Hackbridge Cable Co

of Kelvin Works, Hackbridge, Surrey, manufacturer and suppliers of cable to public utilities and commercial undertakings
1917 Incorporated as a private company.
1917 Company made public.
1939 Work on fuel injection equipment for diesel engines, which had been carried out for 2 years and was a significant drain on the company's finances, ceased at the outbreak of war (presumably this refers to Bryce Ltd, also at this address).
Post-WWII Acquired the cable factory at Woolwich which had been seized from Siemens during the war; gave an undertaking not to resell the Siemens name for 20 years[1]
1947 Acquired Bryce Electric Construction Co and Mitcham Motor Co, haulage contractors[2]
1948 Hackbridge Cable Holdings Ltd formed as a public company to acquire Hackbridge Cable Co[3].
Post-WWII Acquired the Siemens cable factory at Woolwich
1955 Acquired Bryce-Siemens[4].
1956 Hackbridge Cable Holdings changed its name to Hackbridge Holdings[5]
1961 Cable makers and electrical engineers.
1961 Formed new subsidiary Kelvin Metal Industries to carry out metal fabrication for the group and outside customers[6]
1967 AEI took over the company at the same time as English Electric was also acquiring a company involved in transformers[7].