Engineering 1938 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1938 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1938 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Undercarriage, Seaplane. The Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and M. J. O, Lobelle, 410
Agricultural Appliances :
- Grass Drier. Kaloroil Burners, Ltd., and A. Goldberg, 722
Electrical Apparatus :
- Echo-Sounding Apparatus. Henry Hughes and Son, Ltd., and D. 0. Sproule, 178
- Regulator, Electric. English Electric Co., Ltd., and J. E. Calverley, 90
- Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, &c. :
- External-Combustion Engine. The New Engine Co., Ltd., and J. F. J. Malone, 722
Guns and Explosives :
- Magazine, Machine-Gun. Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., R. V. Shepherd, and J. W. Shilvock, 410
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Indicator, Fuel-Consumption. J. B. Barrett’ 178
- Machine and other Tools, Shafting, &c. :
- Coupling, Flexible. Silentbloc, Ltd., and V. A. Trier, 778
- Grinding Wheel. Norton Grinding Wheel Co., Ltd., and W. Haddock, 90
- Milling Machine, Propeller-Blade. J. Stone and Co., Ltd., and C. J. Lyth, 634
- Milling and Separating Machinery :
- Separator, Centrifugal. C. E. Harvey, 410
Mining, Metallurgy, &c. :
- Bench, Push. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and G. S. McLay, 234
- Kiln, Tunnel. Gibbons Bros., Ltd., and W. E. Gibbons, 90
- Polishing Mill. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and Sydney Smith, 634
- Wagon, Coke. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and G. T. Purves, 322
Miscellaneous :
- Bearing, Anti-Friction. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and C. G. Pullin, 178
- Filtering Apparatus. H. A. Brassert and Co., Ltd., 90
- Floor, Concrete. J. H. Walker, 778
- Floor, Insulated. J. H. Walker, 322 Hopper Charger, Automatic. British Coal Distillation, Ltd., C. Machen and E. H. G. Aram, 322
- Packing Machine. Southall and Smith, Ltd., R. B. Partridge, and F. W. Weaver, 234
Motor Road Vehicles :
- Braking System. Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and D. T. Brock, 234
- Coach, Motor. Leyland Motors, Ltd., and C. B. Nixon, 778
- Coupling, Hydraulic. Daimler Co., Ltd., and L. H. Poineroy, 634
- Crankshaft, Built-Up. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., L. F. R. Fell and H. L. Towns, 722
- Gear, Variable-Speed Epicyclic. E. J. De Normanville and De Normanville Transmission, Ltd., 234
- Tipping Vehicles. Benson Motor Body Co., Ltd. and J. E. Bissell, 322
Pumps :
- Rotary Pump. Tecalemit, Ltd., and W.
- Langley, 634
- Railways and Tramways :
- Coupling, Flexible. English Electric Co.’ Ltd., and E. A. Binney, 322
- Steam Engines, Boilers, &c. :
- Boiler, Water-Tube. Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and E. L. Luly, 178
- Stoker, Furnace. J. W. Lewer, 410
- Stoker, Mechanical. Smokeless Combustion
- Co., Ltd., and J. N. Sword, 90
- Textile Machinery :
- Belt-Shifting Mechanism. Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour, Ltd., and N. Wailes- Fairbairn, 722
- Aram, E. H. G., and others. Automatic Hopper Charger, 322
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and others. Built-up Crankshaft, 722
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and another. Braking System, 234
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Water- Tube Boiler, 178
- Barrett, J. B. Fuel-Consumption Indicator, 178
- Benson Motor Body Co., Ltd., and another. Tipping Vehicles, 322
- Binney, E. A., and others. Flexible Coupling, 322
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., and others. Machine-Gun Magazine, 410
- Bissell, J. E., and others. 322
- Brassert, H. A., Co., Ltd. tus, 90
- British Coal Distillation, Automatic Hopper Charger, 322
- Brock, D. T., and others. Braking System, 234
- Calverley, J. E., and others. Electric Regulator, 90
- Daimler Co., Ltd., and another. Coupling, 634
- De Normanville, E. J., and others. Speed Epicyclic Gear, 234
- De Normanville Transmission, another. Variable-Speed Epicyclic Gear, 234
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Electric Regulator, 90
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Flexible Coupling, 322
- Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour, Ltd., and another. Belt-Shifting Mechanism, 722
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another. Seaplane Undercarriage, 410
- Fell, L. F. R., and others. Built-Up Crankshaft, 722
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., and another. Tunnel Kiln, 90
- Gibbons, W. E., and others. Tunnel Kiln, 90
- Goldberg, A., and others. Grass Drier, 722
- Haddock, W., and others. Grinding Wheel, 90 Harvey, C. E. Centrifugal Separator, 410 Hughes, Henry, and Son, Ltd., and another.
- Echo-Sounding Apparatus, 178
- Kaloroil Burners, Ltd., and another. Grass Drier, 722
- Langley, W., and others. Rotary Pump, 634 Lewer, J. W. Furnace Stoker, 410
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., and another. Motor Coach,778
- Lobelie, M. J. 0., and others. Seaplane Undercarriage, 410
- Luly, E. L., and others. Water-Tube Boiler, 178
- Lyth, C. J., and others. Propeller-Blade Milling Machine, 634
- Machen, C., and others. Automatic Hopper Charger, 322
- Malone, J. F. J., and others. External-Combustion Engine, 722
- McLay, G. S., and others. Push Bench, 234
- New Engine Co., Ltd., and another. External- Combustion Engine, 722
- Nixon, C. B., and others. Motor Coach, 778
- Norton Grinding Wheel Co., Ltd., and another. Grinding Wheel, 90
- Partridge, K. N., and others. Packing Machine, 234
- Pomeroy, L. H., and others. Hydraulic Coupling, 634
- Pullin, C. G., and others. Anti-Friction Bearing, 178
- Purves, G. T., and others. Coke Wagon, 322
- Shepherd, R. V., and others. Machine-Gun Magazine, 410
- Shilvock, J. W., and others. Machine-Gun Magazine, 410
- Silent bloc, Ltd., and another. Flexible Coupling, 778
- Smith, Sydney, and others. Polishing Mill, 634
- Smokeless Combustion, Ltd., and another. Mechanical Stoker, 90
- Southall and Smith, Ltd., and others. Packing Machine, 234
- Sproule, D. O., and others. Echo-Sounding Apparatus, 178
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., and another. Propeller- Blade Milling Machine, 634
- Sword, J. N., and others. Mechanical Stoker, 90
- Tecalemit, Ltd., and another. Rotary Pump, 634
- Towns, H. L., and others. Built-Up Crankshaft, 722
- Trier, V. A., and others. Flexible Coupling, 778
- ‘ Wailes-Fairbairn, N., and others. Belt-Shifting Mechanism, 722
- Walker, J. H. Concrete Floor, 778
- Walker, J. H. Insulated Floor, 322
- Weaver, F. W., and others. Packing Machine, 234
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., and another. Anti-Friction Bearing, 178
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Polishing Mill, 634
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Push Bench, 234
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Coke-Wagon, 322
See Also
Sources of Information