The Autocar 1896/11/07
1896 November 7th (pdf file)
- The Proposed Regulations - p637
- Notes - p638
- Charles McRobie Turrell - Summoned for driving a locomotive (an autocar) at Slaugham, on October 14th, without a license
- The Engine on the Highway - p639
- Against the comments in Engineering
- The Riker Electrical Autocar - Illustrated - p640
- Riker Electric Motor Co of York Street, Brooklyn
- French Jottings - p640
- Correspondence - p642
- H. J. Dowsing
- 'Verbum Sap'
- Edmund Gascoine
- Walter Rowbotham
- 'G. R.'
- A County Council Discussion of the Autocar Traffic Regulations - p644
- Warwickshire County Council
- The American Speed Contest - p645
- The motor carriage races advertised to take place, September 7th to 11th inclusive, at Narragansett
Park, Providence, R.I., in connection with the annual Rhode Island State Fair,
- British Motor Syndicate pay dividend of 110% in Great Horseless Carriage Co shares
- New Patents - p647
- Answers to Correspondents - p647
- D. Ange
- F. R. Simms
- 'Janus'
- 'Albert J. H.'
- Albert Chew
- 'Auto'
- 'Alderman'
- A. A Koosen
- 'Lieut-Col C. D. S.'
- Advertisements - p648
- Classifieds including James Edward Tuke and F. Bullock
- Iliffe and Son
- Brett and Co