The Engineer 1860 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1860 Jan-Jun: Index
View the 1860 Jan-Jun Volumes
- Adams, W. Bridges, Permanent Way, 187
- Allan's Steam and Water pressure Gauge, 332
- Alleyne's Wrought-iron Beams, 252
- Amos' Ship-lift, 4
- Aspinall's Sugar Evaporating Apparatus, 168
- Aveling's Locomotive Engines, '268
- Barclay's Steam Hammer, 88
- Batchelor's Steam Engines, 200
- Beardslee's Magneto Electric Machines, 121
- Bennett's Carding Engines, 24
- Benson's Projectiles for Muzzle-loading Rifled Ordnance, 316
- Bentall's Screw Presses, 300
- Bernard's Improvements in Boots and Shoes, 238
- Beyer's Boring and Drilling Machinery, 332
- Blackburn's Traction Engines, 24
- Boden and Clark's Superheating Apparatus, SO
- Broadley's Looms, 140
- Bruce's Agricultural Drills, 21
- Budden's Piles for Piers and Jetties. S97
- Burgess' Reaping and Mowing Machines, 336, 41.$
- Childs and Owen's Machinery for Clearing Grain and Seed. 168
- Clarini's Nail Machinery, 105
- Cochrane's " Dog and Lock " Railway Fastenings, 307
- Coppin's Apparatus for Raising Sunken Vessels,
- Corlett's Permanent Way, 253
- Cutler's Machine for Making Horse-shoes, 76
- Dawes and Carr's Atmospheric Hammers, 15G
- De Bergue's Punching and Shearing Machine, 60
- Dillon’s Pleonomoter, 396
- Dodd's Portable Apparatus for Smiths, Carpenters, &o., 316
- Donkin's Slide Valves, 168
- Drury's, R. F. and E., Vices, 219
- Dunn's Endless Chain Pumps and Propellers, 172
- Eagleton's Annealing Furnaces, 333
- Elder's Steam Engines, 333
- Elliott's Lubricators for Steam Engines, 23:,
- Evans' Winding Apparatus, 5
- Fairbairn's Machinery for Finishing the Teeth of Gearing, 288
- Fairbairn and Tate. Glass Globes, Resistance of to. Pressure, 42, 18, 54, 70
- Fenwick's Street Gutters, 396
- Fernihough's Pistons, Plungers, and Buckets, 26.-.
- Field's Superheating Apparatus, 222
- Fowler, Burton, Greig, Allen, and Worby's Steam Ploughs, 204
- Gilmer's Type-setting and Distributing Apparatus, 3S0
- Goff, Davis, and Straugman's Method of Drying Malt, 234
- Graveley’s Sea-water Apparatus, 4
- Greave's Permanent Way. 365
- Green's Mowing Machines. 57
- Greenwood and Batley's Lathes, 414
- Gregory's Locomotive Engines. 201
- Grice’s Salinometer Cases for Boilers, 153
- Gregory's Permanent Way, 169
- Guy's Traction Engine, 83
- Gwyn's Breech-loading Fire-arms, 73
- Hackworth's Valve-gear, 363
- Hadfield's Machinery for Cutting Staves for Casks, 418
- Hadwen's Drawing Rollers, 235
- Harfield's Capstans, 1.52
- Harman's Steam Boilers, 235
- Hartley's Governors, 153
- Heaton's, R. and G., Coining Machinery, 187
- Henley's Machinery for the Manufacture of Ropes and Cables, 201
- Hewitt's Rolling Mill, 108
- Hodgson's Improvements in Building Ships and Vessel PS, 350
- Hollingworth’s Paper-making Machinery, 198
- Horton's Water Gauge. 169
- Humphry's Marine Engines, 73
- Hunter's Steam Plough, 350
- Irlam's Cranes, 317
- Jackson and Thorley's Hoists, 200
- Jackson's Condensing Engines, 256
- Fire-bars, 120
- James' Railway Chairs, 57
- Joule's Surface Condensers, 253
- Jucqueau and Desgoffe's Railway Signals, 320
- Kirkpatrick's Railway Tyro Fastenings, 316
- Knowelden and Edwards' Hydraulic Engines, 120
- Knowles and Rigg's Machinery for Shaping Metals, 320
- Lamb's Food-water Heater, 285
- Lauth's Manufacture of Rails, 263
- Lezaire and Pauwel's Permanent Way, 2,2
- Lloyd's Manufacture of Cast-steel Tyres, 101
- Martin's Anchor, 260
- Mentions' Bolt and Rivet Machinery, 104
- Middle hip's Propeller, 5
- Mills' Manufacture of Keys and Gibs, so
- Morewood's Improvements in Coating Metals, 301
- Muir's Driving Motion for Foot Lathes, 187
- Nash's Tumbling Hooks, 120
- Nicholson's Clod Crushers, 137
- Ordish's Railway Fastenings, 330
- Page and Lungley's Gangways and Stop Ladders, 317
- Parsons' Switches and Crossings, 153
- Pascal's Hot-air Engines, 38
- Pattison's Rotatory Pump, 365
- Putter and Galpin's Printing Promos. 234
- Pottinger's Dredging Machinery, 136
- Price's Locks, 364
- Ramsbottom's Lubricators for Engines, 333
- Roberts', F. and A., Steam Plough, 56
- Robinson's Steam Hammers. 284
- Sugar Mills, 269
- Rowan’s Superheating Apparatus, 89
- Russell's Wheels for Ploughs, 69
- Saltonstall and Bush's Dredging and Excavating Machine, 21
- Sampson and Wheeler's Weigh Locks, 3S1
- Samuelson's Planing, Slotting, and Grooving Machine, 300
- Root-cutter, 5
- Schiele's Weighing Machines, 260
- Schwartzkopff and Philippson's Steam Hammer and Stone-dressing Machines, 124
- Scott's Generators, 336
- Sellers' Ovens, 42
- Siemens' Telegraphic Conductors and Batteries, 384
- Smith and Ashby's Harrows, 210
- Smith's Fare-box, for the Prevention of Fraud by Conductors. 1:37
- Spratt's Revolving Fire-arms, 222
- Stewart's Presses, 301
- Tapp's Steam Boilers, 137
- Taylor's Joint Fastenings for Permanent Way, 263
- Thompson's Printing Telegraph, 190
- Thomson’s Shuttles, 21
- Thorold's Apparatus for Condensing Steam, 351
- Tuck's Breakwaters, 57
- Turner's Steam Engine,
- Varley's Improvements in Proving Electric Conductors, 105
- Vickers' Apparatus for Opening and Shutting Railway Gates. 397
- Walker and Hoyles' Apparatus for the Prevention of Smoke, 156
- Ward and Burman's Brick and Tile Machinery, 415
- Ward's Turntables, 414
- Watkins and Pugh's Lubricating Wheels, 152
- Westly's Heckling Machinery, 210
- Whitworth's Firearms, Ordnance, and Ammunition, 218
- Wilkinson's Printing Machinery. 92
- Willard's Coal-oil Apparatus, 152
- Williams' Steam Boilers, 73
- Wilson's Breech-loading Fire-arms, 20
- Wood and Billington's Machines for Embroidery, 20
- Wright's Buffer and Draw Springs, 381
- American Practice, Details of, 12
- Steam Fire Engines, 186
- Anchor, Martin's, 269
- Batteries and Telegraphic Conductors, Siemens', 384
- Beams, Wrought-iron, Alleyne's, 252
- Boll Founding, 39
- Boiler Explosions, 337
- Boilers, 141, 157
- Steam. Harman's, 235
- Steam, Williams', 73
- Tap is Steam, 137
- Bolt and Rivet Machinery. Mennons', 104
- Boots and Shoes, Bernard's Improvements, 233
- Boring and Drilling Machinery, Beyer's, 332
- Breakwaters, Tuck s, 57
- Brick and Tile Machinery, Ward and Burman's, 415
- Bricks and Tubular Articles, Machinery for Moulding Hollow, 400
- Buckets, Plungers, and Pistons, Fernihough’s, 235
- Buffer and Draw 'springs, Wright's, 331
- Building Ships, Hodgson's Improvements in, 3.50
- Capstans, Harfield's, 152
- Chairs, Railway, James', 57
- Chimney, Colossal, at Glasgow, 133
- Cleaning Grain and Seeds, Child's Machinery, 168
- Clod Crushers, Nicholson's, 137
- Coal, Oil. Apparatus. Willard's, 152
- Coating Metals. Morewood's Improvements, 301
- Coining Machinery, Heaton's, 187
- Condensers, Surface. Joule's, 263
- Condensing Steam, Thorold's Apparatus, 851
- Cranes. 317
- Crossings nod Switches. Parsons', 153
- Cutting Staves for Casks, Hadfield's Machinery for, 418
- Drawing Rollers. Hadwen's, 235
- Drudging and Excavating Machine, 21
- Machinery, Pottinger's, 136
- Drilling and Boring Machinery, Boyer's, 3:12
- Drills, Bruce's Agricultural, 21
- Driving Motion for Foot Lathes, Muir's, 187
- Drying Malt, Goff, Davis, and Co's., Method of, 234
- Electric Conductors. Improvements in Proving. 105
- Embroidery. Wood and Bellington's Machine for, 20
- Engine, Traction, Blackburn's, •24
- Traction, 83
- Locomotive, French Goods, 304
- Steam, Turner's, $
- Swiss Steamboat, 104
- Engines, Carding. Bennett's. 24
- Condensing, Jackson's, 256
- High Pressure, 236
- Hot Air, Pascal's. 33
- Hydraulic. Knowelden and Edwards', 120
- Locomotive, Aveling's, 263
- Locomotive, Gregory's, 201
- Marino, Humphry's, 73
- Steam, Batchelor's, 200
- Steam, Elder's. 833
- Steam Fire, American, 186
- Evaporating Apparatus, Sugar, 168
- Explosions, Boller, 337
- Fare-box for the Prevention of Fraud by Conductors, 137
- Fastenings. Railway, Cochrane's "Dog and Lock," 397
- Railway, Ordish's, 880
- Railway Tyro, Kirkpatrick's, 316
- Ford-water Hooter. Lamb's, 285
- Fire-arms and Ammunition, Whitworth's, 218
- Breech-loading. Gwyn's, 73
- Breech-loading, Wilson's, 20
- Revolving, Spratt's, 222
- Fire-bars, Jackson's, 120
- Foot Lathes, Muir's Driving Motion for, 187
- Furnaces, Annealing, Eagleton's, 333
- Gangways or Step Ladders, Page and Lungley's, 317
- Gates. Vickers' Apparatus for Opening and Shutting Railway, 307
- Gauge, Steam and Water-pressure, Allan's. 332
- Gearing, Machinery for Finishing the Teeth of, 238
- Generators, Scott's, 336
- Glass Globes, Resistance of, to Pressure, Fairbairn and Tate, 2. 18, 54, 70
- Governors, Hartley's, 133
- Grain and Seeds, Cleaning, Child's Machinery, 16S
- Gutters, Street, Fenwick's, 390
- Hammer, Atmospheric, Dawes', 150
- Steam, Barclay's, SS
- Steam, Schwartzkopff and CO., 124
- Hammers, Steam, Robinson’s. 284
- Harrows. Smith and Ashby's, 219
- Heater, Feed-water, Lamb's, 285
- Heckling Machinery, Westly's, 219
- Hoists, Jackson and Thorley's, 200
- Horde Shoes, Machine for Making, Cutler's, 7d
- Jacquard Arrangement. 133
- Joint Fastenings for Permanent Ways, 266
- Keys and Gibs, Mills' Manufacture of, SO
- Kiln; Sections of, 251
- Lathes, Greenwood and Batley's, 414
- Locks, Price's, 3011
- Looms, Broadley’s, 140
- Lubricators for Steam Engines. Elliott's, 2.35
- for Steam Engines, Ramsbottom's, 333
- Magneto-electric Machines, Beardslee's, 121
- Malt, Method of Drying, Goff, Davis, and Co.'s, 234
- Mechanical Movement, 239
- Metals, Coating, Morewood’s Improvements. 301
- Knowles and Rigg's Machinery for Shaping, 320
- Mills, Sugar, Robinson's, 269
- Moulding Hollow Bricks and Tubular Articles, 400
- Mowing Machines, Green’s, 57
- and Reaping Machine, Burgess', 836, 415
- Nail Machinery, Clarini's, 105
- Opening and Shutting Railway Gates, Vickers' Apparatus, 397
- Ordnance anti Fire-arms, Whitworth's. 218
- Ovens, sellers', 42
- Paper-making Machinery, Hollingworth's, 108
Permanent Way,
- W. Bridges Adams', 187
- Coriett's, .253
- Greave’s. 365
- Gregory's. 169
- Lezaire and Pauwels, 252
- Piers anal Jetties, Budden’s Piles for; 347
- Piles for Piers and Jetties,. Budden's, 397
- Pistons, Plungers, and Bu .k.; r, Fernihough’s 285
- Planing. Slotting. and Grooving Machines, 300
- Pleonometers, Dillon’s. 3:10
- Plough, Steam — Fowler, Burton, Greig, and Co., 204
- Hunter's. 3.50
- Roberts'. .56
- Plunger, Buckets, and Pistons. Fernihough’s, 285
- Portable Apparatus for Smiths, Carpenters, 41:c.. Wild's, 310
- Presses, Stewart's, 301
- Printing Machinery, Wilkinson's. 92
- Presses, Vetter and Galpin's, 234
- Telegraph, Thompson's, 190
- Projectiles fur loading Rifled Ordnance, Ben8011.rt, 316
- Propellers, Dunn's Endless Chain Pumps, 172
- Propeller. Middleship's, .5
- Pump, Rotatory, Paulson's, 365
- Pumps and Propellers, Dunn’s Endless Chain, 172
- Punching and Shearing Machine. 60
- Rails, Lauth's Manufacture of. 26$
- Railway Fastenings, Ordish’s, 380
- Jucqueau and Desgoffe's 320
- Tyre Fastenings, Kirkpatrick's. 316
- Raising Sunken Vessels - Coppin's Apparatus, 72
- Reaping and Mowing Machines, Burgess', 336, 415
- Rollers, Drawing, Hadwen's, 233
- Rolling Mill, Hewitt's, 108
- Root-cutter, Samuelson's, 5
- Ropes and Cables, Henley’s Machinery, 201
- Safety-valve for Steam Boilers, 107
- Salinometer Cason for Steam Boilers, Grice's, 153
- Salvage Operations in Now Zealand, 251!
- Screw Presses, 13entall's, 300
- Sea-water Apparatus, Graveley’s, 4
- Shaping Metals, Knowles and Rigg's Machinery, 320
- Shearing and Punching Machine, 60
- Ship-lift, Amos', 4
- Ships and Vessels, Hodgson's Improvements in Building. 350
- Shuttles, Thomson's, 21
- Signals, Railway, Jucqueau and Desgoffe's, 320
- Slide-valves, Donkin's. 163
- Slotting, Planing, and Grooving Machines, 300
- Smoke, Prevention of, Walker's Apparatus, 156
- Springs, Butler, and Draw, Wright's. 331
- Staves for Casks, Hadfield's Machinery for Cutting, 418
- Steam Condensing Apparatus, Thorold's, 351
- Steam Staircase, American, 272
- Steamship, American Leviathan, 354
- Stop-ladders and Gangways, Page and Lungley's, 317
- Stone-dressing Machines, Schwartzkopff, 124
- Sugar Evaporating Apparatus, Aspinall's, 168
- Mills, Robinson's, 269
- Superheating Apparatus, 13odou and Clark's, 89
- Field's, 222
- Rowan's, 89
- Superheating St. ain, 385
- Surface Condenser., Joule's, 263
- Switches and Crossings, Parsons', 153
- Tooth of Gearing, Machinery for Finishing the, 288
- Telegraph to America, 332
- Telegraphic Conductors and Batteries, 884
- Tile and Brick Machinery, Ward and Burman's, 415
- Tubular Articles and Hollow Bricks, Machinery for Moulding, 400
- Tumbling Hooks for Disengaging Blocks, 120
- Turntables, Ward's, 414
- Type-setting and Distributing Apparatus, Gilmer's, 380
- Tyres, Cast-steel, Lloyd's, 104
- Valve-gear, Hackworth's, 363
- Vessels, Coppin's Apparatus for Raising Sunken, 72
- Vices, Drury's, R. F. and E., 219
- Water-gauge, Horton's. 160
- Weigh Locks, Sampson awl Wheeler's Railway, 331
- Weighing Machines, Schiele's. 269
- Wheels. Lilt)! witting, Watkins and Pugh's, 152
- for Ploughs and Cultivators, 89
- Winding Apparatus, Evans', 5
See Also
Sources of Information