Engineering 1945 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1945 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1945 Jan-Jun Volume
PATENT RECORD (Parts missing - check images for full index)
Aeronautics :
- Air Brake for Aircraft, Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and R. T. Youngman, 160
Electrical Apparatus :
- Electric Cable. British Insulated Cables, Ltd., J. C. Quale and H. B. Chapman, 300
- Electrical Contact. G. F. Shotter, 80
- Electricity Meter. Venner Time Switches, Ltd., W. F. Horgan and W. E. Brook, 520
- Electricity-Meter Rotor. Measurement, Ltd., F. H. Batt and C. F. Clifford, 80
- Engine Starting Motor. C. A. V., Ltd., and S. F. H. Parsons, 20
- Filled Cable-End Box. G. R. A. Carr, 220
- Flash-Welding Connectors. Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., E. Coupland and D. D. Arnott, 440
- Moving-Coil Instrument. D. C. Gall, 500 Transformer. F. H. Haynes, 40
Furnace Apparatus :
- Automatic Fuel Feed. H. Lindars, 380 • Conveyor for Annealing Furnace. John
- Summers and Sons, Ltd., and J. F. R. Jones, 20
- Reverberatory Melting Furnace. Alexandra Furnaces, Ltd., and W. Williams, 40
- Gas Burner. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and B. H. Schieldrop, 60
Guns and Explosives :
- Gun-Sight Aligning Instrument. Avimo, Ltd., and H. C. M. Stevens, 200
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Air-Cooled Cylinder-Head. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., R. K. Crowe and H. C. Mansell, 420
- Flexible Coupling. Blackstone and Co., Ltd., and R. E. J. Townsend, 480
- Fuel Injector. Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., and E. P. Paxman, 140
- High-Compression Gas Injection Engine. The National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., and J. Jones, 460
- Lubrication. L. Gardner and Sons, Ltd., J. H. S. Gardner and J. K. Gardner, 320
- Oil-Dilution System. S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd., and T. H. Waterfield, 440
- Oil-Injection Pump. C.A.V., Ltd., W. E. W. Nicolls and F. M. Evans, 280
- Petrol Valve. British Thermostat Co., Ltd., and W. F. F. Martin-Hurst, 520
- Unit Construction of Engines. Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., and E. P. Paxman, 180
- Valve Mechanism. F. H. Stark, 420
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Level-Luffing Jib Cranes. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and I. Kay, 520
Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Centreless Grinding Machine. Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., and H. Longthorpe, 60
- Friction Clutch. Darling and Sellars, Ltd., and A. Cattley, 100
- Grinding Wheel. Norton Grinding Wheel Co., Ltd., 500
- Lathe Centre. Harold Andrews Grinding Co., Ltd., and H. Andrews, 360
- Reamer or Milling Cutter. G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., and E. A. Nickoils, 320
- Sheet-Metal Pressure Shaping. Helliwells, Ltd., and J. Ransom, 460
Metallurgy :
- Centrifugal Casting. Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., and P. H. Wilson, 160
Mining :
- Coal-Cutting Machine. Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., and J. B. Mavor, 500
- Coal-Cutting Machine Degummer. Mining
- Engineering Co., Ltd., and M. S. Moore, 200
- Coal-Washing Jig. R. M. Morton, 340
- Cuttings Sweeper for Coal-Cutting Machines.
- A. Anderson and Anderson, Boyes and Co., Ltd., 480
- Mining Machines. Mavor and Coulson, Ltd.,
- J. B. Mavor and W. S. Galloway, 280
Miscellaneous :
- Air Filter. Keith Blackman, Ltd., and G. Keith, 280
- Baling Press. John Gibson and Son, Ltd., G. T. Gibson and W. W. Ramsay, 120
- Buttlerfly Valve. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and C. H. Smith, 40
- Chain Saw. Spear and Jackson, Ltd., and G. Taylor, 300
- Determining the Roughness of Surfaces. David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., and J. E. C. Stringer, 100
- Evaporating Liquids. J. A. Reavell, 20
- Excavator. Priestman Brothers, Ltd., and A. Cook, 180
- Flexible Joint for Pipes. Stanton Ironworks Co., W. Boden and P. H. Wilson, 260
- Foundry Moulding Machine. Hopkinsons, Ltd., and R. L. Brown, 160
- Gasholder. Gas Light and Coke Company and F. M. Birks, 200
- Means for Sealing Shafts. J. L. Guest, 480
- Measuring the Flow of Gases. L. Rosenfeld and the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 400
- Mixing Drum. Dunford and Elliott (Sheffield), Ltd., and H. Lindars, 220
- Motor Fuel. Shell Development Co. and J. G. Fife, 200
- Oil-Retaining Seal. Super Oil Seals and Gaskets, Ltd., and A. E. Foster, 80
- Pinstock for Manholes. Broad and Co., Ltd., and J. Major, 340
- Pressure Gauge. E. Leeds, Buck and Hickman, Ltd., and Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 420
- essure-Reducing Valve. Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., and R. W. G. Davis, 240
- R)tary Blower. Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and J. Rodway, 320
- Rotary-Drum Concrete Mixer. Aveling- Barford, Ltd., and C. M. Wilcock, 440
- Shaft Seal. Howard Wilson, Ltd., D. G. Tones and H. G. Wood, 380
- Tcggle-Operated Press. Taylor and Challen, Ltd., and H. F. Osborn, 460
- W nding Drum for Cable Ships. Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., and G. T. W. Whitehead, 140
- :le for Motor Road Vehicle. Kirkstall
- "^orge, Ltd., and F. R. Cowell, 440
- Atlebed. Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., and F. R.
- (Cowell, 260
- ...jtal Wheel. Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd., land R. C. B. Reeve, 100
- Power Take-off Device. M. O. Harper, Ltd., and G. M. Harper, 120
- Steering Gear. R. H. Johnston and Cam elivery Mechanism for Printing Machines. Dawson, Payne and Elliott, Ltd., and R. Payne, 140
- ’late Cylinder. Goss Printing Press Co., Ltd., 360
Pumps ;
- Compressor. Broom <fe Wade, Ltd., and C. B. Smith, 240
- R)tary Pump. C.A.V., Ltd., and W. E. W. (Nicolls, 60
- Railways and Tramways :
- Plug for Fixing Spikes. Philplug Products, Ltd., and C. H. Taylor, 340
- Carr, G. R. A. Filled Cable-End Box, 220 •
- Cattley, A., and others. Friction Clutch, 100 C.A.V., Ltd., and another. Engine-Starting Motor, 20
- C.A.V., Ltd., and others. Oil-Injection Pump, 280
- C.A.V., Ltd., and another. Rotary Pump, 60 Chapman, H. B., and others. Electric Cable, 300
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., and another. Centreless Grinding Machine, 60
- Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and another. Rotary Blower, 320
- Clifford, C. F., and others. Electricity-Meter Rotor, 80
- Cook, A., and others. Excavator, 180 Coupland, E., and others. Flash-Welding
- Connectors, 440
- Cowell, F. R., and others. Axle for Motor
- Road Vehicle, 440
- Cowell, F. R., and others.
- Crowe, R. K., and others.
- Head, 420
- Crowther, C., and others. 400
- Mavor, J. B., and others. Coal-Cutting Machine, 500
- Mavor, J. B., and others. Mining Machines, 280 Measurement, Ltd., and others. Electricity- Meter Rotor, 80
- Mining Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Coal-Cutting Machine Degummer, 200
- Moore, M. S., and others. Coal-Cutting Machine Degummer, 200
- Morton, R. M. Coal Washing Jig, 340
- Napier, A. L., and others. Sealing Leaks in foveted Joints, 360
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., and another. High-Compression Gas-Injection Engine, 460
- Nickoils, E. A., and others. Reamer or Milling Cutter, 320
- Nicolls, W. E. W., and others. Oil-Injection Pump. 280
- Nicolls, W. E. W., and others. Rotary Pump, 60
- Norton Grinding Wheel Co.. Ltd. Grinding Wheel, 500
- Osborn, H. F., and others. Toggle-Operated Press, 460
- Parsons, S. F. H., and others. Engine-Starting Motor, 20
- Paxman. E. P., and others. Fuel Injector, 140 Paxman, E. P., and others. Unit Construction of Engines, 180
- Payne, R., and others. Delivery Mechanism for Printing Machine^, 140
- Philplug Products, Ltd., and another. Plug for Fixing Spikes, 340
- Proctor, H., and others. Forced-Draught Apparatus, 520
- Proctor, J., Ltd., and another. Forced- Draught Apparatus, 520
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., and another. Excavator, 180
- Quale, J. C., and others. Electric Cable, 300
- Ramsay, W. W., and others. Baling Press, 120
- Ransom, J., and others. Sheet-Metal Pressure Shaping, 460
- Reavell, J. A. Evaporating Liquids, 20
- Reeve, R. C. B., and others. Metal Wheel, 100
- Rodway, J., and others. Rotary Blower, 320
- Rosenfeld, L., and others. Measuring the Flow of Gases, 400
- Rubery, Owen and Co., Ltd., and others. Flash- Welding Connectors for, 440
- Sampson, W., and others. Boiler-Furnace Floor, 400
- Sankey, J., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Metal Wheel, 107
- Schieldrop, B. H., and others. Gas Burner, 60
- Shell Development Co., and another. Motor Fuel, 200
- Shotter, G. F. Electrical Contact, 80
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., and another. Pressure-Reducing Valve, 240
- Smith, C. B., and others. Compressor, 240
- Smith, C. H., and others. Butterfly Valve, 40
- Smith, S., and Sons (England), Ltd., and another. Oil-Dilution System, 440
- Spear and Jackson, Ltd., and another. Chain Saw, 300
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Casting, 160
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., and others. Flexible Joint for Pipes, 260
- Stark, F. H. Valve Mechanism, 420
- Stevens, H. C. M., and others. Gun-Sight Aligning Instrument, 200
- Stringer, J. E. C., and others. Determining the Roughness of Surfaces, 100
- Summers, J., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Conveyor for Annealing Furnace, 20
- Super Oil Seals and Gaskets, Ltd., and another. Oil-Retaining Seal, 80
- Taylor, C. H., and others. Plug for Fixing Spikes, 340
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., and another. Toggle- Operated Press, 460
- Taylor, G., and others. Chain Saw, 300
- Thompson, J., Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., and another. Sealing Leaks in Riveted Joints, 360
- Townsend, R. E. J., and others. Flexible Coupling, 480
- Venner Time Switches, Ltd., and others. Electricity Meter, 520
- Vickers, B. R. (Leeds) Engineering Co., Ltd., and others. Ship’s Stern Tube, 400
- Vickers, W. F., and others. Ship’s Stern Tube, 400
- Waterfield, T. H., and others. Oil-Dilution System, 440
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Butterfly Valve, 40
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Gas Burner, 60
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Level-Lutting Jib Cranes, 520
- Whitehead, G. T. W., and others. Winding Drum for Cable Ships, 140
- Wilcock, C. M., and others. Rotary-Drum Concrete Mixer, 440
- Williams, W., and others. Reverberatory Melting Furnace, 40
- Wilson, H., Ltd., and others. Shaft Seal, 380
- Wilson, P. H., and others. Centrifugal Casting, 160
- Wilson, P. H., and others. Flexible Joints for Pipes, 260
- Wood, H. D., and others. Shaft Seal, 380
- Youngman, R. T., and others. Air Brake for Aircraft, 160
See Also
Sources of Information