The Engineer 1885/12/04
Main Subjects
- Albert Bridge, R. M. Ordish, p 429. (Illustrated)
- Antwerp Exhibition, p 431 and p 438a.
- Combined Milling and Slotting Machine, Kendall and Gent, p 433. (Illustrated)
- Compound Engine at the Inventions Exhibition, W. and J. Galloway and Sons, Engineers, p 436. (Illustrated)
- Editorial, p 439.
- The Siemens Memorial.
- Eastern Mail Contracts.
- Priority of Invention.
- Foreign Buyers of Vessels.
- English v American Rails.
- Paving in London Parks.
- The Colombo Waterworks.
- Freezing by Cold Air in Tunnelling.
- Electric Lighting by Induction, Gaulard-Gibbs, Ganz and Co, p 430. (Illustrated)
- Faija's Cement Mill and Testing Apparatus, Henry Faija, J. William Dawson, p 432. (Illustrated)
- Fireproof Ceilings and Partition Walls, R. Johnson, Clapham and Morris, p 441. (Illustrated)
- Goods Engine, Indian State Railways, p 437 and p 442. (Illustrated)
- Letters to the Editor, p 442.
- Obituary, Walter Flight, p 441.
- Patent Journal, p 445.
- Pearse's Friction Still, p 432. (Illustrated)
- Railway Extension in South Australia, p 431.
- The Theory of Gas Engines, p 441.
- Vertical Boring Mill, Schischkar and Harrison, p 433. (Illustrated)