Holland and Hannen and Cubitts

Civil engineers and major building contractors, of Gray's Inn Road, London
Aka Holland, Hannen and Cubitts (Great Britain)
1815 company founded[1]
Built Osborne House
1909 Merger of Holland and Hannen with William Cubitt and Co[2]
WWI One of the largest firms of engineers and contractors in the country. Produced 22,000 co fuses, the second largest amount produced by any firm in the country
1917 Established the first National Aircraft Factory - built a large number of aeroplanes in record time and many C.C. interrupter gears.
Post-WWI Used their manufacturing and engineering experience to design a 16-20HP car for mass production
1919 Established new company, Cubitt's Engineering Co, for the purpose of manufacturing the car at a new factory in Aylesbury[3]
1922 Contractors for the new County Hall in London[4]
Built many public buildings, hospitals, major roads, airport facilities, houses, etc
1963 Sold Concrete Development Co to Concrete Ltd[5]
1968 Sold certain residential and commercial property interests to Trafalgar House Investments[6]
1969 Drake and Gorham, Scull acquired Holland and Hannen and Cubitts[7].
1971 Decline in interest in use of system building, something which most of the large contractors used for public sector projects such as housing[8]
1976 Acquired by Tarmac[9], a deal which was supported by the government to encourage rationalisation.