Engineering 1944 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1944 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1944 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Air Intake. C. G. Vokes, 120
- Airscrews, Apparatus for Testing Balance. W. and T. Avery Ltd., and E. Brown, 60
- Airscrew. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., and R. T. Duckitt, 440
- Bomb Release. Rose Brothers (Gainsborough), Ltd., and R. H. Watts, 320
- Braking System. J. H. Pratt and A. H. G. Girling, 280
- Catapult Spools for Aircraft. Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., R. H. Adie and A. R. Scott, 460
- Course and Speed Calculating Apparatus. Aron Electricity Meter, Ltd., and E. J. Riordan, 80
- Landing Gear. Messier Aircraft Equipment, Ltd., and A. A. Perriches, 160
- Runway. British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co., Ltd., and E. B. Hall, 140
- Wing Slat. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., and J. Lloyd, 320
Agricultural Appliances ;
- Potato-Digging Machine. David Brown Tractors, Ltd., and A. E. Smith, 360
Electrical Apparatus :
- Dynamometers. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and D. Edmundson, 300
- Eddy-Current Brake. Heenan and Froude, Ltd., and C. T. Hayes, 480
- Electric-Arc Furnace. A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., H. Leyburn and K. Alderson, 40
- Generator, Small. Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and H. D. Hawkes, 200
- Instrument Bearing. Sangamo Weston, Ltd., and F. B. Butherus, 520
- Light-Operated Switch. Vernier Time Switches, Ltd., and R. G. W. Norrish, 400 Voltage Regulator. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., and W. M. Harrison, 500Furnace Apparatus :
- Controlling Fuel and Air Supply. Alfred Herbert, Ltd., and W. France, 240
- Furnace. Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., M. Van Marie and A. W. Ogilvy-Webb, 220
- Heating Coke Ovens. Simon-Carves, Ltd., and A. MacGregor, 480
- High-Temperature Reaction Furnace. Magnesium Elektron, Ltd., F. Roper-Lowe and R. Sandison, 40
- Liquid-Fuel Burner. Wallsend Slipway^ and Engineering Co., Ltd., and A. G. Dobbs, 180
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Air-Cooled Engine. Triumph Engineering Co., Ltd., and H. Hopwood, 340
- Cylinders and Sleeve Valves. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., and H. F. Vasseur, 340
- Overhead-Valve Operating Gear. Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., and F. Anstey, 160
- Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Drop Stamp. J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., and A. Parkes, 160
- Forming Grinding Wheels. Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., H., H. Harley and J. E. Wainwright, 260
- Grinding Machine. The Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., and H. Longthorpe, 12 0
- Turret Lathes. Woodhouse and Mitchell, Ltd., and D. Walker, 440
Metallurgy :
- Adjustable Drawing Dies. T. Bolton and Sons, Ltd., and G. V. D. Hayes, 460
- Bessemer Converter. H. A. Brassert and Co., Ltd., and T. Thomson, 340
- Billet-Casting Machine. J. Stone and Co., Ltd., S. F. Gosling, E. F. Hodges and A. J. Murphy, 420
- Casting Ingots. W. S. Walker and J. F. Bridge, 100
- Coiling Metal, Wire and Strip. United Wire Works (Birmingham), Ltd., J. Needham and C. A. Lowndes, 440
- Metal-Casting Machine. David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., and J. F. B. Jackson, 280
- Production of Hard Carbides. Barrow Hematite Steel Co., Ltd., W. B. Hamilton and W. Killingbeck, 380
Mining :
- Colliery Tub. William Cook and Sons (Shef- tteld), Ltd., T. H. Elliott, W. C. Collins and A. H. Cook, 20
- Dry Cleaning of Coal. W. H. Berrisford, Ltd., and W. H. Berrisford, 200
- Dust Suppression in Coal-Cutters. T. D. Jones and W. A. Terrell, 460
Miscellaneous :
- Change-Speed Gearing. Fodens, Ltd., W.
- Foden and E. Twemlow, 200
- Electrostatic Precipitation. Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., H. W. Wagner and H. J. Hellyer, 180
- Extrusion Machine. Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., J. Delves-Broughton and P. N. Delves-Broughton, 280
- Filling Skips. Woodhall-Duckham (1920),
- Ltd., G. J. Jackson and F. Enoch, 140 Gland Packing. The Pyrene Co., Ltd., and R. Zieschang, 300
- Instruments, Mounting Frame for. Miles Aircraft, Ltd., and A. Deacon, 360
- Locking of Nuts. R. D. Beale, 320 Lubrication System for Sleeves. Armstrong
- Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and F. A. M. Heppner, 500
- Poppet Valve. Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and J. Rodway, 520
- Reducing Valve. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and H. Hillier, 100
- Surfaces, Determining Roughness of. David Brown and Sons (Haddersfleld), Ltd., and W. A. Tuplin, 240
- Ventilating Cowls. The British Power Boat Co., Ltd., and H. M. R. Finn, 380
- Wobble-Plate Pump. Edwards Brothers (Tippers), Ltd., J. R. Edge and J. Cosgrove, 520
Motor Vehicles :
- Bucket Tippers. E. Boydell and Co., Ltd., and J. D. Coldwell, 240
- Centrifugal Clutch. Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and G. W. Hayter, 80
- Change-Speed Gearbox. M. O. Harper, Ltd., and G. M. Harper, 400
- Snow Plough. Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd., and W. J. Lewin, 180
- Steering Gear. R. H. Johnston, 420
- Steering Gear, Power-Assisted. Clayton
- Dewandre Co., Ltd., and J. Rodway, 300
- Tipping Mechanism. Edwards Brothers (Tippers), Ltd., and J. R. Edge, 380
- Tipping Wagon. William Dickie and Sons, Ltd., and T. Dickie, 20
- Trailer Bogie, Heavy. Scammell Lorries Ltd., O. D. North and P. G. Hugh, 220
Pumps :
- Rotary Fluid-Tight Joint. Fodens, Ltd., and W. Foden and E. Twenilow, 140
- Rotary Pump. Smith’s Jacking Systems, Ltd., and D. W. Sessions, 520
Railways and Tramways :
- Wagon-Tippler, Mobile. The British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., H. F. H. Shields and G. W. Grossmith, 260
Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Torpedo Depth-Control Gear. The White- head Torpedo Co., Ltd., and L. Jones, 60
Steam Engines, Boilers, etc. :
- Boiler, Water-Tube. Foster Wheeler, Ltd., and W. Sampson, 500
- Turbine Glands, Steam-Sealed. W. H. Allen. Sons and Co., Ltd.,and A. C. Hutchinson, 12o
Textile Machinery :
- Loom. H. Seal and Co., Ltd., and J. Webster 360
- Loom Shuttle. W. V. Watson, 20
- Adie. R. H., and others. Catapult Spools for Aircraft, 460
- Alderson, R., and others. Electric-Arc Furnace, 40
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., and another. Steam-Sealed Turbine Glands, 120
- Anstey, F., and others. Overhead-Valve Operating Gear, 160
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Lubrication System for Sleeves, 500
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Wing Slat, 320
- Aron Electricity Meter, Ltd., and another. Course and Speed Calculating Apparatus, 80
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., and another. Apparatus for Testing Balance of Airscrews, 60
- Barrow Hematite Steel Co., Ltd., and others. Production of Hard Carbides, 380
- Beale, R. D. Locking of Nuts, 320
- Berrisford, W. H., Ltd., and others. Dry Cleaning of (’oal, 200
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and others. Catapult Spools for Aircraft, 460
- Bolton, T., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Adjustable Drawing Dies, 460
- Bowen, E., and others. Apparatus for Testing Balance of Airscrews, 60
- Boydell, E., and Co., Ltd., and another. Bucket Tippers, 240
- Brassert, H. A., and Co., Ltd., and another. Bessemer Converter, 340
- Bridge, J. F., and another. Casting Ingots, 100
- British Power Boat Co., Ltd., and another. Ventilating Cowls, 380
- British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Ltd., and another. Runway, 140
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., others. Mobile Wagon Tippler, 260
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., another. Dynamometers, 300
- Collins, W. C., and others. Colliery Tub, 20
- Cook, A. H., and others. Colliery Tub, 20
- Cook, W., and Sons (Sheffield), Ltd., and others.
- Colliery Tub, 20
- Cosgrave, J., and others. Wobble-Plate Pump, 520
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., and others.
- Forming Grinding Wheels, 260
- Deacon, A., and others. Mounting Frame for Instruments, 360
- Delves-Broughton, J., and P. N., and others. Extrusion Machine, 280
- Dickie, T., and others. Tipping Wagon, 20
- Dickie, W., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Tipping Wagon, 20
- Dobbs, A. G., and others. Liquid-Fuel Burner, 180
- Duckitt, R. T., and others. Airscrew, 440
- Edge, J. R., and others. Tipping Mechanism, 380
- Edge, J. R., and others. Wobble-Plate Pump, 520
- Edmundson, D., and others. Dynamometers, 300
- Edwards Brothers (Tippers), Ltd., and another. Tipping Mechanism, 380
- Edwards Brothers (Tippers), Ltd., and others. Wobble-Plate Pump, 520
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and another. Small Generator, 200
- Elliott, T. H., and others. Colliery Tub, 20
- Enoch, F., and others. Filling Skips, 140
- Finn, H. M. R., and others. Ventilating Cowls, 380
- Foden, W., and others. (Change-Speed Gearing, 200
- Foden, W., and others. Rotary Fluid-Tight Joint, 140
- Fodens, Ltd., and others. Change-Speed Gearing, 200
- Fodens, Ltd., and others. Rotary Fluid-Tight Joint, 140
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd., and another. Water- Tube Boiler, 500
- France, W., and others. Controlling Fuel and Air Supply, 240
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., and others. Furnace, 220
- Girling, A. H. G., and another. Braking System, 280
- Gossling, S. F., and others. Billet-Casting Machine, 420
- Grossmith, G. W., and others. Mobile Wagon Tippler, 260
- Needham, J., and others. Coiling Metal, Wire and Strip, 440
- Norrish, R. G. W., and others. Light-Operated Switch, 400
- North, 0. D., and others. Heavy Trailer Bogie, 220
- Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Clutch, 80
- Ogilvy-Webb, A. W., and others. Furnace, 220
- Parkes, A., and others. Drop Stamp, 160
- Perriches, A. A., and others. Landing Gear, 160
- Pratt, J. H., and another. Braking System,280
- Pyrene Co., Ltd., and another. Gland Packing, 300
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., and others. Electric-Arc Furnace, 40
- Riordan, E. J., and others. Course and Speed Calculating Apparatus, 80
- Rodway, J., and others. Poppet Valve, 520
- Rodway, J., and others. Power-Assisted Steering Gear, 300
- Roper-Lowe, F., and others. High-Temperature Reaction Furnace, 40
- Rose Brothers (Gainsborough), Ltd., and another. Bomb Release, 320
- Sampson, W., and others. Water-Tube Boiler, 500
- Sandison, R., and others. High-Temperature Reaction Furnace, 40
- Sangamo Weston, Ltd., and another. Instrument Bearing, 520
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd., and others. Heavy Trailer Bogie, 220
- Scott, A. R., and others. Catapult Spools for Aircraft, 460
- Seal, H., and Co., Ltd., and another. Loom, 360
- Sessions, D. W., and others. Rotary Pump, 520
- Shields, H. F. H., and others. Mobile Wagon Tippler, 260
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., and another. Heating Coke Ovens, 480
- Smith, A. E., and others. Potato-Digging Machine, 360
- Smith’s Jacking Systems, Ltd., and another. Rotary Pump, 520
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., and others. Extrusion Machine, 280
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., and others. Billet- Casting Machine, 420
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., and others. Electrostatic Precipitation, 180
- Terrell, W. A., and another. Dust Suppression in Coal-Cutters, 460
- Thomson, T., and others. Bessemer Converter, 340
- Triumph Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Air-Cooled Engine, 340
- Tuplin, W. A., and others.
- Roughness of Surfaces, 240
- Twemlow, E., and others. Gearing, 200
- Twemlow, E., and others. Rotary Fluid-Tight Joint 140
- United Wire Works (Birmingham), Ltd., anJ others. Coiling Metal, Wire and Strip, 440
- Van Marie, M., and others. Furnace, 220
- Vasseur, H. F., and others. Cylinders and Sleeve-Valves, 340
- Venner Time Switches, Ltd., and another. Light-Operated Switch, 400
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Overhead-Valve Operating Gear, 160
- Vokes, C. G. Air Intake, 120
- Wagner, H. W., and others. Electrostatic Precipitation, 180
- Wainwright, J. E., and others. Forming Grinding Wheels, 260
- Walker, D., and others. Turret Lathes, 440
- Walker, W. S., and another. Casting Ingots, 100
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Liquid-Fuel Burner, 180
- Watson, W. V. Loom Shuttle, 20
- Watts, R. H,, and others. Bomb Release, 320
- Webster, J., and others. Loom, 360
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., and another. Reducing Valve, 100
- Whitehead Torpedo Co., Ltd., and another. Torpedo Depth-Control Gear, 60
- Woodall-Duckham (1920), Ltd., and others. Filling Skips, 140
- Woodhouse and Mitchell, Ltd., and another. Turret Lathes, 440
- Zieschang, R., and others. Gland Packing, 300
See Also
Sources of Information