Spiers and Pond
of London
Hotel chain. See also Spiers and Ponds Stores
Founders were Felix William Spiers and Christopher Pond.
The company was registered March 29, 1882, to take over the business of the firm of the same name as refreshment contractors, &c.
In 1892 Bailey's Hotel, London and the South Kensington Hotel were acquired.
1897 F. W. Spiers presided over the animal meeting of company.[1]
1899 Share issue. The company owns the following establishments - Criterion Restaurant, London; Bailey's Hotel, London, South Kensington Hotel, Palace Hotel, Hastings, Victoria Hotel, Manchester, Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Auction Mart Restaurant, Winchester House Restaurant, Freemasons Tavern, London, Furness Abbey Hotel, Southampton Hotel, Surbiton, Junction Hotel, Eastleigh, Spier's and Ponds Stables, Spier's and Ponds Laundry.[2]
1908 Directors: P. Cremieu-Javal (Chairman), J. M. Freshwater, H. G. Sneath and H. P. Stephenson (the last three being Managing Directors), and W. B. Hopkins and J. White. Secretary: E. F. Bugler. Office: 35, New Bridge Street, E.C.
1914 Refreshment Contractors, Public Caterers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, &c., Hotel Proprietors and Restaurateurs. Head Offices: 35-8, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, E.C. Stores and Shops: Water Lane and Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Established by Felix William Spiers and Christopher Pond in London in 1863. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1882 on the decease of Christopher Pond. Chairman: Richard James Paull. Managing Director: John Henry Marks. Directors: J. White, LL.D., James Marshall Freshwater, and J. Douglas Broad. Secretary: E. F. Bugler. The Company are Refreshment Contractors to several Railways, and are the proprietors of numerous Hotels and Restaurants in London and the Provinces.
Sometime owned the Grand Hotel, Brighton
1957 Acquired by Chicken Inns
1960 Amalgamated with Express Dairy Co