The Engineer 1889/02/15
Main Subjects
- Abstracts of Consular and Diplomatic Reports, p 132.
- Addy's Milling Cutter, p 137. (Illustrated).
- Appleby and Co of Greenwich - Gold Mining Plant (Stamp Mill), Cerro De Pasco, Transvaal, p 133 and 134. (Illustrated).
- Aqua-Thruster - W. H. Bailey and Co, p 137. (Illustrated).
- Berry's patent pulsating steam pumps.
- Bowesfield Iron Co - Rolling Mill Engines, p 144. (Illustrated).
- Canalisation of Rivers, continued from p 60, p 145.
- Death - Edward Louis-Hack, p 141.
- Dimensions of Physical and Mechanical Quantities - By Oliver J. Lodge, p 131.
- Editorial, p 141.
- The Retirement of Sir Joseph Bazalgette.
- Petroleum as Estate Fuel.
- Other Mechanical Engineers.
- Railway Rates and the Heavy Trades.
- Local Authorities and Electrical Engineering.
- Dock Accommodation on the Tyne.
- Weldon Freestone and Weldon Rag - Weldon quarries.
- The corrosion of Steel Ships - HMS Nile.
- Education of Institution in Machine Designing - John T. Hawkins, p 147.
- Electric Street Railways in America, p 147.
- Fontinettes Hydraulic Canal Lift - Neuffosse Canal, p 134 and 135. (Illustrated).
- HMS Victoria, p 140 and 147. (Illustrated).
- Induced Currents, p 131.
- Lead Poisoning Through Water, p 146.
- Corporation of Bradford.
- James Alfred Wanklyn.
- Letters to the Editor, p 138.
- Oliver J. Lodge.
- Anthony S. Bower.
- W. H. Wheeler.
- Walter Bagshaw.
- Hodgkinson and Co.
- Frederick Elie Gay.
- Private Bills in Parliament, p 146.
- Steam Engine Makers' Society, p 134.
- Wild's Governor, p 137. (Illustrated).