The Autocar 1895/11/30
1895 November 30th (pdf file)
- The Law Which Keeps Us Down - p49
- Notes - p49
- A Historical Event - p50
- Bordeaux-Paris Trials (part 2)
- The Steam Tricycle of 1881 (Part 2) - p51
- Butler's Tricycle of 1887 - p53
- French Jottings - p53
- Correspondence - p54
- The Motors for the American Race - p54
- The Automobile Club (of Paris) - p55
- An American Electric Bicycle - Illustrated - p55
- The Muller Autocar - p55
- Winner of the First American Trial
- Autocars at the Camera Club - p55
- The Autocars and Motor Tricycles at the Stanley Show - p57
- De Dion-Bouton and the 'Gladiator'
- Evelyn H. Ellis
- Panhard and Levassor
- Daimler
- Roger and Leon L'Hollier
- Gladiator Co
- C. R. Garrard
- Britannia Co of Colchester
- New Patents - p60
- Answers to Correspondents - p60
- Charles T. Crowden
- J. J. Egdell
- C. R. Garrard
- W. Fletcher
- James Mackenzie
- 'E. L. C.'
- William Jordan
- H. A. Winter, Great Rapids
- General Sprot
- E. H. Jackson
- Percival W. Petter
- G. Phillips
- J. Sumner
- G. Harrison Law
- C. Morgan
- 'Medicus'