The Engineer 1879/10/10
Main Subjects
- A. S. Hallidie - Wire Rope Street Railway, p269 (Illustrated).
- Chandlers Railway Coupling, p268.
- Editorial, p273.
- Iron and Steel
- Disposal of Sewage
- Ironstone and Coal of the Central Presidency
- What are Engine Fittings
- Efficiency of Water Carts and Vans, p278.
- Electric Light in Burmah, p268.
- Electric Light on the Metropolitan Railway, p277.
- Floods in South London, p277.
- Iron Railway Sleepers, p265 (II).
- Kendal's Continuous Steam Brake, p270, p272 (Illustrated).
- Links in the History of the Locomotive Engine, p275 (I) (Illustrated).
- Pulsometer on Board the SS Orient, p268.
- Rivival in the Cleveland Iron Trade, p278.
- Self Acting Intermittent Syphons and the Conditions Which Determine the Commencement of their Action - Rogers Field, p270.
- Simey's Bulkhead Doors, p268.
- Testing the Severn Bridge, p270.
- Vernon's Anemoscope, p268 (Illustrated).
- Visits in the Provinces - Sheffield Smelting Co Works, p266.
- Water Supply at Liverpool, p268.
- Wrought Iron Bridgework, p277 (I).