TI Machine Tools

of Coventry
1966 Tube Investments (TI) acquired Charles Churchill and Co Ltd
1969 Tube Investments acquired Coventry Gauge and Tool Co, makers of "Matrix" tools, to join its other machine tool companies[1]
1970 Tube Investments acquired Joseph Bradbury and Sons
1970 TI acquired Crypton Triangle, which together with V. L. Churchill and Joseph Bradbury, formed the largest group in Britain in vehicle service equipment. At the same time TI disposed of most of the rest of its interest in Churchill Tools and Services, distributors of small tools, mostly to Unbrako but parts also to Carborundum Co, Walkers (Century Oils), Churchill Automatic Assembly and Churchill Gear Machines[2]
1972 Tube Investments established a new company Matrix Churchill International[3], which seems to have been the international representatives of all the companies in the Machine Tools Division.
1974 George Ashton was appointed managing director and chief executive of Tube Investments' newly constituted Machine Division.[4]. Within the machine division, the machine tool group included: Charles Churchill, Matrix Machine Tools, Matrix Engineering, Newcast Foundries, Matrix-Churchill International and Matrix-Churchill Corporation of USA; Walter T. Lees was appointed managing director of this group[5]
1974 Five companies operated as parts of the Machine Division of Tube Investments: Healy, Rockwell, Matrix, Churchill, Coventry Gauge[6]
1977 The name of the Charles Churchill company was changed to TI Churchill Ltd.
1980 Sales of TI's numerically controlled machine tools, TI Matrix and TI Churchill, hit a record[7]
1982 Name of the parent company was changed to TI Group
1983 Name changed to TI Herbert-Churchill Ltd.
1985 Name changed to TI Machine Tools Ltd.
1987 Renamed Matrix Churchill Ltd