Park Ward and Co

Coachbuilders of Willesden
WWI Mr. Park and Mr. Ward worked at the new factory of F. W. Berwick and Co at Abbey Road, Park Royal.
1919 Mr. W. M. Park and Mr. C. W. Ward formed Park, Ward and Co in Willesden, London
1920 Started producing bodies for the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.
Frederick Henry Royce was impressed with the quality of the work of Park Ward, which led to a number of orders, and by the early 1930s most of their work was for Rolls-Royce.
1926 Mr. A. T. Roberts joined the company (as chairman?), because the company's work as coachbuilders was of such outstanding merit in the industry.
1934 See Park Ward: 1934 Review
1937 Public company.
1939 the company was taken over by Rolls-Royce.
1943 Private company.
1959 after some financial difficulties H. J. Mulliner was also taken over by Rolls-Royce. The new division of Rolls-Royce Mulliner Park Ward was created and at its peak employed 750 workers. The premises were located at Hythe Road, Willesden, London. Over its 100-year history the company created countless classic designs,
1961 Motor body builders on "Rolls-Royce", "Bentley" and "Alvis" chassis and manufacturers and repairers of aircraft components. 800 employees. [1]
1991 After closure of the company, the name Mulliner Park Ward remained as a division within Rolls-Royce until the sale and split-up of Rolls-Royce and Bentley in 1998.
1998 Mulliner became a division of Bentley Motors.