Livesey, Son and Henderson
Consulting civil engineers, of London
1891 Brodie Haldane Henderson joined James Livesey and Son; the name was changed to reflect the new partner: Livesey, Son and Henderson
1892 Messrs. Livesey, Son and Henderson were charged with examining and reporting on the Algeciras Railway, then under construction, the Great Southern of Spain Railway, the Ponte-vedra and Carril Railway, and other similar projects in Spain.[1]
1893 Engineers of the Costa Rica Railway for the Birriz Viaduct
1899 A meeting to wind up the British Syndicate Ltd was held at the offices of Livesey, Son and Henderson in Broad Street Avenue, London under Brodie H. Henderson as Chairman[2].
c1912 Livesey, Son and Henderson was also known as Livesey and Henderson, although the earlier name continued in use until at least 1932.