John Boden
John Boden of Boden Lace Mill, Chard, Boden, Morley and Grace, Boden, Morley and Co, Boden, Morley and Johnson, Boden and Morley and Boden and Co
1809 Left his employment with Oliver and Cartwright and joined up with John Heathcoat
1816 Machinery in the mill of John Heathcoat and John Boden was broken by the Luddites. They mill subsequently moved from Loughborough to Tiverton, Devon.
Boden formed a new partnership of Boden, Morley and Grace and established a mechanised Lace Factory in Barnstaple known as the the Derby Lace Mill Factory.
1853 The business operated as Boden and Co, becoming a limited company in 1909. Henry and Walter Boden expanded the business to Chard through the purchase of the Wheatley and Riste lace factory business