Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1898 Jul-Dec Volume
- Bath and West of England Show, 56
- Darby Land Digger, 244
- Machinery Trade, 78, 582
- Maidstone Show, 205, 866
- Alloys. See Mechanics
- Assistant Engineer Highland Railway, 204
- David Salomons Scholarship, 833
- Electrical Engineer for Greenock, 522
- Engineer of Egyptian Government (Mr. Murdoch Macdonald), 584
- Engineer to Glasgow Exhibition, 118
- Fifty Years an Australian Engineer, 152
- Manager Ehbw Vale Company, 297, 327
- Master Cutler of Sheffield, 174
- Municipal College, Derby, Dr. Leicester and, 457
- Professor of Mathematics at Cape Town, 782
- Right Hon. G. N. Curzon, 235
- United States Engineer in China, 175
- Armour* See Naval
- Artillery. See Gum
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
- Bamboo Suspension Bridge, 15
- Clyde Bridge, New, 650
- Copenhagen Bridge, 29 ;
- Don Bridge at Sheffield, 56 I
- Glasgow Bridge, Progress of, 424 !
- Harlem Bridge, New York, 175 ,
- Kew Bridge, 617 I
- Kornhaus Bridge at Berne, 120
- Large Girder Transport, 15
- London County Council and Railway Bridges, 747
- Menai Straits, New Bridge over, 746
- Millbrae Bridge, Langside, 326
- Niagara, Spanning, 634
- Northern Pacific Railway Bridges, 183
- Tyne Bridge, New, 726
Canals :
- Corinth Ship Canal, 489
- French Canals, 833
- Manchester Ship Canal, 205
- Nicaragua Canal, 123, 469
- North Sea-Baltic Canal, 747
- Panama Canal, 747
- South Yorkshire Canal Construction, 119
- Suez Canal, 93, 235, 408
- Trollhotta Canal, Sweden, 120
Cars. Motor:
- Axles, 833
- Exhibition in London, 857
- House Moving at New York, 755
- Lecture on Motor Cars, 555
- Liverpool Trial, Report, 244, 361, 683
- Road Cars, Parmiter Patent, 274
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association, 88, 651
- Storage Batteries for Motor Cars, 297
- W. Abell, Limited, 293
- Alley and McLellan, 679
- Antwerp Telephone and Electric Works, 727
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Stockton- on-Tees, 55
- Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, 727
- Baldwin Locomotive Works 55, 205
- A. J. Beaumont and Co., 855
- R. Becker and Co., 55
- Blake and Knowles’ Steam Pump Works, 205
- Browett, Lindley and Co., Limited, 762
- Catalogues in Canada, 297
- Chubb and Sons’ Lock and Safe Company, 617
- Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 143
- Chloride Electric Storage Syndicate, Limited, 855
- Cincinnati Milling Machine Company, 762
- Crescent Steel Company, 617
- Cripto Works Company, Limited, 582
- Electric Company, Limited, 368
- Electric Ozone Syndicate, Limited, 15
- Faraday House, 400
- Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, 205
- Garrard Manufacturing Company, 855
- General Electric Company, Limited, 727
- Graham, Morton, and Co., Limited, 727
- Alfred Herbert and Co., Limited, 143
- Hoppes Manufacturing Company, 143
- Hydrokinetic Syndicate, Limited, 425
- Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company, 55
- Langdon-Davies Electric Motor Company, 406
- Lingley and Bingham, Sheffield, 457
- J. G. Lyell and Co., 762
- Marshall and Co., 855
- Mason Regulator Company, Boston, 15
- Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 679
- New Southgate Engineering Company, 855
- Nottingham Engineering Company, 205
- Pulsometer Engineering Company, 552
- J. H. Richardson, Limited, 205
- Robinson and Auden, Limited, Wantage, 107
- J. J. Royle, 679
- J. Sagar and Co., 855
- Otto Schwade and Co., Erfurt, 55
- Henry Simons, Limited, Manchester, 15
- Southgate Engineering Company, 538
- Tangyes, Limited, 55
- A. A. Tattersail, Blackburn, 457
- A. G. Thornton, 552
- J. Tylorand Sons, Limited, 762
- United Asbestos Company, Limited, 552
- A. Vandam and Co., 762
- Thomas W. Ward, Sheffield, 457
- Robert Warner and Co., 368
- Webster and Bennett, Coventry, 293
- W. Wesley and Son, 679
- Williams and Norgate, 582
- A. S. Wilson and Go., London, 55
- Admiralty and Welsh Coal, 361
- Argentine Coal, 152, 647
- Australian Coal, 29
- Belgian Briquettes, 122, 205, 371
- Belgian Coal, 58, 175, 244, 325, 440, 538
- Brazilian Coal, 453
- Brazilian Turfa as Fuel, 864
- Bristol Channel Exports, 265
- British Coal Exports, 440, 563, 755
- Cardiff, 14, 47, 79, 119, 142, 175, 205, 235, 265, 297, 327, 361, 391, 425, 457, 489, 523, 555, 585, 617, 651,682, 714, 746, 782, 833, 857
- Cleveland. See Middlesbrough
- Deep Mines in Belgium, 434
- Forest of Dean Collieries, 235, 265
- French Coal, '30
- Genoa, Coal at, 641
- German Coal, 323, 361, 555, 634
- German Exports, 756
- Great Mountain Colliery Re-started, 361
- Hull Shipments, 204, 360, 488, 650, 783
- Indian Coal Output, 120
- Indian Railway Goal Traffic, 715
- Middlesbrough, 14, 47, 78, 118, 142, 175, 204, 235, 264, 296, 326, 360, 391, 425, 457, 488, 522, 554, 585, 616, 651, 714, 716, 782, 832, 856
- Midlands, Coal in, 91
- Natal Coal, 243
- New Zealand Coal-Mining, 523
- Newfoundland Coal, 30
- Penarth Coal, 523
- Pennsylvanian Coal, 152
- Port Talbot, Coal at, 617
- Prussian Coal, 857
- Russian Coal, 29
- Sheffield, 14, 47, 78, 119, 141, 175, 204, 235, 265, 296, 327, 390, 425, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 651, 682, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Siberia, Coal in, 77
- South African Coal, 124
- South Wales Shipments, 79, 235, 361, 523, 651, 782
- South Yorkshire Coal, 183, 455
- Swansea Valley Coal, 142
- Swiss Coal Imports, 93
- Tees Shipments, 457, 488
- Transvaal, 139
- United States Coal in London, 143
- Welsh Coal Contracts, 682
- Welsh Coal for Italy, 616
- Welsh Coal Production, 682
- Welsh Seams and Shafts, 14, 235, 265, 296, 391, 489, 523, 833
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
- Collisions* See GENERAL INDEX, Accidents
- Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works Company, Limited, 14, 142, 175
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, 297
- Bull’s Metal and Melloid Company, 293
- Bute Docks Company, 361
- Charles Cammel and Co., Limited, 456
- Clydeside Steel Tube Company, 296
- Consett Iron Company, 204
- William Cooke and Co., Limited, 424
- Davy Brothers, 78
- Dorman, Long and Co., 679
- Earle’s Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Limited, 118
- Sir C.* Furness, Westgarth, and Co., Limited, 522
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Limited, 265
- J. P. Hall and Co., Limited, 124
- Hardy Pick Company, 296
- Richard Hornsby and Co., Limited, 683
- Keyser, Ellison and Co., 296
- Leeds Forge Company, 832
- Palmers’ Shipbuilding Company, Limited, 391
- Pease and Partners, Limited, 523
- Port Talbot Docks and Railways, 585
- Pullman Palace Car Company, 158, 686
- Rhymney Iron Company, Limited, 47
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, 390, 424 St. Leonard’s Engine and Tool Company, Belgium, 158
- Staveley Coal and Iron Company, 326
- Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, Limited, 79
- Tyneside Engineering Works, Cardiff, 293 Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, 78, 296
- Western Union Telegraph Company, 139
- Western Wagon and Property Company, Limited, 142
- John Wilson and Son, Tube Works, 326
- Defence of Coasts* See Naval
- Drainage. See Sewage Electric Tramways. See Trainways
- Alternate Current Motors for Factory ing, 715
- Aluminum Conductors, 143, 391
- Ampere, Determination of, 555
- British Sehuckert Company, 833
- Distribution of Current in Works, 408
- Electrical Engineers, R. E. Volunteers, 61
- Electro-Optics, 434
- Electro-Zincing Process, Cowper-Coles’, 118 Elevated Railroads in Chicago, 434
- Fire at Chevres Electrical Works, Geneva, 368 Fire Engines, Trials, 489
- French Submarine Cable Rejected at Porto Rico, 783
- Gas Engines and Dynamos, 523
- General Electric Company’s Works, 175
- Langdon-Davies Alternate Current Motor, 715 Launch for Russia, 244
- Lighting Balmoral Castle, 56
- Lighting Boston, United States, 265
- Lighting Bristol, 857
- Lighting Cape Town, 555
- Lighting Cardiff, 14, 425
- Lighting the City, 833
- Lighting Durban, 79
- Lighting Grimsby, 647
- Lighting Hull, 554
- Lighting Leeds, 141, 297
- Lighting Lincoln, 626
- Lighting Llandudno, 617
- Lighting Manchester, 205
- Lighting Merthyr, 857
- Lighting Morley, 15
- Lighting New York, 476
- Lighting Regulations, 391
- Lighting Sheffield, 119
- Lighting Whitehaven, 730
- London Electric Cars, 274
- Long-Distance Power Transmission, 759
- Nile Water-Power Scheme, 683
- Ore Melting, 244
- Parsons’ Steam Turbines for Lighting, 833 Patents, 79
- Power at Bristol, 119
- Power in East Midlands, 30, 47
- Power in Midlands, 174
- Power Plant, Lake Superior, 143 Railways, United States, 120
- School of Electricity, 600 Telegraphy, Post Office, 455
- Telegraphy, South African, 120, 216
- Telegraphy, Victorian, 188
- Telephone, Longest, in Europe, 327 Telephone Rent, 79
- Telephone in Shanghai, 651 Traction in Rome, 434
- Transvaal Telegraphy, 726
- United States Apparatus, 408
- Water Power, Norway and Sweden, 120
- Water Power in Sweden, 327
- Water Power in Zurich, 833
- Welding Plant, 682
- Wireless Telegraphy Tests at Eiffel Tower, 683
- En^iiieerillgr* See Shipbuilding and Industries
Engines and Boilers:
- Boiler Steel Specification, 523
- Engine for Belfast Rope Works, 5G
- Mechanical v. Flue Draught, 143
- Mechanical Stokers, 857 •
- Mumford’s Water-Tube Boiler, 79
- Old Watt Engine at Dundee, 050
- Oldest Engine in Existence, 47
- Parsons Steam Turbine, 833
- Pumping Plant, 523
- Revolution Counters, 472
- Smoke Nuisance in Sheffield, 231
- Steam Engine Exports, 40
- Autoniotor Car Exhibition, London, 857
- Como Electrical Exhibition, 152, 205, 244
- Glasgow, 1901 Exhibition, 715
- Jnthography Exhibition, 301,017
- Paris Exhibition, 317
- South African at Grahamstown, 47
- Transvaal at Paris Exhibition, 8GS
- Explosions* See Engines and Boilers
- Explosives* See Guns
Gas and Gas Engines :
- Acetylene Gas, 119, 143
- Acetylene Gas at Cowdenbeath, 118
- Canadian Natural Gas, 244
- Gas Lighter, 523
- Gas Stoves, 327
- Glasgow Gas Department, 78, 450
- Indiana Natural Gas, 143, 175
- Paris Gas, 435
- Water Gas Dangers, 79
Guns, Explosives* cVc.:
- Artillery, Quick-Firing Guns, 747
- Austria-Hungary Magazine Rifle, 715
- Cordite Charges for G-ln. Q.-F. Guns, 274
- Cordite in India, 301
- French Field Quick-Firing Gun, 857
- Gun Fire of United States Ships, 184
- Gun Forgings and Projectiles, 740
- Indian Projectiles, 783
- Mountings for British Battleships, 585
- New Explosive, 120
- Service Bullet, 15
- Service Bullet at Soudan War, 434
- Vickers’ Guns, Big Order for, 585
- Vickers’ Production, 016
Harbours* Piers* Ac.:
- Aberdeen Dock, 360
- Aberdeen Graving Dock, 296
- Aberdeen Harbour Engineer, 40 African Lighthouse, 346
- Barrow Docks, 761
- Barry Docks, 79, 489, 617, 857
- Barry Graving Docks, 651
- Barry Pontoon, 715
- Bo’ness Dock and Electricity, 424
- Bristol Docks, 425, 523
- Bristol Traffic, 14, 142
- Cardiff Docks, 175
- Dover Harbour Protection, 651
- Glasgow Docks, 650
- Glasgow Harbour, 294
- Grangemouth Docks, 326, 488
- Greek Dock, 683
- Hamburg Port Traffic, 400
- Holyhead New Pier, 651
- Honolulu Dock, 258
- Hull Docks, 58, 782
- Hull Shipping, 390. See Coal and Iron
- Liverpool Progress, 93, 274
- Llanelly Docks, 204, 391
- Llanelly Harbour, 489, 857
- Lynmouth Pier, 391, 585
- Milford Haven Docks, 293
- Natal Graving Dock, G15
- Newport Docks, 296, 833
- New Zealand Harbours, 857
- Parrett Navigation Improvements, 617
- Pier and Pavilion at Leith, 456
- Port Talbot, 391, 617
- Renfrew Dock Bill, 78
- Scarborough Marine Drive, 783
- Seaham Harbour, 398
- St. Petersburg Harbour, 244
- Swansea, 361, 489, 783
- Table Bay, 158
- Tees Shipments, 488
- Tyne Graving Dock, 400
- Tyne North Pier, 647
- United States Floating Dock, 14
- Vera Cruz Port, 182
- Weston-super-Mare Pier, 14
- Workington Docks, 489
- Yokohama and Tokato, 120
Industries (Various):
- Afghanistan Engineering, 655
- Aluminium Industry in Greenock, 714
- Board of Trade Returns, 79, 361, 489, 651, 747
- Bolt and Rivet Works at Dalmarnock, 714
- Canadian Imports, 434
- Cutlery Exports, 220, 680
- Falmouth and the Manacles Roc'’ s, 555
- File-Cutting Industry, Dangers of, 456 French Trade Returns, 783
- Glasgow Building, 424
- Glasgow Pipe Founding, 201, 264
- Glasgow Trade Review, 857
- Glasgow Tube Works, 326, 650
- Ice Factory for Dundee, 856
- Locomotive Exports, 359, 520, 869
- Locomotive Trade, (Glasgow, 13
- Sail-Cloth Factory for Greenock, 782
- Swansea Valley Tinplate Trade, 747
- Transvaal Imports, 218
- Tube Works in Airdrie, New, 714
- Tube Works at Coatbridge, New, 78
- Tubemakers, Glasgow, 616
- United States Machinery for London, 244
- United States Tin Mining, 355
- Institutions. See Technical Societies
Iron and Steel* See also Markets
- Belgian Blast-Furnaces, 126, 248, 485, 855 Belgian Iron Minerals, 280
- Belgian Iron and Steel Industry, 336
- Belgian Rails, 143
- Belgian Rolled Iron, 235
- Birchgrove Steel Works, 489
- Birmingham, 26, 58, 92, 122, 154, 186, 216, 246, 277,'308, 338, 372, 402, 436, 468, 600, 536, 665, 596, 628,660, 695, 726, 760, 794, 837, 871
- British Blast-Furnaces, 79, 489
- British Rail Exports, 79, 368, 485, 660
- British Steel Exports, 680, 869
- British Steel in German Yards, 122
- Briton Ferry Works, 833
- Calderbank Steel Works Sale, 746
- Cammell’s Works at Sheffield, 584
- Canadian Pig Iron, 722
- Casting, A Monster, 360
- Cleveland, 14, 47, 78,118,142,175, 204, 235, 264, 296, 326, 360, 390, 425, 457, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 651, 679, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Dowlais Blast-Furnaces, 715
- Dowlais Works, 205, 555, 616
- Duquesne Blast-Furnaces, 683
- German Pig Iron, 499, 700, 832
- German Rail Exports, 783
- Glasgow. See Scotch
- Glengarnock Steel Works, 584
- Indian Iron Ore, 182
- Iron Mining in Elba, 244
- Lancashire, 26, 58, 92, 122, 154, 186, 215, 246, 277, 307, 338, 372, 402, 435, 468, 499, 535, 565, 596, 628, 660, 695, 726, 760, 794, 837, 871
- Middlesbrough. See Cleveland
- Norwegian Iron Ore, 120
- Pennsylvania, 265
- Pig-Iron Moulds, 555
- Pig-Iron Stocks, 456
- Porosity of Thin Steel Plates, 715
- Rails in Holland, 175
- Riga Steel Works, 293 !
- Rosedale Ironstone, 747 i
- Russian Production, 391, 594
- Scotch, 13, 46, 78, 118, 142, 174, 204, 234, 264, i 296, 326, 360, 390, 424, 456, 488, 522, 554, 684, 616, 659, 682, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Sheffield, 14, 47, 78, 119, 141, 175, 204, 235, 265, 296, 326, 360, 390, 425, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 650, 682, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Siberia, Iron in, 77
- Spanish Production, 79
- Steel Rail Record, Production, 391
- Swansea Valley Steel Works, 783
- Sweden Rail Contract, 457
- Tees Shipments, 457, 488, 585
- Tondu Blast-Furnaces, 715
- Tredegar Works, 833
- United States Blast-Furnaces, 29, 466, 487, 857 United States Iron and Steel, 833, 856
- United States Production, 79
- United States Rails, 29, 555, 810
- Vieille Montagne Mines and Foundries, 203
- Wales, South, Shipments, 79,235,361, 523, 650, 783
- Wolverhampton, 26, 58, 92, 122, 154, 186, 215, 246, 277, 308, 338, 372, 402, 435, 468, 500, 536, 565, 596, 628, 660, 695, 726, 760, 794, 837, 871
- Works in the United States, 120
- World’s Production of Pig Iron and Steel, 864
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
- Labour Questions. Sae Trades Societies, andc.
- Light, Electric. See Slectricity
- Machine Tools. Saa Mechanics
- Cleveland Iron, 14, 47, 78, 118, 141, 175, 204, 235, 264, 296, 326, 360, 390, 425, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 651, 679, 715, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Copper, Glasgow, 13, 46, 78, 118, 142, 174, 204, 234, 264, 296, 326, 360, 390, 425, 456,488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 650, 682, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Glasgow Pig Iron, 13, 46, 78, 118, 142, 174, 204, 234, 264, 296, 326, 360, 390, 424, 456,488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 650, 682, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Sulphate of Ammonia, 13, 46, 78, 142, 204, 234, 264, 456, 584, 616, 650
Mechanics, Ac.:
- Aluminium v. Brass and Copper Strength Tests, 833
- Aluminium Launch, 274
- Barrage Foundations in Egypt, 617
- Bearings, «Scc., Standard Drawings of, 244
- Bolometer, 143
- Building Bricks made from Slag, 857
- Bursting of a Flywheel, 295. See LETTERS
- Cement Users’ Testing Association, 759
- Centrifugal Action to Promote Soundness in
- Steel, 434
- Chips, Large Cast-Iron Planed, 16
- Compressed Air in Tamping Ballast, 327 Coronium, A New Gas, 120
- Corundum, 15
- Fibre Striins of Railroad Axles, 15
- Fixing Bolts in Stonework, 143
- Fluorescent Screen Peculiarity, 143
- Flying Machines, 15
- Heat Received from the Sun, 489
- Heat Specific of Metals, 555
- Hydrofluoric Acid for Pickling Castings, 391 Iron and Steel and Rust, 683
- Locomotive Boiler Lagging, 274
- Macadamised Roads, Durability of Stones, 391 Manganese Steel Safes, 457
- Metallic Calcium, 143
- Metallic Calcium, Pure, 120
- Micro-Structure of Bearing Metals, 297 Mortice Wheel Substitute, 857
- Nickel-Steel Alloy, New, 783
- Nickel-Steel Boiler Scantlings, 79
- Nickel-Steel Forgings, 833
- Pelton Water-Wheel, 683
- Pile Protection, 715
- Portland Cement, 727, 747
- Portland Cement Clinker, 143 •
- Portland Cement, Effect of Fine Grinding, 489
- Portland Cement and Sand, 585
- Rail Expansion, 297
- Roller Bearings on ’Buses, 15
- Rubber Substitute, Percoid, 297
- Shearing Strength of Rivets, 184
- Stanley-Boucher Calculator, 324
- Steam Turbine, 617, 833
- Steel Castings, 15
- Strength of Crane Scaffolding, 832
- Tarred Macadam for Roads, 205
- Temperature and the Strength of Materials, 857
- Timber Sizes in Prussia, 857
- Timber Tests, 489
- Train, Frictional Resistance of, 327
- Transition Curves, 327
- Vacuum of Crookes Tubes, 244
- Metals. See Iron and Steel and Mechanics
- Canadian Gold and Oil Fields, 563
- Gold Dredging, 457
- Gold Imports to United Kingdom, 506, 658, 768
- Gold in the Transvaal, 30, 124, 564, 647
- Manganese, Caucasian, 725
- Queensland Gold, 424
- Russian Gold-Mining Machinery, 79
- Tasmanian Mining, 523
- Victorian Gold-Mining, 563
- World’s Gold, 408
- Zululand, Gold in, 579
- African Population, 29
- Ben Nevis Observatory, 174
- Cape Town, Growth, 627
- Chicago Ordnance, 327
- Chicago Population, 175
- Colonial Borrowing, 795
- Detroit, Celebrating Foundation of, 871
- European Population. See LETTER, 357
- Explosion at Glasgow Cold Storage Works, 390, 391. See LETTERS
- Fire at Jessop’s Works, 424
- Fire Prevention Testing-House, 457
- France and Colonial Taxes, 833
- French Commerce, 327
- German Population, 15
- Glasgow, Growth of, 424
- Globe, Gigantic, for Paris Exhibition, 244
- Hook of Holland Route to Continent, 205
- Immigration at New York, 235
- Imperial Revenue of United Kingdom, 434
- Income Tax Refundment, 391
- Japanese Cotton Manufacture, 124
- Melbourne Population, 120
- Monte Video Population, 264
- Natal Post Office, 368
- New Minor Planet Discovered, 361
- New Zealand Public Works, 825
- Newfoundland Petroleum, 659
- Ordnance Survey, 555
- Parkeston Trade, 111
- Patents and German Search, 274
- Petroleum Committees Recommendations, 79
- Petroleum Flash Point, 79
- Petroleum, Manitoulin, 30
- Petroleum, Texas, 555
- Rating of Machinery, 555
- Safes in the Cretan War, 857
- Scarborough Marine Drive Construction, 398
- Sheffield Cutlers’ Company Loving Cup, 488
- Sheffield Master Cutlers’ Forfeit Feast, 14
- Sheffield Trade Marks, Pirating, 746
- South African Finance, 53
- Theatre Machinery, 434
- Transvaal Imports, 93
- United States Petroleum, 466
- United States Roofing Slates, 857
- Uruguay Population, 595
- Whitworth Scholarships, 235
- Admiralty v. Audit Department, 120
- Armour-Plate Orders, 832
- Armour-Plate Trials, 360
- Armour Trials for Japanese Ships, 783
- Austrian Torpedo-Boat “Cobra” (Yarrow), 124
- British Armour-Plate Works, 14
- British Battleships, New, 235
- British and French Navies, 64
- Cammel Armour-Plate, 457
- Chilian Training Ship “ Jeneral Baquedano,” 87
- Coaling Ships, Records, 274
- Cuban War Cost, 297
- Devonport Building Slip, 175
- Devonport Dockyard, 119, 143, 205, 425, 489, 746
- Devonport Dockyard Staff, 555
- Devonport and Lord Brassey, 175
- Durban Harbour Defences, 29
- Fortifying Scilly Isles, 119
- “ Fourth of July ” (Elswick), 87
- French Armour-Plates, 712
- French Fleets, Disposition of, 683
- French Ironclad “ Jena,” 324
- French Naval Programme, 683, 747
- French Ship, “ St. Louis,” 264
- German Torpedo-Boat “ Dio,” 434
- H.M. Destroj'er “Albatross” (Thornycroft), 865
- H.M. Destroyer “ Avon ” (Vickers), 538, 564
- H.M. Destroyer “ Bittern” (Vickers), 837
- H.M. Destroyer “Cheerful” (Hawthorn, Leslie and Co.), 243
- H.M. Destroyer “ Conflict,” 9J
- H.M. Destroyer " ""
- H.M. Destroyer
- H.M. Destroyer
- H.M. Destroyer ILM. Destroyer H.M. Destroyer H.M. Destroyer H.M. Destroyer H.M. Destroyer H.M. Destroyers, Coal for, 47 H.M.S.
- H.M.S. H.M S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S.
- H.M.S. Cruiser at Pembroke, 142 H.M.S. “Diadem,
- H.M.SS. “Dwarf” and H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.SS.
- H.M.S. “Pactolus,” 344, 369, 563 H.M.S. “Pegasus,” 472 H.M.S, “Perseus,” 327, 369, 408 H.M.S. ?
- H.M.S. H.M.S.
- H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.SS. “ Vestal” and “ Shearwater,” 434 H.M.SS. “Snap” and “Bonetta,” 119 Italian Cruisers, 585 Italian Naval Activity, 715
- Japanese Cruiser “ Tokiwa,” 87
- Japanese Destroyer “Ikadsuchi” (Yarrow), 730
- Japanese Destroyer “ Murakumo ” (Thornycroft), 730
- Japanese Torpedo-Boats, 361 Keyham, 235, 265, 327
- Keyham Engineer Instructor, 783 Measured Mile Trials, 265, 585 Medwaj' Accommodation for Warships, 489 Monmouth Coal for Navy, 119
- NicolaiefT Yard and Russian Cruisers, 120
- Oil Fuel in H.M.S. “ Surly,” 184 Penalties for Late Delivery, 79
- Plymouth Sound Survey, 391 Portsmouth Dockyard, 142, 143
- Portuguese Cruiser “ Sao Rafael,” 94
- Russian Battleship Salvage, 857
- Russian Battleship “ Setropavlovsk,” 666
- Russian Coast Defence Ship “ General Admiral Afraksin,” 666
- Russian Cruisers, 56, 563. See Erratum^ 617
- Russian Navy, 265, 297
- Russian Transport “ Amur,” 730
- Russian War Craft in the East, 857
- Salisbury Plain, 327
- Scilly Isles Forts, 265
- Squadron for British Association, 235
- Torpedo Re-Boilering, 715 Torpedo Tubes, 747
- United States Armour-Plates, 11, 186
- United States Battleship “ Illinois,” 457, 564
- United States Battleship “Oregon’s” Cruise, 327
- United States Battleship “Wisconsin,” 730
- United States Battleships, 56
- United States Coaling Station, 683
- United States Cruiser “ Chicago,” 79
- United States Krupp Armour-Plates, 683
- United States Monitors, 467, 715
- United States Torpedo Craft, 327
- United States Torpedo Station, 869
- Woodwork in Warships, 294
- Obituary. See GEKBKAL INDEX
- Physics* See Mechanics
- Piers* See Harbours
- Ballachulish Railway, 326 Barry Railway, 47, 175, 747
- Beira Railway, 391,783 Belgium Smart Building, 143
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway, 779, 825
- British Railway Accidents, 555
- British Traffic Receipts, 79
- “ Buenos Aires,” 175
- Caledonian Station in Glasgow, 584
- Cape Colony Coal Discovery, 683
- Cape, Table Mountain Railway, 398
- Cardiff Railways, 682
- Carmylie Light Railway, 244
- Cars, Large Coal, 15
- Central London Railway, 651
- Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul, 440
- Chicago and North-Western Railroad Company, 243
- Chinese Railways, 272
- Coatbridge and Airdrie Light Railway Rejected, 683
- Communication, Train, 79
- Competitive Light Railways, 683
- Connel Ferry and Ballachulish, 360
- Cornwall Extension of London and South-Western Railway, 120
- Electric Railways in United States, 143
- European Railways, 825
- Exeter and Teign Vallejo Railway, 119
- French Railway Returns, 683
- Great Central Railway, 14, 119, 174
- Great Central Railway, Effect of, 306
- Great Eastern Railway, 119
- Great Eastern Spitalfields D6p6t Hoist, 457
- Great Western Channel Service, 327
- Great Western Fast Run, 79
- Great Western Railway, 204
- Great Western Railway Second Class, 265
- Great Western Station at Swindon, 265
- Heaviest Train on Record, 274
- Highland Railway, Aviemore Line, 584
- Honduras Interoceanic Railway, 175
- Indian Railways, 66, 158
- Italian Railway Rolling Stock, 520
- Italian Rolling Stock, 107
- Jungfrau Railway, 391
- Jura and Simplon Railway, 866
- Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast Railway, 118
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Works, 205
- Level Crossings, 651
- Light Railways, 274, 361
- Light Railway, Beverley and Beeford, 457
- Light Railway Competition Rejected, 683
- Light Railway’’ Costs in United Kingdom, 489
- Light Railways, Essex, 600
- Light Railway, Glamorgan, 489
- Light Railway in Gloucestershire, 747
- Light Railways, Lowestoft and Yarmouth, 683, 725
- Light Railways, Manchester, 617
- Light Railways, Merthyr, Dowlais, aud Cefn 555
- Light Railway, Pewsey and Salisbury, ^44
- Light Railways, Prussian, 555
- Light Railway Rules, 489
- Light Railway in Wilts, 457
- Llanelly' and Pontardulais Railway, 555
- Locomotives, Caledonian, 856
- “ Locomotive Engineering,” 792
- Locomotive, Enormous United States, 857
- Locomotive, High Steam Pressures, 120 Locomotive Works, Baldwin, 408 Locomotives, Russia, 552
- Locomotives, Russian Building of, 495
- London, Brighton, and South Coast, 119
- London and Dublin Service Acceleration, 184
- London and North-Western Railway, 711
- London and South-Western Railway, 119, 142, 175
- London and South-Western Waterloo Extension, 56
- London, Tilbury, and Southend Railway, 158
- Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, 523
- Mallaig Railway, 360
- Manhattan Elevated Railroad, 607
- Mexican Central Railways, 438
- Mexican Railway, 327
- Midland Railway Extensions, 594, 616
- Natal Government Railways, 554
- New South Wales Railways, 457
- New Zealand Railways, 800
- North British Railway, 400
- North-Eastern Railway at Selby, 647
- Northern of Spain Railway, 158
- Orange Free State Railways, 651, 703
- Paris Metropolitan Railway, 344, 410
- Pennsylvania Railways, 831
- Permanent Way Charges, United Kingdom Railways, 310
- Plynlimon and Hafan Railways Closed, 265
- Port Talbot Railway, 205
- Railway Rates Appeals, 244
- Ro/ilwaySf New Technical Indian Journal, 783
- Rhymney Railway, 175, 391, 746
- Rio de Janeiro Railway, 693
- Scotch Railway Coal Bill, 398
- Servian Railway, 274
- Siberian Railway, 323
- Soudan Railway to Khartoum, 651
- South African Railway, 175
- South African Railway Extensions, 626, 681
- South African Railways, 126
- South American, 283
- South Australian Railways, 678
- South Wales Mineral Railway, 205
- Station Gardens, 729
- Swansea Cliff Railway, 265
- Swansea and Mumbles Railway, 327
- Swedish Railways, 747
- Swiss Railways Nationalisation, 120
- Taff Vale Railway, 142, 175,489, 555
- Train Lighting, Pintsch System, 715
- Trains, Weight of United States, 555
- Transandine Railway, 853
- Trans-Siberian Railway, 220, 855
- Uganda Railway, 184
- United States Freight Rates, 310
- United States Locomotive for Midland Railway, 833
- United States Rails, 65 Ft. v. 45 Ft., 434
- United States Railway Accidents, 555
- United States Railway Consolidation, 94
- United States Railway Punctuality,15
- United States Railway Rates for Agriculture, 585
- United States Railway, Stealing Rides, 555
- United States Railways, 175, 711
- Waterloo and City Railway, 78, 205
- West of England Railways, 14
- Westinghouse Air Brakes, 121
- World’s Railways, 139
- Yorkshire Railway Extension, 47
- Bristol, 14, 361
- Cape Town, 124, 235
- Dunedin Drainage, 158
- Fens, Drainage, 627
- Flushing Sewers during Drought, 626
- Johannesburg, 683
- Leicester Sewerage, 764
- Manchester Sewage, 872
- Pollution of the Rhymney, 515
- Porthcawl Sewerage, 119
- Refuse Destructors, 617
- Sanitation in the West, 119
- Taunton Sewerage, 833
- Tiverton and Westexe, 857
Shipbuilding and Shipping ;
- Aberdeen Steam Trawlers, 856
- Atlantic Line Performances, 715
- Barry and Canada, 832
- Bristol and Canada Service, 857
- Bounties in European Countries, 184
- Canada and Milford Haven, 715, 747
- Canadian Atlantic Service, 205
- Canadian Steamers Building at Glasgow, 746
- Clyde, 13, 46, 118, 142, 174, 204, 234, 296, 326, 424, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 650, 682, 714, 746, 856
- Clyde Yards, New, 118
- Cunaders, New, 174, 234
- Danish Ferries, 327
- I>anish, Shipping, 29
- Disaster to French Liner, 47
- Flat-Bottomed Steamer’s Voyage on Pacific, 361
- “ Fram,” Arctic Explorer, 56
- French General Transatlantic Company, 182
- French New Lines, 175
- French Shipbuilding, 435
- French Transatlantic, 425
- German Shipbuilding, 783
- Grirasbj' Shipping and Trawlers, 856 Holland-American Atlantic Steamers, 203 Hull Shipbuilding, 400
- Japanese Orders to British Yards, 581
- Largest Vessel Built at Jarrow, 264
- Lipton’s Yacht, “Shamrock,” 681
- Load-Line Committee, 485
- Milford Haven and Canada, 783
- New Milford and Waterford Service, 235
- New York to Galveston Line, 374
- North German Lloyd, 280
- Oil Fuel in Steamers, 369
- Orient Liner “ Omrah,” 344
- Panama Skipping Returns, 75
- Port Glasgow Yard Reopened, 650
- Ramps for Shipping Cattle, 297
- Roumanian Steamer, 30
- Russian Ships, 126
- Salvage of Russian Battleship, 857
- San Diego and Japan Line, 271
- San Francisco and Honolulu, 175
- Seattle and Honolulu Line, 361
- Tank Ship, 489
- United States Mail Payments to Ships, 783
- United States Shipping, 142
- United State© Tug, 152
- Vulcan Company, Stettin, 15
- Wilmington, United States, 119
- Wreck Statistics, 265
- Shipping* See Shipbuilding, andc.
- Societies* See Technical, andc., or Trades, ando.
- Strikes* See Trade Societies, andc.
Technical Societies, Ac.:
- Association of Private Owners of Railway Rolling Stock, 15
- Birmingham Association of Mechanical Engineers, 143, 489
- Birmingham Association of Students, 585
- Birmingham Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 833
- Bristol Centre of Marine Engineers, 235
- British Association, Bristol, 297
- Cambridge University and Dr. Hopkinson, 531
- Central Technical College Scholarships, 747
- Classes for Institution of Civil Engineers Examinations, 391
- Cleveland Institute of Engineers, 832
- Cornell University, 857
- East of Scotland Engineering Association, 782
- French and British Association for Advancement of Science, Meeting, 783
- Glasgow Students, Institution of Civil Engineers, 832
- Glasgow University Engineering Society, 832 Goldsmiths’ Institution, 489, 555
- Hopkinson Memorial at Cambridge, 783
- Hull and District Institute of Engineers and Naval Architects, 585
- Institute of Marine Engineers, 457
- Institute of Marine Engineers, Bristol Section, 391
- Institute of Mining Engineers, 143, 294
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Result of Examinations, 679
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, 747
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 554, 682, 832
- Institution of Junior Engineers, 120, 466, 531, 809
- Technical Societies* Ac.—continued.
- Leeds Association of Engineers, 457
- Manchester Association of Engineers, 391 Midland Counties Institution, 295
- Midland Institute of Engineers, 584
- Mining Institute of Scotland, 522
- Newcastle Students, Institution of Civil Engineers, 274, 685
- Northampton Institute, 747
- Owens College, Hopkinson Laboratory, 651
- Railway Economics Lectures, 472
- Royal Institution, 783
- Royal Institution Christmas Course, 698
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts Awards, 554
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, 46, 832
- Sanitary Institute, 15
- Science Scholarships, 274
- Scotch Scientific Societies, 650
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association, 88
- Shipwrights’ Education, 523
- Society of Chemical Industry, 91
- Society of Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 747 ‘
- Society of Engineers, 617, 783
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, 457
- Swedish Central Technical Government Department, 244
- Trigonometry Working Model, 747
- United States Society for Promoting Engineering Education, 274
- University College Classes, 434
- University College, London, 425, 857
- University College (London) Engineering Society, 783
- Walker Engineering Laboratory, 56
- West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 13, 554, 682
- Yorkshire Engineering College Society, 747. See Erratum^ 800
- Telejffvaphy. See Electr icitj/ Telephony. See JElectricitp
- Trade. See Coal, Iron and Steel, itarkets. Shipbuilding, Electricity, aud Industries
Trades Societies, Unions, Strikes, Ac. :
- Antwerp Stevedores, 435
- Asylums Board, 628
- Barnsley Moulders, 616
- Barry Masons’ Strike, 695
- Belfast Ironmoulders, 372
- Belfast Shipyard Workers, 58
- Blackburn and Half-Time System, 469
- Blacksmiths, Associated, 92, 308, 794
- Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders’ Society,- 122, 402, 565, 695, 836
- Bone Brushmakers, 372
- Boot and Shoe Makers’ National Union, 596
- Boot and Shoe Operatives, 726, 760
- Boot and Shoe Operatives’ Union, 186, 469
- Building Trade, 500
- Building Trade Dispute, 372
- Building Trade Dispute in Lancashire, 26, 93, 154
- Cabdrivers, 27 Carpenters and Joiners’ Society, 92, 245, 371, 499, 660, 794
- Carron Blast-Furnacemen, 308
- Cleveland Mineownersand Mines, 47
- Cleveland Miners’ Wages, 327, 585
- Clyde Employers’ Weekly Wage, 715, 761
- Clyde Engineers, 308
- Clyde Joiners, 308
- Clyde Riveters, 338
- Clyde Shipping Dispute^ 660, 695, 726, 761
- Clyde Workers’ Dispute, 58
- Compensation Act, 14, 15, 57, 93, 726, 871
- Compensation Act Cases, 597, 650, 682, 695, 714, 746, 837. See GENERAL INDEX
- Compulsory Arbitration, 627
- Conciliation in Australia, 184
- Conciliation Board in Scotland, 726
- Conciliation in Labour Disputes, 726, 870
- Conciliation in North of England, 185
- Co-operative Boycott in Scotland, 435
- Cotton Spinners’ Association, 92, 215, 628, 794
- Cotton Trade Wages, 726
- Coventry Cycle Trade, 436
- Dangerous Trades, 338
- Deputations to Ministers, 871
- Dock Labourers Idle, 500
- Dockers, 26 Dockyard Mechanics’ Wages, 782
- Dockyard Workers, 660,695
- C. J. Drummond, Labour Leader, 468
- Durham Ccal Miners’ Wages, 488, 697
- Durham Miners, 154
- Engineering Trade, 435
- Engineers’ Amalgamated Society, 57, 122, 276, 565, 725, 871
- Engineers’ Demands, 660
- Trades Unions, Strikes, Ac.—con^nMcrf.
- Engineers’ Secretary, Testimonial, 402
- Enginemen and the Welsh Coal Strike, 58
- Factories and Edged Tool Works, 747
- Factory Act Notification, 500
- Factory Act Prosecutions, 235
- Federation and the Congress, 154
- Federation of all Trades, 435, 565
- Federation of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 500
- Furniture Trade Dispute, 216
- Gas Workers’ Strike, 5(55
- General Railway Workers’ Union, 028
- Glass-Workers at Hunslet, 372
- Government Labourers, 600
- Half-Time Workers in Lancashire, 794
- Holden’s Workers’ Dispute, 338
- Home Office Affairs, 152
- Industrial Law Indem nit v Fund, 180
- Industrial Situation, 121, 276, 401, 535, 094, 830
- Ironfounders, Sheffield, 246, 338
- Ironfounders’ Society, 92, 245, 371, 499, 000, 794
- Ironmoulders’ Society, 92, 215, 338, 468, 590
- Labour Department, Board of Trade, 27
- Labour and the Next General Election, 700. See LETTERS, 792
- Labour Protection League, 536
- Labourers at Deptford Victualling Yard, Wages, 628
- Lancashire Boilennakers’ Wages, 503
- Lancashire Coal Combination, £8
- Leeds Engineers and Wages, 205, 372
- Leeds Founders’ Wages, 456
- Leeds Glass-Workers, 308
- Leeds and Hull Engineers’ Wages, 326
- Legal Decision as to Trades Unions, 794, 871
- Leicester Carpenters and Joiners, 500
- Local Authority Employes and Wages, Ratepayers’ Action, 701
- London Bricklayers, 566
- London Chamber of Commerce Conciliation Scheme, 751
- London County Council and Fair Wages, 186, 308, 651
- London and North-Western Railway Platelayers, 122
- London and North-Western Railway Employes’ Pension, 761
- London School Board and Fair Wages, 659
- London Trades Council, 627
- London Tramway Strike, 402, 436, 468
- Mahon’s Day Abandoned, 795
- Masons’ Strike at Swansea, 93
- Midland Iron and Steel Wages Board, 596
- Midland Sheetmakers, 338
- Midland Sliding Scale, 468
- Miners, 27,58, 92. 122, 142, 277, 339, 372, 390, 402, 436. 469, 500, 597, 536, 628, 6G0, 695, 795
- Miners’ Conciliation Board, 837
- Miners’ Conference at Vienna, 215
- Miners, Elderly, and Compensation, 456
- Miners’ Federation, 27, 402, 660, 795
- Miners’ Idleness, Proposed Fines, 216
- Miners’ Truce, 468
- Moulders’ Wages, Sheffield, 204, 234, 265, 326, 360
- Municipal Socialism (Paris), 499
- Neglecting Work, Singular Excuse, 390
- New South Wales, Wages in, 118
- North-East Coast Engineers and Shipbuilders, 58, 246
- North-East Coast Engineers’ Wages, 14
- North of England Board of Conciliation, 92, 596, 760
- Northumberland Colliery Enginemen, 46
- Old Age Pensions, 725
- Old Men and the Compensation Act, 234
- Oldham Gas Workers, 597
- Painters in Wear Yards, 186
- Paris Navvies, 436
- Paris Strikes, 565
- Paris Strikes and Riots, 536
- Parliamentary, 153, 185, 245, 277, 566, 871
- Parliamentary Committee of Employers’ Association, 695
- Picketing and Trade Union Law, 760
- Picketing, Legal Decision, 833, 871
- Pit Lads’ Strike, 47, 58, 93, 119, 186
- Plumbers’ Registration Bill, 726
- Postal Employes, 308, 500, 536
- Printers’ Dispute Settled, 216
- Printers’ Wages Movement in Midlands, 795
- Railway Servants, Amalgamated Society of, 627, 628, 794
- Railway Servants’ Congress at Leeds, 500
- Rotherham Stove Grate Trade Wages, 425
- Sailoi*s and Firemen’s Unions, 795
- Saving Bank Deposits, 871
- Scotch Coalmasters’ Combination, 782, 795
- Scotch Iron and Steel Federation, 297
- Scotch Ironmasters’ Federation, 58
- Trades I n ions, St rikes, ^ne.-contlnuca.
- Scotch Miners, 308, 338, 372
- Scotch PuddJers’ Wages, 246
- Scotch Steel Trade, 597, 660
- Sheffield Engineers and Patternmakers, 695
- Sheffield Engineers and Wages, 424, 436, 456, 488, 554, 6e4, 650
- Sheffield Miners’ Wages, 522
- Shop Assistants’ Union, 27
- Shopmen’s Grievances, 308
- Skilled Labour Report, 121, 276, 401, 535, 694, 836
- Social Congress at Stuttgart, 500
- Socialism Libel, 597
- Socialism and Trade Union, 402
- Socialists in Germany, 372
- South Metropolitan Gas Workers, 246
- Strike Statistics, 121, 276,401, 535, 694, 826, 870 Taff Vale Railwaymen’s Dispute, 660
- Taff Vale Railway Workers’ Dispute, 695 Tinplate Trade Difficulties, 795
- Tinplate Workers, South Wales, 26, 93, 628
- Trades Congress Deputations to Ministers, 659
- Trades Union Congress, 154, 186, 216, 276, 307, 338, 536
- Tramway Strike in London, 372
- Tubemakers’ Dispute, 760
- United Government Workers’ Federation, 536
- United States Wool Workers, 27
- Watermen and Lightermen, 628
- Welsh Coal Strike, 26, 56, 92, 122, 152, 185, 216, 245, 246, 274, 308, 338, 371
- Welsh Steel Workers, 216
- Welsh Tinplate Industry, 3f8
- Welsh Tinplate Workers, 726, 761
- Women’s Trade Union League, 151
- Women Workers’ National Union, 596
Tramways :
- Airdrie and Coatbridge Tramways, 488
- Bradford Tramway Accident, 390
- Carlisle Tramways, 761
- Derby Tramways, 575
- Dover Electric Tramway, 361
- Durban, 142
- Glasgow Electric Tramway, 424, 488
- Glasgow Tramway Rails Contract, 296
- Glasgow Tramway Results, 714, 856
- Great Yarmouth Tramways, 594
- Hull Contracts, 647
- Hull Tramways, 489
- Johannesburg Tramways, 511
- Lancashire Tramways, 832
- Laxby and Douglas Electric Tramway, 184
- Leeds Tramways, 679
- Leicester, 455
- Leicester Tramways, 489
- London,79
- London County Council and Tramways, 833
- London Tramways and Light Railways, 683
- New York Electric Tramways, 585
- Rome Electric Tracdion, 434
- Shanghai Electric Tramways, 585
- Sheffield Electric Tramways, 714
- Sunderland Tramways, 361
- Swansea Tramways, 715
- Swiss Electric Tramways, 434
- United States, 143, 857
- Warships* See Sacal
Water Works, Ac.:
- Barry Reservoir, 119, 327
- Bideford Water Supply, 523
- Bloemfontein Supply, 857
- Bristol Supply, 14
- Buffalo Water Supply, 630
- Callao, 158
- Cardiff Water Supply, 747
- Chard Supply, 425
- East London Water Company, 747
- Glasgow Water Pipe Contract, 142, 390, 554, 651, 856
- Harrogate Supply, 552
- Leicester and Derby Supply, 682, 715
- Lincoln Water Supply, 203, 724
- Llanelly Supply, 715
- London Supply, 457, 651
- Plymouth Works, 425
- Rainfall and Water Supply, 555
- Shanghai Water Supply, 327
- South Africa, Water in, 88
- Stavanger Water Pipes, 617
- Swansea Water Supply, 616
- Vienna Supply, 857
- Water Divining Case, 659
- Water Supply per Head in Different Towns, 361
- West Gloucestershire Company, 425
- Winscombe, 457
- Wishaw Water Works, 360, 488
- Workington Water Supply, 647
See Also
Sources of Information