The Engineer 1906 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1906 Jan-Jun: Index
View the Volumes that this Index refers to.
List of Names.
- AMERICAN Train Ferry Steamers. 289, 296,338, 339, 340
- Antwerp Port Extension, 364
- Argentine, Great Western Railway, Goods Engine and Tender, Robert Stephenson and Co., Limited, 466, 467
- Ascoli Piceno Works for Manufacture of Artificial Silk, 613, 647
- Asquith, Limited, Wm., Three-spindle Drilling Machine, 417
- Athens, Ancient Water Supply of, 215
- Atlantic Liners, Electricity on, 292, 298
- Australian (W.) Government Railways Dining Car, Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Limited, 326
- Avery, Limited, Messrs. W. and T., Locomotive Weighing Machines, 168
- Axmouth to Plymouth, Coast Erosion, Map, 598
- BAILEY, Stanley C., Geology in Relation to Engineering, 261, 262, 313, 335
- Baldwin Oil Fuel Locomotive, 453, 456, 457
- Barracca Lift, The, 612
- Barrow, Boiler House Plant, Vickers, Sons and Maxim’s Electric Light and Power Generating Station, 458
- Basle, New Bridge at, 398, 399, 400
- Belgian State Railways, Heavy Banking Locomotive, Soc. Anonyme de St. Leonard {Supplement February 2nd, 1996), 109, 113
- Berlin, Engines and Generators at the Moabit Central Station {Supplement June 22nd^ 1906), 625
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Limited, Electrically- driven Wheel Lathe (Supplement, February ? 23rrf, 1906)
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Limited, 40 Horse-power Steam Lorry, 216, 217, 218
- Borsig, A., Locomotive Steam Crane, 72
- Bradley and Craven, Limited, Briquette-making Machine, 328, 329
- Braunschweigische Maschinenbau Anstalt Oil and Fat Extractor, 497
- Bretherton and Bevan, Messrs., 6-Ton Steam Wagon, 320
- British Rolling Stock from 1894 to 1904, Earning Power of, 136
- Brown, Mr. Oswald, 163
- Brown, Lenox and Co., Chain Cable, 22
- Bruce, Mr. Robt. A., Worm Contact, 98, 99, 100, 123
- Brunel and Great Eastern Cable, 22
- Buckton and Co., Limited, Joshua, Double-cutting Planing Machine, 122
- Buildwas Bridge, Demolition of, 110
- CAIRO, Rodah Swing Bridge at, 348
- Canada, New Railways in, 146
- Capron, A. J., Fluid Steel Presses, 533
- Causer, Mr. W. G., Corrugating Machine, 565
- Charing Cross Roof Failure, Broken End of the Rod, 636
- - Fracture in Tie Rod, Natural S Z9, 37
- - Removal of, 254
- Churchward, Mr. G. T., Types of Large Locomotive Boilers, 204, 205
- Clayton and Shuttleworth’s Shaker, Royal Agricultural Show, 649
- Clyde, New Dredger for the, Ferguson Bros., 424
- Coghlan Steel and Iron Company, Limited, Hot Swing Saw, Mr. R. Fawcett, 150
- Coil Clutch Company, a Large Coil Clutch, 176
- Commendatore Mari’s Factory for the Production of Artificial Silk, 643, 647
- Consett Ironworks, Electric Pumping Plant, E. Scott and Mountain, 32, 35
- Considbre, M., Concrete Piles, Helical Hooping, 57
- Contraflo Condenser, The, 509 cote d’Azur Rapide, The, 174, 175
- Cradock and Co., Messrs. Geo., Haulage Clip, 296
- “Criton ” Water Softener, The, 47
- Crosier, Stephens and Co., Whitewashing Machine, 122
- Crossley Brothers, Limited, Double-cylinder Double-acting Gas Engine, 564 50
- - Horse-power Vertical
- - Oil Engine, 228, 229
- - Suction Gas Producer, 627
- Cruse Controllable Superheater Company, Wrought Steel Steam Valves, 190
- Cunard Liner Lusitania, J. Brown and Co., Limited (Supplement^ June 1906), 610
- Cunard Liner, Stern Frames for the New Darlington Forge Company, Limited, 271
- DAIMLER Company’s Works, Coventry, 446, 447, 450
- Dale, Sir David, 443
- Davey Paxman Gas Producer, 602; and Gas Engine, 603
- Davies and Metcalfe, Limited, High-pressure Locomotive Injector, 120
- Davis and Co , Messrs. J., Protected Transit, 150
- Davis and Son, Limited, John, Premium Calculator, 590
- Davy Brothers, 3000-Ton Forging Press, 428, 429
- Davy Bros., Limited, 1200-Ton Forging Press, 633
- Denny and Brothers, Limited, Two New Turbine Steamers, 528
- Donovan, Mr. E., Pitch-punching Machine, 589
- Dougill’s Engineering, Limited, Portable Petrol Engine, 536
- Dounan, Dr. F. G., Cement Volumenometer, 227
- Dowson Suction Gas Producer, 602
- Dresden Technical High School, 87, 90, 114, 115 Dudbridge Suction Gas Producer, 602
- Duke of Edinburgh, H.M. First-class Armoured Cruiser, 374
- Dungeness to Beachy Head, Coast Erosion Map, 597
- EAST Coast, Coast Erosion and Reclamation, 543, 544
- Ewing, J. A., New Scheme of Naval Training, 511
- FIELDING and Platt’s Suction Gas Producer, 627
- Fitzgerald, Admiral, on the New Scouts, 343
- Fletcher and Co., Limited, Geo,, Sugar Cane Crushing Mill (Sxfpplement, January Vlih, 1906), 38, 39
- Foster’s Thrashing Machine and Wind Stacker, Royal Agricultural Show, 649
- French Armoured Cruiser, Ernest Renan, 403, 404
- French Dreadnoughts, The, 549
- GARSTON Docks, London and North-Western Railway Coal Tips at, Hydraulic Engineering Company, Limited (Suppl&meni, March l^th, 1906), 279
- Genoa, Port of (Map), 464
- Germania Company, High and Low • speed Engines, 176
- Gisclard-Arnodin Suspension Bridge, 93
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway Six-coupled Locomotive, Mr. Jas. Manson, 1, 4, 5
- Grandholm Works, Turbines at the, 369
- Great Central Railway, Three-cylinder Compound Engine, Mr. J. G. Robinson, 56
- Great Eastern Railway, The Converted Decapod, 392
- Great Northern Railway, Compound Express Locomotive, Mr. H. A. Ivatt (Supplement^ January 2Qth, 1906), 95
- Great Western Railway, New French Compound, 105
- Greenwich Power Station, L.C.C,, 560
- HAMBURG-AMERICAN Liner Amerika, Electric Lighting, 297 ; Electric Lifts, 318
- Hamburg Main Sewer, The New, 238, 239
- Harper, Phillips and Co., Commutator Truiog Machine, 58?
- Hartlepool Docks, Steam Hopper Barge, and Engines of same, 662
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Limited, Cargo Steamer Teucer, 372
- Henderson and Co., John M., Shipbuilding Cable- way at Jarrow, 68, 69
- Herbert, Limited, Alt, Machining of Locomotive Parts on a Turret Lathe, 510
- Hindley and Sons, High Speed Gas Engine, 628 ; Power Plant, 628 ; Suction Gas Plant, 629 ,
- Hornsby and Soils, ^Limited, Paraffin Motor Launch, 500
- Howard Engineering Company, Hose Clamp, 178 Hulse and Company, Limited, Lathe for Steam Turbine Work, 556
- ILFRACOMBE to Swansea, Coast Erosion (Map), 620
- “Indented ” Reinforced Concrete Bar, 580, 581
- India, North-Western Railway, Flood Damages, 336, 337, 341
- - Girder Renewals in, 607, 611
- - North-Western Railway, Girder Renewals, G. H. List (Supplement Marek 2nd, 1906), 147, 148, 158, 159,212
- - Railway Construction in, 265, 267, 268
- International Railways, Projected, 241, 242, 291
- Intra Works of Zust and Co., 520, 521
- Irish Channel Turbine Steamer Viper. 268
- Italian Industries (Supplement, April, 2i}tk 1906), 389, 390, 391, 468, 469, 492, 493, 520, 521, 552, 553, 599, 600, 643
- - Hydraulic Turbines, Riva, Monneret and Co., 468, 469
- - Motor Car Industry, Pirelli and Co.’s Works, 552, 553, 599, 600
- - Power Stations (Supplement, April 2^th, 1906), 389, 390, 391
- JAPANESE Battleship Katori, Engines of, Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Limited (Supple’ May 1906)
- Jarrow Shipbuilding Cableway, J. M. Henderson and Co., 68, 69, 465
- Jessop and Appleby, Limited, Electric Goliath Cranes, 229
- Johannesburg, Alternators for, Messrs. Siemens Bros, and Co., Limited, 278
- Johnson and Phillips, Cable-laying Machine, 588
- KINGSTON and Surbiton Tramways, Extra High-tension Cable, 35i
- Knowles and Sons, Limited, Isle of Wight, Variable Speed Countershaft, 537
- Korting, Mr. E., Gas Engines, 250 Horse-power and 350 Horse-power, Mather and Platt, 498, 499
- Korting, Mr. E., Gas-making in Vertical Retorts 383
- Kynoch’s Suction Gas Producer, 660
- LAKE Victoria Nyanza, Steamer for, 663
- Lamp Manufacturing Company, Signal Lamp Burner, 194
- Leeds Forge Company, Limited, 40-Ton Well Bogie Wagon, 634
- Lelong, Emile, Chain-making Machinery, 507, 508
- Leue, Herr Georg, Coaling a Cruiser at Sea, 353
- Liverpool District, Railways in the, 650, 651, 652, 654
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, Atlantic Type Locomotive, 185
- London County Council Power Station, Greenwich, 560
- London Works, Renfrew, 166, 170
- Longbotham and Co., Limited, R. H , Friction Clutch, 434
- Lucas, Mr, Ralph, Valveless Motor Car, 200
- MACLACHLAN and Co., Limited, the Clement Hill, Steamer for Lake Victoria Nyanza, £63, 664
- Maidens and Dunure Light Railway, 502, 507
- Malir Bridge, India, Renewing Girders of, 147,148 Manhattan Bridge, 575, 576
- Manlove, Alliott and Co., Limited, Nine Roller Sugar Cane Crushing Mill (Supplement, Febrit- ary 2Zrd, 1906), 201
- Masiiam, Lord, 135 -
- Massey, B. and S., Pneumatic Power Hammer, 586
- Mather and Platt, Limited, Compound Boating Engine, 380
- Mersey Suction Gas Plant, 628 *
- Michele, Mr. Vitale Domenico de, 351
- Midland Railway, Three-cylinder Compound
- Express, Mr, R. M. Deoley {Supplement, March ^th, 1908). 243
- Mirfield Engineering Company, Limited, Hydraulic Broaching and Bushing Presses, 532
- Montereale, Hydro-electtic Plantat, 130, 131,142
- Moul and Co., Messrs., Cutmeter, 226
- Mudd and Co., Piston Rings, 658
- NATIONAL Gas Company’s Suction Plant, 659
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne, New Railway Bridge, 524, 525. 547, 648
- New York Central Railway, Electrification tf, 419, 420, 421, 440
- Niagara Falls Power Company, Electric Launch, 174
- Nicolson, Professor J. T., and Mr. Dempster Smith, Machine Tool Design, All-gear Head-stocks, 29; Lathes with Treble Compound-geared Headstocks, 211
- Nigeria, Motor Launches for, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 253
- Nile, Tug Boat for the, Mr. Edw. Hayes, 354
- Noble and Lund, Limited, Horizontal Drilling and Boring Machine, 14
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Electrically-driven Machine Tools, 220, 221
- - Railway, Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive, Mr. Wilson Worsdell, 455
- - Company, Locomotive Weighing Mach ioes, Messrs. W. and T. Avor-y, Limited,. 168
- - Trucks, Method of Loading on, 271
- Norwich-Yarmouth Canal, Proposed, 493
- Notodden, Nitrate Factory at; 265
- Novelty Locomotive, 82
- PARIS-LYONS-MEDITERRANEAN Railway, Express Engines, 175 ’
- Paris Show, Mot^r Cars at the, 10, 11,12
- Parkinson and Son, J,, High-speed Lathes {Supplement, May IHA, 1806), 472, 473
- Pelton Water Wheel, Mr, Percy Pitman, 2£0
- Penrose and Co., Limited, Electric Lift, 562
- Percival, Marshall and Co., Screw Cutting Indicator, 580
- Petter’s Oil Engine Tractor, Royal Agricultural Show, 649
- Philadelphia, Rapid Transit, 161, 162
- Phillips, Messrs. J. W. and C., Core-making Machine, 227
- Pillau, Repair of a Mole, 164
- Pirelli and Co.’s Telegraph Ship, 599
- Pirelli and Co.’s Works, Barcelona, Milan, and Spezia, 599, 600
- Plymouth to Ilfracombe, Coast Erosion (Map), 698
- Pollock and McNab Boring Machine, 663
- Popplewell, W. C., Shear Stress and Permanent Angular Strain (Diagrams), 53, 54
- Port Elizabeth, New Water Scheme, 60, 61, 64
- Prentice Four-spindle Automatic Lathe, 480
- Purapherston Shale Mine, Electric Plant, 366, 367
- QUEBEC Cantilever Bridge, 165
- RAILWAY and General Engineering Company, Engine for Suction Producer Gas, 669
- Ransomes. Sims and Jefferies, Limited, Compound Traction Engine, 23
- Reed, Sir Edw., on Vessels for Service in cur Colonies and Protectorates, 345
- Rhine, New Bridge at Basle over the, 398, 399, 400
- Rosenheim Microscope, The, 304
- Rhodes and Sons, Limited, John, High-speed Shears, 379
- ST. GEORGE’S Engineering Works, Duplex Sawing Machine, 46
- Sankey, Capt. Riall, Impact Testing, 86
- Schiess, Herr Ernst, Six-spindle Boiler Drill, 321
- Scotland, Dumfries, Coast Erosion(Map) 621
- Seage and Co., Messrs., Double-pole Switch, 98
- Secrephone Company, The Secrephone, 122
- Selsea Bill to Axmouth, Coast Erosion (Map), 697
- Sentinel Steam Wagon. The, Messrs. Alley and Maclellan, 245, 246, 247
- Sernfthal Electric Railway, The, 162, 193, 196
- Shields, Mr. W. S., Sewage Controlling Valve, 481
- Siamese Railway System, 215
- Sill Valley Electricity Works, 294, 295
- Simons and Co., Wm., Limited, Some Types of Steam Dredgers, 166, 167
- Simplex Piles, 382
- Sisterson, G. R., Compound Locomotives, 414
- Smith, Mr. Jas. A., on Some High-speed Motor Boats, 371
- Smith and WePstood, Mestr?,, Anthracite Ccal Stove, 62
- South African Gold Mines, Output and Labour Supply (Map), 482
- South-Ea&tsrn and Chatham Railway Locomotives, 673
- Spencer, Henry, Commercial Organisation of Engineering Factories, 415
- Sponson Mount for lOin. Gun, 47
- Sulzer-Steiner, Herr Heinrich, 554
- Sunderland Shipbuilding Company, Electric Driving, 220, 221
- Swansea to Beaumaris, Coast Erosion (Map), 621
- TANGYE Tool and Electric Company, Limited, Tramway Wheel Lathe, 178
- Taylor and Hubbard, Messrs., Flat Road C/aue, 46
- Terry, Mr. Stephen H., Water Gauge or Well Tell-Tale, 352
- Tissot, Lieut. C., Use of Bclometer as a Detector of Electric Waves, 231
- Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, Limited, Coal-bagging Lighter, 230
- Thames Steamer, Design for, Archibald Hogg,
- Thornycrofb, Mr. J. E., Gas Engines for Ship Propulsion, 406, 407
- Thornyoroft and Co., Limited, John I., Motor Tractors for the War«offlce, 80
- Tosi, Franco, New Foundry, 492, 493
- UNITED STATES, Concrete Buildings in the, 138, 139, 157
- Valtellina Railway, Electric Locomotive, 214
- Vauxhall Bridge, New (Supplement March 1906), 316, 317
- Victoria Station, Re-construction and Lightinj? of, 619, 601 *
- WEAR, The Torpedo-boat Destroyer, Palmer’s Shipbuilding Company, Limited, 244
- Webb, Mr. Francis Wm., 679
- Weighton, Prof. R. L., Efficiency of Surface Condensers, 431
- Wigan and Blackpool Railway, Map of Proposed, 382
- William the Fourth Locomotive, 83
- Witwatersrand, Underground Mechanical Transport, 106, 107
- Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Company, 30 Horsepower Motor Omnibus, 302, 303
- YARROW and Co., Limited, Double-ended Marine Boiler, 96
- Yonkers Power Station, New York Central Railway, 419
Subject List
- ATR Compreesors, ’^Q^Qm^Supplemcni^ Junelbih^ 1S06, pages t to xx )
- Alternators for Johannesburg, Messrs. Siemens Bros., and Co., Limited, 278
- Anthracite Coal Stove, Messrs. Smith and Well- stood, 62
- BOILERS Drill, Six-spindle, Herr Ernst Schiess, 321
- - House Plant, Barrow, 458
- - Marine, Double-ended, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 96
- - Types of Large Locomotive, Mr. G. J. Churchward, 204, 206
- Bolometer, Use of, as a Detector of Electric Waves, Lieut. C. Tissot on, 231
- Bering and Drilling Machine, Horizontal, Noble and Lund, Limited, 14
- Boring Machine. Pollock and McNab, 663
- Bridge, Basle, New, 398, 399, 400
- Buildwas, Demolition of, 110 Malir, Renewing Girders of, 147, 148 Manl ftt^an, 675, 576
- Bridge, New Vauxhall (Supplecmenii March ^Zth, 1906). 316, 317
- - Quebec Cantilever, 165
- - Railway, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 524, 525, 547. 548
- Rodah Swing, Cairo, 348
- Suspension, Gisclard-Arnodin, 98
- Briquette-making Machine, Bradley and Craven, Limited, 328, 329
- CABLE-LAYING Machine, Johnson and Phillip?, 588
- Canal, Proposed Norwich-Yarmouth, 493
- Cane-ciu^hing Mill, Gao. Fletcher and Co., Limited (Supplement, January 1906), 38, 39
- Cement Volumenometer, Dr, F. G. Dounan, 227
- Chain Cable, Brunel and Great Eistern, 22
- Chain Cable, A Large, Brown, Lenox and Co., 22
- Chain-making Machinery, Ernie Lelong (Couillet), 507, 508
- Coal-bagging Lighter, Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, Limited, 230
- Coal Tips at Garston Docks, London and North- Western Railway, Hydraulic Engineering Company, Limited (Sup2)lement, March 1906), 279
- Coaling a Cruiser at Sea, Herr Georg Lena, 353
- Coast Erosion and Reclamation—see also Maps, 489
- Coil Clutch, A Large, 176
- Commutator Truing Machine, Harper, Phillips and Co., 587
- Concrete Bir, Reinforced, The Indented, 580, 581
- Concrete Buildings in the United States, 138, 139, 157
- Condenser, The Contrailo, 509
- Countershaft, Variable Speed, J. W. Knowles and S:)ns, Limited, 537
- Core-making Machine, Messrs. J. W. and C. Phillips, 227
- Corrugating Machine, Mr. W. G. Causer, 565
- Cote d’Azur Rapide, 174, 175
- Cranes, Cantilever, 394
- - Electric Goliath, Jessop and Appleby, Limited, 229
- - Flat Road, Messrs. Taylor and Hubbard, 46
- - Locomotive Steam, A. B)r!sig, 72
- Cutmeter, Messrs. Moul ani Co., 225
- DOCKS, Map of Hartlepool, 662
- Dredger Hartness for Hartlepool, 662
- Dredgers, Types of Steam, Wm. Simons and Co., Limited, 166, 167
- Drilling Machine, Three-spindle, Wm. Asquith Limited, 417
- ELECTRIC Launch, Niagara Falls Power Company, 174
- - Lilt, The Barracca, 612
- - Penrose and Co., Limited, 562 Liftp, 318
- - Lighting, Hamburg-American Liner, 297 Power Plant, 367
- - Pumping Plants, Consett Ironworks, E. Scott and Mountain, 32,3.5
- - Railway, Sernfthal, 192, 193, 196
- - Traction on the Liverpool and Southport Railway, 651, 652, 654
- Electricity on Atlantic Liners, 292, 298
- Electricity Works, Sill Valley, 294, 295
- Electrification of New York Central Railway 419, 420, 421, 440
- Engineering Factories, Commercial Organisation of, Henry Spencer, 415
- Engine, Compound Beating, Mather and Platt, Limited, 380
- - Compound Traction, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited, 23
- - Double-cylinder, Double-acting, Crosskv Bros., Limited, 564
- - High-speed Gas, Hindley and Sons, 628
- - Petrol, Portable, Dougill’s Engineering Limited. 536 ’
- - Vertical Oil, 50 Horse-power, Crosalev Bros., Limited, 228, 229
- Engines, Gas, for Ship Propulsion, Mr. J. E. Thornycroft, 406, 407
- - and Generators at the Moabit Central Station (Supplement, June'i^nd, 1906), 62o
- - High and Low-speed, Germania Company, 176
- - of the Japanese Battleship Katori, Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Limited (Supplement, May 25zZt, 1906)
- - Korting Gas, Mather and Platt, 498 499
- Extractor, Oil and Fat, Braunsehweigisehe Mascbinenbau Anstalt, 497
- FERRY Steamers, American Tra'n, 289, 290
- Flood Damages, North-Western Railwav India 335, 337, 341 ’
- Forging Press, 1200-TOD, Davy Bros., Limited 633 ’
- Forcing Press, 3000-Ton, Davy Bros., Limited, Foundry, Franco Tosi’s New, 492, 493
- Friction Clutch, R. H. Longbotham and Co Limited, 434
- GAS Making in Vertical Retorts, 383
- - Producer, Suction, Crossley Bros., Limited, 627
- - Davey, Paxman. Dowson, Dodbridge, 692
- - Fielding and Platt, 627
- - Hindley and Sons, 629
- - The Mersey, 628
- Geology in Relalion to Engineerirg, C. Stanley Bailey, 261,262. 313, 314, 335
- Girder Renewals, North-Weftarn Railway, India, G. H. Li&t (Supplement Marchand, 1906), 147, 148, 158, 159, Zi2, 607, 611
- HAMMER, Pneumatic Power, B. and S. Massey, 586
- Haulage Clip, Messrs. Geo. Cradock and Co., 296
- Hopper Birge for Hartlepool, 662
- Hose Clamp, Howard Engineering Company, 178
- Hydraulic Broaching and Bushing Presses, Mirfield Engineering Company, Limited, 532
- Hydro-Electric and other Engineering Plant, Italy, 520, 521
- - Plant at Montercale, 130, 131, 142
- - Power Stations in Italy (Sup- pbment. April 1906), 389, 390, 391
- IMPACT Testing, Capfc. Riall Sankey. 86
- Industries, ItaHan (Sv.pplcnieJiti April 2C//t. 1903), 389, 390, 391, 468, 492, 620, 552, 599, 600, 643, 647
- Injector, High-pres?ure Locomotive, Davies and Metcalfe, Limited, 120
- LAMP Burner, Signal, 194
- Lathe, Electrically-driven Wheel, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Limited [Sicpple-nienl. Pebruani 23rrf, 1906)
- - Prentice Four-spindle Automatic, 480
- - for Steam Turbine Work, Hulee and Co., Limited, 556
- - Tramway Wheel, Tangye Tool and Electric Company, Limited, 178
- - Turret, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 510
- - High-speed, J. Parkinson and Son (Supplement, Map IDA, 1906), 472, 473
- Lift, Barracca, 612
- Lifts, Electric — see Electric
- Lighting of Victoria Station, Cup and BaU Joint, eol
- Locomotive, Atlantic Type, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 185 Baldwin Oil Fuel, 453, 456, 457 Compound, G. R. Sisteraon. 414 Compound Express, Great Northern Railway, Mr. H. A. Ivatt (Supple- menif January 26fA, 1906), 95 Electric, Valteliina Railway, 214 Express, Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean Railway, 175
- - Four-cylinder Compound, North- Eastern Railway, Mr, Wilson Worsdeli, 455
- - Goods, Argentine Great Wettern Railway, Robert Stephenson and Co., Limited, 466, 467
- - Heavy Banking, Belgian Slate Rawways, Soci^ 6 Anonvme de St, Leonard (Supplement,February ^nd^ 1906). 109, 113
- - New French, on the Great Western Railway, 105
- - “Novelty,” 82
- - Six-coupled. Glasgow and South- Western Railway, Mr. Jas. Man- son, 1, 4, 5
- - South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 573
- - Three-cylinder Compound Express, Mr. R. M. Deeley (Supplement, March^th, 1906), 243
- - Three-cylinder, Great Central, Mr. J. G. Robinson, 56
- - Weighing Machines, North-Eastern Railway Company, Messrs. W. and T. Avery, Limited, 168
- - William the Fourth, 83
- Lorry, 40 Horse-power Steam, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Limited, 216, 217, 218
- MACHINE Tool Dasigu, All-gear Hjadfetjcks, Prof. J. T. Nicolson and Mr. Dempster Smith, 29; Lathes witi Treble-compound Geared Headstocks, 211
- Machine Tools in Shipyards, Electrically-driven. 220. 221
- Maps, Coast Erosion, Axmouth to Plymouth, 598
- - Dumfries, 621
- - Dungeness to Beachy Head 597
- - East Coast, 513, 544
- - Ilfracombe to Swansea, 620
- - Plymouth to Ilfracombe 598
- - Selsea Bill to Axmouth, 597
- - Swansea to Beaumaris, 621
- Map of Hartlepool Docks, 662
- - Port of Genoa, 464
- - Principal Power Stations in Italy, 390
- - Proposed Wigan and Blackpool Railway, 382
- - Railways in the Liverpool District, 650
- - South African Gold Mines, Output and Labour Supply, 482
- Microscope, The Rosenheim, 304
- Mole, Pillau, 164
- Motor Bogie, 651
- Motor Car Industry, Italian Industries, 652 553 at the Paris Show, 10, 11, 12 Valveless. Mr. Ralph Lucas. 200 Works. The Daimler, 446, 447, 450 Launch, Paraffin, Hornsby and Sans
- Limited, 500 ‘
- Launches for Nij^eria, John I. Thorny- croft and Co., Limited, 253
- OmnibuH, 30 Horse-power, Wolseley T. ol srd Motor Car Company, L’nrtjd, L02, 3(3 ’
- Tractors for the War-office, J. I. Thoroy- cn fc and Co., I/mited, 89
- NAVAL Training, New Scheme of, J. A. Ewing CD, 511
- Nitrate Factor}’ at No^odden, 265
- PILES. Concrete, M. Consideri, 57
- Piles, Recent Improvements in, 57, 79, 80, 382 Piston Rings. Mudd’s, 658
- Pitch Punching Machine, E. Donovan, 589
- Planing Machine, Double-cutting, Joshua Backt. n and (in., Limited, 122
- Port of Antwerp, Proposed Extension, 364
- Mr, Oswald Brown, 163 Sir David D-ile, 443
- Mr. Vitale Domenico de Michele, 351
- Lord Masham, 135
- Herr H. Sulzar-Steiner, 554
- Mr. Francis Wm. Webb, 579
- PREMIUM Calculator, John Davis an I Sm Limited, 590
- RAILWAY Construction in Ind a, 266, 267, 268 Light, The Maidens and Du auro. 602. 507
- Canada, New, 146
- in the Liverpool District, Map of. f59 Pmi^cted International, 211, 242,
- Siam, 216
- Rapid Transit, Fbiladelphla, 161, 162
- Rolling Stock from 18H4 to 1904, E*rning Powtr of British, Great Northern Railway, 186
- Reeling Stock, Dining Car, Western Australian Government Railways, Gloucester Railway « and Wagon Company, Limited, 325
- Cross, Broken End of Rod, 2)4, D33
- SAW, Hot Swing, Mr. R. Fawcett, Coghlan Steel and Iron Company, Limited, 150
- Sawing Machine, Duplex, St. George’s Engineering Works, 46
- Screw-cutting Indicator, Percival, Marshall and Co., 590
- Secrephone, The, 122
- Sewer, The New Hamburg Main, 238, 219
- Shear Stress and Permanent Angular Strain Diagrams, W. C. Popplewell, 53, 54
- Shears High-speed, John Rhodes and Sons, Limited, 379 ’
- Sh^building Cableway at Jarrow, John M Henderson and Co., 63, 69
Ships: Battleships, Foreign:
- French, Dreadnought, 549
- Japanese, Katori, 465
Ships: Cruisers, British
- Duke of Edinburgh, 374
Ships: Cruisers, Foreign : —
- French, Ernest Renan, 403, 404 iorpedo Boats, Scouts, &c , British
- Scouts, lorward and Foresight, 343 lorpedo Bjat Destroyer Weir, 244 Mer^niile. Passenger and Various, British:—
- Cargo Steamer. Teucer, Hawthorn Leslie and Co., 372
- Cunard Liner Lusitania, J. Brown and 1006)^610^*^*^ June fM,
- Cunard Liners, Stem Frames for the Wew Darlington Forge Company, Limited, 424
- Motor Boats, Some High-speed, 371 Steamer, Thames. Archibald Hogg. 329 ^^3*5^^^ Nile, M. Edw. Hayes,
- Turbine Steamers, Messrs. Danny and Bros., 528
- for the Irish Channel; 268
- \ i^sels for bervica in our Colonies and Protecto’-ates, 345
- Mercantile, Passenger and Various, Foreign*
- American Ferry Steamers, 338, 339. 340 Italian Telegraph Ship, 599
- SHAKER, Clayton and Shuttleworth’s. Rajal Agricultural Show, 649
- Silk, Works for Manufacture of Artificial. Com- mendatore Mari’s, 643, 647
- Sponson Mount for lOin. Gun, 47
- Station Reconstruction, Victo’rii, 519
- Steamer for Lake Victoria Nyanza, Bow, MacLschlan and Co., 663, 664
- Steel Presses, Fluid, A. J. Capron, 533
- Suction Gas Producers, 659, 660
- Crushing Mill, Nine Roller, Mahlove, ;^’^’ott and Co., Limited {Supplement, Februai'u 23/(Z, 1906), 201 '
- Superheaters, 532
- Surface Condensers, Effioiatcy of, Prof. R. L. Weighton, 431
- Switch, Double Pole, Messrs. Seage a id Cc.^ 98
- TECHNICAL High School, Dresden, 87, 90, 114, 115
- Thrashing Machine and Wind Stacker, Forster’s, Royal Agricultural Show, 649
- Tie-rod Fracture, Charing Cross Roof, 37
- Tractor, Oil Engine, Petter’s, Royal Agricultural Show, 649
- Tramways, Kingston and Surbiton, Extra High- tension Cable, 354
- Transit, Protected, Messrs. J. Davis and Co., 150
- Transport, Underground Mechanical, Witwaters- rand, 108, 107
- Trucks, Method of Loading on North-Eastern
- Railway, 271
- Turbines at the Grandholm Works, 369
- Turbines, Hydraulic, Riva, Monneret and Co., 468, 469
- VALVE, Sewage Controlling, Mr. W. S. Shields, 481
- Volumenometer Cement, Dr. F. G. Dounan, 227
- Valves, New Steam, Crusa Controllable Superheater Company, 19?
- WAGON, 5-Ton Steam, Messrs. Bretherton and Bevan, 320
- 40-Ton Well Bogie. Leeds Forge Company, Limited, 631
- Wagon, The Sentinel Steam, Messrs. Alley and Maclellan, 245. 246, 247
- Water Gauge or Well Tell-Tale, Mr. S. H. Terry, 352
- Scheme, Part Elizibetb, 60, 61, 61 Softener, The Criton, 47 Supply of Athens, Ancient, 215
- Wheel, Pelton, Mr. Percy Paman, 289
- Weighing Machines, Locomotive, Mestrs. W. and T. Avery and Co., L'raited, 168
- Whitewashing Machine, Crosier, Stephens and Co., 122
- Worm Contact, Mr. R. A. Bruce, 98, 99, 100, 123
See Also
Sources of Information