Rothermel Corporation
Maker and importer of radio and electrical components and sound apparatus, of Kilburn, London
1920 Rothermel Corporation incorporated[1]
1938 Chloride acquired Rothermel Corporation, which had a subsidiary that made parts for road vehicles.
1943 Chloride disposed of Rothermel.
1944 Public company incorporated [2] to acquire R.X.C. Ltd, formerly Rothermel Corporation. Wholly-owned subsidiaries were R. A. Rothermel and British Centralab Ltd[3]
1944 Factory at Kilburn was bombed twice, resulting in loss of 6 months production[4]
1945 January: First AGM. R. A. Rothermel was chairman. July: Messrs Gatty-Saunt, Hassid and Gregg (directors of Remax) were appointed directors[5]. July: Acquired Remax Ltd and Hassid, Austin and Co Ltd
1946 September: Third AGM - much demand for their products from the radio and motor trades[6]
1947 Was a trading company but mainly a holding company which derived income from its subsidiaries; Remax had added to its business in replacement parts for the automotive industry, both electrical and mechanical; had equipped a factory in Liverpool to make vacuuum flasks which would be operated as British Vacuum Flask Co Ltd[7]
1948 British Centralab expected more business suppling hearing aids; its product range was being extended with more products from Centralab Co of Milwaukee, USA; acquired 50 percent of British N. S. F. Co Ltd, which manufactured switches under licence from Cutter Hammer Co of Milwaukee, and the Oak Manufacturing Co of Chicago. Mr Max Linde retired as a director because of his other responsibilities[8]
1954 11th AGM held at British Vacuum Flask Co's works at Liverpool. Another subsidiary was at Keighley. Name changed to Motor and Electronics Corporation[9]