 157, 188, 206, 238, 322, 385, 428, 503, 538, 597, 641, 660, 689, 723
- Central Station, Electric Lighting, Edinburgh, 531, 573, 618
- Centrifugal Fans, 818
- "Cesarewitch," Light Draught River Steamer (Dobson, Newcastle), 729
- Cessnock Docks, Glasgow, 293, 381, 474
- Charlottenburg Mechanical Training Station, 84. See also 622
- Cheadle, Boiler Explosion at, 663
- Chemical Syntheses at Low Temperatures, 771
- Chemical Theories, 563
- Chertsey Bridge, 277
- Chicago Electric Railway Central Station, 503
- Chicago Engineering Congress, 1893, 247
- Chicago Lifting Bridge,92, 159. See 284
- Chicago Motor Cycle aces, 807
- Chitral Campaign, Field Telegraph in, 416, 525
- Chrome-Ore and Ferro-Chromium Analysis, 266, 284
- Circulation of Underground Waters, 597
- City and South London Railway, 642
- Civil Engineer, The, 117
- Civil Engineers, institution of : 429, 462, 607, 649, 683, 716, 745, 747, 770. See LETTERS
- Papers Invited, 429
- Buildings, New, 462
- Presidential Address by Sir Benjamin Baker, 607, 649, 683, 716, 747
- City and South London Railway : Tunnelling by Compressed Air, by Mr. J. H. Greathead, 642
- The Influence of Carbon on Iron, by Mr. J. Oliver Arnold, 745
- Dilatation, Annealing, and Welding of Iron and Steel, by Mr. Thomas Wrightson, 745
- List of Original Members, 745
- The Design and Testing of Centrifugal Fans, by Mr. H. Heenan and Mr. W. Gilbert, 818
- Civil and Military Works in India, 194
- Clark and Standfield's Depositing Dock at Barcelona, 481
- Cleveite Gas, Spectrum of the ; Helium, 479
- Cleveite, Spectrum of Gas obtained from, 633
- Clifden and Galway Railway, 319, 384, 472, 506
- Clyde and Belfast Dispute, 707
- Clyde Navigation Improvements, 174. See also Glasgow Docks
- Clyde Strike, 608, 739
- ClydebanIt Works (Messrs. Thomson, Limited): 31, 67, 135
- Boiler, Water-Tube, Shop, 136
- Boiler Works at Clydebank, 67
- Boring, Tapping, and Drilling Machine, Universal (Shanks), 135
- Docks and Sheerlegs, 34
- Drilling Machines, 68, 69
- Engine Works at Clydebank, 67
- Flanging Machine, Hydraulic (H. Smith and Co. Glasgow), 33
- Lathes, 68, 69
- Milling Tools, 68, 69
- Planing and Slotting Machine (Smith, Bea-cock, and Tannett, Manchester), 135
- Plate Rolls (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Plate Rolls (Shanks, Johnstone), 33
- Rolls for Boiler Plates (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Sheerlegs, 34. See LETTER, Crane Efficiency
- Shipbuilding Yard, 31
- Smithy at Clydebank Works, 68
- Water-Tube Boiler Shop, 136
- Coal Conveyors and Elevators at Gas Works, 107, 153, 170, 231, 312
- Coal Conveyors and Storage Plant for Central Electric Station, 385
- Coal Gas, Heating Value of, 427
- Coal in the Hainaut, 868
- Coal-Mining, French, 337
- Coal Transporter, Temperley, E01
- Coast Defence Artillery, Sweden and Norway (Whitworth), 305. See 328
- Coast Erosion, 358, 697
- Coates and Co., Victor (Barring Engine), 362
- Cochrane, Barrhead, Deep-Well Pumping Engines, 42
- Cogging Mills for Steel Works, 174
- Coke Riddling Plant, 231, 233, 312
- Coles, Southwark, Crane and Grab, 231, 312
- College, Cooper's Hill, 191
- Collisions, Railway. See Accidents
- Colonial Government Railways, Commercial Element in, 545
- Colonies, British Trade Relations with the, 121
- "Columbia." See United States Cruiser " Minneapolis " (Cramp), 600, 728
- Commercial Element in Colonial Government Railways, 545
- Communication with Lightships. Electric, 196
- Company Law Reform (Limited Liability), 185. See LETTEas
- Competitive Schemes, 805
- Composite Screw Steam Tug " Sir Frederic "
- (Cox, Falmouth), 327 •
- Compound Boiler Explosion near Glasgow, 87
- Compressed Air Sludge Press (Goddard, Massey, and Warner, Nottingham), 259
- Compressed Air Tunnelling, 642
- Compressed Air, Working in, 34
- Condenser, Evaporative Surface (Theisen, BudaPesth), 146, 147
- Condenser and Receiver Drop, 435, 448, 687, 753. See Erratum, 816
- Conductivities (Thermal) of Mixtures of Liquids, 522
- Conduit System, Electric Traction, Wheless- Westinghouse, 549
- Conduit System, Hoerde Electric, 253
- Congress, Engineering, 1893, 247
- Congress, Trades Union, 333
- Connecting and Piston Rod Acceleration Diagram, 55
- Construction of Cars, 7, 38
- Consumption,Steamship Engine, 550
- Continuous Brake on Freight Trains, 712
- Contract v. Dockyard Warships, Cost, 131, 226, 254
- Contracts, Admiralty, 669
- Contracts for India-Rubber, 51. See LwrrEas
- Conveyors, Coal, 107, 153, 170, 231, 312, 387
- Construction in England, Current Railway, 248
- Cookham Bridge, 562
- Coolgardie Goldfields, 778
- Cooling Curves and Tests for Cast Iron, 375. See 203
- Cooper's Hill College, 191
- Corinth Canal: 411, 443, 529, 593, 659
- Commercial Results, 659
- Construction, 659
- Dimensions, &c.. of Existing Canals, 411
- Excavation of Canal, 595
- Geology, 443
- History of the Canal in our Days, 529, 693
- History of the Canal in the Past, 443
- Pumping, 595
- Route, 443
- Utility of Canal (Saving in Distances), 411,, 412
- Corliss Gear Engine, Triple-Expansion (Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago, 281, 341. See Larritas. See 393
- Corliss Valve Boring Machine (Shanks, Johnstone), 797
- Corn Trade Year-Book, 806
- Cornish Boiler Explosion, 197, 343
- Cornish Boiler Tests, 43
- Correction of Barometers, Mechanical Device, 783
- Corrosion of Ironwork and Painting, 368
- Cosmic Dust, 475
- Cost of Gas and Electricity, Relative, 772
- Cost of North Sea Canal, 293
- Cost of Running Electric Railroad Installations, 157
- Cost of Warships, 131, 226, 254
- Cottrell, Mr. H., on Corinth Canal, 411, 443, 529, 593, 659
- Councils of Technical Societies, 769
- Coupling for Steam, Air, and Water Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible, 452
- Cowan, Sheldon, and Co., Carlisle, 16-Ton Steam Breakdown Crane, 268
- Craigmaddie Reservoir, Glasgow,119
- Cramp, U.S. Cruiser " Minneapolis," 600, 728
- Crane and Grab (Coles, Southwark), 231, 312
- Crane, 15-Ton Steam Breakdown (Cowan, Sheldon, and Co., Carlisle), 268
- Crane, Dock (Stothert and Pitt), 169. See 270
- Cranes, Hydraulic, Glasgow Docks, 474
- Crompton, R.E., on Screw Gauge, 418, 496
- Cruiser " Buenos Aires," Argentine (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co.), 567, 707
- Cruiser " Minneapolis," United States (Cramp), 600, 728
- Cruiser " Viscaya," Spanish, 115
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Crusher Gauge, Measurement of Pressures by the, 20, 56. See Lwrrsas
- Crusher and Pulveriser, " Niagara" (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden), 464
- Crystals, Morphological and Optical Symmetry of, 522
- Cunard Liners " Sylvania " and " Carinthia " (London and Glasgow Company), 539. See LETTERs
- Cursor, Radial ; a New Addition to the Slide Rule, 558
- Cycle Races at Chicago, 807
- Cycle Show, Stanley, 672
- Cycle Wheel, 350
- Cyclostyle Manifolding Apparatus, 225. See Addendum, 243
- Cylinders, The Strength of, 165, 489, 672. See
- D'Allest Boilers in the French Navy, 617. See also 554, 587, 682, 749. See Limns, Water- Tube Boiler
- D'Allest Boilers, United States Report on, 554, 5871 617, 682, 749. See larrBas, Water-Tube Boilers
- Daimler Motor Carriage, 772
- Dairy Apparatus, 420, 671
- Dairy Show, 461
- Dalton's Atomic Theory, Genesis of, 665
- Damaged Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning,' 699
- Dams, Stability of Masonry, 337
- Danube Regularisation Works, Dredger (Simons, Renfrew), 178
- Darjeeling Mountain Railway, 673
- Datchet Bridge, Old, 460
- Davis, The Late Mr. E. F. C., President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 327
- Damholm Gas Station, Glasgow, 107, 153, 170, 231, 312
- Deas, Mr. James, on Clyde Navigation Improve-ments, 174
- Decadence of British Foreign Trade, Reasons, 87
- Deck Seam Pitching Ladle, Ramage's,. 614
- Deep Foundations by the Pneumatic Process, 642
- Deep Tunnels and Pneumatic Shields, 642
- " Defender," Yacht, 488, 516. See Lirrrigits, Yacht Design
- Deflected Arc System of Electric Welding, 664
- Deflections, Bridge, 490
- Denny, Mr. A., on M.G. Meter, 161
- Denny, Mr. A., Presidential Address, Institution of Junior Engineers, 639. See LarrEas, Draughtsmen
- Denny, The Late Dr., 276
- Depositing Dock at Barcelona, 481
- Deputation of British Iron Trade to the Continent, 303
- Derailments. See Accidents
- Design, Defects in Machine, 513
- Destroyers, Torpedo-Boat. See Torpedo-Boat
- Destroyers. Sec also Warships
- Destroyers, Torpedo-Boat, 579. See Erratum, 637
- Development of Arbitrary Functions, 558
- Diagram of Metal Prices, 21, 158, 310, 432, 584, 710, 810
- Dilatation, Annealing and Welding of Iron and Steel, 745
- Direct Puddling of Iron, 250, 283
- Directory, London, 806
- Disc Cutting Machine (Ward and Haggas, Keighley), 268
- Discharge Recorder for Weirs (Glenfleld Company), 508
- Diselectrification and Electrification of Air and other Gases, 478
- Disposal of Sewage Works at East Molesey, 763
- Distilling Apparatus on H.M.S. "Terrible" (Normandy's), 12
- Distribution of Power, 591. See 530, 655, 719, 759, 789
- Dobson and Co., William, Light Draught Paddle Steamer for Russia, 729
- Dock, Depositing, at Barcelona, 481
- Dock Sheds, Glasgow, 381, 474
- Dock Works at Southampton, 169, 270. See LETTERS, 224
- Docks and Sheerlegs at Clydebank Works, 34
- Docks, Tidal and Graving, Glasgow, 293, 381, 474
- Dockyard v. Private Built Warships, Cost, 131, 226, 254
- Domestic Boiler Explosions, 679
- Domestic Boiler Safety Mountings (Bariiaby's), 811
- Domestic Boilers, 81
- Donkin, Mr. Bryan, on Old Newcomen Engine near Bristol, 505. See LETTERs
- Donkin, Mr. Bryan, on Steam Boiler Experiments, 347
- Doors of Railway Carriages, Securing, 190
- Dover Electric Lighting Station Engines (Brush Company), 238
- Dover-Ostend Mail Service, 586
- Doxford's Turret Deck Ships and Joggle Plating, 419. See 463
- Drainage in the Fens, 18
- Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works, East Molesey, 763
- Drainage Works, Richmond, 650
- Draught, Suction, and Smoke Prevention, Paterson (Paul, Dumbarton), 782
- Draughtsmen, The Position of, 639. See LETTERS
- Drawing Offices, Sweating in, 24
- Drawing (Geometrical) in Schools, 522
- Dredger "General C. B. Comstock," Suction (Bucyrus Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797
- Dredger, Harrison's Scouring, Fen Drainage, 18
- Dredger " Percy Sanderson" (Simons, Renfrew), 178
- Dredger " Schelde II.," Suction Pump Hopper, 662
- Dredgers at North Sea Canals 102, 136
- Dredging Mersey Bar, 358
- Drill, Radial (Shanks, Johnstone), 662
- Drilling, Boring, and Tapping Machine, Universal (Shanks, Johnstone): 135
- Drilling Machine, Radial (Asquith), 509
- Drilling Machines at Clydebank Works, 68, 69
- Drilling and Milling Machine (Bond and Cooper, Birmingham), 433
- Drilling and Milling Machine (London Lathe and Tool Company), 616
- Driving, Rope and Belt, 535
- Drop of Pressure between Condenser and Receiver, 435, 448, 687, 763. See Erratum, 816
- Drumgowan Boiler Explosion, 814
- Du Temple Water-Tube Boiler, 59
- Dues of North Sea Canal, 293
- Durston, Mr. A. J., on Navy Boilers, 396, 437
- Dust, Cosmic, 476
- Dynamical Top, 622
- Dynamo Driving Engine (Smit, Slikkerveer, Holland), 799
- Dynamo Foundations, 322. See Central Stations
- Dynamo and Motor, Sayers' (Mayor and Coulson), 635 •
- Dynamo Running, 323. See Central Stations
- Dynamos, Boston Street Railway, 446
- Dynamos of Power-House. See Central Stations
- Dynamos, Turbine. See Hydro-Electric Installations
- Early Great Western Locomotives. See LETTERS
- Early London Water Supply, 368
- Earth, Rotation of the, 1
- Earth Tremors in England, 475
- Earthquakes and Volcanic Phenomena of Japan, 476
- East Keal Boiler Explosion, 744
- East Molesey Drainage and Sewage Disposal Works, 763
- Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company, 641
- Easton, Anderson, and Goolden, " Niagara " Crusher and Pulveriser, 464
- Economic Science at British Association, 595
- Edinburgh Electric Lighting, 631, 573, 618
- Edson Recording Pressure Gauge, 647
- Education of Engineers (Presidential Address), 351, 639
- Education and Science and Art Department, 805
- Education (Science) in Elementary Schools 666, 805
- Edwards' Belt Fastener, 159
- Efficiency of Heating Surface in Boilers, 50
- Electric Accumulators, Capacity Increase, 611
- Electric Accumulators Charged from Alternating Current Circuits, 252
- Electric Alternate-Current Wave Tracers, 563
- Electric Arc Lamp " I. R.." (Richardson, Patricroft), 746
- Electric Arc Lamp, Jandus, 649
- Electric Arc Lamp, Inverted, 373
- Electric Arc, Potential Difference, Current, and Length, 523
- Electric Carriage (Morris and Salom's), 419
- Electric Conduit System, Hoerde, 263
- Electric Conduit System (Westinghouse), 549
- Electric Current Generators, 206, 238
- Electric Communication with Lightships, 196
- Electric Installations, Hydro-, 530, 591, 655, 719, 759, 789
- Electric Installations, Paris Municipality and, 735
- Electric Lighting of Edinburgh, 531, 573, 618
- Electric Lighting of North Sea Canal, 292
- Electric Lighting New York Harbour, 287
- Electric Lighting Regulations, 729
- Electric Lighting Schemes in Parliament, 720
- Electric Lighting Station, Dover, Engines (Brush Company), 233
- Electric Lighting Trains, Gill's Patent (Stone and Co.) 673
- Electric Motor and Generator, Sayers' (Mayor and Coulson), 635
- Electric Railway Locomotive (Baltimore and Ohio), 80
- Electric Railway Locomotives, 755, 793
- Electric Railways, 689
- Electric, Single-Phase Alternating Machine, Armature Reaction in a, 64
- Electric Traction :
- Baltimore City and Suburban Railway, 597
- Baltimore and Ohio Railway Locomotives, 755, 793
- Boilers for Central Stations, 429, 503, 597. See Central Stations
- Boilers, Water-Tube, Boston Street Railway, 446
- Boston West End Tramway, 446
- Brakes for Electric Cars, 69, 70
- Brooklyn City Railway, Kent Avenue Station, 660
- Car Body, Specifications for,8
- Car Heating, Lighting, Watring, &c., 7
- Car Wheels and Brakes, 38
- Central Stations, 157, 188, 206, 238, 322, 385, 428, 503, 538, 597, 641, 660, 689, 723
- Chicago City Railway Central Station, 503
- Coal Conveyors and Storage Plant for Central Station, 385
- Cost of Running Electric Railroad Installations, 157
- Current Generators, 206, 238
- Dynamo Foundations, 322. See Central Stations
- Dynamo Running, 323. See Central Stations
- Dynamos, Boston Street Railway, 446
- Dynamos of Power House. See Central Stations
- Electric Railway, 689
- Engines and Dynamos of Power House. See Central Stations
- Freight Cars for Tramways, 8
- Generators, Electric Current, 206, 238
- Heating Cars, 7
- Lighting Cars, 7
- Locomotive, Electric, 766, 793
- Long Distance Electric Transmission Plant, 723
- Nantasket Beach Electric Railway, 538
- Niagara Falls Park and River Railway, 641
- Oerlikon Maschinenfabrik Generators, 238
- Portland (Oregon) Long Distance Transmission Plant, 723
- Power Houses. See Central Stations
- Railway Locomotives, 755, 793
- Railways and Central Stations, 538
- Repair Shops in Electric Stations, 428, 603. See Central stations
- St. Louis, Missouri, Cass Avenue and Fair Grounds Railway, 689
- Snow Ploughs for Electric Tramways, 7
- Switchboads, 262, 289. See Central Stations Trolleys, 103
- Walker Manufacturing Company's Generators, 238
- Water Power Plant, 723
- West End Street Railway Company of Boston, Mass., 446
- We2stinghouse38 Electric Company's Generators,
- Wheels and Brakes, Car, 38
- Electric Traction, 41, 388
- Electric Traction, Power required for, 307
- Electric Traction Railways, 39
- Electric Traction, Wheless-Westinghouse Conduit System, 649
- Electric Tramway, Bristol, 359 490. See 'Arms
- Electric Tramways, 64. See Electric Traction
- Electric Welding, Deflected Arc System, 664
- Electrical Currents in United Kingdom, Vertical, 476
- Electrical Currents, Vertical Air-Earth, 784
- Electrical Patents of 1894, 771
- Electrical Properties of Selenium, 64
- Electrical Standards, 523
- Electrical Underground Railway at Buda-Pesth, 307
- Electrically Worked Turrets, (Janet's, 690
- Electricity and Gas, Relative Cost of, 772
- Electrification and Diselectrication of Air and other Gases, 478
- Electro-Magnetic Effect, 64
- Electro-Plating, Metallic Lactates for, 222
- Electrometer, Kelvin Portable, 478
- Elevated Railroads of New York, 338
- Elevator and Dredger at North Sea Canal, 102. See 137
- Elevators, Coal, 107, 163, 170, 231, 312, 385
- Elgar, Dr. F., on Cost of Warships, 131, 226, 2 i4
- Elliott, Professor A. C., on Condenser and Receiver Drop, 436, 448. See 687, 753. See Erratum, 816
- Ely Bridge, Great Eastern Railway, 696
- Embankments, Stability of Masonry, 337
- Embankments, Villa Mantle for Protecting, 811
- Engine, Barring (Victor Coates and Co., Belfast), 362
- Engine Breakdowns, 513
- Engine, Compound Horizontal, for Dynamo (Smit, Slikkerveer, Holland), 799
- Engine, Drop of Pressure between Condenser and
- Receiver, 435, 448, 687, 763 See Erratum, 816
- Engine, Oil, Kane-Pennington, 673, 740. See LETITRS
- Engine, Old Newcomen, Bristol, 505. See LETTERS
- Engine, Peache's High Speed, 520. See LETTER
- Engine, Tandem Surface-Condensing Compound (Taylor and Challen), 496
- Engine, Traction (Marshall, Gainsborough), 738
- Engine Trials, Steam, 17
- Engine, Triple-Expansion Corliss (Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago), 281, 341. See 393. See LETTERS
- Engine Works at Clydebank, 67
- Engine Works Plant. See Clydebank Works
- Engines and Boilers, Factors of Safety for Marine 418
- Engines at Dover Electric Lighting Stati (Brush Company), 238
- Engines and Dynamos of Power-House. See Central Stations
- Engines, Gas. See Gas Engines
- Engines, Light Draught Paddle Steamer (Wallsend Company), 729
- Engines, Oil. See Oil Engines
- Engines, Pumping, Deep-Well, East London Water Works (Cochrane, Barrhead), 42
- Engines, Road, &c., at Smithfield Show, 738
- Engines of the " St. Louis," 24
- Engines, Suction Pump Hopper Dredger
- "Schelde II.," 662
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, H.M.S. " Sultan " (Thomson, Clydebank), 451, 483
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, S.S. Tug " Sir Frederic" (Cox, Falmouth), 327
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson, Limited), 629, 676
- Engines, Triple - Expansion, T. - S. Cunard Liners " Sylvania " .and " Carinthia" (London and Glasgow Company), 539. See LErrgas
- Engines, United States Cruiser " Minneapolis" (Cramp), 600, 728
- Engineer, The Civil 117
- "Engineer's Pocket-Book, Mechanical," 725
- Engineers' Education (Presidential Address), 361, 639
- Engineers' Strike, 608, 707, 739
- Engineering Congress, 1893, 247
- Engineering, Cooper's Hill College, 191
- Engineering Inspectors, Local Government Board, 365
- Engineering Research, Marine, 640
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, in 1895, 813
- Engineering Trades and Trade Unions, 584
- England at International Exhibitions, 558
- English and French Naval Manoeuvres, 398, 457, 487
- Equilibrium, Velocity of Reaction before, 566
- Erosion, Coast, 358, 597
- Escher, Wyss, and Co., Water Power Plant at Gokak, 570
- Ether, Vortex Theories of the, 450
- Evaporating Heats of Different Liquids, 622
- Evaporation, Latent Heat of, 621
- Evaporative Surface Condenser (Theisen, BudaPesth), 146, 147
- Evaporative Trials of Belleville Water -Tube Boilers, 571. See LETISR8, Water-Tube Boilers
- Excavators, North Sea Canal, 102, 136
- Exhibition, Berlin, 1896, 278, 642
- Exhibition of Birmingham Industries, 288
- Exhibition, Bordeaux, 409
- Exhibition, Brewers', 516
- Exhibition, 1896, Kiel, 704
- Exhibition, Lubeck, 190
- Exhibition, Malmo, 19
- Exhibition, Nishni-Novgorod, 1896, 401
- Exhibition, Paris, 1900, 119, 153, 395, 546
- Exhibitions, England at International, 558
- Experiments on Kites, 81. See 448
- Experiments on Punching Plates, 806
- Experiments, Steam Boiler (Summary), 347 -
- Experiments on Wind Pressure, 787
- Explosion, Boiler. See Boiler Explosions
- Express Locomotives (by Mr. Aspinall), 39, 95, 129. See 27, 42
- Express Train Rolling Stock, 27, 42. See 27, 39, 95, 129
- Factors of Safety for Marine Boilers and Engines, 418
- Fairbairn-Beeley Boiler, 361, 862. See 154, 402
- Fan, Organ-Blowing by, 355
- Fans, Centrifugal, 818
- Fans, Noisy, 492
- Fast Railway Runs, 56
- Fastener, Edwards' Belt, 169
- Feed Pump, Marsh Boiler (Battle Creek Steam Pump Company), 740
- Feed-Water Heater, Kirkaldy's, 453
- Feed-Water Heater, Morison's Circulating, 603
- Felloes, Jointless, 850
- Fellowship Scheme, Thames Iron Works, 803
- Fens, Drainage in the, 18
- Ferro-Chrommm and Chrome Ore, Analyses, 266, 284
- Ferrolithio Paving, 253
- Field Telegraph in Chitral Campaign, 416, 525
- Filters, Halliday's, Bedlington Water Supply, 36$
- Filtration of Sewage, 208, 259, 763
- Flanging Machine, Hydraulic (Smith, Possil, Glasgow), 33
- Flashes, Projection Lightning (Signalling), 478
- Flexible Coupling for Steam, Air, and Water
- Pipes (Friedmann's), 452
- Floods and Weirs, 354
- Flooring, Knight's Bridge, 160
- Flooring, Pease's Tubular, 780
- Florida Phosphatest 141
- Flour Milling Machinery, 416
- Flying, 81, 448
- Fogs and Weather Influences, 773
- Foreign Trade Decadence, Reasons for, 87
- "Forest Abbey," Turret Deck Steamer, and Joggle Plating, 419. See 463
- Formation, Galway and Clifden Light Railway, 384. See 319, .412, 506
- Foucault's Pendulum Experiments, Rotation of the Earth, 1
- "Foudre " and her Aluminium Torpedo-Boats, 548
- Foulis, Mr. William, Gas Works Automatic Plant, 107, 153, 170, 231, 232, 233, 312
- Foundations, Bellefontaine Bridge, Missouri River, 296. See 373
- Foundations by Pneumatic Process, Deep, 642
- Foundering of Steamer " Seaford," 951
- Foundry Practice, Modern, 321, 561, 625, 653, 788
- Fracture of Glass Water Gauges, 815
- France and Aluminium Torpedo-Boats, 548
- France, Light Railways in, 772
- Fraser and Chalmers, Chicago, Horseshoe Roasting Furnace, 665
- Fraser and Chalmers, Triple-Expansion Engine with Corliss Gear, 281, 341. See 393. See Lwrrints, Corlisl Engine
- Freezing Process for Shaft Sinking, Gobert, 353
- Freight Cars for Electric Tramways, 8
- Freight Train Brakes, 712
- French Coal-Mining, 337
- French and English Naval Manoeuvres, 398, 457, 487
- French Naval Manoeuvres, 398, 487
- French Navy and Water-Tube Boilers, 554, 587, 617, 682, 749. See LETTERS, Water - Tube Boilers
- Friction Gear,Variable Speed (Watkins and Watson, Lodon), 647
- Friedmann's Flexible Coupling for Steam, Air, and Water Pipes, 462
- Fullarton, Hodgart, and Barclay, Hydraulic Plant, Glasgow Docks, 474
- Furnace, Brown's Horseshoe Roasting, 665
- Furnace, Petroleum, for Melting Solder (Moeller and Condripp), 390
- Gain Sharing Experience, 803
- Galloway Boiler Tests,43
- Galway and Clifden ailway, 319, 384, 412, 506
- Gas and Electricity, Relative Cost of, 772
- Gas, Heating Value of Coal, 427
- Gas, Lighting Berlin, 806
- Gas Lighting Schemes in Parliament, 720
- Gas Motors, Theory and Practice, 792
- Gas Retort, Charging, &c., Plant (Arrol and Foulis), 107, 153, 170, 231, 312
- Gas, Simple or Compound Character of a (Spectroscopy), 479
- Gas Spectrum obtained from Cleveite, 663
- Gas Works, Glasgow, 107, 163, 170, 231, 312
- Gauge, B.A. Screw, 418, 496
- Gauge, Edson Recording Pressure, 647
- Gauges, Fractures of Water Glass, 815
- Gear, Variable Speed Friction (Watkins and Watson, London), 647
- Geissler Tubes, Velocity of Light in, 451
- Gelatino-Bromide Plates, Sensitising Action of Dyes, 566
- Gemini Pass, Ice Avalanche, Switzerland, 446
- "General C. B. Comstock," Suction Dredger (Bucyrus Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797
- General Electric Company, Electric Railway Locomotive, 80
- General Electric Company's Current Generators, 208
- Generators, Electric Railway, 206,-238
- Genesis of Dalton's Atomic Theory, 565
- Geology of the London Area, 596
- Geometrical Drawing in Schools, 522
- German Lloyd Steamer, 549
- Gill's3 67 System of Lighting Trains (Stone and Co.),
- Girder Railway Bridges, Plate, 471. See LETTERS,
- Bridge Loads Girders, Stresses in, 223, 279
- Girders, Temperature Strains on Continuous, 400
- Glasgow Central Railway, 85, 643
- Glasgow, Compound Boiler Explosic n near, 87
- Glasgow Docks, 293, 381, 474
- Glasgow Gas Works, 107, 153, 170, 231. See 312
- Glasgow Harbour Improvements, 174, 293, 381, 474. See also Clyde _Navigation
- Glasgow Hydraulic Power Supply, 164, 362, 402
- Glasgow Sewage Works, 208, 259
- Glasgow714 and South- Western Railway Locomotive,
- Glasgow Tramways, 221
- Glasgow Water Works, Craigmaddie Reservoir, 119
- Glass Water Gauges, Fracture of, 815
- Gledhill's Breech Mechanism Whitworth), 305
- Glenfleld Company, Water Discharge Recorder, 508
- Gloucester Sawmill (Price, Walker, and Co.), 481. See LETTER
- Gobert Freezing Process for Shaft Sinking, 353
- Goddard, Massey, and Warner, Nottingham, Sludge Presses, 259
- Gokak Water Power Plant (Esther, Wyss, and Co.), 570
- Governor, Shaft (Robinson and Auden,Wantage) 739
- Grab and Crane (Coles, Southwark), 231, 312
- Grain Milling Machinery, 416
- Graving Dock, Glasgow, New, 293, 381, 474
- Graving Dock. Southampton, 169, 270. See LETTER, 224
- Gray, Mr. Macfarlane, on Steam Expansion Drop, 687, 753. See 435, 448, 816
- Great Indian Peninsular Railway, 19. See LETTERS, Indian, &c.
- Great Western Locomotives, Early. See 'Arms
- Great Western Railway Run, Plymouth-London, 704
- Great Western Train Improvements, 429
- Greathead, Mr. J. H., on Tunnelling by Compressed Air, 642
- Green, Messrs., Hydraulic Lifeboat, 433, 451. See LErrEits, Hydraulil Propulsion
- Grtinenthal Bridge, North Sea Canal, 210
- Gull River Bridge, 721
- Gun Trials," Buenos Aires "(Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co.), 707. See also Next Volume
- Guns, Coast Defence, Sweden and Norway (Whitworth), 305. See 328
- Guns in the United States, 609
- Gunboats. See Warskps
- Hadfield, Mr. R. A., on the Production of Iron by a New Process, 264, 315
- Hainaut, Coal in the, 368
- Hainaut Phosphate Dressing Plant (Humboldt Companyl Kalk), 633
- Halifax, Boiler Explosion near, 197, 343
- Hall, Normal Danger Signal System, 179
- Halliday's Filters, Bedlington Water Supply, 363
- Hall's Refrigerating Plant, 358, 555. See LETTERS, Refrigerating, &c.
- Halse Gain-Sharing Scheme, 803
- Hamburg-American Line and Plymouth, 704
- Hampton Court Bridge, 187
- Harbour of Harwich, 367, 620
- Harbour Schemes in Parliament, 720
- Hardening of Steel, 263
- Hardening of Steel, Spectrum of the Bessemer Flame, 585
- Harland, Sir E. J., 801
- Harrison, Scouring Dredger, Fen Drainage, 18
- Harvey, A. and G., Govan, Treble-Geared Lathe, 70
- Harwich Port, 357, 620
- Haulage. See Electric Traction
- Haythorne Water-Tube Boiler (Meehan, Glasgow), 680
- Hazell's Annual, 806
- Head of the Profession, 426. See LErrisits
- Heat of Evq,poration of Benzene, Latent, 622
- Heat of Evaporation, Latent, 521
- Heat through Plates, Transfer of, 418
- Heat Standard, A New Practical, 521
- Heats of Evaporation of Different Liquids, 622
- Heater, Kirkaldy's Feed Water, 453
- Heater, Morison's Circulating Feed Water, 603
- Heater Regulator, Langridge's Steam, 191
- Heating Railway Carriages, 645
- Heating Tramcars, 7
- Heating Value of Coal Gas, 427
- Helium, 479
- Henley Bridge, 629
- H.M.S. " Minerva," 401
- H.M.S. " Powerful," 118
- H.M.S. " Sultan," New Triple-Expansion Engines (Thomson, Clydebank), 451, 483
- H.M.S. " Terrible," 23, 222
- H.M.S. " Terrible," Distilling Apparatus, Normandy's, 12
- H.M.S. "Terrible," Windlass and Capstan Gear (Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow), 240. See LETTER, 279
- H.M.S. " Victorious," 517
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Torpedo-Boat Destroyers
- Hermite Sewage Process, 358
- Herreshoff Yachts, 488, 516. See LErrEits, Yacht Design
- Hesketh, Mr. E., on Carbonic Anhydride Refrigerating Machines, 358, 555. See LETTERS 253
- Hoerde Electric Conduit System,
- Holland, Hydraulic Lifeboat (Thornycroft), 433, 451. See LErrsas, Hydraulic Propulsion
- Holyhead and Kingstown Mail Service, 54
- Horseless Carriages, 245. See also Carriages and Road Power Carriages
- Howitzer, Norway Garrison (Whitworth), 305
- Humboldt Company, Kalk, Phosphate Dressing Plant, 633 •
- Hunt Company, New York, Coal Conveying and Storage Plant, 387
- Hunt, Mr. William, on Permanent Way, 62, 73, 96, 127
- Hutchison's Water Discharge Recorder for Weirs, 508
- Hydraulic Cranes, Glasgow Docks, 474
- Hydraulic Flanging Machine (Smith, Possil, Glasgow), 31
- Hydraulic Installation, Glasgow Docks, 474
- Hydraulic Lifeboat (Thornycroft), 433, 461. See
- LETTERS, Hydraulic Propulsion
- Hydraulic Machinery in Gas Works, 107, 153, 312. See also Glasgow Gas Works
- Hydraulic Plant for Gas Retorts, 107, 153, 170, 231, 312
- Hydraulic Plant at Gokak (Esther, Wyss, and Co.), 570
- Hydraulic Plate Shears for Steel Works, 174
- Hydraulic Power Supply, 154, 362, 402
- Hydraulic Riveting Plant (The Late Ralph II. Tweddell), 307, 335
- Hydraulic Swing Bridges, North Sea Canal, 234
- Hydro-Electric Installations, 530, 591, 655, 719, 759, 789
- Hysteresis of Iron in an Alternating Field, 623
- Ice Avalanche, Switzerland, 445
- Imperial Trade Relations, 121
- India-Rubber Contracts, 61. See LETTERS
- India-Rubber, Future Supply, 275
- India, Thunderstorms, 478
- Indian Civil and Military Works, 194
- Indian Railway Policy, 777
- Indian Railway Property, 81
- Indian Railways, 19. See LETTERS
- Indian Railway s and Trade, 615
- Indian Weather. See Meteorological Socie y
- Indirect Lighting, Inverted Arc Lamp for, 373
- Industrial Notes, 26, 57, 99, 125, 1(0, 196, 225,
- 253, 281, 311, 342, 374, 405, 434, 464, 495, 523,
- 553, 586, 615, 647, 681, 713, 746, 779, 811
- Industrial Situation, 83
- Injectors, Boiler (Holden and Brooke, Limited, Manchester), 281
- Institute of Marine Engineers, 20
- Institute of Marine Engineers, President's Address, 396, 437
- Institution of British Carriage Manufacturers, 239
- Institution of Civil Engineers. See Civil Engineers
- Institution of Junior Engineers, Presidential Address, 639. See Limmas, Draughtsmen
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers. See Mechanical Engineers
- Institutions, Councils of Technical, 769
- Interlaken Hydro-Electric Installation, 719. See 530, 591, 655, 759, 789
- Inventors, Rewards for, 20
- Inverted Arc Lamp for Indirect Lighting, 373
- Iodides in Cellulose, Light Action on, 566
- Ingots, Small Cast Steel, 288, 316
- Irish Light Railway, Galway and Clifden, 319, 384, 472, 506
- Irminger's Experiments on Wind Pressure, 787
- Iron, Cast, Keep's Tests of, 203, 288, 375
- Iron, Cast, Physical Properties of, 288, 339, 745
- Iron Chromium Alloy, 266, 284
- Iron, Direct Puddling of, 250, 283
- Iron Hysteresis in an Alternating Field, 523
- Iron Industries in South Staffordshire, 249
- Iron, Malleable Cast, 337
- Iron, Micro-Metallography of, 88
- Iron by a New Process, 264, 315
- Iron Platinisation, 81
- Iron and Steel Institute :
- Birmingham Meeting, 249
- The Iron Industries of South Staffordshire, by Mr. Daniel Jones, 249
- The Mineral Resources of South Staffordshire, by Mr. Herbert W. Hughes, 249
- The Direct Puddling of Iron, by M. Emile Bonehill, 250, 283
- The Iron Works of the South of Russia, by M. George Kamensky, 250, 282, 313
- Thermo-Chemistry of the Bessemer Process, by Professor W. N. Hartley, 263
- The Hardening of Steel, by Mr. H. M. Howe, 263
- The Production of Iron by a New Process, by Mr. R. A. Hadfield, 264, 315
- Analysis of Chrome Ore and Ferro-Chromium, by Mr. E. H. Saniter, 266, 284
- Nickel Steel: Its Advantages over Ordinary Steel, by Mr. H. A. Wiggins, 266, 438
- Small Cast Ingots, by Mr. R. Smith-Casson, 288, 316
- Cooling Curves and Tests for Cast Iron, by Mr. Keep, 288, 375. See 203
- Physical Properties of Cast Iron, by Mr. Thomas D. West, 288, 339
- Visits and Excursions, 251, 266
- Worcester Porcelain Works, 266
- Round Oak Iron Works, 266
- The Small Arms Factories, 266
- Exhibition of Local Industries, 288
- Iron and Steel, Physical Properties of, 288, 339, '745 '
- Iron and Steel Testing, 611
- Iron and Steel Tests, Uniform Methods of Conducting, 53
- Iron and Steel in United States, 460
- Iron Trade Deputation to the Continent, 303
- Iron Works, Round Oak, 266
- Iron Works, South Russian, 250, 282, 313
- Iron Works in the Ural, New, 304
- Ironwork, Painting, 368
- Jacques, Captain W. H., on War Materials in the United States, 609
- Jacques Cartier Bridge, 721
- Jandus Arc Lamp, 549
- Japan,Earthquakes and Volcanoes, 475
- Jet ropulsion, Hydraulic Lifeboat, 433, 451. See LETTERS, Hydraulic Propulsion
- Joggle Plating for Ships, 419, 463
- Jolliness Felloes, 350
- July Weather, 218
- Junctions, Railway, by M. A. Zanotta, 76
- June Weather, 19
- Kaiser Wilhelm Canal. See North lea Canal
- Kamensky, Mr. George, on the Iron Works of the South of Russia, 250, 282, 313
- Kane-Pennington Motor, 673, 740. See LETTERS
- Keep's Experiments on Cast Iron, 203, 288, 375
- Kelvin Portable Electrometer, 478
- Kennet, Railway Bridges on the, 761
- Kent's Mechanical Engineers' Pocket Book, 725
- Kiel Exhibition, 1896, 704
- Kingston Bridge of the London and South Western Railway, 104
- Kingston Road Bridge, 106
- Kingstown and Holyhead Mail Service, 54
- Kinnaber, or the Great Railway Race, 679. See LETTERS, Railway Race
- Kirkaldy's Feed-Water Heater, 453
- Kitchen Boiler Explosions, 679
- Kitchen Boiler Safety Mountings (Barnaby's), 811
- Kites, 81. See 448
- Knight's Bridge Flooring, 160
- Laboratories., Physical, in Schools, 805
- Laboratory at Bradford College, Testing, 609
- Labour and Capital, 55
- Labour Statistics, 578
- Lactates for Eleetro-Plating, Metallic, 222
- Ladle, Ramage's Deck Seam Pitching, 614
- Lamp, Arc, • I. R " (Richardson, Patricroft), 746
- Lamp (Inverted Arc) for Indirect Lighting, 373
- Lamp, Jandus Electric Arc, 549
- Lancashire Boiler Tests, 43
- Land Reclamation from the Sea, 552
- Landale, Mr. David, 800 ,
- Langridge's Steam Heater Regulator, 191
- Lathe, Apprentice (Shanks, Johnstone), 390
- Lathes at Clydebank Works, 68, 69
- Launch with Water-Tube Boilers and Tube Firebars (Thornycroft), 269
- Launches and Trial Trips, 15, 56, 81, 115, 166, 228, 252, 280, 310, 340, 378, 393, 440, 494, 507, 552, 622, 646, 667, 750, 784, 810
- Laurence and Brunel's Scraper for Boiler Tubes, 730
- Law Court Cases, 645
- Laws of Similitude as Affecting Naval Construction, 54
- Leaky Tubes, 396, 437
- Letters to the Editor, 20, 55, 8l, 114, 145, 192, 222, 252, 278, 308, 338, 363, 390, 430, 464, 491, 517, 550, 582, 612, 643, 674, 707, 740, 773, 807
- Levensau Bridge, North Sea Canal, 210
- Lewis's Corrugated Boiler Tubes, 614. See LETTER, 645
- Life-Saving Rocket Apparatus, 710
- Lifeboat, Thornycroft Hydraulic 433, 451. See Dorms, Hydraulic Propulsion Lift, Adams' Sewage, 572
- Lifting Bridge at Chicago, 92, 159. See 281
- Light Action on Iodides in Cellulose, 566
- Light Draught Steamer for Russia (Dobson, Newcastle), 729
- Light, Electric. See Electri: Light
- Light Railway, Galway and Clifden, 319, 384, 412, 506
- Light Railway Shops, by Mr. Terzi, 198
- Light Railways and Agriculture, 351. See Erratum, 440
- Light Railways, 77, 161, 162, 351, 440, 592, 613, 703
- Light Railways in Europe, I 92
- Light Railways in France, 772
- Light, Velocity, in Geissler Tubes, 451
- Lighting of Berlin, 806
- Lighting, Electric, of Edinburgh, 531, 573, 618
- Lighting, Electric,' New York Harbour, 237
- Lighting, Electric, Regulations, 729
- Lighting Tramcars, 7
- Lighting Trains; Gill's Patent (Stone and Co.), 673
- "Lightning," Smashed Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, 699
- Lightships, Electric Communication with, 196
- Lille Tests, Rope and Belt Driving. 535
- Limited Liability, 185. See LETTERS
- Linear Spectra, Interpretations of the, 479
- Link Belting, 279, 431
- Linotype Printing, 4!8
- Liquid Air, 743
- Literature, 324, 471, 592, 725, 792
- Llewellins and James Still 13
- Lloyd's Returns, Shipbuilding and Wrecks, 453
- Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 83
- Lloyd's Shipwreck Returns, 304, 458, 707
- Local Government Board, Engineering Inspectors, 365
- Lock-Out on the Clyde, 608, 739
- Lock Gates, North Sea Canal, 3, 35
- Locomotive, BaldWin Eight-Wheeled, 455
- Locomotive for Brazil, Baldwin, 45
- Locomotive, Compound Mineral, London and North-Western Railway, 571
- Locomotive, Compound (Worsdell and Von Borries' System), North-Eastern Railway, 25
- Locomotive, Electric Railway (Baltimore and Ohio), 80. See 755, 793
- Locomotive, Express, American (Brooks Company), 63g
- Locomotive, Four-Wheeled Coupled Bogie Tank (North-Eastern Railway), 297
- Locomotive, 2-ft. Gauge, for Glasgow Gas Works, 231
- Locomotive for Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 714
- Locomotive, Great Northern, 612
- Locomotive, Influence of the, 49
- Locomotive Piston-Rods, 20, 55, 114, 193, 431
- LocOmotives and Rolling Stock, 10, 27, 39, 40, 95, 129
- Locomotive Smash, Montparnasse Station, Paris, 54S
- Locomotive, Tank, for Metropolitan Railway (Sharp, Stewart, and Co.), 327
- Locomotives, Balancing, 23
- Locomotives, Early Great Western. See LETTERS
- Locomotives, Electric Railway, 80, 755, 793
- Locomotives, Express, 39, 95, 632
- Lohnis and Co., Rotterdam, Engines, Sand Pump Dredger,.662
- London Bridges. See Thames Bridges
- London County Council and Water Supply, 273, 485, 514, 737. See LETTERS
- London Directory, 806
- London and Glasgow Engineering Company, T.-S. Cunard Liners " Sylvania " and "Carinthia," 539. See LETTERS
- London Hydraulic Power Supply, 154, 362, 402
- London Lathe and Tool Company, Drilling and Milling Machine, 615
- London and North-Western Railway Compound Mineral Locomotive, 571
- London and Scotland Railway Race, 121, 151, 192, 243, 246, 278, 307, 340, 426, 543, 632. See LETTERS
- London and Wales Railway, 670
- London Water Supply, Early, 368
- London Water Supply, New Source, 429, 485. See Water Supply. See LETTERS, Water Supply
- Long Distance Electric Transmission Plant, 723
- Longridge, Steam Users' Association Report, 513
- Longton Boiler Explosion, 525
- Low Temperatures, Chemical Syntheses at, 771
- Lubeck Exhibition, 190
- Lubecker Company's Dredgers at North Sea Canal, 137
- Lucerne Single-Phase Installation, 759. See 530, 591, 655, 719, 789
- Luke, Mr. P. V., on Field Telegraph in Chitral, 416, 525
- Lunar Theory, Recent Developments of, 451
- M.G. Meters, 162
- Machine Design, Defects, 513
- Machine Tools, Shipbuilding, 3L See Clydebank Works
- Madawaska River Bridge, 721
- Madras Railway, 19. See Limns, Cndian, &c.
- Magnetic Field of Clindrical Coil or Plane Circuit, 622
- Magnetic Field Tester, 523
- Magnetic Observations, 476
- Magnetic Units, 523
- Maidenhead Bridge, Great Western Railway, 505
- Maidenhead Road Bridge, 506
- Mail Motor Carriages, 778
- Malleable Cast Iron, 337
- Malmo Exhibition, 19
- Manchester Hydraulic Power Supply, 154, 302, 402
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, 11. See LETrERs, Kitchen Boilers
- Manoeuvres, Naval, 398, 457, 487
- Mantle for Protecting River Banks, Villa, 811
- Marine Engineering Research, 640
- Marlow Bridge, 628
- Marsh Boiler Feed Pump, Battle Creek Steam Pump Company, 746
- Marshall, Gainsborough, Road Engine, 738
- Masonry Dams, Stability of, 337
- Mather and Platt and Water Purification, 610
- Mayor and Coulson, Sayers' Electric Motor and Generator, 635
- Maxim's Smokeless Powder, 367
- Measurement of Pressures by the Crusher Gauge, 20, 56. See LEMIRS
- Measuring. High Temperatures, 522
- Meehan, Glasgow, Haythorn Water-Tube Boiler, 680
- Mechanical Correction of Barometers, 783
- Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-Book, 725
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution or: Glasgow Meeting.
- Hydraulic Machinery in Gas Works, by Mr. Andrew S. Biggart, 153, 312. See also Glasgow GL8 Works
- NoTes on Hydraulic Power Supply in TownsGlasgow, Manchester, Buenos Ayres, &c , by Mr. E B. Ellington, 154, 362, 402
- Recent Engineering Improvements of the Clyde Navigation, by Mr. James Deas, 174
- Notes on Modern teel Works Machinery, by Mr. James Riley, 174
- Txcursions. 177
- Clydebank Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 31, 67, 135
- Underground Railway in Glasgow, 85, 543
- Glasgow Gas Works, 107, 170, 231. Sea 312
- Glaszow Water Works (Craigmaddie Reservoir), 119
- Institution Dinner, 177
- Glasgow Sewage Works, 208, 259
- Mossend and Summerlee Iron and Steel Works, 218
- Glasgow Docks and Equipment, 293, 381, 474
- Autumn Meeting in London, 516
- The Electric Lighting of Edinburgh, by Mr.
- Henry R. J. Burstall, of London, 531, 573, 61.
- Report on the Lille Experiments upon the Efficiency of Ropes and Belts for the Transmission of Power. Translated by Professor' David S. Capper, of London, 535
- Observations on the Lille Experiments upon the Efficiency of Ropes and Belts for the Transmission of Power, by Professor David S. Capper, of London, 535
- Mechanical Testing Station at Charlottenburg, 84
- Mechaniml World Pocket-Book, 806
- Meik, Mr. P. W., on Light Railway %,162
- Melting. Solder,?etroleum Furnac; :Moeller and Condripp), 390
- Merchandise, Transport of, 42
- Mersey Bar, Dredging, 358
- Metacentric Height of Ships, 161.
- Metal Price Diagrams, 24, 158, 310, 432, 584, 710, 810
- Metals at High Temperature, Strength of, 186
- Metallic Lactates for‘Electro-Plating, 222
- Meteorological Observations, Ben Nevis, 478
- Meteorological society, Royal :
- On the Origin of the Cold Weather Storms of 1893 in India and Air Movements on Indian Seas, by Mr. J. Eliot, 643
- Tornado Cloud, by Mr. W. H. Dines, 634
- On the Diurnal Variation of Wind Velocity at Tokio, Japan, by Mr. C. Davison, 643
- On Some of the Differences between Fogs as related to the Weather Systems which accompany them, by Mr. R. H. Scott, 773
- Results of Analyses of Greenwich Barometrical Observations, 1879-90, 773
- Declination of Sun and Moon, by Major H. E. Rawson, 773
- Meteorological Observations at Mojanga, Madagascar, by Mr. S. C. Knott, 773
- International Cloud Atlas, by Mr. Scott, 773
- Meteorology and Photography, 478
- Meter, SchOnheyder Water (Beck, London), 420
- Metropolitan Railway Tank Locomotive (Sharp, Stewart, and Co.), 327
- Metropolitan Water Supply and County Council, 273, 485, 514, 737. See LwrrERs
- Micro-Metallography of Iron, 88
- Midland Railway, 431
- Military and Civil Works in India, 194
- Military Heads for Government Establishments, 809
- Milling and Drilling Machine (Bond and Cooper, Birmingham), 433
- Milling and Drilling Machine (London Lathe and Tool Company), 615
- Milling Grain, Niagara Crusher (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden), 464
- Milling Machine for Test Piec 's (Ward and Haggas, Keighley), 730
- Milling Machines (Muir, Manchester), 68, 69
- Milling Machinery, Flour, 416
- Milling Tools at Clydebank Works, 68, 69
- Mineral Resources of South Staffordshire, 249
- "Minerva," H.M. Cruiser, 401
- "Minneapolis," United States Cruiser (Cramp), 600, 728
- Mirfield, Triple Railway Smash at, 64
- Miscellanea, 14, 47, 90, 124, 149, 192, 224, 243, 280, 301, 331, 372, 393, 423, 463, 491, 511, 543, 582, 605, 637, 674, 697, 733, 767, 801
- Mitchell, The Late Mr. Charles, 276
- Moeller and Condripp, Petroleum Furnace for Solder Melting, 390
- Molesey Drainage and Sewage Works, 763
- Montparnasse Railway Accident, Paris, 549
- Morison's Circulating Feed-Water Heater, 603
- Morison's Safety Liners for Propeller Shafts, 191
- Morphological and Optical Symmetry of Crystals, 522
- Morris and Salom's Electric Carriage, 419
- Morris and Wethered's Still, 13
- Mossend and Summerlee Iron and Steel Works, 218
- Motor Carriage, Daimler, 772
- Motor Carriages for Royal Mails, 778
- Motor Cycle Races at Chicago, S07
- Motor and Generator, Sayers' Electric (Mayor and Coulson), 635
- Motor, Kane-Pennington, 673, 740. See LErrns
- Motors, Gas and Petroleum, 792
- Moulding, Modern Foundry Practice, 321, 561, 625, 653, 783
- Mountain Railway, Darjeeling, 673
- Mountain Railway, Snowdon, 357, 378
- Muir and Co., Manchester, Milling Machines, 68, 69
- Municipal Competitive Schemes, 805
- Nantasket Beach Electric Railway, 538
- Naphtha Fountains at Baku, 337
- Naval Annual, 324
- Naval Architects, Institution of :
- The Niclausse Water-Tube Boiler, by Mr. Mark Robinson, 93
- Cost of Warships, The, by Dr. Elgar, 131, 226, 254
- M G. Meter, by Mr. Archibald Denny, 162
- On Water-Tube Boilers, by M. J. A. Normand, 59
- Naval Construction and Armaments Company, Barrow, H.M.S. " Powerful," 118
- Naval Construction, Laws of Similitude as Affecting, 54
- Naval Manceuvres, French, 398, 487
- Naval Manceuvres, French and English, 251, 398, 457, 478
- Naval Manceuvres, 251 •
- Navy. See Warships
- Navy Boilers, 396, 437
- Navy, French, and Water-Tube Boilers, 554, 587,. 617, 682, 749. See LETrzes, Water-Tube Boilers
- Navy, Shipbuilding for the, 770
- Neilson and Son, Glasgow, Locomotive for Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 714'
- New South Wales Railways, 545
- New York Central Railway Record Speed, 420. See Railway Race to the North
- New York Elevated Railroads, 338
- New York Harbour Entrance, Electric Lighting, 287
- Newcomen Engine, Bristol, Old, 505. See LETTERS
- Newport Boiler Explosion, 80
- Newport (Mon.), Collision near, 784
- Newport (Mon.) Water Works, 633
- Niagara Crusher and Pulveriser (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden), 464
- Niagara Falls Park and River Electric Railway, 641
- Nickel Steel, 266, 438
- Niclausse Boiler in French Navy, L749. See 554, 587, 617, 682
- Niclausse Water-Tube Boiler, 93
- Nishnij-Novgorod Exhibition, 1896, 401
- Noisy Fans, 492
- Normand, M. J. A., on Laws of Similitude as Affecting Naval Construction, 54
- Normand Water-Tube Boiler, 59, 541, 629, 676
- Normand, Water-Tube Boilers, Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson), 629, 676
- Normandy's Distilling Apparatud, H.M.S. "Terrible," 12
- North-Eastern Railway Brake Trials, 399, 406, 419. See LETTERS
- North-Eastern Railway Compound Locomotive, 25
- North-Eastern Railway, Four-Wheeled Coupled Bogie Tank Locomotive, 297
- North German Lloyd Steamer, 549
- North Sea Canal :
- Bridges, 210, 234
- BrunsbtIttel Lock Gates, 3. See 71
- Brunsbtittel Locks, Building, 71, 101
- Cost of North Sea Canal, 293
- Dredgers, 102, 136
- Dues of North Sea Canal, 293
- Electric Lighting, 292
- Excavators, 102, 136
- Grttnenthal Bridge, 210
- Hydraulic Swing Bridges, 234
- Levensau Bridge, 210
- Lock Gates, 3, 35, 71.
- Rendsburg Lock, 35
- Swing Bridges, 234
- Norway Garrison Howitzer (Whitworth), 305
- Notes from Cleveland, 13, 45, 89, 111, 147, 182, 214, 242, 270, 300, 330, 371, 391, 422, 462, 483, 510, 541, 575, 604, 635, 666, 701, 732, 765, 800
- Notes from the North, 14, 46, 89, 123, 148, 183, 215, 242, 270, 299, 330, 370, 392, 420, 462, 482, 510, 543, 575, 604, 636, 666, 700, 733, 766, 800
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 13, 45, 89, 111, 148, 182, 214, 240, 270, 300, 330, 371, 391, 422, 462, 483, 509, 541, 574, 603, 636, 666, 701, 731, 766, 799
- Notes from the South-West, 14, 46, 89, 111, 148, 183, 214, 242, 271, 300, 331, 371, 391, 423, 463, 483, 510, 541, 575, 601, 636, 667, 701, 732, 767, 800
- Notes from the United States, 13, 42, 87, 110, 147, 191, 214, 240, 270, 299, 329, 363, 401, 419, 464, 482, 507, 541, 580, 603, 635, 666, 700, 729, 802
- November Weather, 739
- Obituary:- (Moved to separate index)
- O'Reilly, Dr. M. F., on Rotation of the Earth, 1
- Objective Character of Combination Tones, 521
- October Weather, 611
- Oerlikon blaschinenfabrik Generators, 238
- Oil Engine, Kane-Pennington, 673, 740. See LETTERS
- Oil Industry, Scotch, 187
- Oil Motor Carriage, Daimler, 772
- Oil Motors, Theory and Practice, 792
- Old Thames Bridges. See Thames Bridges
- Optical and Morphological Symmetry of Crystals, 522
- Ordnance in the United States, 609
- Organ Blowing by Fan, 355
- Organic Acid, A New, 566
- Orthochroma, is Photography, 566
- Ostend-Dover Mail Service, 586
- Ostwald's Law, 566
- Oswell on Snowdon Mountain Railway, 357, 378
- Owen, Mr. A. C. Humphreys, on Light Railways, 161
- Pacific Railway, Reconstruction of Canadian, 627, 657, 721
- Paddle Steamer, Light Draught Russian (Dobson, Newcastle), 729
- Page (Size) of Scientific Publications, 522
- Painting Ironwork, 368
- Palmer's Company, Torpedo - Boat Destroyer "Lightning, 699
- Paraffin Industry, Scotch, 187
- Paris Exhibition, 1900, 119, 153, 395, 546
- Paris Municipality and Electric Installations, 735
- Park, Mr. C. A., on Rolling Stock for Express Trains, 27
- Parliament, Railway Projects in, 670, 705. See 720
- Patents, Electrical, of 1894, 771
- Patents, Interdependence, 275
- Patent Record, 29, 65, 91, 133, 167, 201, 229, 257, 285, 317, 345, 379, 407, 441, 469, 497, 527, 559, 589, 623, 651, 685, 717, 751, 785, 819
- Paterson's Suction Draught arid Smoke Prevention (Paul, Dumbarton), 782
- Paul, Dumbarton, Paterson's Suction Draught and Smoke Prevention, 782
- Paving, Ferrolithic, 253
- Peache's High-Speed Engine, 520 See LETTER
- Pease's Tubular Construction, 780
- Pendulum Experiments, Rotation of the Earth, 1
- "Percy Sanderson," Dredger (Simons), 178
- Permanent Way of Railways (by Mr. William Hunt and others), 62, 73, 96, 127
- Petroleum. See Oil
- Petroleum at Baku, 337
- Petroleum Furnace for Melting Solder (Moeller and Condripp), 390
- Petroleum Motors. Theory and Practice, 792
- Philadelphia Pneumatic Postal System,662
- Philipson, Mr. J., on Carriage Manufacture, 239
- Phonograph, Novel Application, 429
- Phosphate Deposits of Florida, 141
- Phosphate Dressing Plant (Humboldt Company, Kalk), 401, 633
- Photographic Plates, Sensitising Action of Dyes on, 566
- Photography and Meteorology, 478
- Photometer, An Improved Portable, 369, 389
- Physical Labbratories in Schools, 805
- Physical Properties of Cast Iron, 339
- Physical Properties of Iron and Stel, 288, 339, 745
- Physical Society :
- An Electro-Magnetic Effect, by Mr. Bowden, 64
- The Armature Reaction on a Single-Phase
- Alternating Current Machine, by Mr. Rhodes, , 64
- Electrical Properties of Selenium, by Mr. Shelford Bidwell, 64
- On the Development of Arbitrary Functions, by Professor J. Perry and Mr. H. F. Hunt, 558
- The Radial Cursor,Addition to the Slide Rule, by Mr. F. . Lanchester, 558
- The Magnetic Field of any Cylindrical Coil or Plane Circuit, by Mr. W. H. Everett, 622
- The Latent Heat of Evaporation of Benzene, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths and Miss Dorothy Marshall, 622
- A Method of Comparing the Heats of Evaporation of Different Liquids at their Boiling Points, by Professor Ramsay and Miss Marshall, 622
- Spectrum of Gas obtained from Cleveite ;
- Photograph Exhibited by Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, 663
- Direct Reading Platinum Therniometer, by, Mr. Appleyard, 663
- Historical Note on Resistance and its Change with Temperature, by Mr. Appleyard, 663
- A Mechanical Device for Performing the Temperature Corrections of Barometers, by Dr. John Shield, 783
- On the Existence of Vertical Earth-Air Electric Currents in the United Kingdom, by Professor Rtickert 784
- Piecework and Gain-Sharing, 803
- Pier Schemes in Parliament, 720
- Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling for all, 452
- Piston and Connecting-Rod Acceleration Diagram, 55
- Piston-Rods, Locomotive, 20, 55, 114, 193, 431
- Planing Machine (Shanks, Johnstone), 13
- Planing and Slotting Machine (Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Manchester), 136
- Plate Bending Rolls, Armour (Striven), 113
- Plate Girder Railway Bridges, 471. See LETrEits, Bridge Loads Plate Rolling Plant, Flat and.Dished (Richards, Manchester), 311
- Plate Rolls, Horizontal (Shanks, Johnstone), 31
- Plate Rolls (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Plate Rolls (Shanks, Johnstone), 33
- Plate Shears, Hydraulic, 174
- Plates, Experiments on Punching, 806
- Plates, Transfer of Heat through, 418
- Plating, Joggle Ship-, 419
- Platinisation of Iron, 81
- Platinum Thermomter, Reading, 663
- Plymouth as a Port for Atlantic Liners, 704
- Pneumatic Dredging (Mersey), 358
- Pneumatic Postal System, Philadelphia, 662
- Pneumatic Process for Deep Foundations, 642
- Pneumatic Tunnelling, 34
- Pneumatic Tyres, 239
- Pollak Accumulators, 252
- Pont Neuf River Bridge, 721
- Population, Growth, 596
- Porcelain Works, Worcester, 266
- Port of Harwich, 357, 620
- Portable Photometer, An Improved, 369, 389
- Portland Cement, 712
- Portland (Oregon) Long Distance Transmission Plant, 723
- Post Office Telegraphy, 401
- Postal System, Philadelphia, Pneumatic, 662
- Potential Difference, Current, and Length of the Electric Arc, 523
- Powder, Smokeless (Waxim's), 367
- Power Carriage in France, Road, 245. See also Carriage
- Power Distribution, 591. See 530, 655, 710, 759, 789
- Power House. See Cent al Stations Power Press (Taylor and Challen, Birmingham), 350
- Power Required for Electric Traction, 307
- Power Supply, hydraulic, 154, 362, 402
- Power Transmission, Rope and Belt, 535
- Power Transmission by Ropes, 611
- Power, Water, in Sweden, 673
- " Powerful," H.M S., 118
- -" Practical Engineer" Pocket-Book, .506
- Precipitation and Filtration of Glasgow SeNlage, 208, 259
- Precipitation and Filtration of Molesey Sewage, 763
- Preece, Mr. W. H., on Portable Photometer, 369, 389
- Preller, Dr. C. S. du Riche, on Swiss Ice Avalanche, 445
- Preller, Dr., on Hydro-Electric Installations, 530, 591, 655, 719, 759, 789
- Presidents of Societies, 425. See LETTERS
- Press, Power (Taylor and Challen), 350
- Pressure, Experiments on Wind, 787
- Pressure Gauge, Edson's Recording, 647
- Pressures, Measurement by the Crusher Gauge, 20. See LETTERS, Measurement, &c.
- Price, Walker, and Co., Sawmill at Gloucester, 481. See LETTER
- Prices, The Normal Course of, 596
- Printing, Cyclostyle Manifolding Apparatus, 225. See 243
- Profit-Sharing Experience, 803
- Projectiles in the United States, 609
- Projection Lightning•Flashes, 478
- Propeller Shaft, Safety Liners, 191
- Protecting River Banks, Villa Mantle, 811
- Prussia, Ship Canals in, 221
- Publications, Sizes of Pages of Society, 522
- Puddling of Iron, Direct, 250, 283
- Pulveriser, Niagara Crusher (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden), 464
- Pump of 1500 1600 for London Water Supply, 368
- Pump, Marsh Boiler Feed (Battle Creek Steam
- Pump Company), 746
- Pumps, Blake Air, United States Cruiser, 600, 728. See LETTERS
- Pumps, Southampton Dook (Gwynne), 169. See 270
- Pumping Engines, Deep - Well, East London Water Works (Cochrane, Barrhead), 42
- Pumping Plant, Hydraulic, Glasgow Docks, 474
- Punching Plates, Experiments, 806
- Purification of Water, 610
- Quay Wall Construction, Glasgow Docks, 293, 381, 474
- Queensland Railways, 545
- Quick-Acting Westinghouse Brake, 399, 406, 419. See LETTERS
- Races. Motor Cycle, at Chicago, 807
- Radial Cursor, a New Addition to the Slide Rule, 558
- Radial Drill (Shanks, Johnstone), 662
- Radial Drilling Machine (Asquith), 509
- Radiation, Solar, 451
- Ragatz Hydro-Electric Installation, 655. See 530, 591, 719, 759, 789
- Railroads of New York, Elevated, 338
- Rails, A Steamer on, 121
- Railway Accidents. See Accidents
- Railway Axles, Effects of Temperature on, 22
- Railway Brake, Westinghouse Quick-Acting, 399, 406, 419. See LETTERS
- Railway Breakdown Crane, 15 - Ton (Cowan, Sheldon, and Co., Carlisle), 268
- Railway Bridges (by M. Max Edler von Leber), 77
- Railway Bridges, Plate Girder, 471. See LETTERS, Bridge Loads
- Railway, Buda-Pesth Underground Electric, 307
- Railway Carriage Doors, Securing, 190
- Railway Carriages, Heating, 645
- Railway, City and South London, 642
- Railway, Coast, Brighton and Rottingdean, 580, 613. See LETTERS
- Railway Congress, International: 9, 38
- Brakes for Light Railways, 80
- Boilers, Fireboxes and Tubes, 10
- Concluding Proceedings, 80
- Electric Traction, by M. Auvert, 41
- Express Locomotives, by Mr. Aspinall, 39, 95, 129
- Express Rolling Stock, 42
- Irish Trip, 124
- Junctions, by M. A. Zanotta,"76
- Light Railway Shops, by Mr. Terzi, 198
- Light Railways, 77, 161, 162
- Locomotives and Rolling Stock, 10
- Permanent Way of Railways, by Mr. William
- Hunt and others, 62, 73, 96, 127
- Railway Bridges, by M. Max Edler von Leber, 77
- Rolling Stock for Express Trains, by Mr. C. A.
- Park, 27
- Signals, 80
- Transport of Merchandise, 42
- Railway Construction in England, Current, 248
- Railway, Darjeeling Mountain, 673
- Railway Diary and Official Directory, 806
- Railway, Electric. See Electric Traction
- Railway, Galway and Clifden, 319, 384, 412, 506
- Railway Influences, 49
- Railway Locomotives, Electric, 755, 793
- Railway, Midland, 431
- Railway Permanent Way, 62, 73, 96, 127
- Railway Policy, Indian, 777
- Rail way Projects in Parliament, 670, 705. See 720
- Rail way Property, Indian, 19, 81, 515, 777
- Railway Race to Scotland, 121, 151, 192, 218, 246, 278, 307, 426. See 331, 340, 543, 632. See LitirrEas
- Railway Rates Decision, 647
- Railway, Reconstruction Canadian Pacific, 627, 057, 721
- Railway Rolling Stock, 10, 27
- Railway Rolling Stock, Express; 27, 42
- Railway Rolling Stock, Express Train, 27
- Railway Run, Plymouth-Paddington, 704
- Railway Runs, Fast, 56. See Railway Race
- Railway, Siberian, 366
- Railway Signalling System, Hall, Normal, Danger, 179
- Railway Sleeper Boring and Adzing Machine (Robinson, Rochdale), 570
- Railway, Snowdon Mountain, 357, 378
- Railway Speed, Great Western, 429 •
- Railway, Underground, Glasgow, 85, 543
- Railway Wagons, Tube Frame (Leicester Company), 113
- Railway Working, British, 366
- Railways, Belgian, 220
- Railways, Cape Government, 87
- Railways and Central Power Stations, 538. See Central Stations
- Railway s, Commercial Element in Colonial Government, 546
- Railways, Electric, 39. See Electric Traction
- Railways, Indian, 19, 81, 515, 777. See Limns, India, J;c.
- Railways, Light, 77, 161, 613, 703
- Railways, Light, and Agriculture, 351. See Erratum, 440
- Railways, Light, in Europe, 592
- Railways, Light, in France, 772
- Railways, Light, Shops, 198
- Railways, Russian, 490
- Railways, Safety on, 304
- Railways, Street. See Electric Traction or Tramways
- Railways and Trade, Indian, 515
- Ramage's Deck Seam Pitching Ladle, 614
- Rates Decision, Railway, 547
- Receiver Drop, Condenser and, 435, 448,4687, 753. Erratum., 816
- Recipes (Workshop) in the Olden Times, 252
- Reclamation of Foreshore, Southampton, 169. See 270
- Reclamation of Land from the Sea, 552
- Record Train Speeds, 121, 151, 192, 243, 246, 278, 307, 340, 426, 543, 632. See LETTERS
- Recorder for Weirs, Discharge (Glenfield Co.), 508
- Redcar Boiler Explosion, 51, 122, 163, 199, 217, 715. See LETTERS
- Refraction, Specific, and the Periodic Law, 479
- Refraction and Viscosity of Argon, 478
- Refrigerating Machines, Carbonic Anhydride, 358, 555. See LETTERS
- Regulation for Electric Installation in Paris, 735
- Regulator, Langridge's Steam Heater, 191
- Reichsanstalt and National Research Laboratory, 522
- Rendsburg Lock, North Sea Canal, 35
- Rennie, Greenwich, Caisson, Southampton Docks, 270
- Repair Shops in Electric Stations, 428, 503. See Central Stations
- Research Laboratory, Reichsanstalt and National, 522. See also 84
- Reservoir, Craigmaddie, Glasgow Water Works, 119
- Reservoir Dams, Stability of Masonry, 337
- Resistance of the Arc, Back Electromotive Force and True, 523
- Respirability of Air in which a Candle is Extinguished, 566
- Rewards for Inventors, 20
- Rhone Water Power Utilisation, 492
- Richardson, Mr. A. W., Patricroft, Inverted Arc Lamp for Indirect Lighting, 373
- Richardson, Patricroft, " I. R. " Arc Lamp, 746
- Richmond Bridge, 53
- Richmond Main Drainage Works, 550
- Riley, Mr. James, on Steel Works Machinery, 174
- River Banks, Villa Mantle for Protecting, 811
- River Weirs and Floods, 354
- Riveting Plant, Hydraulic (The Late Ralph H. Tweddell), 307, 335
- Road Carriages, Serpollet Steam, 471, 499. See LETTERS, Carriages
- Road Engines at Smithfield Show, 738
- Road Power Carriage in France, 245. See also Carriages
- Roasting Furnace, Brown's Horseshoe, 665
- Robinson and Auden, Wantage, Berks, Shaft Governor, 739
- Robinson, Mr. Mark, on Niclausse Water-Tube Boiler, 93
- Robinson's Sleeper Adzing and Boring Machine, 570
- Robison, Mr. J. K. on Tubulous Boilers in the French Navy, 564, 587, 617, 682, 749. See LETTERS
- Rocket Apparatus, Life Saving, 710
- "Rocket," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 629, 676
- Rolling Flat and Dished Plates, Plant (Richards, Manchester), 311
- Rolling Mills for Steel Works, 174
- Rolling Stock for Express Trains, by Mr. C. A. Park, 27. See 10, 39, 42, 95, 129
- Rolls for Boiler Plates (Campbell and Hunter), 67
- Roofing, Pease's Tubular, 780
- Rope and Belt Driving, 535
- Ropes and Power Transmission, 611
- Rotation of the Earth, 1
- Rottingdean and Brighton Railway, 580, 613. See LETTERS
- Round Oak Iron Works, 266
- Royal Engineers as Inspectors, 365
- Royal United Service Institution: The Production of War Materials in the States by Captain W. H. Jacques, 609
- Russian Iron Works, South, 250, 282, 313
- Russian Iron Works (Ural), 304
- Russian Railways, 490
- Russian River Light Draught Steamer (Dobson,
- Newcastle), 729
- Russian Torpedo-Boat Destroyer "Sokol" (Yarrow), 277, 334, 461, 539
- Safety Factors for Marine Boilers and Engines, 418
- Safety Liners for Propeller Shafts, 191
- Safety Mounting for Domestic Boilers, Barnaby's, 811
- "St. Louis," Engines of, 24
- St. Symphorien,Mons, Belgium, Phosphate Dressing Plant 401, 633
- Salenius Radiator Buttermaker, 420, 671
- Salmon River Bridge, Canadian Pacific, 657. See 626, 721
- Sand Pump Dredger " Schelde II.," 662
- Sand Pump Dredging, 358
- Sanitation of Sydney, N.S.W., 680
- Saniter, Mr. E. H., on a New Method for the Analysis of Chrome Ore and Ferro-Chromium, 266, 284
- Sautter, Harld, and Co.' The Works of, 222
- Sawmill at Gloucester (Price, Walker, and Co. Limited), 481. See Lityrita
- Sayers' Electric Motor and Generator (Mayor and Coulson', 635
- Schoenenwerd Hydro-Electric Installation, 789 See 630, 591, 655, 719, 759
- Schonheyder Water Meter (Beck, London), 420
- Schuckert, The Late Sigmund, 436
- Schupphaus Smokeless Powder, 367
- Science and Agriculture, 566
- Science and Art Department and Education, 805
- Science Teaching in Elementary Schools, 566,805
- Sc-tch Shale Oil Industry, 187
- Scraper for Boiler Tubes, 730
- Screw Gauge, B.A.,418, 496
- S.S. "St. Louis" indlasses and Capstans (Bath Iron Works), 211
- Scriven, Leeds, Armour-Plate Bending Rolls, 113
- "Seaford," Foundering of the, 251
- Securing Doors of Railway Carriages, 190
- Selenium, Electrical Properties of, 64
- Sensitising Action of Dyes on Gelatino-Bromide Plates, 566
- Separator, Cream, 420, 671
- September Weather, 459.
- Serpollet Steam Road Carriages, 471, 499. See LErrEas, Carriages
- Sewage Disposal Works, East Molesey Sewage and, 763
- Sewage Lift, Adams, 572
- Sewage Process, Hermite, 358
- Sewage Purification and Sludge Disposal, Glasgow, 208, 259
- Sewage Works, Richmond, 550
- Shaft Governor (Robinson and Auden, Wantage), 739
- Shaft, Safety Liners for Propeller, 191
- Shaft Sinking, Gobert Freezing Process, 353
- Shanks, Johnstone, Apprentice Lathe, 390. Corliss Valve Boring Machine, 797. Planing Machine, 13
- Shanks, Johnstone, Plate Rolls, 31
- Shanks, Johnstone, Radial Drill, 662
- Shanks, Johnstone, Shaping Machine, 496
- Shanks, Johnstone, Universal Boring, Drilling, and Tapping Machine, 135
- Shaping Machine (Shanks, Johnstone), 496
- "Shark," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 629, 676
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Tank Locomotive, Metropolitan Railway, 327
- Sheds, Glasgow Dock, 381, 474
- Sheerlegs at Clydebank Works, 34. See LETTER, Crane Efficiency
- Sheppard's Capstan, 780
- Ship Canals in Prussia, 221
- Ship Deck Seam Pitching Ladle, Ramage's, 614
- Shipbuilders and the Clyde Lock-Out, 608, 739
- Shipbuilding Machine Tools, 31. See Clydebank Works
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1895, 813
- Shipbuilding for the Navy, 770
- Shipbuilding Returns, Lloyd's, 83, 458. See 813
- Shipbuilding Yard at Clydebank, 31
- Shiplake Bridge, Great Western Railway Company, 692
- Shipping Losses, 304, 458, 707
- Shipwrecks, British and Foreign, 304, 707
- Ships, Metacentric Height of, 162
- Siberian Railway, 366
- Siderostats, A Movement for, 416
- Sigaudy and Normand's Water-Tube Boiler, 541
- Signal Superintendents and Engineers and Shandon Accident, 797
- Signalling by Lightning Flashes, 478
- Signalling System, Hall Normal Danger, 179
- Signals, Railway, 80
- Similitude as Affecting Naval Construction, 54
- Simons, Limited, Renfrew, Dredger "Percy Sanderson," 178
- Simplon Tunnel, 338, 692, 766 •
- Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Sheppard's Capstan, 730 •
- Sinking Shafts, Gobert Freezing Process, 353
- "Sir Frederic," Composite S.S. Tug (Cox, Falmouth), 327
- Siren, Steam (S. Smith and Sons, Nottingham), 452 See Erratum, 483
- Sleeper Adzing and Boring Machine (Robinson, Rochdale), 570
- Slide Rule, Radial Cursor, A New Addition to the, 558
- Slotting and Planing Machine (Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Manchester), 135
- Sludge Presses (Goddard, Massey, and Warner, Nottingham), 269
- Sluices for Rivers, 364
- Small Arms Factories, Birmingham, 266
- Smashed Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning, 699
- Smashes, Railway. See Accidents
- Smit, L., and Son, Kinderjik, Sand Pump Dredger " Schelde IL," 662
- Smit, Slikkerveer Holland, Dynamo Driving Engine, 799
- Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Manchester, Slotting and Planing Machine, 136
- Smith - Casson, Mr. R., on Small Cast-Steel Ingots, 288, 316
- Smith, II., and Co., Hydraulic Flanging Machine, 31
- Smith and Sons, Sydney, Nottingham, Steam
- Siren, 452. See Erratum, 483
- Smithfield Club Show, 738
- Smithy at Clydebank Works, 68
- Smoke Prevention, Paterson's Suction Draught and (Paul, Dumbarton), 782
- Smokeless Powder (Maxim's), 367
- Smulders, Mr. A. F., Dredgers and Elevators 102. *See 137
- 'Snow Ploughs for Electric Tramways, 7
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, 357, 378
- Societies, The Work of Technical, 577
- "Sokol," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yarrow), 277, 334,461, 539 '
- Solar Radiation, 451
- Solder Melting Petroleum Furnace (Moeller and Condri Pp), 390
- Sonning Bridge, 692
- South African Railways, 87
- 'South Staffordshire Iron and Minerals, 249
- Southampton Graving Dock, 169, 270. See LETTER
- Spanish Cruiser " Viscaya," 115
- Spanish Gunboats (Thomson), 461
- Specific Refraction and the Periodic Law, 479
- Spectra (Linear), Interpretations of the, 47'9
- Spectroscopy and Gases, 479
- Spectrum of the Bessemer Flame and the Hardening of Steel, 585
- Spectrum of the Cleveite Gas, Helium. 479
- Spectrum of Gas obtained from Cleveite, 663
- Speed of Railway Trains, Highest. See Railway Rare
- Speed Regulating Gear (Watkins and Watson, London), 647
- Spence, Mr. J. C., on Strength of Cylindrical
- Shells, 165, 489, 672 See LETTERS
- Spherical Catenary in Stereo, 737
- Spring, Carbonic Acid, 807
- Spuzzum River Bridge, Canadian Pacific, 657.
- See 626, 721
- Stability of Masonry Dams, 337
- Staines Bridge (London and South-Western Railway), 277
- Staines Road Bridge, 336
- Stainland Boiler Explosion, 197, 343
- Stamford, Boiler Explosion near, 63
- Standardising, British Association Committee Report, 379
- Stanley Cycle Show, 672
- Stations, Galway and Clifden Light Railway, 384. See 319, 412, 506
- Statistics of Shipbuilding, 83, 458, 813
- Steam Boiler Efficiency. See LErrEits
- Steam Boiler Experiments (Summary), 347
- Steam Heater Regulator, Langridge's, 191
- Steam Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling, 452
- Steam Road Carriages, Serpollet, 471, 499. See LETTERS
- Steam Siren (S. Smith and Sons, Nottingham). 452. See Erratum, 483
- Steam Tug, Composite, S.S. " Sir Frederic" (Cox, Falmouth), 327
- Steamer " Forest Abbey " and Joggle Plating (Doxford), 419. See 463
- Steamer, Light Draught, for Russia (Dobson, Newcastle), 729
- Steamer, North-German Lloyd Atlantic, 549
- Steamer on Rails, A, 121
- Steamer " Seaford," Foundering of, 251
- Steamers " Sylvania " and " Carinthia," Cunard T.-S. (London and Glasgow Company), 639. See LETTERS
- Steamship Performance, 550
- Steel, Dilatation, Annealing, and Welding of, 745
- 'Steel, Hardening, 263
- Steel and Iron Testing, 611
- Steel and Iron in the United States, 460
- Steel, Nickel, 266, 438
- Steel, Strength of High Carbon, 642
- Steel Tests for Locomotives, 455
- Steel Works Machinery, 174
- Steel Works, Mossend, 218
- Stereo, A Spherical Catenary in, 737
- Still, Morris and Wethered's, 13
- Stirling, The Late Mr. Patrick, 612
- Stone and Co., J., Deptford, Lighting Trains, 673
- Stoney's Weirs for Rivers, 354
- Stony Creek Bridge, 627
- Storage Batteries, 389
- Strains on Continuous Girders, Temperature, 400
- Streatham Cable Tramway, 705
- Street Paving, Ferrolithic, 253
- Street Railways. See Electric Traction
- Strength of Bridge and Trestle Timbers, 815
- Strength of Cylindrical Shells, 165. See also 489, 672. See LETTERS
- Strength of High Carbon Steel, 642
- Strength of Metals at High Temperatures, 186
- Strength of Railway Axles, Temperature Effects, 22
- Strength of Short Boilers, 165, 489, 2. See LETTERS
- Stresses in Girders, 223, 279
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 641
- Suction Draught and Smoke Prevention, Paterson's (Paul, Dumbarton), 782
- Suction Dredger " General C. B. Comstock" (Bucyrus Dredge Company, Milwaukee), 797
- Suction Pump Dredger (Simons, Renfrew), 178
- Suction Pump Hopper Dredger " Schelde II ," 662
- "Sultan," New Triple-Expansion Engines of H.M.S. (Thomson, Clydebank), 451, 483
- Summerlee and Mossend Iron and Steel Works, 218
- Supply and Waste of Shipping, 458, 304, 707
- "Surly," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 629, 676
- Sweating in Drawing Offices, 24
- Sweden, Coast Defence Guns (Whitworth), 305. See 328
- Sweden, Water Power, 673
- Swing Bridges, North Sea Canal, 234
- Swiss Ice Avalanche, 445
- Switchboards, 262, 289. See Central Stations
- Switzerland and Italy Tunnel, 692, 756
- Sydney, Sanitation of, 580
- "Sylvania," Cunard T.-S.S. (London and Glasgow Company), 539. See LETTERS
- Sympalmograph, 127. See. LETTER
- Syntheses, Chemical, at Low Temperatures, 771
- Tapping, Boring, and Drilling Machine, Universal (Shanks, Johnstone), 115
- Taylor and Challen, Birmingham, Power Press, 350
- Taylor and Challen, Tandem Surface-Condensing Engine, 496
- Technical Publications, American, 221
- Technical Societies' Councils, 769
- Technical Societies, The Work of, 577
- Teddington Footbridges, 63
- Telegraph (Field) in Chitral Compaign, 416, 525
- Telegraph, Submarine Enterprise, 641
- Telegraphy, American, 611
- Telegraphy, Post Office, 901
- Telephony, 415, 526
- Temperature Changes for Resistance, 663
- Temperature Effects on Railway Axles, 22
- Temperature Strains on Continuous Girders, 400
- Temperature, Underground, 475
- Temperatures, Measuring High, 522
- Temperley Transporter, 601
- Tenacity of Metals and Alloys at High Temperatures, 186
- "Terrible," H.M.S., 23, 222 •
- "Terrible," Normandy's Distilling Apparatus, 12
- Tester, Magnetic Field, 523
- Testing Engines (Steam), 17
- Testing Iron and Steel, 611.
- Testing Laboratory at Bradford College, 609
- Testing Station, Mechanical, at Charlottenburg, 84
- Tests of Boilers, 43, 347
- Tests of Marine Engines, 640
- Tests of Material (Physical) for Locomotives, 453
- Tests, Uniform Methods of Conducting, 53
- Thames Bridges :
- Albert Bridge, Windsor, 889
- Bourne End Bridge of the Great Western
- Railway (Old), 562 •, New, 563
- Caversham Bridge, 761
- Chertsey Bridge, 277
- Cookhaiu Bridge, 562
- Datchet Bridge, Old, 460
- Hampton Court Bridge, 187
- Henley Bridge, 629
- Kennet, Railway Bridges at Mouth of the, 761
- Kingston Bridge of the London and South-
- Western Railway, 104
- Kingston Road Bridge, 106
- Maidenhead Bridge, Great Western Railway, 505
- Maidenhead Road Bridge, 506
- Marlow Bridge, 628
- Old Datchet Bridge, 460
- Richmond Bridge, 53
- Shiplake Bridge, Great Western Railway, 692
- Sonning Bridge, 692
- Staines Bridge, London and South-Western
- Railway, 277
- Staines Road Bridge, 336
- Teddington Foot Bridge, 53
- Victoria Bridge, Windsor, 337
- Walton Bridge, 187
- Windsor Black Potts, London and South-
- Western Railway, 389,
- Windsor Railway Bridge, Great Western Railway, 459
- Windsor Road Bridge, 459
- Thames Iron Works, Goodfellowship Scheme, 803
- Thames Tunnel at Blackwall, 549
- Theisen, Buda-Pesth, Evaporative Surface Condenser, 146, 147
- Thermal Conductivities of Mixtures of Liquids, 622
- Thermo-Chemistry of the Bessemer Process, 263
- Thermodynamics, Reoeiver Drop, 435, 448, 687, 753. See Erratum, 816
- Thermometer, Reading, Platinum, 663
- Theta-Phi Diagram, 687, 753. See 435, 448, and Erratum, 816
- Thomson, Clydebank, New Triple - Expansion Engines, H.M.S. " Sultan," 451, 483
- Thomson, Clydebank, Smart Piece of Shipbuilding, Spanish Gunboats, 461
- Thomson, Limited. See Clydebank Works
- Thomson, Limited, Clydebank, Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 629, 676
- Thomson - Houston, Limited, Bristol Electric
- Tramway, 359, 490. See LETTERS
- Thornycroft Hydraulic Lifeboat, 433, 451. See LETTERS, Hydraulic Propulsion
- Thornycroft, Launch with Water-Tube Boilers and Tube Firebars, 269
- Thunderstorms in India, 478
- Tides, Effect of Wind on, 353
- Timbers for Bridges, &c., Strength of, 815
- Tones, Objective Character of Combination, 521
- Top, Dynamical, 522
- Tornado Clouds, Formation of, 643
- Toronto Water Supply, 585
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sokol" (Yarrow), 277 334, 461, 539
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer Contracts, 669
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning " after Collision, 699
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 579. See Erratum, 637
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 629 676
- Torpedo-Boats, Bows of, 614
- Torpedo-Boats, French Aluminium, 548
- Traction, Electrical, 388
- Traction Engine (Marshall, Gainsborough), 738
- Traction, Hoerde System, 253
- Traction, Power Required for Electric, 307
- Traction, Street, Electric. See Electric Traction
- Traction, Westinghouse Electric Conduit System, 549
- Trade, Indian Railways and, 515
- Trade Unions and the Engineering Trades, 684
- Trade Union Statistics, 578
- Trades Union Congress, 333
- Train Lighting, New System (Stone and Co.) 673
- Tramroad, Snowdon Mountain, 257, 378
- Tramway, Bristol Electric, 359, 490. See LETTERS
- Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 720
- Tramway, Streatham Cable, 705
- Tramways. See illtetric Traction
- Tramways, Electric, 54
- Tramways, Glasgow, 221
- Transfer of Heat through Plates, 418
- Transformers, Electric, 591. See 530, 655, 719, 759, 789
- Transmission and Distribution of Power, 591. See 530, 655, 719, 759, 789
- Transmission of Power by Ropes, 611
- Transport of Merchandise by Rail, 42
- Transporter, Temperley, 601
- Transvaal, Progress of the, 490
- Trestle and Bridge Members, Strength of, 815
- Triple-Screw Cruiser " Minneapolis" (Cramp), 600, 728
- Trolley for Electric Traction, 103
- Trotter, Mr., on Portable Photometer, 369, 389
- Tube Boilers. See Water-Tube Boilers
- Tube Firebars for Boilers (Thornycroft), 269
- Tube Frame Wagons (Leicester Company), 113
- Tube Scraper, Boiler, 730
- Tubes, Lewis's Corrugated Boiler, 614. See LETTERS, 645
- Tubular Construction, Pease's, 780
- Tug, Composite S.S., " Sir Frederic" (Cox, Falmouth), 427
- Tunnel, Simplon, 338, 692, 756
- Tunnel, Thames, at Blackwall, 549
- Tunnel Ventilation, 756
- Tunnelling by Compressed Air, 34, 642
- Tunnelling, Cost of, Glasgow Water Works, 119
- Tunnelling, Gobert Freezing Process for, 353
- Tunnelling, Pneumatic, 34, 642
- Turbine Dynamos. See Hydro-Ele :tric Install2tion9
- Turbine and Power Plant at Gokak (Escher, Wyss and Co.), 570
- Turret Deck Steamer and Joggle Plating (Doxford), 419. See 463
- Turrets, Canet's Electrically Worked, 690
- Tweddell, The Late Mr. Ralph Hart, 307, 335
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Twin-Screw Steamers. See teamirs
- Two-Storey Sheds, Glasgow Dock, 381, 474
- Tyres, Pneumatic, 239
- Underground Railway (Electric) at Buda-Pesth, 307
- Underground Railway in Glasgow, 85, 543
- Underground Water, Circulation of, 577
- Unemployed, Distress, 84
- Uniform Methods of Conducting Tests, 53
- United States and British Wages, 596
- United States Cruiser " Minneapolis" (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 728
- United States Dredger " General C. B. Comstock " (Bucyrus Dredge Company), 797
- United States Metallurgical Industry, 460
- United States Railway Accident (Safety on Railways), 304
- United States War Material, 609
- Units, Magnetic, 523
- University College, London, Conversazione, 20
- Ural, New Iron Works in the, 304
- Utilisation of Water Power on the Rhone, 492
- Valve Boring Machine, Corliss (Shanks, Johnstone), 797
- Valve Gear, Accuracy of, 685
- Valves for Hydraulic Pipes, 361, 362. See 151, 402
- Valves, Safety, for Domestic Boilers (Barnaby's), 811
- Valves for Sewage Works, 259
- Van't Hoff's Constant, 566
- Varnish Figures, 492
- Velocity of Light in Geissler Tubes, 451
- Velocity of Reaction before Equilibrium, 566
- Ventilation of the Simplon Tunnel, 756
- Vering Dredger at North Sea Canal, 102. See 137
- Vertical Air-Earth Electrical Currents, 784
- Vertical Electrical Currents in the United Kingdom! 476
- Vibrations of the Earth in England, 475
- Vicars, Welin's Breechloading Mechanism, 328
- Victoria Bridge, Windsor, 337
- "Victorious," H M.S., 517
- Villa Mantle for Protecting River Banks, 811
- Viscosity of Argon, Refraction and, 478
- Volcanic Phenomena of Japan, 475
- Vortex Theories of Matter and of the Ether, 450.
- Wages of British Workmen, The Average, 397
- Wages, Increase in United Kingdom and United States, 596
- Wagons, Tube Frame (Leicester Company), 113
- Walker Manufacturing Co.'s Generators, 238
- Wallsend Company, Machinery for Light Draught Paddle Steamer, 729
- Walton Bridge, 187
- Wanklyn, Mr. A. J., on Atomic Weight of Carbon, 439
- War Material Production in the States, 609
- Ward and Haggas, Keighley, Disc-Cutting Machine, 268
- Ward and Haggas, Keighley, Milling Machine for Test Pieces, 730
Warships :
- Argentine Cruiser " Buenos Aires" (Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co ), 567, 707
- British Battleship " Sultan," New Engines (Thomson), 451, 483
- British Battleship " Victorious," 517
- British Cruiser " Minerva," 401
- British Cruiser " Powerful" (Naval Company, Barrow), 118
- British First-Class Cruisers, Contracts, 581, 605
- British Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning" Damaged (Palmer's), 699
- British Torpedo - Boat Destroyers, 579. See Erratum, 637
- British Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 629
- British Warships Launched in 1895, 770
- Cost of Warships, 131, 226, 251
- Russian Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Sokol " (Yarrow), 277, 334, 461
- Spanish Gunboats (Thomson), 461
- United States Cruiser " Minneapolis " (Cramp, Philadelphia), 600, 728
- Waste of Shipping, 304, 706
- Waste and Supply of Shipping, 458
- Water Discharge Recorder (Glenfield Co.), 508
- Water Flow Recorders, Automatic, 402. See 154, 362, 508
- Water Meter, Schonheyder (Beck, London), 420
- Water Pipes, Friedmann's Flexible Coupling, 452
- Water Power. See Hydro-Electric Installations
- Water Power Plant, 723
- Water Power Plant at Gokak (Esther, Wyss, and Co.), 570
- Water Power in Sweden, 673
- Water Power Utilisation on the Rhone, 492
- Water Purification, 610
- Water Supply, Bedlington Local Board, 383
- Water Supply, Early London, 368
- Water Supply, London County Council and, 273, 429, 485, 514, 737. See LErrEas
- Water Supply, London, Welsh Source, 429, 485. See LETTERS
- Water Supply, Toronto, 585
- Water-Tube Boiler, Haythorn (Meehan, Glasgow), 680
- Water-Tube Boiler, Niclausse, 93
- Water-Tube Boiler Shop at Clydebank Works, 136
- Water-Tube Boiler, Sigaudy and Normand's, 541
- Water-Tube Boilers. See LETTERS
- Water-Tube Boilers, Normand, 59, 629, 676
- Water-Tube Boilers, Belleville, Evaporative Trials, 571. See LErrns
- Water-Tube Boilers for Electric Stations, 429, 446, 503, 597
- Water-Tube Boilers in the French Navy, 554, 587, 617, 682, 749. See LErrsits
- Water-Tube Boilers in Navy, 396, 437. See LETTERS
- Water-Tube Boilers (Normand), Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Thomson), 629, 676
- Water-Tube Firebars (Thornycroft), 269
- Water Works Engineers, Proposed Association, 644, 712, 742, 778
- Water Works, Glasgow, Craigmaddie Reservoir, 119
- Water Works, Newport (Mon.), 633
- Water Works Schemes in Parliament, 720
- Watkins and Watson, London, Variable Speed Friction Gear, 647
- Wave Tracer, Electric, 563
- Weather, 19, 218, 305, 459, 611, 739
- Weirs, Discharge Recorder for (Glenfield Company), 508
- Weirs, Floods and, 354
- Welding, Deflected Arc System of Electric, 664
- Welding Iron and Steel, Dilatation, Annealing, and, 745
- Welin's Breechloading Mechanism (Vicars), 328
- Welsh Hill Water for London, 429, 485. See LETTERS, Wafer Sup oly
- Welsh London Railway, 670
- West End Street Railway Company of Boston, Mass., 416
- West, Mr. Thos. D., on the Physical Properties of Cast Iron, 339
- Western Australia Railways, 545
- Westinghouse Electric Company's Gencrators, 238
- Westinghouse Quick-Acting Brake, 399, 403, 410. See LETTERS
- Wethered's Still, Morris and, 13
- Wheels and Brakes, Tramcar, 38
- Wheless-Westinghouse Conduit System, Electric Traction, 549
- Whitworth Guns, Sweden and Norway Coast Defence, 305. See 328 1
- Wiggin, Mr. II. A., on Nickel Steel, 439. See 266
- Wilhelm Canal, Kaiser. See North Sea Canal
- Winans and Robinson, Premium System, 803
- Wind Pressure, Experiments on, 787
- Wind Velocity at Tokio, 643
- Windlass and Cable Gear, H.M.S. " Terrible " (Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow), 240. See LErrER, 279
- Windlasses and Capstans, S.S. " St. Louis" (Bath Iron Works), 211
- Winds on Tides, Effect, 353
- Windsor Black Potts, L. and S.W. Railway, 389
- Windsor Railway Bridge, G.W. Railway, 459
- Windsor Road Bridge, 459
- Worcester Porcelain Works, 266
- Working in Compressed Air, 34, 642
- Workmen's Average Wages, 397
Works :
- Clydebank Works (Messrs. Thomson, Limited), 31, 67, 135
- East Molesey Sewage Works, 763
- Glasgow Gas Works, 107, 170, 231. See 312 -
- Glasgow Sewage Works, 208, 259
- Mossend and Summerlee Iron and Steel Works, 218
- Phosphate Dressing Plant, St. Symphorien,
- Mons, Belgium, 633
- Round Oak Iron Works, 266
- Sautter, Hark, and Co., Paris, 222
- Sawmill at Gloucester (Price, Walker and Co. Limited), 481. See LErrut
- Small-Arms Factories, Birmingham, 266
- Worcester Porcelain Works, 266
- Workshop Recipes in the Olden Times, 252
- Worsdell and Von Borries' System Compound Locomotive, North-Eastern Railway, 25
- Wrecks, Lloyd's Returns, 304, 458, 706
- Wrightson, Mr. Thomas, on Dilatation, Annealing, and Welding of Iron and Steel, 745
- Yacht Design (America Cup), 488, 516. See LETTERS
- Yale and Towne Gain-Sharing Scheme, 803
- Yarrow and Torpedo-Boat Destroyer Contracts, 669
- Yarrow Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sokol" Russian), 277, 334, 461, 539
- Year-Books and Annuals, 806
See Also
Sources of Information