Marling and Co
at Ebley Mills, Stroud and Stanley Mills, Stroud, Gloucestershire.
West of England plain and fancy woollens and worsteds.
1792 Business established
1866 Partnership change. '... the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Samuel Stephens Marling, William Henry Marling, and Samuel Stephens, as Clothiers and Manufacturers of Woollen Cloth, trading under the name, style, or firm of Marling and Company, at Ebley Mills and Stanley Mills, near Stroud, was dissolved by mutual consent, as to the said William Henry Marling alone...'[1]
1884 Partnership change. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, Sir William Henry Marling, Bart., Samuel Stephens, and Alfred Selfe Leonard, as Woollen Cloth Manufacturers, at Ebley Mills and Stanley Mills, near Stroud, Gloucestershire, under the style of Marling and Company, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent; and notice is hereby further given, that the said trade or business of Woollen Cloth Manufacturers will be carried on at Ebley Mills aforesaid, only by the said William Henry Marling and Samuel Stephens, under the same style of Marling and Company, and a like trade or business of Woollen Cloth Manufacturers will be carried on by the said William Henry Marling and Alfred Selfe Leonard, in conjunction with John Tuppen Woollright, at Stanley Mills aforesaid, under the style or firm of Leonard, Woollright, and Company...'[2]
1920 Became part of Marling and Evans