The Engineer 1879/09/12
Main Subjects
- Barrow Water Supply, p208.
- Brake System on the London and North Western Railway, p208.
- Bridge Building in Australia, p205.
- Contruction and Working of Vertical Action Steam Dredger in India - R. B. Buckley, p199 (Illustrated).
- Charles Fouracres, p202 (Illustrated)
- Day, Summers and Co - Heaving up Slip, Northam Ironworks, p198 (Illustrated).
- Defence of the River Mersey, p206
- Editorial, p203
- Dredging Plant
- Screws Versus Paddles
- Hollways Process
- Indian Public Works Department
- Armstrong|Divided Mountain Guns in Afghanistan
- Alloys of Lead and Antimony
- Ironworks in the Market
- Prosperous Iron Company
- Explosion in Dublin Bay, p201.
- Fatal Boiler Explosion, p208.
- Inner Circle Railway, p201.
- Inter-Oceanic Canal, p201.
- Iron Railway Sleepers, p195 (I)(Illustrated).
- Liverpool Engineering Society, p197.
- Mackenzies Screw Propeller Assistant, p199 (Illustrated).
- Mineral Statistics, 1878, p197 (II).
- Mercantile Marine Engineers, p206.
- Naval Intelligence, p208.
- Protectionist Mayor, p201.
- Railway Carriage Door Lock, p206.
- Railway In Tchikislar, p197.
- Reeves's Pneumatic Excavator, p205.
- Trail Trip of the SS Orient, p201
- Warrington and German Workmen, p208.