Engineering 1940 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1940 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1940 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Aeroplane-Brake Drum. Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., and E. C. Toghill, 20
- Airscrew Blades, Laminated, Manufacture of. De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., and E. P. King, 440
- Airscrew Blades, Manufacture of. High Duty Alloys, Ltd., and J. A. Heron, 380
- Bearings, Instrument for Taking. Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., J. Hetherington and E. C. Bailey, 460
- Bomb Sight, Aircraft (Secret Patent). E. C. Horsley, 360
- Composite Aircraft. Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., and D. L. Ellis, 400
- De-Icer for Aircraft. V. D. M. Spinners, Ltd., R. McGlasson and F. G. Marshall, 320
- Dynamometer for Air-Cooled Engines. Heenan and Froude, Ltd., and G. H. Walker, 420
- Flap, Wing. Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and H. J. Stieger, 80
- Joint, Hydraulic Fluid-Transmission. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., L. F. G. Butler and W. Cordiner, 300
- Landing Gear, Aircraft. G. H. Dowty, 60
- Undercarriage, Retractable. G. H. Dowty, 200
Agricultural Appliances :
- Tractor, Agricultural. George Stephenson and Sons, Ltd., and G. Stephenson, 260
Electrical Apparatus ;
- Indicator, Electromagnetic. E. R. Elliston, 260
- Insulator, Section, Trolley-Wire. British Insulated Cables, Ltd., London Passenger Transport Board, T. C. Broom and H. J. Powell, 400
- Liquids, Precipitation of Impurities from. J. Bibby and Sons, Ltd., Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., and A. Ibison, 100
- Suspension, Traction Motor. English Electric Co., Ltd., and E. A. Binney, 220
- Transformer, Metadyne. Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., H. Newsam and A. Tustin, 220
Furnace Apparatus :
- Furnace, Electric. Wild-Barfield Electric
- Furnaces, Ltd., and G. H. S. Grene, 40
- Furnace Front. James Howden and Co., Ltd., W. Nelson and Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., 280
- Gas Producer for Vehicles. Gas Light and Coke Co., and H. M. Lawrence, 340
- Skip. G.W.B. Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and J. MacDonald, 40
- Soaking Hearth. Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., 440
Hydraulic Apparatus :
- Bore-Hole Casings, Withdrawing. Oilwell Engineering Co., Ltd., and J. Cuthill, 280
- Clamp, Pipe-Joint. P. G. Johnson, 240 Coupling, Fottinger. A. V. Oliver, 60 Oil-Dispensing Apparatus. Tecalemit, Ltd., and C. C. S. Le Clair, 40
- Thrustor Unit, Small. British Thomson- , Houston Co., Ltd., and A. T. Stretton, 140 i
Internal-Combustion Engines ;
- Cooling of Internal-Combustion Engines. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., and H. R. Holton, 100
- Gas Engine. Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., H. V. Senior and C. A. Popham, 160
- Oil Engine. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., and J. R. Thonger, 300
- Ring, Scraper. D. Napier and Son, Ltd., and H. C. Tryon, 100
- Self Starter, Shock-Proof. Bryce, Ltd., and G. W. A. Green, 520
- Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Hoists, Safety Devices for. Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Geo. W. King, Ltd., and L. H. Hall, 280
- Indicator, Dredger - Grab. Priestman Brothers, Ltd., and G. B. Oliver, 20
Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Blank-Stamping Machine.
- Co., 460 Broaching Machine.
- and C. Lindall, 220
- Gauge, Ring, for Splines.
- and Tool Co., Ltd., and S. J. Harfey, 200 Lathe, Turret. Butterworth British Automatic Machine Tool Co., Ltd., and H. Butterworth, 500
- Turning Machine, Centreless. Joshua Bigwood and Son, Ltd., and A. Pope, 480
Metallurgy :
- Alloying Process, Pressure Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., and W. McBain, 520
- Billets for Tube-Making, Sizing of. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and J. R. Howard, 160
- Conveyor. Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., M. Van Marie, and A. W. Ogilvy-Webb, 120
- Mould, Ingot. Metropolitan-Vickers Elec
- trical Co., Ltd., Engish Steel Corporation, Ltd., and R. W. Bailey, 140
- Nitrided Steel Parts, Manufacture. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., E. R. Gadd and H. Keates, 380
- Carbonisation Process and Retort. Institution of Gas Engineers and E. J. Dent, 260 Concrete Mixer. Winget, Ltd., and C. W. Stancliffe, 300
- Concrete, Reinforced, Laying. J. H. Walker, 340
- Coupling. Shaft. Metalastik, Ltd., and M Goldschmidt, 240
- Flywheel. English Electric Co., Ltd., and E. H. H. Hassler, 100
- Gas Purifier. International Corporation, Ltd., and A. Ryner, 420
- Joint, Universal, Constant-Velocity. Ben- dix, Ltd., and J. S. Irving, 520
- Meal-Moistening Machine. T. S. Kelsey, Ltd., and A. F. Weber, 320
- Piles, Concrete, Forming. British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., and A. Hiley, 460
- Plaster Board. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., J. J. Etridge, J. B. Sandford, and V. Lefebvre, 500
- Press, Bakelite-Moulding. General Electric Co., Ltd., and R. J. Kaula, 440
- Pressure-Gauge Tester. Barnet Instruments, Ltd., and C. R. A. Grant, 480
- Refrigerator. J. and E. Hall, Ltd., and C. M. Brain, 120
- Sewage-Treatmeiit Plant. James Mills and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., and J. F. Bolton, 400
- Soot Arrester. Grit Abaters, Ltd., and W. G. Hegbourne, 240
- Steering Gear, Road Roller. Thomas Green and Son, Ltd., F. B. Knight and W. A. Owen. 380
- Trenches, Concrete. Stent Precast Concrete, Ltd., and D. H. Stent, 80
- Washing Machine. Chorley and District Hygienic Laundry, Ltd., and J. L. Hill 60
Motor Vehicles :
- Axle Suspension. Guy Motors, Ltd., and R. Dean-Averns, 180
- Brake Drum and Hub. Midland Motor
- Cylinder Co., Ltd., and P. Pritchard, 180
- Gear Change, Motor-Cycle. Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., and H. Perkins, 360
- Gear, Synchromesh. Lagonda Motors, Ltd., and C. W. Sewell, 5C0
- Lining, Brake. British Belting and Asbestos, Ltd., and J. C. Fenton, 80
- Propeller-Shaft Steady. Hardy, Spicer <fe Co., Ltd., and T. F. Green, 360
- Servo-Brake Mechanism. Automotive Pro
- ducts Co., Ltd., and G. R. G. Gates, 480 Steering Gear. R. Bishop and R. H. Johnston, 320
- Transmission, Four-Wheel Drive.
- ham Small Arms Co., Ltd.,
- Perkins, 420
Railways and Tramways :
- Axlebox, Fabricated. London «
- Eastern Railway Co., and T. Cruddas^ 120
- Pivot for Articulated Lomomotive. Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., and S. Jackson, 140
- Token Exchanger, Railway. Railway Signal
- Co., Ltd., W. S. Roberts and J. H. Burton, 20
- Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Bulkhead Door Control. J. Stone and Co., Ltd., and J. F. Tucker, 180
- Hatch, Ship’s. The Gas Light and Coke Co., and S. Hay, 40
- , Log, Impeller-Type, Electrical. W. Ottway it Co., Ltd., G. H. Jackman and G. M. Newbery, 160
Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Generator, Steam. T. A. Hill, R. C. Crawley and William Gunstone and Sons, Ltd., 200
- Turbine, Steam, Double-Flow. Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., S. S. Cook and L. M. Douglas, 520
- Valve Gear, Locomotive. Caprotti Valve Gears, Ltd., 240
- Valve, Steam. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and K. Baumann, 500
Textile Machinery :
- Drawing Head for Spinning Frames. Platt Brothers and Co., Ltd., J. Hughes and W. H. Watson, 340
- Armstrong Cork Co. Blank-Stamping Machine’ 460
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and others’. Safety Device for Hoists, 280
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and another. Servo-Brake Mechanism, 480
- Bailey, E. E., and others. Instrument for Taking Bearings, 460
- Bailey, R. W., and others. Ingot Mould, 140
- Barnet Instruments, Ltd., and another. Pressure-Gauge Tester, 480
- Baumann, K., and others. Steam Valve, 500 Bendix, Ltd., and another. Constant- Velocity Universal Joint, 520
- Beyer, Peacock, Ltd., and another. Pivot for Articulated Locomotive, 140
- Bibby, J., and Sons, Ltd., and others. Precipitation of Impurities from Liquid, 100
- Bigwood, Joshua, and Son, Ltd., and another. Centreless Turning Machine, 480
- Binney, E. A., and others. Traction Motor Suspension, 220
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., another.
- 420
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., another.
- Bishop, R., and another.
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., Flap, 80
- Bolton, J. F., and others. Plant, 400
- Brain, C. M., and others.
- Bristol Aeroplane Co.,Hydraulic Fluid-Transmission Joint, 300* Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and others. Manufacturing Nitrided-Steel Parts, 380
- British Belting and Asbestos, Ltd., and another. Brake Lining, 80
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and others. Trolley-Wire Section Insulator, 400
- British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., and another. Forming Concrete Piles, 460
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and another. Small Thrustor Unit, 140
- Broom, T. C., and others. Trolley-Wire Section Insulator, 400
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and others. Gas Engine, 160
- Bryce, Ltd., and another. Shock-Proof Self-Starter, 520
- Butler, L. F. G., and others. Hydraulic Fluid- Transmission Joint, 300
- Burton, J. H., and others. Railway Token Exchanger, 20
- Butterworth British Automatic Machine Tool Turret Lathe, 500 - others. Turret
- Caprotti Valve Gears, Ltd. Gear, 240
- Chorley and District Hygienic Laundry, Ltd., and another. Washing Machine, 60
- Cook, S. S., and others. Double-Flow Steam Turbine, 520
- Cordiner, W., and others. Hydraulic Fluid- Transmission Joint, 300
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., and another. Ring Gauge for Splines, 200
- Crawley, R. C. and others. Steam Generator, 200
- Cruddas, T. H. W., and others. Fabricated Axlebox, 120
- Cuthill, J., and others. Withdrawing Borehole Casings, 280
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., and another. Manufacture of Laminated Airscrew Blades, 440
- Dean-Averns, B., and others. Axle Suspension, 180
- Dent, F. J., and others. Carbonisation Process and Retort, 260
- Douglas, L. M., and others. Double-Flow Steam Turbine, 520
- Dowty, G. H. Aircraft Landing-Gear, 60
- Dowty, G. H. Retractable Undercarriage, 200
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., and another. Dynamometer for Air-Cooled Engines, 420
- Hegbourne, W. G., and others. Soot Arrester, 240
- Heron, J. A., and others. Manufacture of Airscrew Blades, 380
- Hetherington, J., and others. Instrument for 'Faking Bearings, 460
- High-Duty Alloys, Ltd., and another. Manufacture of Airscrew Blades, 380
- Hiley, A., and others. Forming Concrete Piles, 460
- Hill, J. L., and others. Washing Machine, 60
- Hill, T. A., and others. Steam Generator, 200
- Holton, H. R., and others. Cooling of Internal-Combustion Engines, 100
- Horsley, E. C. Aircraft Bomb Sight (Secret Patent), 360
- Howard, J. R., and others. Sizing of Billets for Tube-Making, 160
- Howden, James, and Co., Ltd., and others. Furnace Front, 280
- Hughes, J., and others. Drawing Head for Spinning Frames, 340
- Ibison, A., and others. Precipitation of Impurities from Liquids, 100
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., and others. Plaster Board, 500
- International Corporation, Ltd., and another. Gas Purifier, 420
- Irving, J. S., and others. Constant-Velocity Universal Joint, 520
- Jackman, G. H., and others. Tmpeller-Type Electrical Log, 160
- Jackson, S., and others. Pivot for Articulated Locomotive, 140
- Johnson, P. G., Pipe-Joint Clamp, 240 Johnston, R. H., and another. Steering Gear, 320
- Lagonda Motors, Ltd., and another. Synchromesh Gear, 500
- Lawrence, H. M., and others. Gas Producer for Vehicles, 340
- Le Clair, C. C. S., and others. Oil-Dispensing Apparatus, 40
- Lefebure, V., and others.
- Lindall, C., and others.
- 220
- Lister, R. A.. and Co., Cooling of Internal-Combustion Engines, 100
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., and another. Heavy- Oil Engine. 300
- London <fe North Eastern Railway Co., and another. Fabricated Axlebox, 120
- London Passenger Transport Board and others.
- Trolley-Wire Section Insulator, 400
- MacDonald, J., and others. Skip, 40
- Marshall, F. G., and others. De-Tcer for Aircraft, 320
- McBain. W.. and others. Pressure Alloying Process, 520
- McGlasson, R., and others. De-Icer for Aircraft, 320
- Metalastik, Ltd., and another. Shaft C’oupling, 240
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical (’o., Ltd., and others. Ingot Mould, 140
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical (’o., Ltd., and others. Metadyne Transformer, 220
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and another. Steam Valve, 500
- Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., and another. Aeroplane-Brake Drum, 20
- Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., and another. Brake Drum and Hub. 180
- Mills. James, Co. (Engineers), Ltd., and another. Sewage-Treatment Plant, 400
- Napier, D., Son, Ltd., and another. Scraper Ring, 100
- Nelson, W., and others. Furnace Front, 280
- Newbery, G. M., and others. Impeller-Type Electrical Log, 160
- Newsam, H., and others. Metadyne Transformer. 220
- Ogilvy-Webb, A. W., and others. Conveyor,
- 120
- Oil Well Engineering (’o., Ltd., and another.
- Withdrawing Borehole Casings, 280
- Oliver, A. V. Fottinger (Vuipling, 60
- Oliver, G. B., and others. Dredger-Grab Indicator, 20
- Ottway, W., and Co., Ltd., and others. Impeller-Type Electrical Log, 160
- Owen, W. A., and others. Road-Roller Steering Gear, 380
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co.. Ltd,, and others. Double-Flow Steam Turbine, 520
- Perkins, H.. and others. Four-Wheel Drive Transmission, 420
- Perkins, H., and others. Motor-Cycle Gear Change, 360
- Platt Brothers tfe (!o., Ltd., and others. Drawing Head for Spinning Frames, 340
- Pope, A., and others, (’entreless Turidng Machine, 480
- Po])bam, C. A., and others. Gas Engine, 160
- Powell, H. .1., and others. Trolley-Wire Section Insulator, 400
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., and anothej’. Dredger-Grab Indicator, 20
- Pritchard, P., and others. Brake Drum and Hub, 180
- Railway Signal Co., Ltd., and others. Kallway Token Exchanger, 20
- Roberta, W. S., and others. Railway Token Exchanger, 20
- Ryner, A., and others. Gas Purifier, 420
- Sandford, J. B., and others. Plaster Board, 500
- Senior H. V., and others. Gas Engine, 100
- Sewell, C. W., and others. Synchromesh Gear, 500
- Shelley, R. T., Ltd., and another. Broaching Machine, 220
- Stancllffe, C. W., and others. Concrete Mixer, 300
- Stein <fe Atkinson, Ltd. Soaking Hearth, 440
- Stent, J). H., and others. Concrete Trenches, 80
- Stent Precast Concrete, Ltd., and another. Concrete Trenches, 80
- Stephenson, G., and others. Agricultural Tractor, 200
- Stephenson, George, and Sons, Ltd., and another. Agricultural Tractor, 200
- Stieger, H. J., and others. Wing Flap, 80
- Stone, J., Co., Ltd., and another. Bulkhead Door Control, 180
- Stretton, A. T., and others. Small Thrustor Unit, 140
- Sturtevant Engineering (‘o., Ltd., and others. Precii)ltation of Impurities from Liquids, 100
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson. Ltd., and another. Pressure Alloying Process, 520
- Tecalemit, Ltd., and another. Oil-Dispensing Apparatus, 40
- Thonger, J. R., and others. Heavy-Oil Engine, 300
- Toghill, E. C., and others. Aeroplane-Brake Drum, 20
- Tryon, H. C., and others. Scraper Ring, 100
- Tucker, J. F., and others. Bulkhead-Door Control, 180
- Tustin, A., and others. Metadyne Transformer, 220
- V. D. M. Spinners. Ltd., and others. De-Icer for Aircraft, 320
- Van Marie, M., and others. Conveyor. 120
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., and another. Composite Aircraft, 400
- Walker, G. H., and others. Dynamometer for Air-Cooled Engines, 420
- Walker, .1. H* Laying Reinforced Concrete, 340
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., and others. Furnace Front, 280
- Watson. W. H., and others. Drawing Head for Spinning Frames, 340
- Weber, A. F., and others. Meal-Moistening Machine, 320
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Sizing of Billets for Tube-Making, 160
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and another. Electric Furnace, 40
- Winget, Ltd., and another. Concrete Mixer, 300
See Also
Sources of Information