John Thompson Beacon Windows

Subsidiary of John Thompson
1919 John Thompson company took over Taylor Windows of Shepherd Street, Wolverhampton and formed the Beacon Windows Co to carry on the business, building new works to do so. This company was run as a separate company until it was amalgamated with Motor Pressings in 1966.
1930 Annual meeting of the associated companies of John Thompson Ltd now included John Thompson Beacon Windows Ltd[1].
1946 Joint venture formed with Henry Hope and Sons called Doorframes Ltd[2].
1951 John Thompson Beacon Windows became a partner in a new venture Crittall-Hope (Rhodesia) Ltd with Crittall Manufacturing Co, Henry Hope and Sons, Porters Industrial Enterprises Ltd and Crittall-Hope Metal Windows (South Africa) Ltd[3].
1950s An advert referred to John Thompson's 16 subsidiary companies including: John Thompson Beacon Windows Ltd - Metal windows for domestic and industrial buildings in steel and aluminium.
- The Pressed Metal Department steel door frames and partitioning and other building products.
- The Flooring Department open grid steel flooring and ladders for industrial buildings.
- The John Thompson Conveyor Company (not mentioned as Ltd. and apparently a part of Beacon Windows): Mechanical handling equipment for all materials.
1966 A trade directory showed that the Aero/Construction department had become a separate company called John Thompson Fabrications Ltd. Their products included Beacon industrial flooring, stair treads and handrails; constructional steelwork, dampers, hoppers, silos, concrete pouring skips, scoops for earth moving equipment, vessels, tanks, ducting.
1966 John Thompson Beacon Windows was amalgamated with Motor Pressings in December 1966 to form John Thompson Pressings Division reflecting the Group divisional reorganisation.