Sydney Greenwood Robinson
Sydney Greenwood Robinson (1873-1929) of F. L. Smidth and Co and Tunnel Portland Cement Co
1929 Obituary [1]
SYDNEY GREENWOOD ROBINSON had been associated since 1901 with Messrs. F. L. Smidth and Company, of which he was a director, and he had an exceptionally wide knowledge of the cement industry. It was very largely due to Mr. Robinson's initiative that the Tunnel Portland Cement Company of West Thurrock, Essex, was formed in 1911, and he was also a director of that company. He had held from time to time a number of other directorates in cement companies.
He was born in Leeds in 1873, and apprenticed with Messrs. Tannett, Walker and Company.
After further experience in the works of Messrs. Greenwood and Batley he joined the Yorkshire House-to-House Electricity Company.
For a short time he was successively engineer representative with the Blackmann Ventilating Company and engineer and assistant to Mr. W. Stamm of London, representing the Fried Krupp Grusonwerk of Magdeburg, after which he joined Messrs. F. L. Smidth and Company of Copenhagen, as English agent, the English firm not then having been established.
Mr. Robinson became an Associate Member of the Institution in 1901, and his death occurred on 4th January 1929.