Joseph Crosland
Joseph Crosland (1842-1922)
son of Robert Crosland
1923 Obituary [1]
JOSEPH CROSLAND was horn on 19th March 1842 at Bradford.
At the age of sixteen he became an apprentice in his father's works, Union Foundry, Bradford, and five years later he went to Messrs. Kitson and Co.'s Works, at Leeds.
In 1864 he returned to his father's works, becoming assistant manager, which position he held for some years, until in 1870 he was engaged in the drawing office of the Royal Engineers at Devonport.
From 1878 to 1883 he acted as engineering agent to Messrs. R. Hookson and Co., Sheffield, and later to Messrs. Tangye Bros., Birmingham, and in the latter year he transferred his services to Messrs. Seebohm and Dieckstahl, of Sheffield, subsequently Messrs. Arthur Balfour and Co., Ltd.
His death took place at his residence at Southport on 27th December 1922, in his eighty-first year.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1891.