The Engineer 1888/06/01
1888 June 01st PDF
Main Subjects
- 1888 Brussels International Exhibition, p 439.
- American Society of Civil Engineers, p 444.
- Triple Thermic Motor.
- Charles H. Haswell.
- British and Foreign Guns Afloat, p 437.
- Death - Robert Griffith, p 447.
- Editorial, p 447.
- The Explosives Act.
- The Management of Continuous Brakes.
- Northumbrian Coal Trade.
- City and Guilds Technical College.
- Pumping the Staffordshire Mines.
- German Torpedo Catcher, p 452.
- Griffin Gas Engine - A. B. W. Kennedy, p 440. (Illustrated).
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 444.
- E. Withy and Co.
- Sivewright, Bacon and Co.
- T. Richardson and Sons.
- Bailey and Leetham
- Robert Thompson and Sons
- Gillison and Chadwick
- Sir Raylton Dixon and Co.
- Thomas and James Harrison
- Blyth Shipbuilding Co.
- North Eastern Engineering Co.
- Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co
- Yorkshire Coal and Steamship Co.
- Lead Tempering Armour Plates and Other Steel Articles, p 439.
- Letters to the Editor, p 441.
- Lyons Disinfector - Manlove, Alliott and Co, p 450. (Illustrated).
- Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture at the 1881 Glasgow Exhibition, p 449.
- William Denny and Brothers.
- McMillan and Co. of Dumbarton
- David Rowan and Co.
- Maxim Machine Gun, p 443. (Illustrated).
- New Steel Works in Lincolnshire, p 450.
- Portable Electric Lamp, p 451.
- Friedlander.
- Sound Signals for Submarine Telegraphy, p 450.
- Southern Mahratta Railway - Erection of a Bridge Over the Kristna, p 451 and 452. (Illustrated).
- Ten-Ton Breakdown Travelling Cranes, Indian State Railways, p 442, 446 and 451. (Illustrated).
- Theory of Transverse Strength of Beams, (No. I), - By Daniel Kinnear Clark, p 438.