Engineering 1927 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1927 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1927 Jan-Jun Volume
Electrical Apparatus :
- Bearings, Dustproof Oil-Bath. T. J. H. Blackley and A. E. Leach, 784
- Dvnamo-Electric Machines. Enclosed Motor Co., Ltd., N. W. Gilbert, C. E. Jacoby, and A. E. Jabet, 215
- Meters, Maximum Demand. F. G. Shotter and E. W. Hill, 784
- Regulators, Single-Phase Induction. Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., G. H. Neep and D. Firth, 658
- Switches, Electric Oil. J. G. Statter and S. Marston, 784
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, &c. :
- Carbonisation. A. Parker, 215
- Carburettors. A.M.A.O., Ltd., E. Sanderson, and W. N. G. Phillips, 752
- Compressors, Gas. Sir A. S. Haslam, 278
- Fuel Injectors. H. Widdop and Co., Ltd., and H. Widdop, 534
- Governors, Centrifugal. Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and C. F. L. King, 784
- Internal-Combustion Engines. Barr and Stroud, Ltd., and J. W. French, 215
- Internal-Combustion Engines. William Beardmore & Co., Ltd., and R. Love, 62
- Internal-Combustion Engines. Morris Engines (Coventry), Ltd., F. G. Woollard and A. G. Pendrell. 658
- Internal-Combustion Engines. Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., and W. S. Burn, 215
- Internal-Combustion Engines. John I. Thorny croft & Co., Ltd., and T. Thomy- croft, 215
- Internal-Combustion Engines. White and Poppe, Ltd., and J. Milne, 278
- Lubrication Systems. Douglas Motors, Ltd., and C. G. Pullin, 62
- Ovens, Coke, By-Product. Peace and Partners, Ltd., and G. Stephenson, 278
- Pistons. Norton Motors, Ltd., and W. W. Moore, 658
- Pistons. A. H. Phillips and T. S. Rigby, 215
- Pressure Regulators, Gas. W. E. Wood- head, A. Stephenson and Allen-Liversidge; Ltd., 62
- Valves, Compressor, Air and Gas. F. Ryder and Pluperfect Refrigeration Co., Ltd., 752
Hydraulic Machinery :
- Valve, Automatic Self-Closing. Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., and O. A. Price, 62
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Coiling Gear for Windlasses, John Fowler & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., and C. H. Fowler, 62
- Cranes, Luffing-Jib. Thomas Smith & Sons (Bodley), Ltd., and C. Walls, 658
- Gears, Reversing. L. Burn, 278 Handling and Discharging Coke. H. Single-ton, 658
- Ropeways, Aerial. Ropeways, Ltd., and
— *T. Thorne, 214
- Transporters. W. E. MacKenzie, 658 Winding Drum. W. Reid and W. Reid,
- Jnr., 472
Machine and Other Tools, Shafting, &c. :
- Bearings. John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., and V. G. Barford, 278
- Boring Bars. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whit¬worth & Co., Ltd., and F. W. Palmer, 215
- Hack-Saws, Power. W. Heaton, 278 Machine Tool. R. Price, 752 Wire-Pointing Machines. Wm. Hall & Co.,
- Ltd., and G. B. King, 658
Milling and Separating Machinery :
- Grinding Mills. J. Jamieson and R. Gaunt, 472
Mining, Metallurgy and Metal Working :
- Annealing Covers. A. E. Thompson, 472 Coal-Washer Boxes. B. Norton, 690 Coal-Washing Apparatus. Flow Coal
- Washery Co., Ltd., A. Russell and S. Austin, 690
- Tipplers, Rotary, for Coal Wagons. Babcock <fe W’ilcox, Ltd., and A. Lennox, 216
Miscellaneous :
- Brick-Making Machines. F. Knott and Maxted & Knott, Ltd., 216
- Concrete-Mixing Machines. Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd., and P. D. Tonides, 752
Motor Road Vehicles :
- Brakes. Dennis Brothers, Ltd., and 0. R. Charles, 752
- Mounting Electric Generators on Internal- Combustion Engines. Douglas Motors, Ltd., and C. G. Pullin, 534
Railways and Tramways :
- Trucks, Tramway. Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and A. 0. Baker, 278
- Vehicle Bodies. Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd., and R. S. Bailey, 216
Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Deck Gear of Ships. Reavell & Co., Ltd., and W. Reavell, 534
- ‘’’Steam Engines, Boilers, Evaporators, &c. :
- Boilers, Steam. Simon-Carves, Ltd., and J. H. Brown, 472
- Boilers, Water-Tube. John I. Thornycroft & Co.. Ltd., and T. Donaldson, 690
- Combustion Chambers. W. Lulofs, 472 Condensers, Surface. Mirrlees Watson Co.,
- Ltd., and W. A. Dexter, 62
- Condensers, Surface. Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons, 216
- Furnace Bridges. H. Towers and J. Forster, 762
- Furnace, Water-Tube Boiler. Simon-Carves, Ltd., and B. F. Clark, 216
- Grates, Furnace. W. Whittaker, 534 Packings, Metallic. United Kingdom Self-Adjusting Anti-Friction Metallic Packing Syndicate, Ltd., and F. G. Brooks, 534
- Superheaters. A. H. Spearing and W. R. Hamlyn, 472
- Superheaters, Steam. F. S. Anderton, 690 Superheaters, Steam. Simon-Carves, Ltd., and J. H. Brown, 690
- Turbines. Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons, A. Q. Carnegie and D. C. P. Willis, 216
- Valves, Slide, H. A. Akroyd and the Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd., 784
Textile Machinery :
- Carding Engines. J. Jolley, 690
- A.M.A.O., Ltd., and others. Carburettors, 52
- Akroyd, H. A., and others. Slide Valves, 784 Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., and others. Gas-
- Pressure Regulators, 62 Anderton, F. S. Steam Superheaters, 690 Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth & Go., Ltd.,
- and another. Boring Bars, 215 Austin, S., and others. Coal-Washing Ap¬paratus, 690
- Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Rotary
- Tipplers for Coal Wagons, 216 Bailey, R. S., and others. Vehicle Bodies, 216
- Baker, A. C., and others. Tramway Trucks, 278
- Barford, V. G., and others. Bearings, 278
- Barr & Stroud, Ltd., and another. Internal-
- Combustion Engines, 215
- Beardmore, Wm., & Co., Ltd., and another.
- Internal-Combustion Engines, 62
- Blackley, T. J. H., and another. Dust-Proof
- Oil-Bath Bearings, 784
- Brooks, G. F., and others. Metallic Packings, 534
- Brown, J. H., and others. Steam Boilers, 472
- Brown, J. H., and others. Steam Superheaters, 690
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Tramway Trucks. 278
- Burn, L. Reversing Gears, 278
- Burn, W. S., and others. Internal-Combustion Engines, 215
- Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., and another. Vehicle Bodies, 216
- Carnegie, A. Q., and others. Turbines, 216
- Charles, C. R., and others. Brakes, 752.
- Clark, B. F., and others. Water-Tube Boiler Futnace, 216
- Dennis Brothers, Ltd., and another. Brakes, 752
- Dexter, W. A., and others. Surface Con¬densers, 62
- Donaldson, T., and others. Water-Tube Boilers, 690
- Douglas Motors, Ltd., and another. Lubri¬cation Systems, 62
- Douglas Motors, Ltd., and another. Mounting Electric Generators on Internal-Combustion Engines, 534
- Enclosed Motor Co., Ltd., and others. Dynamo- Electric Machines, 215
- Firth, D., and others. Single-Phase Induction Regulators, 658
- Flow Coal Washery Co., Ltd., and others. Coal-Washing Apparatus, 690.
- Forster, J., and another. Furnace Bridges, 752
- Fowler, C. H., and others. Coiling Gear for Windlasses, 62
- Fowler, John, & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., and another. Coiling Gear for Windlasses, 62
- French, J. W., and others. Internal-Combus¬tion Engines, 215
- Gaunt, R., and another. Grinding Mills. 472
- Gilbert, N. W., and others. Dynamo-Electric Machines, 215
- Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd., and another. Automatic Self-Closing Valve, 62
- Hall, William, <fe Co., Ltd... and another. Wire- Pointing Machines, 658
- Hamlyn, W. R., and another. Superheaters, 472
- Haslam, Sir A. S., Gas Compressors, 278
- Heaton, W. Power Hack Saws. 278
- Hill, E. W.. and another. Maximum-Demand Meters, 784
- Ionides, P. D., and others. Concrete-Mixing Machines, 752
- Jahet, A. E., and others. Dynamo-Electric Machines, 215
- Jacoby, C. E., and others. Dynamo-Electric Machines, 215
- Jameson, J., and another. Grinding Mills, 472
- Jolley, J. Carding Engines, 690
- King, C. F. L., and others. Centrifugal Governors, 784
- King, G. B., and others. Wire-Pointing Machines, 658
- Knott, F., and others. Brick-Making Machines 216
- Leach, A. E., and another. Dustproof Oil- Bath Bearings, 784
- Lennox, A., and others. Rotary Tipplers for Coal Wagons, 216
- Love, R., and others. Internal-Combustion Engines, 62
- Lulofs, W. Combustion Chambers, 472
- MacKenzie, W. E. Transporters, 658
- Marston. G. S., and another. Electric Oil
- Switches, 784
- Maxted & Knott, Ltd., and another. Brick- Making Machines, 216
- Milne, J., and others. Internal-Combustion Engines, 278
- Mirrlees, Watson & Co., Ltd., and another. Surface Condensers, 62
- Moore, W. W., and others. Pistons, 658 Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and another.
- Centrifugal Governors, 784
- Morris Engines (Coventry), Ltd., and others. Internal-Combustion Engines, 658
- Keep, G. H., and others. Single-Phase Induction Regulators, 658
- Norton, B. Coal-Washer Boxes, 690
- Norton Motors, Ltd., and another. Pistons, 658
- Palmer, F. W., and others. Boring Bars, 215
- Parker, A. Carbonisation, 215
- Parsons, Hon. Sir 0. A. Surface Condensers, 216
- Parsons, Hon. Sir C. A., and others. Turbines, 216
- Peace & Partners, Ltd., and another. By- Product Coke Ovens, 278
- Pendrell, A. G., and others. Internal-Com¬bustion Engines, 658.
- Phillips, A. H., and another. Pistons, 215
- Phillips, W. N. G., and others. Carburettors, 752
- Pluperfect Refrigeration Co., Ltd., and another. Air and Gas Compressor Valves, 752
- Price, O. A., and others. Automatic Self- Closing Valve, 62
- Price, R. Machine Tool, 752
- Pullin, C. G., and others. Lubrication Systems, 62
- Pullin, C. G., and others. Mounting Electric Generators on Internal-Combustion Engines, 534
- Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd., and another. Concrete-Mixing Machines, 752
- Reavell & Co., Ltd., and another. Deck Gear of Ships, 534
- Reavell, W., and others. Deck Gear of Ships, 534
- Reid, W., and W., Jnr., Winding Drum, 472
- Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engines, 215
- Rigby, T. S., and another. Pistons, 215
- Ropeways, Ltd., and another. Aerial Rope¬ways, 215 ,
- Russell, A., and others. Coal-Washing Appa¬ratus, 690
- Ryder, F., and others. Air and Gas Com¬pressor Valves, 752
- Sanderson, E., and others. Carburettors, 752
- Shotter, G. F., and another. Maximum Demand Meters, 784
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., and another. Steam
- Boilers, 472
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., and another. Steam
- Superheaters, 690
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., and another. Water-
- Tube Boiler Furnace, 216
- Singleton, H. Handling and Discharging Coke, 658
- Smith, Thomas, & Sons (Rodley), Ltd., and another. Luffing-Jib Cranes, 658
- Spearing, A. H., and another. Superheaters, 472
- Statter, J. G., and another. Electric Oil Switches, 784
- Stephenson, A., and others. Gas-Pressure Regulators, 62
- Stephenson, G., and others. By-Product Coke Ovens, 278
- Switchgear A Cowans, Ltd., and others. Single- Phase Induction Regulators, 658
- Thompson, A. E. Annealing Covers, 472
- Thorne, H. T., and another. Aerial Ropeways, 215
- Thornycroft, John I., A Co., Ltd., and another. Bearings, 278
- Thornycroft, John I., A Co., Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engines, 215
- Thornycroft, John I., A Co., Ltd., and another. Water-Tube Boilers, 690
- Thornycroft T., and others. Internal-Combus¬tion Engines, 215
- Towers, H., and another. Furnace Bridges. 752
- United Kingdom Self-Adjusting Anti-Friction Metallic Packing Syndicate, Ltd., and another. Metallic Packings, 534
- Walls, C., and others. Luffing-Jib Cranes. 658
- White A Poppe, Ltd., and another. Internal- Combustion Engines, 278
- Whittaker, W. Furnace Grates, 534
- Widdop, H.. and others. Fuel Injectors. 534
- Widdop, H., A Co., Ltd., and another. Fuel Injectors, 534
- Willis, D. C. P., and others. Turbines, 216
- Woodhead, W. E., and others. Gas Pressure
- Regulators, 62
- Woollard, F. G., and others. Internal-Com¬bustion Engines, 658
- Yorkshire Engine Co. and another. Slide Valves, 784