Samuel Richard Yates
Samuel Richard Yates (1880-1947)
1939 A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. Manager, Tingey and Co, Engrs., 17-22 Goswell Terrace, Goswell Road, E.C.1. Age: 58. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; apprent. Lees, Anderson and Co., Glasgow; sea-going experience with Donaldson Line; for 7 years Lecturer, Mar. Eng., Royal Tech. Coll.; Draughtsman with D. Rowan & Co., John Brown & Co., W. Beardmore & Co., and Fairfield S. & E. Co. (6 years Ldg. Eng. Draughtsman); 1911-15, Chief Draughtsman, Mayor & Coulson; 1912-13, Suptg. Engr., Electric Marine Propulsion Co., supervising construction and tests of first Diesel Elec. Vessel; 1916-19, Supt., Shell Dept., Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd.; 1919-26, Chief Draughtsman, Engine Dept., Swan, Hunter; 1926-31, on Tech. Staff of Chief Engr., C.P. Rly. S.S. Services; 1932-34, General Manager, Tingey & Co.; 1936 to date, present position.
1949 Obituary [1]
"SAMUEL RICHARD YATES was associated with marine engineering during the greater part of his career. He was born in 1880 and received his education at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow. After serving his apprenticeship with Messrs. Lees, Anderson and Company, Ltd., marine engineers, of Glasgow, from 1896 to 1900, he joined the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., as a draughtsman, and five years later was promoted to the post of leading draughtsman.
Following a brief period in a similar capacity with Messrs. Beardmore and Company he secured an appointment as chief draughtsman to Messrs. Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., in 1912, with responsibility for the design of electric generators and motors as well as the layout of electric power stations. Later he became super intendent engineer to the Electric Marine Propulsion Company, Ltd., Glasgow.
In 1916 he was appointed superintendent of the shell department of Messrs. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., at Newcastle upon Tyne, subsequently be coming chief draughtsman of the engine department. After holding this position for seven years he joined the staff of the chief superintendent engineer of Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., as a technical assistant. In 1930 he accepted an appointment as technical manager of Messrs. Tingey and Company, Ltd., engineers, London, and later became general manager.
His last position, which he held from 1939 until his retirement in 1946, was that of senior draughtsman to Messrs. Cammell Laird and Company, Ltd., of Birkenhead. Mr. Yates, whose death occurred on 5th October 1947, was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1935 and was transferred to Membership in 1941. He was the author of a paper in 1940 on "Early Developments in Electric Ship Propulsion in Great Britain". From 1907 to 1914 he held a special lectureship in marine engineering at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow."