Engineering 1924 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1924 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1924 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics : 307, 661
- Metallic Aircraft Construction. Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and H. N. Wylie, 307
- Rudders of Aeroplanes. The Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and F. R. Fairey, 661
- Shock-Absorbers. The Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and C. R. Fairey, 307
Agricultural Appliances : 879
- Disc Cultivators or Harrows. H. McLaren, 879
Electrical Apparatus :
- 34, 395. 504, 567, 661. 693, 755, 879
- Commutators. J. E. Calverley and W. E. Highfield. 504
- Dynamo Electric Machines. The British Electric Plant Co., Ltd., and A. W. Maudling, 879
- Insulators? R. J. P. Briggs, H. S. Newman and Bullers, Ltd., 395
- Meters, Electricity, W. M. Mordey and the Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd., 693
- Motors. Electric. H. V. Higgitt and the Eastern Telegraph Co., Ltd., 879
- Motors and Pumps, Combined Electric. T. L. R. Cooper, 661
- Motor Starters and Controllers, Automati¬cally-Operated Electric. Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., and A. C. Livesey, 34
- Protective Arrangements for Electric Distribution Systems : Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., and G. H. Neep, 755
- Switches, Electric. The Cable Accessories Co., Ltd., and A. Crawford, 879
- Switches, Electric. A. C. Smith, 567
- Transformers. A. H. S. MacCallum, 504
- Welding Apparatus, Electric, C. A. Hadley
- and the Rose Street Foundry and Engineer¬ing Company, Ltd., 755
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, &c.:
- 152. 184, 307, 395, 471, 661, 693, 755, 788, 849, 879
- Air Brake Dynamometer Engine Power- Testing Mechanism. Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., F. R. Smith and B. W. Shilson, 755
- Bearings, Lubrication of. D. Napier & Sons, Ltd., and G. S. Wilkinson, 755
- Burners, Oil Fuel. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., and B. Irving, 693
- Carburetting Apparatus. J. Thomas and W. Harding, 849
- Carburettors. Brown and Barlow, Ltd., and C. Brown, 395
- Coal Gas, Apparatus for Manufacturing. J. T. Ashley and Aldridge & Ranken, Ltd., 693
- Cylinders. Swan, Hunter <fe Wigham Richardson. Ltd., F. Rowntree and P. Belyanin, 307
- Cylinders, Internal-Combustion Engine. S. Smith and A. C. Cars, Ltd., 693
- Cylinders, Internal-Combustion Engine. Wallsend Slipway Engineering Co., Ltd., and J. S. Simm, 471
- Internal-Combustion Engines. William Beardmorc, Lord Tnveri.airn and A. E. L. Chorlton, 788, 879
- Internal-Combustion Engines. J. Davidson, 184
- Internal-Combustion Engines. A. H. Moss, 849
- Internal-Combustion Engines. Palmers’ Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Ltd., and D. Kemp, 755
- Internal-Combustion Engines, Sleeve-Valve. W. Newbery, 395
- Lubricating Systems. Force Feed. S. H. Attwood and Ruston <fc Hornsby, Ltd., 395
- Pistons. Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richard¬son, Ltd., and P. Belyanin, 395
- Pistons and Piston Rods. Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., and J. S. Simm, 661
- Radiator Controllers, Shutter. C. A. Brown, 152
- Retorts, Apparatus for Removing Coke from, Ride & Bell, Ltd., and G. Bell, 849
- Sparking Plugs. F. Reynolds and the Thermal Syndicate, Ltd., 395
Guns and Explosives :
- 34, 246
- Bomb Release Mechanism. H. W. Holland and W. Mansfield, 34
- Sighting Devices for Director Firing. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., and R. Morrison, 246
Hydraulic Machinery :
- 395, 471, 693, 788
- Flow of Liquids through Pipes, Indicating Apparatus. Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., and J. Bjornstad, 693
- Pipe Joints, Loose-Flange. C. Williams, W. G. Bellamy and the British Mannes- mann Tube Co., Ltd., 471
- Sluice Gates. Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., and P. D. Ionides, 788
- Water Meters. W. G. Kent, 395
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- 34, 246, 567, 755, 788, 849. 879
- Brakes, Friction. M. B. Wild <fc Co., Ltd., and M. B. Wild, 755
- Chains and Belts. Camp & Co., Ltd., A. H. F. Perl and R. H. Carter, 34
- Conveyors, Reciprocating, Operating. Nor¬ton’s (Tividale), Ltd., and H. Aughtie, 567
- Cranes, Jib. E. Graham and W. Chipper- field, 880
- Cranes, Jib. Thomas Smith & Sons (Rod- ley), Ltd., and F. Fawcitt, 849
- Cranes, Jib. Stothert <fc Pitt, Ltd., C. M. Toplis and W. W. Padfleld, 567
- Cranes, Jib. H. G. Taylor and A. P. Smith, 788
- Conveyors, Gravity Bucket, H. J. Toogood and Robert Dempster & Sons, Ltd., 246
- Excavators Drag Line. Lobnitz & Co., Ltd., and H. O. Bedgood, 879
- Hoisting Devices. J. Hughes and D. L. Thomas, 849
- Lifting Hooks. H. Morris and J. A. Butter- worth, 788
Machine and other Tools, Shafting, &c.:
- 152, 246, 307, 396, 471, 755, 788, 880
- Boring and Turning Mills. C. D. Andrew and Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., 246
- Clutches, Centrifugal Friction. Thos. Broad- bent & Sons, Ltd., and A. H. Weir, 755
- Gear-Cutting Machines. David Brown & Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., A Sykes and H. E. Kitchen, 880
- Gears, Speed Reducing. L. Burn, 788
- Lathes. H. R. and J. W. Milnes, 396 Percussion Tools. G. H. Thompson, 152
- Presses, Notching and Punching. A. E. Cooper and C. Jones, 152
- Presses, Power Screw. Daniel Smith, Ltd., and D. Smith, 788
- Tube-Expanding Tools. J. A. Metcalf and A. Lennox, 471
- Turning-Lathes. F. R. Wade and C. A. V. Small Tools, Ltd., 307
- Vertical Heading or Forging Machines. Guest, Keen Nettlefolds, Ltd., and E. Crosse, 396
Mining, Metallurgy and Metal Working :
- 246, 504, 567, 661. 693, 755, 788, 849
- Coal-Cutters. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whit¬worth & Co., Ltd., R. W. Wilson and R. F. H. Hedley, 567
- Coal-Cutting Machines. Cannock Chase Col¬liery Co., Ltd., and J. H. Poynton, 788
- Coal-Cutting Machines. J. Lithgoe and J. Linneker, 849
- Coal-Cutting Machines. W. A. Logan. 504
- Coal, Screening and Washing. Head,
- Wrightson & Co., Ltd., R. S. Benson and H. Clark, 693
- Cutting Metal. M. McC. Bidder, 849
- Drying Cylinders, Rotary. Fisher, Hum¬phries & Co., Ltd., and H. M. Hutchinson, 756
- Foundry Moulding Machine. J. Cash, 661
- Furnaces. Travers <fe Clark, Ltd., M. W. Travers and F. W. Clark, 604
- Furnaces, Oil Fuel. W. M. and M. M. Burdon, and Burdons, Ltd., 693
- Hammers, Fluid Pressure. Davy Brothers, Ltd., and T. W. Hand, 756
- Joints, Welded. J. S. and W. E. Highfleld, 661
- Lock Forming Sheet Metal, Apparatus fo~. J. A. Duxbury and W. P. Butterfield, Ltd , 765
- Moulds, Ingot, G. W. and J. F. Naylor, 693
- Sheets, Flattening, Stretching and Straighten¬ing. W. Jones, 246
- Vapours, Hydro-Carbon Oil, Treatment of. Lamplough, 661
Miscellaneous :
- 34, 152, 308, 396, 662, 694
- Bolts, Securing of. H. G. Hawker Engineer¬ing Co., Ltd., and B. Thomson, 34
- Chambers, Heat-Insulated. R. L. Owens, 308
- Road Scarifiers. John Fowler & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., and D. Wood, 662
- Road Surfaces, Spraying Apparatus for Treating. W. Glossop, 152
- Spraying Devices. Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., and S.iF. Weston, 396
- Taps and Cocks. N. W. Bancroft, 694
- Temperature Control Apparatus, Automatic. James Keith & Blackman Co., Ltd., and Keith, 396
Motor Road Vehicles :
- 34, 152, 184, 307, 396, 504, 694, 756, 850
- Brakes. Bentley Motors, Ltd., and F. T. Burgess, 184
- Brakes. Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., and L. Coatalen, 34
- Endless Track Vehicles. Roadless Traction, Ltd., and O. S. Penn, 184
- Engine Crankshaft and Differential Driving Gearing, Combined. S. E. Alley and Woodvine, 504
- Furnace, Oil-Fuel, Motor Wagon. Deigh- ton’s Patent Flue and Tube Co., Ltd., C. A. Millington and W. J. Lewin, 184
- Gear-Operating Mechanism, Change-Speed. S. L. Bailey, 307
- Mot or-Wagon Gulley Emptying and Re¬charging Apparatus. W. J. Lewin and Deightons Patent Flue and Tube Co., Ltd., 756
- Road Rollers. A. Wallis, 396
- Springing of Vehicles. G. Barker, 396
- Steering and Controlling Road Vehicles, Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and K. Thomas, 504
- Tractors. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and H. M. Bonliaud, 694
- Tyres, India Rubber, Making. J. Kearns and W. Y. Duncan, Jnr., 756
- Vehicles Having Self-Laying Tracks. Arm¬strong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and H. M. Bonhaud,756
- Vehicles, Motor Road. Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., and W. D. Williamson, 307.
- Vehicles, Six-Wheel Road. E. R. Foden & Fodens, Ltd., 850
- Vehicles, Transport. C. K. Edwards and The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., 152
- Windows, Sliding. R. E. Tompkins, 850
Printing and Allied Machinery :
- 567, 661
- Folding Mechanism. H. G. Rogers, 661
- Printing Machinery. H. G. Rogers, 567
Pumps :
- 184, 307, 567, 850
- Fire Engine Pumps, John Morris & Sons, Ltd., and J. and F. Morris, 850
- Pumps. L. Ward, 307
- Raising of Liquids. K. A. B. Gilflllan, 184
- Straining or Filtering Apparatus. F. C.
- Fulcher, 567
- Valves, Automatic. Swan, Hunter & Wig- lnm Richardson, Ltd., F. Rowntree and P. Belyanin, 850
Railways and Tramways :
- 34, 568, 661, 850
- Brake Gear. Cammell Laird <fc Co., Ltd., and A. S. Bailey, 568
- Couplings, Automatic. H. W. S. Husbands, 850
- Door Locking Apparatus. F. S. Roberts and W. H. Evans, 661
- Rails, Securing in their Chairs. R. J. M. Inglis, 34
- Railways, Electric. Sir P. Dawson and F. W. Fawdry, 568
- Staircases for Passenger Vehicles. E. G. Walker and the Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Ltd., 662
- Vehicles, Meta! Railway. Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd., and A. S. Bailey, 34
- Vehicles for Use on Rail Traction Systems English Electric Company, Ltd., and C. E. Fairburn, 850
- Wheels and Axles. Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd., and A. S. Bailey, 568
Ships and Nautical Appliances:
- 152, 184, 308
- Barges. Flannery, Baggallay A' Johnson, Ltd., A. Harker and the Hon. A. McDon¬nell, 184
- Bulkhead Doors, Operating. R. A. Blake- borough and G. H. Reed, 152
- Screw-propelled Navigable Vessels. John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., and Sir J. I. Thornycroft, 308
Steam Engines, Boilers, &c.:
- 246, 308, 471, 504, 568, 662, 694, 756, 850, 880
- Bearings, Thrust, for Marine Engines. W. Whelan, 471
- Boiler Feed Water Supply Plants. H. Fother¬giU, 662
- Boilers, Steam. Aveling and Porter, Ltd., and T. L. Aveling, 756
- Boilers, Steam. N. E. McClelland, 880
- Boilers, Steam. E. Watson, 756
- Boilers, Steam, Gas-Fired. R. L. Roxburgh, 662
- Boilers, Vertical Steam. S. E. Alley and A. C. Hutt, 472
- Boilers, Water Tube. W. Y. Lewis and A. A. Cawkwell, 308
- Boilers, Water Tube. Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., and E. E. Noble, 472, 568
- Burners, Liquid Fuel. Henry Wilson & Co., Ltd., and H. Foden, 850
- Condensers, Steam. G. & J. Weir, Ltd., and J. G. Weir, 504, 694
- Condenser, Surface, Installation. Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., and W. A. Dexter, 472
- Engines, Steam. H. B. Watson and T. C. Billetop, 471
- Fire-Bars, Furnace. A. T. Patterson, 568
- Fuel Feed Devices, Mechanical. J. FaUon, 308
- Furnaces. J. S. Atkinson and Stein & Atkinson, Ltd., 694
- Furnaces. London Electric Supply Cor¬poration, Ltd., and A. G. Fox, 471
- Gauges, Pressure. C. W. Bryant and Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., 694
- Generators, Steam. London Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., and A. G. Fox, 568
- Generators, Steam. Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., and H. J. S. Mackay, 472
- Generators, Water-Tube Steam. A. Elliott, 662, 694
- Grates, Furnace. A. W. Bennis, 880
- Packing. Sir A. S. Haslam, 471
- Power Plants, Steam. H. FothergiU, 308
- Re-heaters, Steam. H. E. Yarrow, 246
- Valve, Mixing. C. M. Hadwen and Fer¬guson Superheaters, Ltd., 880
Textile Machinery:
- 308, 472
- Combing Machines. John Hetherington & Sons, Ltd., and C. W. Cooper, 472
- Spinning Frame Mechanism. David Keay & Leslie, Ltd., and J. Ness, 308
- Thread-Testing Machines. British Cotton Industry Research Association and A. E. Oxley, 472
Names of Patentees
- A.C. Cars, Ltd., and another. Internal-Com¬bustion Engine Cylinders, 693
- Aldridge & Ranken, Ltd., and another. Apparatus for the Manufacture of Coal Gas. 693
- Alley, S. E., and another. Combined Engine Crankshaft and Differential Driving Gear, 504
- Alley, S. E., and another. Vertical Steam Boilers, 472
- Andrew, C. D., and others. Boring and Turning Mills, 246
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth & Co., Ltd., and another. Boring and Turning Mills, 246
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth & Co., Ltd , and others. Coal Cutters, 567
Armstrong, Sir W. G., and another. Oil Fuel Burners, 693
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth A Co.. Ltd., and another. Sighting Devices for Director Firing, 246
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and others. Air-Brake Dynamometer Engine Power Testing Mechanism, 755
- Armstrorig-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Metallic Aircraft Construction, 307
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Tractors, 694
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Vehicles having Self-laying Tracks, 756
- Ashley, T. J., and others. Apparatus for the Manufacture of Coal Gas, 693
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and another. Steering and Controlling Koad Vehicles, 504
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and another. Transport Vehicles, 152
- Atkinson, J. S., and others. Furnaces, 694
- Attwood, S. H., and others. Force-Feed Lubricating Systems, 395
- Aughtie, H., and others. Operating Recipro¬cating Conveyors, 567
- Aveling, T. L., and others. Steam Boilers, 756
- Aveling & Porter, Ltd., and another. Steam Boilers, 756
- Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Spray¬ing Devices, 396
- Bailey, A. S., and others. Brake Gear, 568
- Bailey, A. S., and others. Metal Railway Vehicles, 34
- Bailey, A. S., and others. Wheels and Axles, 568
- Bailey, S. L. Change-Speed Gear-Operating Mechanism, 307
- Bancroft, N. W. Taps and Cocks, 694
- Barker, G. Springing of Vehicles, 396
- Bedgood, H. ()., and others, Drag-Line Ex¬cavators, 879
- Bell, G., and others. Apparatus for Removing Coke from Retorts, 849 -
- Bellamy, W. G., and others. Loose-Flange Pipe Joints, 471
- Belvanin, P., and others. Automatic Valves, 850
- Belyanin, P., and others. Cylinders, 307
- Belyanin, P., and others. Piston, 395
- Bennis, A. W. Furnace Grates, 880
- Benson, R. S., and others. Screening and Washing Coal, 693
- Bentley Motors, Ltd., and another. Brakes, 184
- Bidder, M. McC. Cutting Metal, 849
- Billetop, T. C., and another. Steam Engines, 471
- Bjornstad, J., and others. Apparatus for Indicating the Flow of Liquid through Pipes,
- 693
- Blakeborough, R. A., and another. Operating Bulkhead Doors, 152
- Bonhaud, H. M., and others. Tractors, 694
- Bonhaud, H. M., and others. Vehi les having Self-Laying Tracks, 756
- Briggs, R. J. P., and others. Insulators, 395
- British Cotton Industry Research Association, and another. Thread-Testing Machines, 472
- British Electric Plant Company, Ltd., and another. Dynamo Electric Machines, 879
- British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd., and others. Loose-Flange Pipe Joints. 471
- Broadbent, Thomas, & Sons, Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Friction Clutches, 755
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., and another. Automatically - operated Electric Motor Starters and Controllers, 34
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., and another. Pres¬sure Gauges, 694
- Brown, C., and others. Carburettors, 395
- Brown, C. A. Shutter Radiator Controllers, 152
- Brown & Barlow, Ltd., and another. Car¬burettors, 395
- Brown, David, Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., and others. Gear Cutting Machines, 880
- Bryant, C. W., and others. Pressure Gauges, 694
- Bullers, Ltd., and others. Insulators, 395
- Burdon, W. M., and M. M., and others. Oil Fuel Furnaces, 693
- Burdons, Ltd., and others. Oil Fuel Furnaces, 693
- Burgess, F. T., and others. Brakes, 184
- Burn, L. Speed-Reducing Gears, 788
- Butterfield, W. P., Ltd., and another. Appa¬ratus for Lock Forming Sheet Metal, 755
- Butterworth, J. A., and another. Lifting Hooks, 788
- C.A.V. Small Tools and another. Turning Lathes, 307
- Cable Accessories Co., Ltd., and another. Electric Switches, 879
- Calverley, J. E., and another. Commutators, 504
- Cammed Laird <fe Co., Ltd., and another. Brake Gear, 568
- Cammed Laird <fe Co., Ltd., and another. Metal Railway Vehicles, 34
- Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd., and another. Wheels and Axles, 568
- Camp & Co., Ltd., and others. Chains and Belts, 34
- Cannock Chase Colliery Co., Ltd., and another. Coal-Cutting Machines, 788
- Carter, R. H., and others. Chains and Belts, 34
- Cash, J. Foundry Moulding Machines, 661
- Cawkwed, A. A., and another. Water-Tube Boilers, 308
- Chipperfield, W., and another. Jib Cranes, 880
- Chorlton. A. E. L., and another. Internal-Combustion Engines, 788, 879
- Clark, F. W., and others. Furnaces, 504
- Clark, H., and others. Screening and Washing Coal, 693
- Coatalen, L., and others. Brakes, 34
- Cooper, A. E., and another. Notching and Punching Presses, 152
- Cooper, C. W., and others. Combing Machines, 472
- Cooper, T. L. R. Combined Electric. Motors and Pumps, 601
- Crawford, A., and others. Electric Switches, 879
- Crosse, E., ami others. Vertical Heading or Forging Machines, 396
- Davidson, J. Internal-Combustion Engines, 184
- Davy Brothers, Ltd., and another. Fluid Pressure Hammers, 756
- Dawson, Sir P., and another. Electric Rail¬ways, 568
- Deighton’s Patent Flue and Tube Co., Ltd., and another. Motor-Wagon Gulley Emptying and Recharging Apparatus, 756
- Deighton’s Patent Flue <fc Tube Co., Ltd., and others. Motor Wagon Oil-Fuel Furnace, 184
- Dempster, Robert, & Sons, Ltd., and another. Gravity Bucket Conveyors, 246
- Dexter, W. A., and others. Surface Con¬denser Installation, 472
- Duncan, W. Y., Jun., and another. Making India-Rubber Tyres, 756
- Duxbury, J. A., and others. Apparatus for Lock Forming Sheet Metal, 755
- Eastern Telegraph Co., Ltd., and another. Electric Motors, 879
- Edwards, C. K., and others. Transport Vehicles, 152
- Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd., and another. Electricity Meters, 693
- Elliott, A. Water-Tube Steam Generators, 662, 694
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Vehicles for Use on Rail Traction Systems, 850
- Evans, W. H., and another. Door-Locking Apparatus, 661
- Fairburn. C. E., and others. Vehicles for Use on Rail Traction Systems, 850
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another.
- Rudders of Aeroplanes, 661
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another.
- Shock Absorbers, 307
- Fairey, C. R., and others. Shock Absorbers, 307
- Fairey, F. R., and others. Rudders of Aero¬planes, 661
- Fallon, J. Mechanical Fuel-Feed Devices, 308
- Fawcitt, E., and others. Jib Cranes, 849
- Fawdry, F. W., and another. Electric Railways, 568
- Ferguson Superheaters, Ltd., and another. Mixing Valve, 880
- Fisher, Humphries & Co., Ltd., and another. Rotary Drying Cylinders, 756
- Flannery, Baggallay & Johnson, Ltd., and others. Barges, i84
- Foden, E. R., and others. Six-Wheel Road Vehicles, 850
- Foden, H., and others. Liquid Fuel Burners, 850
- Fodens, Ltd., and another. Six-Wheel Road Vehicles, 850
- Fothergill, H. Boiler Feed Water Supply Plants, 662
- Fothergill, H. Steam Power Plants, 308
- Fowler, John, & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., and another. Road Scarifiers, 662
- Fox, A. G., and others. Furnaces, 471
- Fox, A. G., and others. Steam Generators, 568
- Fulcher, F. C. Straining or Filtering Appara¬tus, 567
- Gilflllan, K. A. B. Raising of Liquids, 184
- Glossop, W. Spraying Apparatus for Treating Road Surfaces, 152
- Graham, E., and another. Jib Cranes, 880
- Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds, Ltd., and another.
- Vertical Heading or Forging Machines, 396
- Hadley, C. A., and others. Electric Welding Apparatus, 755
- Had wen, C. M., and others. Mixing Valves, 880
- Hand, T. W., and others. Fluid Pressure Hammers, 756
- Harding, W., and another. Carburetting Apparatus, 849
- Harker, A., and others. Barges, 184
- Haslam, Sir A. S. Packing, 471
- Hawker, H. G., Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Securing Bolts, 34
- Head, Wrightson <fc Co., Ltd., and others. Screening and Washing Coal, 693
- Hedley, R. F. H., and others. Coal Cutters, 567
- Hetherington, John, & Sons, Ltd., and another. Combing Machines, 472
- Highfleld, J. S. and W. E. Welded Joints, 661
- Highfleld, W. E., and another. ' Commutators, 504
- Higgitt, H. V., and others. Electric Motors, 879
- Holland, H. W., and another. Bomb Release Mechanism, 34 .
- Hughes, J., and another. Hoisting Devices, 849
- Husbands, H. W. S. Automatic Couplings, 850
- Hutchinson, U. M., and others. Rotary Drying Cylinders, 756
- Hutt, A. C., and another. Vertical Steam Boilers, 472
- Inglis, R. J. M. Securing Rails in their Chairs, 34
- Invernairn, Lord, and another. Internal- Combustion Engines, 788, 879
- Ionides, P. D., and others. Sluice Gates, 788
- Irving, B., and others. Oil Fuel Burners, 693
- Jones, C., and another. Notching and Punching Presses, 152
- Jones, W. Flattening, Stretching and Straightening Sheets, 246
- Kearns, J., and another. Making India- Rubber Tyres, 756
- Keay, David, & Leslie, Ltd., and another. Spinning-Frame Mechanism, 308
- Keith, G., and others. Automatic Temperature Control Apparatus, 396
- Keith, James, & Blackman Co., Ltd., and another. Automatic Temperature Control Apparatus, 396
- Kemp, D., and others. Internal-Combustion Engines, 755.
- Kent, W. G. Water Meters, 395 Kitchen, H. E., and others. Gear-Cutting Machines, 880
- Lampiough, F. Treatment of Hydrocarbon Oil Vapours, 661
- Lennox, A., and another. Tube-Expanding Tools, 471
- Lewin, W. J., and others. Motor-Wagon Gulley Emptying and Recharging Apparatus, 756
- Lewin, W. J., and others. Motor Wagon Oil-Fuel Furnace, 184
- Lewis, W. Y., and another. Water-Tube Boilers, 308
- Linneker, J., and another. Coal-Cutting Machines, 849
- Lithgoe, J., and another. Coal-Cutting Machines, 849
- Livesey, A. C., and others. Automatically- Operated Electric Motor Starters and Con¬trollers, 34
- Lobnitz & Co., Ltd., and another. Drag- Line Excavators, 879
- Logan, W. A. Coal-Cutting Machines, 504
- London Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., and another. Furnaces, 471
- London Electric Supply Corporation. Ltd., and another. Steam Generators, 568
- MacCallum, A. H. S. Transformers, 504
- McClelland, N. E. Steam Boilers, 880
- McDonnell, Hon. A., and others. Barges, 184
- Mackay, II. J. S., and others. Steam Genera¬tors, 472
- McLaren, H. Disc Cultivators or Harrows, 879
- Mansfield, W., and another. Bomb Release Mechanism, 34
- Maudling, A. W., and others. Dynamo Electric Machines', 879
- Metcalf, J. A., and another. Tube-Expanding Tools, 471
- Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Ltd., and another. Staircases for Passenger Vehicles, 662
- Millington, C. A., and others. Motor Wagon Oil-Fuel Furnace, 184
- Milnes, H. R. and J. W. Lathes, 396
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., and another. Surface Condenser Installation, 472
- Mordey, W. M., and others. Electricity Meters, 693
- Morris, John, & Sons, Ltd., and others. Fire Engine Pumps, 850
- Morris, J. and F., and others. Fire Engine Pumps, 850
- Morris, H., and another. Lifting Hooks, 788
- Morrison, R., and others. Sighting Devices for Director Firing, 246
- Moss, A. H. Internal-Combustion Engines, 849
- Napier, D., <fe Son, Ltd. Lubrication of Bearings, 755
- Naylor, G. W. and J. F. Ingot Moulds, 693
- Neep, G. H., and others. Protective Arrange¬ments for Electric Distribution Systems, 7 5o
- Ness, J., and others. Spinning-Frame Mec¬hanism, 308
- Newbery, W. Sleeve-Valve Internal-Com¬bustion Engines, 395
- Newman, H. S., and others. Insulators, 395
- Noble, E. E., and others. Water-Tube Boilers, 472, 568
- Norton’s (Tividale), Ltd., and another. Operating Reciprocating Conveyors, 567
- Owens, R. L. Heat-Insulated Chambers, 308
- Oxley, A. E., and others. Thread-Testing Machines, 472
- Padfleld, W. W., and others. Jib Cranes, 567
- Palmers Shipbuilding <fe Iron Co., Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engines, 755
- Patterson, A. T. Furnace Fire-Bars, 568
- Penn, O. S., and others. Endless-Track Vehi¬cles, 184
- Perl, A. H. F., and others. Chains and Belts, 34
- Poynton, H. J., and others. Coal-Cutting Machines, 788
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Apparatus for Indicating the Flow of Liquid through Pipe3, 693
- Ransomes & Rapiers, Ltd., and another. Sluice Gates, 788
- Reed, G. H., and another. Operating Bulkhead Doors, 152
- Reynolds, F., and others. Sparking Plugs, 395
- Ride & Bell, Ltd., and another. Apparatus for Removing Coke from Retorts. 849
- Roadless Traction, Ltd., and another. Endless Track Vehicles, 184
- Roberts, F. S., and another. Door-Locking Apparatus, 661
- Rogers, H. G. Folding Mechanism. 66L
- Rogers, H. G. Printing Machinery. 567
- Rose Street Foundry <fe Engineering Co., Ltd.,
- and another. Electric Welding Apparatus, 755
- Rowntree, F., and others.’ Automatic Valves, 850
- Rowntree, F., and others. Cylinders. 307
- Roxburgh, R. L. Gas-Fired Steam Boilers. 662
- Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., and another. Force-Feed Lubricating Systems, 395
- Shilson, B. W., and others. Air-Brake Dynamo¬meter Engine Power-Testing Mechanism. 755
- Simin, J. S., and others. Internal-Combustion Engine Cylinders, 471
- Simm, J. S., and others. Pistons and Piston Rod9, 661
- Smith, A. C. Electric Switches, 567
- Smith, A. P., and another. Jib Cranes, 788
- Smith, D., and others. Power Screw Presses, 788
- Smith, Daniel, Ltd., and another. Power Screw Presses, 788
- Smith, F. R., and others. Air-Brake Dynamo¬meter Engine Power-Testing Mechanism, 755
- Smith, S., and others. Internal-Combustion Engine Cylinders, 693
- Smith, Thomas, <fc Sons (Rodley), Ltd., and another. Jib Cranes, 849
- Stein & Atkinson, Ltd., and another. Fur¬naces, 694
- Stirling Boiler C'o., Ltd., and another. Steam Generators, 472
- Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., and another. Water- Tube Boilers, 472, 568
- Stothert <fc Pitt, Ltd., and others. Jib Cranes, 567
- Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., and another. Brakes, 34
- Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, and others. Automatic Valves, 850
- Swan, Hunter <fc Wigham Richardson. Ltd., and others. Cylinders, 307
- Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., and another. Pistons, 395
- Switchgear & Cowans, Ltd., ami another. Protective Arrangements for Electric Dis¬tribution Systems, 755
- Sykes, A., and others. Gear-Cutting Machines, 880
- Taylor, H. G., and another. Jib Cranes, 788
- Thermal Syndicate, Ltd., and another. Spark¬ing Plugs, 395
- Thomas D. L. and another. Hoisting Devices, 849
- Thomas, H. K., and others. Steering and Controlling Road Vehicles, 504
- Thomas, J., and another. Carburetting Ap¬paratus, 849
- Thomson, B., and others. Securing Bolts, 34
- Thompson, G. H. Percussion Tools, 152
- Thornycroft, John I., & Co., Ltd., and another. Screw-Propelled Navigable Vessels, 308
- Thornycroft, Sir J. I., and others. Screw- Propelled Navigable Vessels, 308
- Tompkins, R. E. Sliding Windows, 850
- Toogood, H. J., and others. Gravity Bucket Conveyors, 246
- Toplis, C. M., and others. Jib Cranes. 567
- Travel’s, M. W., and others. Furnaces. 504
- Travel’s <fc Clark, Ltd., and others. Furnaces, 504
- Wade, F. R., and others. Turning-Lathes, 307
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., and another. Motor Road Vehicles, 307
- Walker, E. G., and others. Staircases for Passenger Vehicles, 662
- Wallis, A. Road Rollers, 396
- Wallsend Slipway <fc Engineering Co.. Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engine Cy¬linders, 471
- Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co.. Ltd., and another. Pistons and Piston Rods, 661
- Ward, L. Pumps, 307
- Watson, E. Steam Boilers, 756
- Watson, H. B., and another. Steam Engines, 471
- Weir, A. H., and others. Centrifugal Friction Clutches, 755
- Weir, G. <fe J., Ltd., and another. Steam Con¬densers, 504, 694
- Weir, J. G., and others. Steam Condensers, 504, 694
- Weston, S. F., and others. Spraving Devices, 396
- Whelan, W. Thrust Bearings for Marine Engines, 471
- Wild, M. B., and others. Friction Brakes, 755
- Wild, M. B., & Co., Ltd., and another. Friction Brakes, 755
- Wilkinson, G. S., and others. Lubrication of Bearings, 755
- Williams, C., and others. Loose-Flange Pipe Joints, 471
- Williamson, W. D., and others. Motor Road Vehicles, 307
- Wilson, Henry, <fc Co., Ltd., and another. Liquid Fuel Burners, 850
- Wilson, R. W., and others. Coal Cutters, 567
- Wood, D., and others. Road Scari tiers, 662
- Woodvine, G., and another. Combined Engine Crankshaft and Differential Driving Gear. 504
- Wylie, H. N., and others. Metallic Aircraft Construction, 307
- Yarrow. H, E. Steam Re-heaters, 246