Oliver, Boden and Co
of Loughborough
1807 Partnership change. '... the Copartnership subsisting between Samuel Caldwell, of Hathern, in the County of Leicester, Framesmith, John Heathcoat, heretofore of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham, late of Hathern aforesaid, and now or late of Loughborough, in the said County of Leicester, Frame setter up, Richard Jelbert, late of Kegworth, in the said County of Leicester, Gentleman, but now deceased, Thomas Simkin, of Lockington, in the said County of Leicester, Gentleman, (carried on by him as Administrator, with the Will annexed, of the said Richard Jelbeart, deceased,) Thomas Barfoot Oliver, of Loughborough aforesaid, Hosier, and John Boden, of the same Place, Hosier, carried on at Loughborough aforesaid, under the Firm of Oliver, Boden, and Co. was on the 31st Day of March last dissolved by mutual Consent. All Debts owing to and from the said Partnership will be received and paid by the said Thomas Barfoot Oliver and John Boden.'[1]