Mawson and Swan

of Newcastle and London
of 13 Moseley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (1925)
c. 1839 Company founded by John Mawson
In the 1850s they reputedly produced the best collodion for photography
1864 Joseph Swan became a partner in the firm. 'CHEMICAL AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, 9 AND 13, MOSLEY STREET, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. JOHN MAWSON has much pleasure announcing to his Friends and Customers that he has taken into Partnership his Brother-in-Law, Mr. JOSEPH WILSON SWAN, who has been with him in his Business for nearly Twenty years. This Business in future, in all its Branches, will be carried on under the Style of MAWSON AND SWAN. JOHN MAWSON takes this opportunity expressing his Thanks to his Friends for the Favours conferred upon during the Twenty five Years he has been engaged in business, and hopes to receive himself and Partner a continuance of their Support. January 1, 1864.'[1]
1864 Swan worked out the carbon process, known as the "Autotype," an early practical method of producing permanent photographs. This process had a far-reaching effect on related branches of photography, and was the basis for the photogravure process. Amongst Swan's other inventions was the use of "line screens" which laid the foundations for the "half-tone" process.
1867 Death of John Mawson. His wife continued to run the business until sometime in the 1880s[2].
By 1881 traded as Mawson, Swan and Mawson.[3]
George Weddell, who had had some experience in pharmacy, was brought back to Newcastle by Joseph Swan, to take charge of the Pharmacy business.
1888 Exhibitor at the Photographic Exhibition at the Crystal Palace. [4]
After some years Weddell acquired the business himself, and carried it on under the name of Messrs Mawson, Swan, and Weddell.[5]
c1913 the firm was amalgamated with the firm of Proctor, Son and Clague becoming Mawson and Proctor Ltd.