R. C. Skvring Walters (1888-1980)
1922 B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.K.C., Civil Engineer, Limen, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. b. 1888; only s. of Prof. C. Flamstead Walters. Ed. Westminster School and King's College, London. Assistant under consulting engineers, Kirkland and Capper and H. B. Ransom, and under contractors, Sir John Jackson and Holland, Hannen and Cubitt, for 41 years. Resident Engineer for W. T. Hanman, Director of Inland Construction, for 3 years. Since Nov. 1919 engaged on Steelworks extensions, Appleby Iron Co., Scunthorpe, Lincs. Publications: Papers on Economic Geology, "Times" Engineering Supplement, and read paper on "Ancient Surveying," Institution of Civil Engineers (Students). War Services.— Work on Salisbury Plain Camps; Shell Filling Factory, Chilwell; aerodromes; mining camps; Smethwick Aircraft Factory; Western Aircraft Repair Depot and Concrete Slab Factory, Yate.
1980 Died. Detailed Obituary in The Times March 21st 1980.