The Engineer 1907 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1907 Jul-Dec: Index
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- Blackfriars Bridge, 636
- Boiler Explosion, Greenwich, 620, 647 ; Noteworthy, 574
- Bradford Tramcar, 475
- Greenwich Boiler Explosion, 620, 647
- Indian Railway, Analysis of, in 1906, 242
- Jena Explosion Inquiry, 240
- Principessa Jolanda, Disaster at Launching, 361 !
- Quebec Bridge, 231, 235, 239, 288. 292, 318, 395, 420, 498, 600 ; (Letters), 323, 348
- Railway Collisions, Fatal, 620
- Inquiries into, 441 Prevention of 521; (Letter), 578
- Shrewsbury Accident, London and North-Western Railway, 386, 393, 413; (Letters), 424, 425, 451, 518
- United Kingdom Railway, 216
- West Hampstead Railway Collision, 450
- AIR Compressors—see Compressors.
- Almanacs, Diaries, for 1908, 662
- Aluminium in Scotland, Water-power Scheme for Furnaces, 336
- American Engineering News, 46, 143, 170, 194, 221, 288, 347, 502, 682
- Apprentices, Training of, 10, 447, 650 ; (Letters), 503, 518, 578
- Artillery, French and English, Canet, 521, 623, 625, 553; Rifted, Greenhill, 513, 538, 561
Associations, Institutions, and Societies :
- Association, British:
- Concrete, Reinforced, New Uses for. Twelvetrees, 182
- Cutting Tool, Machine for Weighing Forces on. Brooks, 183
- Electric Incandescent Lamps, Gaster, 159
- Engineering Laboratory at City and Guilds of London Institute, Coker, 159
- Ferro-concrete and Examples of Construction, E. de Vesian, 182
- Gas and Petrol Engines, Dugald Clerk, 136
- Gaseous Explosions, with Special Reference to Temperature, 168
- Gases Exhausted in a Petrol Motor, Hopkinson and Morse, 168
- Ice Problem in Canada, Barnes, 183
- Iron, Beginnings of, Ridgeway, 206
- Iron Ore Supplies, Brough, 206
- Machinery, Modern, Its Future Development, Brackenbury, 183, 220
- Meeting at Leicester, 110, 136, 140, 144, 158, 173, 182, 206, 220
- Oscillographic Study of Low-frequency Oscillating Arcs, Morris, 158
- Presidential Address, Sir David Gill, 110
- Presidential Address, Professor Silvanus Thompson, 136, 140, 144, 173
- Radium in the Rocks of Simplon Tnnnel, 206
- Telegraphy, Wireless, Tuning in, Sir 0. Lodge, 158
- Telephone Lines, Pupin Mode of Working, Sir W. Preece, 158
- Tramway Rails, Corrugation of, Worby Beaumont, 182
- Turbines, Hydraulic, Governing of. Robert Ball, 183
- Association of Engineers, Manchester:
- Friction and Lubrication, Nicolson, 546, 550, 605, 633; (Letters), 579, 604, 632
- Workshops, Ventilation and Warming of, Nesbit, 631
- Institute, The Iron and Steel:
- Austrian Iron Industry, Development, Kestranek, 345
- Blast Furnace Gas for given Make of Pig Iron, Ehrenwerth, 346
- Blast Furnaces, Economic Distribution of Power from, Thwaite, 372
- Steel, Ageing of Mild, Further Experiments, Stromeyer, 371
- Case-hardening of Mild, Bannister and Lambert, 372
- Case-hardening, Shaw Scott, 372 Hardening, Demozay, 372 and Meteoric Iron, Berwerth, 345
- Steels, Hardened, Longmuir, 372
- Styrian, Erzberg, Bauerman, 345, 410
- Vienna Meeting, 345, 371, 384, 410
- Visits to Bohemia, to Moravia and Silesia, 385; to Styria, 410
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The ;
- Awards, 1906-1907, 479
- Conference, 3
- Visit to Great Western Railway Works at Swindon, 3
- Visit to Dover Harbour Works, 3
- Reciprocating Air Compressors, Reavell, 3 Turbo-Compressors for High Pressures, Rateau, 3
- Educaticn of Engineering Students, Particularly with Regard to Mining and Metallurgy, Rowley, 5
- Electro-metallurgy, Blount, 6
- High-speed Vessels, Welch, 6
- Modern Applications of Superheating to Marine Steam Boilers, Spyer, 6
- Welding of Structural Materials in Place, Ruck-Keene, 7
- Sewage Disposal by Biological Processes, Watson, 28
- Sewage, Relative Merits of. Chemically Treated, Settled and Septic, in Preparing the Liquid for Oxidising Beds, Hart, 28
- Modern Applications of Electricity to Mines, Sparks, 29
- FOLKESTONE Pier, Torrance Ker, 553
- Keyham Dockyard Extension, Sir W. Eliot, 661
- Pass List, 607
- Presidential Address, 479
- Train Resistance, Pre-determination of, Carus Wilson, 632
- Tranmere Bay Development Work, Ellis, 582
- Wind Pressure, Experiments on, Stanton, 607
- Institution of Civil Engineers: (Glasgow Association of Students):
- Clyde Improvement and Development, Murray Alston, 551
- Institution of Electrical Engineers!
- Locomotives, Automatic Cab Signalling on, J. Pigg, 608
- Institution of Electrical Engineers: Post-office:
- Presidential Address, 424
- Institution, German, of Naval Architects:
- Capsizing of Vessels in Launching, Benjamin, 588
- Meeting at Charlottenburg, 534, 575, 588
- Motor Boats, High Speed, Bauer, 534, 576
- Propellers, Electrically-driven, Schulthes, 575 ; Screw, Flamm, 588
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The:
- Aberdeen Harbour, Nicol, 107
- Cableways Used in Shipbuilding Berths, Henderson, 107
- Electrically Controlled Testing Machine and Torsion Tests, Larard, 121, 131, 147
- Gas Engine, Indicated Power and Mechanical Efficiency of the, Professor B. Hopkinson, 412, 427, 453, 464, 471, 497; (Letter), 503
- Granite Quarrying in Aberdeenshire, Simpson, 107, 132
- Indicators, Carpentier, Crosby, Hopkinson, 412, 464, 471
- Jute Preparing and Spinning, Matt Donald, 132
- Milling Cutters, Manufacture and Upkeep, Ashton, 646, 654, 660
- Portable Pneumatic Tools, Bing, 130
- Summer Meeting, Programme of, 69
- Visits, 108, 132, 154, 160
- Institution of Mining Engineers:
- Annual Meeting, 262
- Society of Civil Engineers, American ;
- Mexican Congress, 284, 308
- Society of Engineers:
- Liquid Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines, Brewer, 376
- Visit to Chatham Dockyard, 314
- AXLE Greaser, Falcon, 340
- BEDFORD Grammar School, Engineering at, 42 Belleek Sluice Gates. 650
- Belt, Robins, 523 ; Steel Link, Gilbert Little, 143, 149, 171 ’
- Blast Furnaces—see Furnaces
- Blasts in a Bore Hole, 437 ; (Letter), 5C3
- Blower, Electrically - driven High - pressure, Samuelson, 635
- Boiler Efficiency, 192
- Explosion, Greenwich 620, 647
- Explosion, Noteworthy, 674
- Plant, Large Donkey, Ccchran’s, 451
- Pump, Vertical Feed, Nichols’, 91
- Tubeless, Semi-flash, Steward, 580
- Boilers, Fire-brick Covers, Movable, for. Adjustable Cover and Boiler Block Company, 505
- Locomotive—5CC Railways-Locomotives Marine Steam, Modern Applications of Superheating to, Spy er, 6
- Pressure, Gauges for, Stromeyer, 191, 325, 351; (Letter), 212
- Steam, in Bombay, 322
- Water tube. Keyless Arch for, 272
- BRAKES —see Railways
- Brass—see Metals
- Brick Kilns, Continuous, Youngsen Type in United States, 46
- Bridge, Aberdeen Swing, 132
- Blackfriars, Accident, 636
- Duisbourg, Double Bascule, 129, 138
- Hell Gate, at New York, Proposed, 105
- Homberg, Over the Rhine, ^40 (Tivo-paffe Supplementy Nocemher Is^, 1907)
- Quebec, Accident, 231, 235, 239, 288, 292, 318, 395, 420, 498,600 ; (Letters) 323, 348
- CAISSON Disease—see Compressed Air
- Canal, Manchester Ship, 141
- North Sea, Baltic Ship, A Second, 473
- Ohio and Erie Ship, 486
- Panama, 194
- Syphon under, in Upper Egypt, Neuhaus, 414, 418
- Teltow, 656
- Canals, Royal Commission on, 103, 587
- CAPSTAN, Electrical, Stothert and Pitt, 66
- 22, 45, 96, 120, 152,176, 248, 274, 300, 324, 404, 430, 454, 480, 606, 608, 661
- CEMENT, LeChatelier Test, Gadd, 251; (Letters), 296, 323, 400
- Chain-making Machinery, Little, 143, 149, 171
- Channel at Saint Naziire, New Entrance, 127, 422
- Clyde Trust, New Works, 244
Coal, Coke, and Collieries:
- Coal Consumers and Exports, 240
- Contracts, Humber Fishing, 642
- Hoists at Cardiff Docks, Armstrong, Whitworth’s, 32, 34, 36
- Mining in Belgium, 390
- Price Prospects, 628 and the Railways, 40, 114, 159 Yorkshire Trade, 197
- Coaling Cranes at Cardiff Docks, Lewis-Hunter, Tannett Walker’s, 32, 34, 36
- Coals, Locomotive, and Testing Plant for Danish Railways, 382
- Collieries, Cambrian, Electrical Machinery at, Siemens Brothers, 20, 21
- Colliery Pumps, Electrically Driven, Pearn, 5/2, 577
- Colliery Strikes, Yorkshire, Cost of, 624
- COAST Erosion at Hornsea, 134, 141
- Erosion, Royal Commission on, 446, 613 Mr. Matthew’s Apology, 547 Protection at Brighton, 309
- College of Science and Technology, Imperial:
- Council, Constitution qf, Members’ Names, 23, 101
- Committees Appointed, 582
- COMMERCIAL Agents, 216
- Compensation Act in Operation, 15, 89, 292
- Compressed Air and its Influence oa Health, 386 ; (Letter), 518
- Compressor, Duplex Air, Consolidated Pneumatic Company, 168
- Tandem Cylinder Air, Sullivan Company, 478
- 1200 Horse-power Air, Robey’s, 368, 373, 374
- Compressors, Reciprocating Air, Reavell, 3; Turbo, for High Pressures, Rateau, 3
- Concrete Aggregates, 216 ; (Letter), 242
- Construction, Sound, Noble Anderson, 333, 357, 381
- Fly-wheel at the Rand, 437
- Ferro-concrete and Examples of Construction, E. de Vesian, 182
- Mortar and loner, 243
- Reinforced,
- (missing lines)
- DAMS, Masonry, Booking, 310
- Derelict Destroyer, 143
- Diving, 139
- Avonmouth, Royal Edward, 8,9
- Cardiff, New South, 32, 90
- Hong-Kong, New Dry, 631 Rotterdam Floating, 568, 569 Southampton. New 16-Acre, at, 84 Tees, New Graving, and Shipyard on the River, 388, 389
- DOCKYARD Extension, Keyham, 661
Dockyard Notes:
- Admiralty Policy, 596
- Amethyst, Satisfactory Results of Overhaul, 450
- Appointments to the Home Fleet, 450
- Austrian Submarines Ordered in Germany, 80
- Battleships, New, Probable Names, 362
- Black Prince’s Guns, 221, 362
- Boadicea, Armament of, 80
- Brazilian Ships, Rumours, 515
- British Naval Programme, 596
- Cape of Good Hope’s Experimental Gear, 221
- Coal Consumption of Various Ships, 424 Cossack, Destroyer, Trials, 450
- Curtis Turbines under Construction in United States, 133
- Destroyers, Increased Size, Swedish and German compared with British, 397
- Dockyard and Private Yard Building Compared, 515
- Dreadnought’s Condition, 397
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Guns, 221, 362
- French Bittieship Democratie, Speed Trials, 133, 478
- Battleship Turbines and Engines, 133 Cruiser Jules Michelet, 133 Cruisers, Conversion to Torpedo Depot Ships, 423
- Cruisers’ Masts, 221
- Destroyer Branle-Bas Launched, 423 Destroyers with Oil Fuel, 450 “Magenta” Class Scrapped, 478 Navy, Boiler Discussion, 596 Submarine, New, Pluvoise Class, 423, 478
- Trials, Liberte Class, 478
- German Battleship Kaiserx Barbarosea, 397, 596
- Cruisers, Building Progress, Turbines or Reciprocating Engines, 478 Refits, 596 Speed, 362. 515
- Koenigsberg, Trial Results, 80, 133 Naval MancEuvres, 133 Navy League, 397
- Pommern and French Liberte, Battleships, Comparison, 397
- Programme, 1908, 596
- Glory’s Progress, 231
- Guns, Prophecies Fulfilled and Otherwise, 424 St. Vincent and Inflexible Types, 515 of Various Battleships, 362
- Hero and J€na as Targets, 515
- Implacable’s Speed, 424
- Italian Cruisers Pisa and Amalfi, 397 Italian Programme for New Ships, 424 Japanese Battleship Huki, 621
- Iwami’s Armament, 362
- Large Destroyer Laid Down, 424 Mikasa, Rumours about Armament, 362
- Majestic’s Gans, 362
- Minotaur Class, 621
- Minotaur’s Trials, 80
- North Sea Manceuvres, Speeds of Ships, 621
- Portuguese Navj^, Additions, 80, 450
- Prince George Rammed Again, 596
- Regina Elena and Vittor Emanuele, Results of Trials, 80
- Roumanian Fleet Increase, 423
- Russian Battleships Scrapped, 478
- - Cruiser Rurik’s Speed, 133 Naval Programme, 397, 596 Ships to be Built in Russia, 423 Shannon’s Guns, 221 Stettin’s Speed, 397
- Swedish Battleships and Destroyers, 397; Cruiser Fylgia with Yarrow Boilers, Speed Trials of, 133
- Temeraire’s Turrets, 221, 515
- Terrible, H.M. Cruiser, Propeller Shaft, 133
- Thornycroft Motors for Italian Submarines, 133
- Torpedo Craft Boilers, French Experiments, 424
- Turbines for the German Navy, 450
- Turkish Torpedo Cruisers, German-built, 478
- Turret Rumours, Bellerophon and Others, 221, 515
- United States, Battleships Injured at Target Practice, 423
- - Destroyers Ordered, 450
- - New Battleships, Naming, 133
- - New Destroyers, Displacement and Speed, 133
- - Ships, Building Progress, 478
- - Wireless Telegraphy Masts for British Warships, 80
- DOORS, Self-opening. Carey, 501
- Drainage of Dublin, 502
- Dredgers—see Ships
- Drilling Machines—see Machine Tools and Rock Drills
- Dublin Main Drainage Case, 502
- Durston, Sir John, Retirement, 424
- Dust, Subway, 162
- Dynamics of Long Recoil, Greenhill, 184
- EDUCATION, Commercial, 15, 115; (Letters), 19, 45, 68, 93, 118, 242
- Electrical Matters:
- (For Institution of Electrical Engineers, see Associations, &c.)
- Electric Railways—see Railways
- Capstan, Stothert and Pitt, 66 Central Scation Plant in the United States, 14
- Fires, 319
- Furnaces for Aluminium and Ferrosilicon Water-power Schemes, 336, 602
- Incandescent Lamps, Gaster, 159 Lighting Provisional Orders, 114 Plant at Cambrian Collieries, Siemens Brothers, 20, 21
- Traction in the United States, 335 Transformers, Wolf, 338
- Turbo-generators in the United States, 439
- Electrically-controlled Testing Machine and Torsion Tests, Larard, 121, 131, 147
- Electricity in the Azores, 219
- in Factories, 258
- London’s, Supply, 306
- Modern Applications of, to Mines, Sparks, 29
- Plant for Motor Vehicles, Electric Ignition Co., 635
- Electro-metallurgy, Blount, 5 Electro-Technical Commission, International, 535
- Los Angeles Electric Supply. 452
- Necaxa Power Works, 466, 470, 636
- Oerlikon Works, 186, 190
- Rio de Janeiro Electric Power Scheme, 408 See also Hydro-Electric
- ENGINEERING Employers’ Federation and the Unions, 371, 375
- Exports, Nine Months’, 387 Formulae, Standard Notation for, Mr. Ackermann’s Letter, 630
- Laboratory at City and Guilds of London Institute, Coker, 159
- and Science, S. Thompson, 136, 140, 144, 173
- Standards Committee, 476 Engineers, Civil, and Diving, 139 of Manchester, 447 in Mexico, 197
Engines and Motors:
- Engine Breakdowns, 369
- Drop Piston Valve, at Huddersfield, Cole, Marchent and Morley, 54 (Supplement July 19^/t, 1907)
- Drop Valve, Ruston, Proctor’s, 30, 31 Gas, in a Cotton Mill, 600 Horse-power
- Two-cycle, Mather and Platt, 598, 605
- Cylinder Temperatures, Callendar and Dalby, 547
- Indicated Power and Mechanical Efficiency of the. Professor B. Hopkinson, 412, 427. 453, 464, 471, 497 , (Letter), 503
- Johannesburg, Plant, 136
- Power Plant at an Engineering Works, 616, 619
- Suction, 300 Horse-power, and Producer, National Gas Engine Company, 652, 659
- Test of, Crossley Brothers, 159 Oil, Rational, Heatly-Gresham, 171 Portable Air-cooled, Saunderson, 592 Portable, Single-cylinder, with Superheater, Garrett, 566
- Tandem Drum Steam Winding, Sandy- croft Foundry Company, Limited, 448 (Tuo-page Supplenienti November Ist, 1907)
- Engine, Traction, Fowler, 593
- Haulage in Lead Mining, 143 for Snow Roads, bteam, 94 Spring Mounting for, Robey’s, 16
- Adriatic, White Star Liner, Quadruple Expansion, 270, 271
- Gas and Petrol, Dugald Clerk, 136 Marine, 3000 H.P. Triple-expansion, Air and Circulating Pumps, Richardsons, Westgarth, 69 (Supplement, July Idtk. 1907)
- Winding, Trip Gears for, Collingham, 460
- Explosive Mixture Motors, Commander A. B, Willits, United States Navy, 273, 299
- Petrol Motor, Gases Exhausted from a, Hopkinson and Morse, 158
- Steam Launch Machinery, Savery, 272
Exhibitions and Shows:
- (For Articles Exhibited, see Engines, Machine Tools, Motor Vehicles, &-^.)
- Franco-British, 479, 644, 548, 567
- International, 447 '
- Machinery, at Olympia, 288, 312, 337, 303
- Models, at Royal Agricultural Hill, 413
- Motor Car, at Olympia, 492, 496, 512, 635
- Show, Royal Agricultural, at Lincoln, 16, 30
- Smithfield Cattle, 592
- EXPANSION Joints, Beck’s, 452; (Letter), 476
- Explosions—see Accidents
- Explosives, Government Report, 110
- FACING Machines —see Machine Tools
- Factor of Safety, 420
- Fastnet Rock Lighthouse, 257, 259, 264
- Feed-heater. Detartariser, Howl and Tranter, 339
- Feed-water Heater, Wilkinson’s, 196
- Fires, Electric, 319
- Fires, Gas, Brearley, 40, 47
- Fish Hatchery at Marine Laboratory, 108
- Forges and Mines of the Hungarian State, 280, 237
- Foundry Experiences, Bellamy, 514
- Friction and Lubrication, Nicolson, 546, 550, 605, 633 ; (Letters), 579, 604, 632
- Fuels, Motor Car, 88, 92
- Fulton, Robert, and Centenary of Steam Navigation, 153; (Letter), 212
- Furnace, Blast, Lithgow, New South Wales, 64 Economic Distribution of Power from, Thwaite, 372 in Styria, 410 at Vajda-Hunyad, 236
- GAS Boats—see Ships
- Engines—see Engines
- Blast Furnace, Determination of Quantity for Pig Iron and its Calorific Value, Ehrenwerth, 345
- Engineers, French, 10
- Fires, Testing and Hygienic Efficiency, Brearley, 40, 47
- Gases, Apparatus for Analysing, Schlatter and Deutsch, 18, 46; Exhausted in a Petrol Motor, Hopkinson and Morse, 158
- Gaseous Explosions with Special Reference to Temperature, 168
- Gas-heated Pottery Kilns (Letter), 118 Gates, Lock, 656; Sluice, at Belleek, 650 Gauges, Steam-pressure, Stromeyer, 191, 325, 351 ; (Letter). 212
- Girders, Continuous, 305
- Granite Quarries, Kemnay, 132; Quarrying in
- Aberdeenshire, Simpson, 107
- Greenwich Boiler Explosion—see Accidents Grinding Machines—see Machine Tools Groynes, Ferro-concrete, at Brighton, 309
- Guns—see War Material
- Gyroscopic Apparatus for Steadying Ships, Schlick’s, 515
- HAMMERS—See Machine Tools
- Harbours and Waterways (See also Canals)
- Aberdeen Harbour, 107, 132
- Bly th, Port of, 258
- Clyde, Deepening the, 397, 551
- Havre, Development of Port, 358
- London, Port of, 545
- Mersey, River, 143
- Para, Port of, 655
- Peterhead, Harbour of Refuge, 154
- Saint Nazaire, New Channel, 127, 422
- Sulina Mouth of the Danube, 279
- HEATING and Ventilating School Buildings, 423
- Highways, Traction on, 394 ; (Letters), 425
- Hoists at Cardiff Docks, Armstrong, Whitworth’s, 32, 34, 36
- Holland, Land Reclamation in, 491, 532, 589
- Hornsea Shore Defence Works, 134, 141
- Humber Fishing Coal Contracts, 642
- Hydro-electric Plant in United States, Submerged, 502
- Scheme, Mussourie, 608 Station for Los Angeles, 452 Station at Necaxa, 466, 470, 536
- Ice Problems in Canada, Barnes, 183
- Indexing Apparatus for Milling Machines, Ludwig Loewe, 117
- Indicator, Platform, at Victoria Station, 602
- Indicators, Carpentier, Crosby, Hopkinson, Discussion of, at Institute of Mechanical Engineers, 412, 427, 453, 464, 471, 497, 503
- Ingot Heating Apparatus, 172
- Instrument for Testing Hardness, The Scleroscope, 580
Iron and Steel:
- Iron and Steel Institute—see Associations Austrian Iron Industry, Development, Kest- ranek, 345
- Austro-Hungarian State Railway Steel Works, 499
- Bohemian and Moravian Excursions of the Iron and Steel Institute, 384
- Donawitz and Erzberg Ironworks and Blast Furnaces, 410
- Iron, Beginnings of, Ridgeway, 206 Industries in Odessa, 576 Industry in New South Wales, 64 Ore Exports, Swedish, 574
- Resources, British, 83
- Supplies, Brough, 206
- Trade. American, 258 and Steel Position, 370 Ironworks, Craiginches, 108 Mines—see Mines
- Pig Iron Production, 446
- Science in Iron and Steel Making considered Commercially, 503
- Steel, Ageing of Mild, Further Experiments, Stromeyer, 371
- Baths, Pressed, 218
- Case-hardening of Mild, Bannister and Lambert, 372
- Case-hardening, Shaw Scott, 372 German Syndicate, 110, 166 Hardening, Demozay, 372 and Meteoric Iron, Berwerth, 345 Tube Syndicate, International, 217; Correction, 428
- Vanadium, in United States, 535 Works, Diosgyor, 280, 287
- Steels, Hardened, Longmuir, 372
- Styrian, Erzberg, Bauerman, 345, 410
- Styrian Excursion of the Iron and Steel Institute, 410
- JOINT, Pipa, Doulton’s, 450
- Joints, Expansion, Back’s, 452 ; (Letter), 477
- Jute Preparing and Spinning, MacDonald, 132
- KNOWLEDGE, Exchange of, 654—see Milling Cutters
Labour News, Strikes, and Wages Questions: (See also Workmen’s Compensation)
- Federation, Engineering Societies, and the Unions, 371
- Indian Railway Strike, 573, 601
- Pension Fund. Metropolitan Railway, 570
- Premiums or No Premiums, 447 ; (Letter), 503
- Railway Conciliation Boards. 471, 480
- Railway Unrest, 291, 317, 344, 394, 471. 480
- Railways, Labour on, 343
- Shipbuilders’ Strike, 193, 216, 288
- Strikes, Results of Industrial, 344
- Trade Union Case, Bjnd, 498
- Yorkshire Colliery Strikes, Cost of, 524
- LABOUR-SAVING Appliances at Kleinfontein.
- Mines, 581, 606
- Lamp, Flame Arc, Crompton-Blondel. 570
- Land Reclamation in Holland, 491, 532, 689
- Lathes—see Machine Tools
- Launches and Trial Trips—see Ships
- Ls Chatelier Test, Gadd, 251; (Letters), 296,. 323, 400
- Lubrication, Friction and, Nicolson, 546, 550
- Accidents, Railway, Prevention of. 521 on the Railways of the United Kingdom, 215
- Arsenal, the Royal, 64. 87
- Boiler Ethciency in a New Light, 192 Efficiency, Influence of Scale on, 239 Explosion, a Noteworthy, 574
- Brakes, Either-side, 113
- Central Station Plant in the United States, 14
- Cylinder Pressures, Average. 654
- Civil Engineers and Diving, 139
- Coal and the Railways, 40, 114
- Consumers and Exports, 240 Price Prospects, 628
- Coast Erosion, Royal Commission on, 446
- Commercial Agents, 216
- Compensation Act in Operation, 89, 292
- Concrete Aggregates, Washing, 216 : Reinforced, 88
- Condensation, Initial, 370
- Corrosion, 63
- Driving Wheels, Influence of the Diameter of. 653 ;
- Education and Success, 15, 115 ; Commercial. 15, 115
- Electric Fires, 319j ^Lighting Provisional Orders, 114 • ? M
- Engine Breakdowns, 369
- Engineering and Science, 140 ; at Oxford, 39
- Exchange of Knowledge, 654 .v,
- Export Bounties, 13
- Factor of Safety, 420
- Federation, Engineering Employers’, and the Unions, 371
- French Shipbuilding Programme, 317, 420
- Friction and Lubrication, 546
- Gas Engine Cylinder Temperature, 547
- - Engines and Indicators, 471
- - Fires, 40
- Georgia, United States Battleship, Accident on 64
- German Naval Programme. 497
- Iron and Steel Position, 370
- Jena Inquiry, 240
- Kelvin, Lord, 627
- London County Council and Electric Traction. 64 '
- County Council Tramways. 419 Port of, 545
- Traffic Board, 89, 141 Tramways and Railways, 265
- London’s Water Supply, 646 ; Correction, 573 Long Stmts, 396
- Lusitania’s Maiden Trip, 293, 344
- Manchester Engineers, 447
- Marine Propulsion, 114, 139
- Mining Machinery, Penalty Clause on, 192
- Modern Ordnance, 621
- Motor Car Fue’s, 88
- Car Industry, 167 Omnibus. The, 420
- Naval Base at Ro«yth, 676 Guns, 601 Review. 141
- North Sea-Baltic Ship Canal, A Second, 473
- Patent Law Reform, 39
- Pekin-Paris Race, 166
- Pig Iron Production, 446
- Port of London, 646
- Premiums or No Premiums, 447
- Pressure Gauges, 191
- Protection of the Sea Coast, 141 Quebec Bridge Accident, 239, 292, 318, 396, 498, 600
- Railway Prevention of, 621
- Coal Contracts, 40, 114 Conciliation Boards, 471 Indian, Reforms, 622 Indian, Strikes. 573. 601 Unrest, 291, 317, 343, 344, 394. 471 and Tramway Competition, 192 and Tramways, Electric, 63, 266 Government and British, 13
- Labour on. Board of Trade Report, 343 Light. 40 State, 318
- Screws, Standard, 266
- Sewage, the Treatment of, 16
- Shipbuilders’ Strike, 193. 216
- Shipbuilding Industry, 600
- Shrewsbury Railway Accident, 393
- Steel Trade Future, 166
- Strikes, Industrial, 344
- Superheated Steam. 165, 266, 628 Swedish Iron Ore Exports. 574
- Timber and its Protection from Marine
- Enemies, 371
- Traction on Highways, 394 Trade Union Chse, 498
- Tube Syndicate, International. 217
- Turbine, Curtis, at Sea, 472; Sceamers, Power Estimating for, 445
- Turbines and Piston Engines, 114, 139
- Unemployed and Reclamation Works, 266 Valve Leakage, 266
- Vibration of Ships, 599
- Water Supply of London, 546 ; Correction, 573 Woolwich, 64, 87
Letters from our own Correspondents :
- Africa, South, Notes from, 36,. 69. 90
- America, Notes from, 24, 50, 72, 98, 120, 148, 176, 201, 248, 276. 302. 328 ?54, 378, 404, 456, 482. 628, 556 584, 638, 662
- Australian Notes, 70, 198, 662
- England, North of, 23, 49, 71, 97, 124, 149, 175, 199, 222, 247, 275, 301, 327, 353, 377, 403, 429, 465, 481, 507, 627, 655, 683, 609, 637, 663
- Germany, 25, 50, 73, 98, 125, 148, 176, 201, 225, 249, 276, 303, 328. 354, 379, 404, 431,
- 457, 483, 508, 528, 557, 585, 610, 638, 664
- Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 23, 48, 70, 96, 123, 149, 174,198, 222, 246, 274, 300, 326, 352, 376, 402, 428, 465, 480, 506, 526, 654, 582, 609, 636, 663 » , »
- Lancashire, 23, 48, 71, 96, 123, 149, 174.- 199, 222, 246, 274, 300, 326, 352. 376, 402, 428 455, 480, 506, 626, 654. 682 609, 636. 663
- Scotland, 24, 49, 72, 98, 124, 150, 175, 200, 224, 247, 275, 301, 327, 353, 378, 403. 429, 456, 481, 507,527, 555 684. 610, 637, 664
- Sheffield, 23, 49, 71, 97, 123, 149,175, 199, 222, 247, 276, 301, 326, 353. 377, 403, 429, 465, 481, 507. 527, 555, 583, 609, 637, 663
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 24, 50, 72 98, 124, 150, 176, 200, 224, 248, 276, 302, 328, 354, 378, 403, 430, 456, 482, 508, 628, 656, 584, 610, 638, 664 ’
Letters to the Editor:
- Blasts in-a Bore Hole, Merryweather, 503
- Boilers, Steam, Efficiency of, John Batey, 44 Capron,148 ’
- Boulton and Watt in America in 1786. R. B. P 400 ’
- Caisson Disease, Jacobs, Loomis, 518
- Chain making Machine, Gilbert Little Co., 171 Compounding and Superheating, The Author of the Article, 93 ; F. W. Brewer, 148. 212 •
- R. Hope, 198, 270; Charles R. King. 171, 212; John Riekie, 297
- Concrete, Wat hie g Aggregates, Harry Jackson,
- Condensation, James Waite, 425
- Couplings, Automatic, Arthur Paget (A.B.C. Coupler, Limited), 45
- Curtis Turbine, Ntzzles in the, Frank Foster, 503
- Curtis Turbine at Sea, C. B. Edwards, 632
- Deeley’s Valve Gear, R. M. Deeley, 425; Hunslet Engine Company, Limited. 400 • Mernok, 45. 425 ’
- Derailments, Unexplained, Solicitor, 477 Dreadnought and the Condorcet, Ch. Larroza, 68, 93
- East Indian Railway Contracts, Frequent Tenderers, 451
- Education and Success, An Old Eneineer 45 • B.Sc., 45; B.Sc. Engineering. 118; R. A’ Learned, 242; Sceptical, 19, S3; Technikus, 68
- Engineering at Oxford, The Chair of, T. A Brassey, 44 » • •
- Expansion Joints, Henry Lea, 477 Ferro-concrete, Civil Engineer, 19; Reinforced
- Concrete, 118
- Fuiton andthe Centenary of Steam Navigation, W. B. Paley, 212 ’
- Gas Engines, I.H.P. of, F. Ellinger, 503 Gw-heated Pottery Kilns, Duff Brothers and Co., 118
- Gold Dredging, Author of the Article, 400
- Heavy Motor Trials, St. Pancras Ironwork Com- pany. Limited, 297
- Hot-air Economiser, John Batey, 44; A. J. Capron, 148
- Le Chatelier Test, Wm. Fennell, 296 ; Wilk F. Goreham, 323; Chas, Nelsonand Co., Limited, 4C0
- Locomotive Engine Dfivioer, An Express Driver, 518, 604; Your Correspondent, 552
- Great Western, F. W. Brewer, 118 ; Robert Sproule, 68 Historical, Lowca Engineering Co., Limited (Cecil Walton), 45; Herbert T. Walker, 19
- Steam and Electric, H. Carlile, 270
- Use of Superheated Steam in. Lawford H. Fry, 658
- Marine Steam Turbine, Nabor Soliani, 19 Mechanics, Principles of, Sidney A. Reeve, 604 ; R. H. Smith, 477. 658
- Midland Railway, Express Passenger Engine for the—see Deeley’s Valve Gear
- Mining io Cumberland, Jno. W. Branston, 579 Patent Law, New, W. Lake, 171
- Pensions, Old Age, W. C. Jones, 19
- Premium and No Premium, Draughty, 518 ; Ex-Premium, 503 ; Switchboard, 578
- Pressure Gauges, Isaac Smith, 212
- Quebec Bridge, B., 348 ; F. B., 348 ; W. H. B., 348 ; M. E., 348 ; Nemo. 348 ; Geo. T. Pardoe, 348; D. S., 323 ; Smibx, 323
- Rail Corrugation, A.M.I.C.E., 425
- Rail Motor Car, C. A. Park, 198
- Rails, Creeping of, J. Drage, 451; G. H. L., 477
- Railway Accidents, Prevention of, H. Raynar Wilson, 578
- Railways, Nationalisation of, Fredk. T. Haggard, 348
- Rings, Strength of. W. B., 604 ; R. W. Bailey, 552; A. H. C., 451; B. H. Collingham, 476; E. C. Moyle, 503, 552; Gen. T. Pardoe, 476, 518, 579, 632; F. R. S. Rice, 604 ; G. J. Wells, 476
- Roads, Destruction cf, by Pneumatic Tire?, Geo. T. Pardoe, 45
- Screws, Standard, Jim Crow, 297 Shanghai-Nanking Railway, B. Leslie, 212 Ships, Vibration of, R. H. Smith, 632 ; R, Slater, 632; Superintendent Engineer, 658 Shrewsbury Railway Accident, F. W. Brewer, 518; D. C., 424; G., 424; Hillsland, 425; G. H. L., 451
- Steam Engine Economy, M. Pond, 296 ; John Riekie, 348; Water and Sceam in the,
- J. C. R., 198
- Steamships, High-speed, R. M. S., 425 Steel Castirgs, Henry A Neal, 552 ; Perplexed, 518
- Superheated Steam, Alexander Jude, 400 in Locomotives, Use of, Lawford H. Fry, 658
- in the Presence of Water, R. M. Neilson, 212 Traction on Highways, Curious, W. T. Lalonde, 425
- Training and Sucees«— see Education Waterways, Better Utilisation of our, A. Oates, 425
- Wind Pressure, Puzz’ed, 451
- LIFTS, High-pressure Hydraulic, at New York, 46
- Lighthouse, Fastnet Rock, 257, 259, 264 Lignite Mine of Perec zes, 280, 287
- Liquid Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines, Brewer, 376
- Reviews z
- Alcohol, Denatured or Industrial, Rufus Frost Herrick, 115
- Boilers. Steam, and Supplementary Appliances, W. H. Fowler, 421
- Denkschrift zur Generelles Projekt der Zugspitz Bihn, W. A. Muller, 41
- Electrical Energy, Distribution of, J. F. C. Snell, 193
- Engineering, Text-book of, Dr, Adolf Thomalen, translated byG. W. 0. Howe, 396
- Traction, Ernest Wilson and Francis Lydall, 421
- Engines, Steam, Gas, and Petrol, Balancing of, A, Sharp, 629
- Fire Assaying, Manual of, C. H. Fulton, 655 Fortification, Sir George Sydenham Clarke, 115
- Foundry Practice, General, Andrew McWilliam and Percy Longmuir, 601
- Gas Engineering Practice, Handbook of American, Nisbet-Latta, 547
- Gas Manufacture, Chemistry of, H. M. Royle, 655
- Hydraulics, S. Dunkerley, 396, 474
- Irrigation, Its Principles and Practice as a Branch of Engineering, Sir Hanbury Brown, K.C.M.G., 60
- Irrigation Woik, Practical Design of, W. G. Bligh, 629
- London, Port of, and Thames Barrage, 217 Manchester Ship Canal, History of. Sir Bosdin Leech, 395
- Metallurgy, Handbook of, C. Schnabel, Translated by H. Louis, 89
- Peat, its Use and Manufacture, Philip R. Bjorling and Frederick T. Gissing, 41 Petrol Motors and Motor Cars, Manual of, 133 River Discharge, J. C. Hoyt and N. C. Grover, 421
- Shaft-sinking in Difficult Cases, J. Reamer, Translated by J. W. Brough, 132 Shipbuilding, Present-day. Walton, 629 Steam Engine and other Heat Motors, W. H. P. Creighton, U.S.N. (Retired), 60
- Westminster Series: L, India-rubber and its Manufacture. H. L, Terry; 11., Electric
- Power and Traction, F, H. Davies; III, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels, Vivian B. Lewes, 473
- Work of a Running Department, Henry Simpson, 167
Literature: Short Notices:
- Agglatinants of all Kinds for all Purposes, H. C. Standage, 60
- Allowable Pressures on Deep Foundations, Elmer Lawrt nee Corthell, 396
- Short Notices {continued}:
- Alternating-current Machines, Testing of, 1
- Charles Kinzbrunner, 115 1
- Armature Construction, H. M. Hobart, 168 Automobile Dictionary,Practical, Krausz, 547 ; i
- Handbook, The, 1907, 89
- Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Year-book of the, G. H. Wright, 296
- Brakes for Tramway Cars, Henry M. Sayers, 296
- British Standard Specification for Steel Castings for Marine Purposes, 89
- Building Mechanics’ Ready Reference, H. G.
- Richey, 421 , * , . w
- Business Encyclopaedia and Legal Adviser, w.
- S. Knight, 630 , r -n 4.
- Canada, Commercial Handbook of, Ernest
- Heaton, 168 ,
- Chemical Trade Directory, 1907, Davis, ^4 Clean Water and how to Get it, Allen Hazen, 421
- Commutators, Mechanical Design and Construction of, R. Livingstone, 296
- Compensation for Man and Maid, Oscar M. Wike, 115 rr 1
- Concrete Design, Reinforced, John Hawkes- worth, 296; Steel Buildings, W. N. Twelvetrees, 217 . _ , - .
- Continuous Current Engineering, Introductory Course, A. Hay, 474
- Copper-wire Tables and Formu’m, The Electrician ” Handy, P. B. Down, 296
- Cost Accounts, Single, Geo. A. Mitchell, 133
- Dams, Design and Construction of, Wegmann, 601 ,
- Drain Inspection and Sanitary Surveys, Modern, Gerard J. G. Jensen, 133
- Earthwork Diagrams, R. A. Erskine Murray,
- 655 Tables, Grace’s, 655 Tables, Pratcical, B. C. E, Hous- den, 115
- Electric Lighting and Power, E. E. Brooks and W. H. N. James, 396
- Lighting and Heating, A Pocket Book of, Sydney F. Walker, 89
- Power Users’ Handbook, Hunter- Brown, 474
- Supply Meters, British Standard Specification for Consumers, 629 Electrical Engineering, Elements of, Tyson Sewell, 655
- Engineering, Vol. I., Kilowatt Publishing Company, 133
- Enterprise, Progress of, E. Garcke, 115
- Rules and Tables for Engineer^’, Electricians, &c., A Pocket Book of, 89
- Electricity in Mining, Sidney Walker, 217
- Engineering Index Annual, 1906. “Engineering Magazine,” 601
- Profession, Guide, Galloway Duncan, 474
- Workshop Practice, Chas. Allen, 474
- Export Merchant Shippers and Manufac^rers of Great Britain and Ireland, 1907, Emile Paumaert, 168
- Fire Assaying, Evans W. Busket, 89
- Flying Machines, Past, Present, and Future, Alfred W. Marshall and Henry Greonley, 41
- Fowler’s Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket Book for 1908, W. H. Fowler, 421
- Frankfort-on-the Main, Guide to Public Works 0^ 629
- Gas Engine, How to Design a, Horace Allen, 89
- Gas Lighting, History of, Walter King, 217
- Gasworks, Directory and Statistics, 1907-8, 474
- Geology of the Land’s End District, C. Reid and J. S. Flett, 421 _ ,
- Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfield, C. Fox Strangways, 421
- of the South Wales Coalfield, Aubrey Strahan, 296
- Glues and Gelatine, R. Livingstone Fernbach, 168
- Gold Dredging, Captain C. C. Longridge, 115
- Grafton Works of Edinburgh Gas Commissioners, Herring, 217
- Hydraulic Rams, Principles and Construction, J. W. Clark, 630
- Hydraulics, S. Dunkerley, 396, 474 Practical, (Water Supply and
- Drainage), C. B. Housden, 60 Text-book on, and Theory of Turbines, L. M, Hoskins, 296
- Inventions, Patents, and Designs, G. C. Marks, 474
- Iron, Its Sources, Properties, and Manufacture, W. H. Greenwood and A. H. Sexton, 296
- Locomotives, Modern British, A. T. Taylor, 115 Lubrication and Lubricants, Leonard Archbutt,
- 296
- Machine Design, C. H. Benjamin, 217
- Murine Engineers, Practical Advice for, Charles W. Roberts, 168
- “ Mechanical World ” Pocket Diary and Yearbook, 1908, 630
- Mechanics, Applied, John Perry, 396
- Metric and British Systems of Weights, Measures, and Coinage, F. M. Perkins, 630
- Mining Formulae and their Application, T, A. O’Donohue, 396
- Monolithic Brickwork, W. H. Brown, 396 Motor Boats, Professor W. F. Durand, 41 Naval Pocket-book, Geoffrey S. Laird Clowes, 396
- Navy League Annual, 1907-1908, A, H. Burgoyne, 630
- Patents and Designs Act, 1907, Carpmael, 421; J. Roberts and Fletcher Moulton, 474
- Polyphase Apparatus and Systems, Standard, Maurice A. Oudin, 296
- “Practical Engineer” Electrical Pocket-book and Diary, 1908, 630
- Practical Engineer Pocket-book and Diary, Technical Publishing Company, 1908
- Proell Steam Calculator, 629
- Railway Officials, Universal Directory of, 1907, Richardson Blundstone, 133
- Railway Rates and Charges Orders, Harold Russell, 296
- Rainfall, British, 1906, Hugh R. Mill, 396 Road Making and Maintenance, T. Aitken, 629 Sell’s Dictionary of World’s Press, 217
- Short Notices {continued)*.
- Shipbuilders’ Handbook, Harrison S. Taft, 41 Steam Engine Design, Model, R. M. de Vignier, 89; Traps, Modern, Gordon Stewart, 183
- Steamship Coefficients, Speed and Power, Chas. Fyfee, 474 ; Guide, Rhodes’, Thomas Rhodes 133
- Steel, Its Varieties, Properties, and Manufacture, W. H. Greenwood and Humboldt Sexton. 396
- Steel Works Analysis, J. 0. Arnold and F. Ibbotson, 629
- Storage Batteries, Diagrams of Connections for, The Tudor Accumulator, 655
- “Timber Trades Journal,” List of Shipping Marks on Timber, 168
- Tramway Bookkeeping and Accounts Simplified, D. McColl, 474
- Turbines, Engineer Commander A. H. Tompkins, 396
- University College, London, Calendar, 1907- 1908, 396
- Ventilation, Heating, and Lighting, Wm, H. Maxwell, 89
- Water Power, How to Use, H. Challey, 217
Literature: Books Received:
- Accountants Library, Depreciation, Reserves, and Reserve Funds, L. R. Dicksee, 4/4
- Air Currents and the Laws of Ventilation. W. N. Shaw, 60
- American Ethnology, Annual Report of the Bureau of, W. H. Holmes, 115
- Auleitung fur die Herstellung und Jusfeerung Geodatischer Instrumente, Dokulil, 655
- Annuaire pour I’An 1908, 655
- Arbitrator in the Conduct of a Reference, Duties and Powers of, Arthur R. Rudall, 60
- Armstrong College Calendar. 421
- Bacterids Techniques et Machines Fonction- nautsparles Bacterids, N. and P. Melnikoff, 41
- Beton Arm^. La Construction en, C. Kersten and P, Poinsignon, 60
- Biological Treatment of Sewage, Recent Tra- Srovements in Methods for the. W. J. ibdin, 115
- Building, Engineering and Shipbuilding Contracts, Law cf, Alfred A. Hudson, 115
- Canterbury Puzzles and other Curious Problems, Dudeney, 665
- City of Bradford Technical College, Calendar for the Session 1907-1908, 396 and Guilds of London Institute, Council Report, 1907, 60
- of , Westminster, Report of Public Libraries Committee, 133
- Coal Mining, Modern Practice of, Daniel Burns and George L. Kerr, 193
- Concrete, Reinforced, Lieut.-Col. J. Winn, R.E., 115
- Corpuscular Theory of Matter, J. J. Thomson, 396
- for Small Manufacturers, M. Webster Jenkinson. 60
- Crescent, The Log of H.M.S., 1904-1907, M. E. Donoghue, 41
- Drahtlose Telegraphic im internen Recht und Volkerrecht, Die, Meili, 655
- Dynamo and Motor Attendants and their Machines, Frank Broadbent, 41
- Elastic Arch, The, Burton R. Leffier, 115
- Electric Furnace in Iron and Steel Production, John B, C. Kershaw, 193
- Electrical Engineering, Elementary, John H. Sbaxby, B.Sc., 41
- Employers* Liability Act, 1880, and the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1906, Alfred Henry Ruagg, 115
- English Prices with French Equivalents, H. McCartney, 474
- Ei^rcices de Projets d’Electrotechnique, Erie Gerard and Omer de Bart, 60
- Fighting Ships (1907), Fred T. Jane, 115 rormule Relative une Condition de Stability des Automobiles, Georges Marie, 655 tueb^Waterand Gas Analj sis for Steam Users, J. B. C. Kershaw, 41
- Gas Engineering Practice, Handbook of Ameri- can, N. Nisbet-Latta, 630
- Geodesy, The Progress of, G. T. McCaw, 60
- Gl^gow and West of Scotland Technical College Calendar for the Session 1907-1908. o9o
- Heat Shadows, Walter Jamieson, 60
- Hot-water Apparatus, Domestic, Paul N. Hasluck, 60
- Hydraulics, Treatise on, Wm. C. Unwin, 396 ® Watch—and other Engine-room
- Stones, James Dalziel, 133
- Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association Proceedings of, 1907, 474
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Proceed mgs, Parts 3 and 4, 1906, 6u
- Department.
- Reehfasobutzes.
- Leitfaden, Der Neue, Tischbrock, 630 Locomotive Moderne, La Construction d’une T J Grimshaw and P. Poinsignon, 630 Condon University Press Guide, 1908, 421
- Manne Engineering, Manual of, A. E. Seaton, 41 ^655 Servant, The Law of, Jackson,
- of Wm, C. Popplewell, 396
- Mines, Quarries and Minerals, Law of, Robert Forster MeSwinney, 60
- Nautisohe BiWiothek Eleraentare, Schiff- fahrtkunde, Bolte, 630
- Naval Architect^ Transactions of the Institu- tion, Vol- 49, R. W. Dance, 376
- Oscillations du Materiel des Chemins de Fer, Les, Georges MariZ 655
- dues au Materiel Lui- m§me,Le8, Georges Marie, 655
- et La V’oie, Les,
- n .. , „ . Georges Mari6, 655
- and Allied Trades,
- Encyclopaedia of, Joseph G, Horner 115 ££3“: A?'
- Problem of Plight, Herbert Chatley, 193
- ^•“'1 Work of, Edward C. R. Marks, 133
- Railway Stores Management, Principles of, N. 0. Kempthorne, 634
- Railways, State, Object Lessons from Other Lauds, Edwin A. Pratt, 60
- Reorganisation and Costings, B. Harvey Breen, 60
- Rhodesia Chamber of Mines, Bulawayo, Twelfth Annual Report, 1907, 396
- Roofs and Bridges, Text-book on, Mansfield Merriman and Henry S. Jacoby, 116
- Sanitary Engineers, Journal of the Institute of, Vol. XL, Parts land 2,115
- Sohiffskessel, Walter Mentz, 60
- Searchlights : their Theory, Construction, and Applications, F. Nerz, translated by C. Rodgers, 396
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, Proceedings of the, Vol. XXV., No. 4, 115
- Steam Engine and other Steam Motors, Vol. IL, Robert C. H. Heck, 60
- Submarine Boat, Mine, and Torpedo, Evolution of, Commander Murray F. Sueter, 115
- Sydney University Engineering Society, 1906, 630
- Tbeorie der Rohrriicklaufgeschutze, Professor F. Rausenberger, 60
- Thermodynamics, Experimental and Theoretical, Applications of, to Chemistry, Dr. Walter Nernst, 60
- Trade Unions, Law of, T. Seton Jevons, 133 Transvaal and its Mines, L. V. Praagh, 115 Travellers’ Practical Manual of Conversation, in Four Languages, Marlborough’s, 115
- Union des Ing^aieurs Sortis des Ecoles Speciales d^ Louvain, 60
- United States Naval Institute, Proceedings of, 474
- University Correspondence College Calendar, 1907-1908, 60
- Waterworks Distribution, J. N. McPherson, 396; Management and Maintenance, Winfred D. Hubbard, 41
- Westminster Series: Coal, J. Tonge, 630; Town Gas and its Uses, W. H. G. Webber, 630
- Workmen, Law relating to Compensation for Injuries to, C. M. Knowles, 60
- Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1906, W. Addington Willis, 296
- LOCK and Bolts, Margewood Company’s, 363
- Locomotive, Electric Towing, 656
- Locomotives, Light Petrol, Sheffield Car Company, 650
- Locomotives—see also Railways
- London County Council and Electric Tramways, 64, 265, 419
- Lubricator, Automatic, Caloin’s, 144
- MACHINERY at Olympia, 288, 312, 337, 363 ;
- Modern, its Future Development, Bracken- bury, 183, 220
- Machines—see Testing
Machine Tools:
- Bending Machine, Bradley and Craven, 349
- Bending Press, Hydraulic, for Pipes, Leeds Engineering Company, 602
- Bolt Screwing and Nut Tapping Machine, Heap’s, 365
- Boring and Turning Mill, Stirk’s, 312
- Castellating Machine, Mandril, Schuchardt, 337
- Cutting Tool, Machine for Weighing Forces on. Brooks, 183
- Design, Nicolson and Dempster Smith, 66, 76. 203, 251
- Drill, Five-spindle, Schuchardt, 337
- Drilling Machine, Radial J. Stirk and Sons, 70; (Correction), 113
- Machines, Electric, Wolf, 338 and Tapping Machine, Butler’s, 312
- Kile, Dreadnought Milling, 312 Flattening Machine, Craig and Donald, 312 Gear Hobbing Machine, Selig, 339 Grinding Machine, Newall Company’s Universal, 320
- Machine, Schuchardt, 337
- Machine, Twist Drill, Mayer’s, 364 Refractory Materials, Bradley’s Machine, 90 ;
- Gun Turret Facing Machine, Portable, Hetherington’s, 92
- Hammer, Compound, Pneumatic, Pilkington’s, 56
- Lathe, All-gear, Darling and Sellers, 338 All-gear High-speed, Schucbardt, 337 9m. Centre, Drummond’s, 312 Oil Grooving, Selig’s, 312 Screw-cutting, Hulse, 56, 67, 58 Screw-catting, Schiess’, 56 Tap Making, Reinecker’s, 364 Turret, 12in., Ward, 169
- Milling Cutter, Built-up, Osborn’s, 524 Cutters, Manufacture and Upkeep Ashton. 646, 654, 660
- Machine Key way, G. Richards, 36 i Machiue, Screw, Holroyd, 340 Machines {Special Supplement^ November 1907)—For Names of Makers, see under Special Supplement Machines, Indexing Apparatus for, Ludwig Loewe, 117
- Nipple Making Machine, Heap’s, 365,
- Planing Machine, Side, Geo. Richards, 44 Machine, Wood, Pickles’, 92 and Milling Machine, Combined,
- Hetherington, 392, 397
- Saw Bench, Universal Circular, Ransome’s, Saw, lOin. Hack, Holroyd, 340
- Screw and Stud Driver, Carter and Wright, Shearing Machine, Electric, Rhodes, 142 Slotting Machine, Haworth’s, 426
- Turning Tool, Roller Steady, Herbert, 222
- MECHANICS, True Principles of, Sidney Reeve, 411 ; (Letters), 477, 604, 658
- Meetings, Forthcoming, 372, 390, 475
- Mensuration and Calculation, Accuracy in, 241
Metals and Metallurgy:
- Alloys, Corrosion of Copper, Rhodin, 63, 63, 75, 106
- Brass, Regulations for the Casting of, 8
- Electro-Metallurgy, Blount, 5
- Mining and Metallurgy, Education of Students with regard to, Rowley, 5
- Tinning of Metals, 535
- MILL, Rolling, Electric Transporters, Kolben, 398
- Milling Machines—see Machine Tools.
Mines and Mining News:
- Bohemian Mining Company’s Works at Konigshof, 384
- Coal Mines—.sec Coal
- Electricity, Modern Applications of, to Mines, Sparks, 29
- Mineral Statistics, 533 ; (Letter), 579
- Mines, Iron, Gwalar, Hungary, 236, 238
- of Hungary, Forges and, 280, 287 Kleinfontein, Labour-saving Appliances at, 580, 606
- Mining Industry, Rise and Progress, Latham, 413
- Machinery, Penalty Clauses, 192 and Metallurgy, Education of Students with Regard to, Rowley, 5
- MINTING Machinery for Ottawa, Taylor and Challen, 321
- Models, Exhibition of, 413 Mork Overhead Runway, 312
- Mortar and Concrete Mixtures, Chailoner, 243
- Morticing Machine—see Woodworking Machinery
Motor Vehicles and all Matters Relating thereto:
- Armstrong, Whitworth Car, Chassis, Engine, Gear-box, 492
- Austin Car Improvements, 512
- Birmingham Small Arms Cars, 512
- Bowden’s Accessories, 512
- Commercial Motor Vehicles, 267, 478; (Letter), 297
- Daimler Four-cylinder Cars, 492
- Deasy Motor Car Improvements, 512
- Gear-cutting Improvements, David Brown, 512
- Humber Company’s 10-12 Horse-power Car, 512
- Lanchester Engine Company’s Car, 512
- Lodge’s Ignition System, 512
- Motor Car Fuels, 88, 92
- Industry, 167
- Parts, Cam Milling Machine, Webster and Bennett (xvii,, xviii., xix.. Special Supplement^ Sovemlter 22nd, 1907)
- Carriage Industry in United States, 46 Omnibus, 420
- Vehicles, Electricity Plant for. Electric Ignition Company, 635
- Pekin-Paris Race, 166
- Petrol Motor, Gases Exhausted from a, Hopkinson and Morse, 158
- Radiators, Reliance Company’s Improvements, 512
- Sheffield-Simplex Car, Brakes, Six-cylinder Engine, Axles, 492
- Sparking Plug Connector, Martyn and Co., 46
- Stamping Motor Car Parts, Deritend Company, 298
- Steam Motor Car, Highclere Motor Car Syndicate, 492, 496
- Steam Railway Motor Coach for East Indian Railway, 10 ; (Letter), 198
- Thornycroft Four-cylinder and Six-cylinder Cars, 492
- Tractor, Compound Steam Motor, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 577
- Valveless Motor Car and Engine, Lucas, 512
- MOULDERS, Advice to Young, 602
- Moulding Machine, Pridmore, 194
Naval Engineer Appointments:
- 36, 68, 105, 150, 159, 225. 249, 270, 303, 328, 356, 379, 399, 426, 478, 554, 570, 658
- NAVIGATION, International Congress, 634 Navy—see Ships
- Nut Pliers, Avery and Roberts, 222
- Bache, Alfred, 258
- Bagnall, William Gordon, 84
- Brown, Forster, 442
- Brown, Martin Walton, 551
- Carlaw, David, 323
- Copland, William Robertson, 188
- Dupre, Dr. August, 65
- Firth, Edward, 659
- Hills, Alfred, 188
- Hoffstedt, Wilhelm, 502
- Hornsby, William, 593
- Jacks, William, 188
- Jones, John Alcock, 258
- Kelvin, Lord (with Portrait), 623, 627
- Pearce, Sir William George, 468
- Perkin, Sir William Henry, 65
- Prim, William Jacob, 576
- Thomas, David, 502
- Tozer, Edward Sanderson, 593
- Tyrell, Joseph John, 134
- Vernon-Harcourt, Leveson Francis (with Portrait), 285
- Wilkes, Joseph, 346
- Wilson Thomas, 323
- OERLIKON Works, 186, 190
- Dynamics of Long Recoil, Greenhill, 184
- Naval Guns, 601
- Ordnance, Modern, Canet, 521, 523, 525, 553 : Rifled Artillery, Greenhill, 513, 538, 561 ORE Separation, 602
- Oxford, Proposed School of Engineering at, 39, 44, 582
- PAPER Mills at Inverurie, Tait and Sons, 108
- - Works, Stoneywood, Pirie’s, 132, 160 (Tivo-page Supplement^ August 16^^, 1907)
- Parkhead and Dalmuir Works, 196
- Patent Law of the Transvaal, 295
- - Law Reform, 39, 102 ; (Letter), 171
Patents, Selected American;
- Alarm Signal for Movable Bearings, L. H. Des Isles, 202
- Barometric Condenser, H. D. Baragwanath, 304
- Belt Conveyors, Carrying Roll for, R. W. Dull, 152
- Blast Furnace, J. MacDonald, 250
- Furnaces, Method of Charging, A. G. McKee, 356
- Furnaces, Safety Device for, W, R. Clifton, 458
- Boiler, Water-tube, W. S. Elliott, 74
- Bottle Attachment, G. T, Trommald, 380
- Buffer, J. F. Bennett and J. Mastin, 52
- Carburetter, W. F. Rothe, 484
- Car Truck, W. E. Amberg, 666
- Cement Kiln, W. M. Harding, 100
- - Method and Apparatus for Burning, T. M. Morgan, 226
- - Method of Moulding Hollow Objects from, J. M. Boyle, 152
- Centrifugal Fan and Pump Wheel, G, M. Capell, 530
- Centrifugally-made Column, C. D. Campbell,
- Condenser Pump Regulator, R Wikander, 126
- Connecting-road Head, W. W. Sleeman, 74
- Conveying Device, J. D. Musser, 686
- Conveyor, Endless, F. M. Smulders, 100
- Conveyors, Filler Apparatus for, K. Deesz, 250
- Crank Shaft, T. J. Fay and J. M. Ellsworth, 640
- Crank Shafts, Apparatus for Grinding. G. Benicke, 356
- Distilling, Art of, Heinrich Hirzel, 26
- Electric Smelting, P. L. T. H^roult, 226
- Electrical Condenser, L. Gerard, 484
- Engine, Explosive, M. Fischer, 558
- Explosive, J. J. Leary, 330 Gas, E. J. Stoddard, 612
- Internal Combustion, A. J. Frith, 666 J. Gunther, 202
- A. Rollason, 686
- Revolving Piston Explosive, A. Baver. 510
- Rotary Expansion, E. Horn, 484
- Rotary Explosion, C. J. Rousseau, 178
- Two-cycle Gas, V. Jakob, 432
- Engines, Combustion, Mixing Device for, H. Bonte, 250
- Method of Utilising Working Fluid in Jacketed, S. A. Reeve, 640
- Spark Plug for Explosive, F. W. Brady, 612
- Excavating Machine, C, G. Page. 26
- Explosives, Electric Ignition of, 0. J. and A. M. Lodge, 558
- Fall Rope Carrier, Delaney and Lambert, 484 Ferro Alloys, Low Carbon, Process of Producing, E. F. Price, 278
- Fire-box for Locomotive B diets, J. M. MeCIellon, 640
- Gas, Apparatus for Producing, J.S. Smith, 226 Cooking Stove, V. W. Blanchard, 26 Generator, M. I. Lackner, 52
- Peat, Process of Obtaining, J. E. Smith. 380 *
- Process of Making, D. A. Short, 530 Producer. G. W. Bulley, 612 Pumps, Valve for, R. Whitaker, 432 Gauge, Combination Wheel and Tire, J. E. Osmer, 630
- High Building, J. Gernaert, 178
- Jet Condenser and Central Vacuum Pump, B. Thoens. 356
- Journal Bearing, G. T. Reiss. 100 Lathe, Boring, E. Mueller, 52
- Lathes, Milling Attachment for, G. Amousen, 52 liquid Meter, J. W. Ledonz, 250
- Locomotive, C. L. Nilson, 202
- Locomotives, Cushioning Appliance for, W. Dalton, 568
- Machine Tools, Mechanism. for Reversing Motion, J. Billeter, 330
- Mariner’s Compass. J. Kean, 330
- Metal Sheets, Method of Coating, L. C. Steele, 100 ’
- Micrometer Gauge, L. C. Woerner, 330
- Mould and Centering Device for Sewers, Conduits, &o., J. B. Blair, 126
- Ores, Apparatus for Concentrating, A. S. Elmore, 356
- Piles, Device for Driving and Forming, W. T. McClintock, 100
- Piles under Water, Apparatus for Driving, S. Leak, 330
- Pipe-flanging Machine, Allen and Patterson, 458
- Plates, Means for Joining, W. Cross, 612 Pump, Centrifugal, E. Meden, 126
- Pump, Mercury, P. C. Hewitt, 62 Reducing Valve, H. F. Cunning, 202
- Road Scarifier, E. T. Wright and C. Longe- necker, 330
- Road Surface Material, Process for Dealing with, B. P. Richardson, 278
- Rolling Mills, Hydraulic Counterbalance for, A. K. Hamilton and A. T. Keller, 640
- Rotary Engine, J. A. Mosher, 356
- Rotary Kilns, Burning Cement in, B. H. Thwaite, 330
- Sewer Cleaning Apparatus, J. F. Kuhlman, 278 Shaft, Sectional Crank, A. F. Rockwell, 278 Steam Meter, T. G. E. Lindmark, 178
- Storage Battery Electrodes. Process of Making Receptacles for, Edison, 278
- Sunken Structures, Method of Constructing, J. W. Schaub, 278
- Superheated Steam, Mechanism for Utilising, C. de Loewenstein, 74
- Track Sander, Pneumatic, J. H. Walters, 278 Turbine Bucket and Nozzle, K. Ahlquist, 74 Elastic Fluid, R. N. Ehrhart, 630 Elastic Fluid, W. L. R. Emmet, 228 Explosion Gas, Stodola, 226
- M. Haeberlein, 610
- Steam, C. A. Parsons, 178 Steam, T. F. Sheridan, 202 Steam, A. H. Smith, 152 for Use of Combustible Gases at High Temperatures, C. Rohin, 458
- W. N. Hoover, 152 Elastic Fluid, 0. Junggren, 612 Governing Mechanism for, F. Samuelson, 250
- Patents, Selected American (con^inuca): VlSS^l^ ^“®“0«ves.
- Vehicle Wheel, J. M. Davidson, 178 Vice, Hydraulic, H. de H. Bright, 126 Water Gauge, H. R. Fay, 640
- Wells, Sinking, Method of and Apparatus for, Eugene F. Bradt, 26 ’
Patent Specifications, British:
- Arms, Small, 161
- Cranes, 639
- Docks, Floating, 74
- Electricity, Producing, 665
- Engines and Balers, Steam, 25 51 78 KI 509 529, 558, 585, 611. 639, 665
- Gas Producers, 52 126 177 94Q 977 Qr.K 380, 431, 558 6: 666 ’ ’
- Hammers, Steam 630
- Locomotives, 202, 666
- Metallurgical, 23, 355
- Mining, 52, 99, 530, 558
- M»®®Uaneou8, 52, 100, 126. 151, 202, 226. 27S 304, 356, 380, 405, 458, 586, 612, 640 ' ’
- Motors, Electric, 25 ’
- Roa^j ^5,51.73 99 125 177 202, 226, 406, 432, 484, 529, '686, 640 e8s '^’ Ordnance, 304, 329, 432, 586, 611
- Pumps, Steam, 151
- Pumps, 178, 250, 510 ^^458^^^ Tramways, 99, 125, 223, 250, 277,
- Reinforced Concrete, 99
- Ships, 26, 202, 330, 355, 432 Superheaters, 639
- Tools, Machine, 611
- SipSM'®’®®®’
- Valve Gear, 26
- Bnsiness Announcements 24 50 QK!; O®* 200, 224, 248. 276 302’328’
- 6p; 664
- aSr”e.T58“ Hopkinson
- Petroleum Congress. International, 221 Pipe Joint, Do niton’s, 450
- Eugi-
- ^Z®Riug®Mao®hi?:r;"'‘‘®*'’®®
- Pliers, Nut, Avery and Roberts. 222 Pneumatic Rook Drill, Firth. 218
- Consolidated, 164, 164 ’
- D X Portable, Bing, 130
- Ports—see Harbours
- 578° ^° ; (Lstters), 503,
- Process Printing, 258
- Producers, Gas—see Gas Engines Pulverising Machine, Bradley’s, 90
- Pumps, CoUmry, Electrically-driven, Pearn, 572, ^^3/9 Sheppee Motor Co.,
- Gewingwith Concrete Fly-wheel, Gimson, Hunger, High Duty, Wilcox, 120
- V Syndicate, 16
- , Vertical leed, Nichols, 91 Pumping Machinery for Dalny Waterworks Fawcett, Preston, 112, 116, II7
- Plant, Electric, 120
- ^^20 662“'®
- Pumps, Gas and Air Mather and Platt, 598, 605 High-speed Ram, Oddie-Barclay, 295 at Zwaartkopjes Station. Rand Water Hattorn-D™:;^436,'?6tSF520
- ^^S4,°6°6V‘'‘^ Hardening Furnace, Ashton, 616,
- QUARRY Plant, Ord and Maddison, 594, 695
- Quarrying, Aberdeenshire, Simpson,
- Simplon Tunnel, 206 Rai Corrugation, Fell, 401; (Letter), 425 Rail Corrugation, Worby Beaumont, 182
British Railways, Colonial, and Indian
- Accidents, Indian, Analysis of, in 1906, 242
- Inquiries into, 441
- United Kingdom, 216
- Bristol and Birmingham, New Route, 361 Caledonian Railway, 20-Ton Cranes for, 324 Coal Contracts, Railway, 40, 114 169
- Mineral Railway, 146
- Motor Coach for, 385 ^Jailway, Widening Operations, Agreement,
- S^ttand Raflway Works,
- Great Western Railway, Longest Non-stop Run Rous-Marten, 319
- New Line between Bristol and Birmingham, '361
- New Works, 188
- Indian Railway Reforms, 622
- Railway Strike, 673, 601
- T J- .^^’^yy^ys, Financial Situation of. 442 Indicator Platform, Loudon, Brighton and South Coast Railway 602
- Railways (conWnwed):
- Tz>ndon and North-Western Raihvay, Shrews- bnry Accident, 386, 393, 413; (Letters), 424, 425, 451. 518
- London, Tilbury and Southend, Works at Barking, 322
- Ludgate Hill Station, 119
- Metropolitan Railway Pension Fund, 570
- Metropolitan Railway, West Hampstead Collision, 450
- New South Wales Railway, Sydney Station, 648
- New South Wales Railways and Tramways, 323 New Zealand Railways, Report, 335 North-Eastern Railway Dynamometer Car, 334 (Tu'o-jiage October 1907)
- Railway Collisions, Fatal, 620
- Railway Unrest, 291, 317, 344, 394, 471, 480
- Railways, Government and British, 13, 318 ; (Letter), 348
- Light, 40 and Tramways Competition, 192
- Sydney Railway Station, 648
- Victorian Railways, 596
Railways, Foreign:
- Austro-Hungarian State Railway, Works, 499
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Station at Washington, 539
- Details of Horizontal Wheel, Gear and Permanent Way, Puy de Done Railway, 643
- Michigan Central Railroad Submarine Tunnel, 524
- Pennsylvania Railroad, New Terminal Station at New York, 59, 62, 80, 81; Station at Washington, 539
- Puy de D6me Adhesion Railway, 643
- Rails, Broken, in America, 294
- Russia’s Rdlways, 117
- Washington, New Union Station, 539
Railways and Railway Matters, General:
- Electric Railways and Tramways, 63
- International Railway Congress, 387 Labour on Railways, 343
- Railway Accidents, Prevention of, 521; (Letter), 578
- Brakes, Application of, on Curves— see London and North-Western Railway, Shrewsbury Accident Brakes, Either-side, 113 Carriages, Steel, 185
- Conciliation Boards, 471, 480 Construction in 1905, 30
- Tracks for High-speed Traffic, 197
- Train Resistance, Predetermination of, Carus- Wilson, 632
- ? Transportation by Rail, Twinberrow, 505
- Traversers, Electrically-driven, Felten and Guilleanme, 504
Railways, Locomotives, British, Colonial:
- Atlantic Type, P-r Great Indian Peninsular Railway, 590 {Ttco-page Supplement^ December 13M, 1907)
- Great Indian Peninsular Railway, Atlantic Type, 590 [Tv:opage Supplement. December 13Z/<, 1907)
- Great Western Railway, Express, New Type of, Rous-Marten, 27, 127 ; (Letters), 68,118
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Coal, 209, 214, 245 {Tu-o-page Supplement^ September ^tk, 1907)
- Midland Railway, Simple Express. Belpaire, 4, 18, 286 [Supplevnentf Jiily ^th, 1907) ; (Letters), 45, 400, 425
- Victorian Railways, Powerful Express, 502
Railways: Foreign:
- Atcheson, Topeka, and Santa Fe, Various Types, 253
- Buffalo and Pittsburg, Ten-coupled Banking, 170
- French Northern Railway, Recent Work, Rous-Marten, 279
- Mallet Compound, Erie Railroad, 290, 293
- Mallet Duplex, Great Northern Railroad, United States, 347
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Express Passenger, 422 Prairie Type, 253
- Prussian State Railways, Passenger Express, 376
- Puy de DCme Adhesion Railway, 643
- Locomotives for Japan, 118
Railways: General:
- Locomotives, Application of Highly Superheated Steam to, 407, 435, 459, 485, 511, 531, 562, 565; (Letter), 658
- Automatic Cab Signalling on, J. Pigg, 608
- Boilers, Scale and Heat Transmission, 229, 239
- Compound, Desmoulin, 179, 207 Engine Driving, 461 ; (Letters), 518, 552. 604
- Fire-box Sheets, Flat Corrugated, 194
- Pistons and Stuffing-boxes for Superheated Steam. Garbe, 531
- Tube Plates, Repair, 324
- Locomotive Valve Gear, Deeley’s, 4, 18, 286 (SnppleMent. July 5^Zi, 1907); (Letters). 45, 400, 425
- Reclamation of Land in Holland, 491 Rifled Artillery, Greenhilll. 513, 538, 561
- Rings, Strength of, 614 ; (Letters), 451, 476, 503, 518, 552, 579, 604, 632
- Rivers—see Harbours, &c.
- Road Scarifier. Ruston, Proctor’s, 30 Road'Tracer, Bellamy, 635
- Roads and Pneumatic Tires, 2 ; (Letter), 45 Rock Drill, Pneumatic, Firth, 218
- Roller, Petrol, Burford and Perkins, 16
- SAWS—see Machine Tools
- Scale and Heat Transmission, 229, 239
- Scleroscope, Instrument for Testing Hardness, 580
- Screen, Rejector, 596
- Screw Gauges, 232, 266 ; {Letter), 297
- Sea Defence at Hornsea, 134, 141
- Seed Dresser, Dossor’s, 16
- Sewage Disposal, Glasgow, 270
- Disposal by Biological Processes, Watson, 15, 28
- Relative Merits of Chemically Treated, Settled and Septic, in Preparing the Liquid for Oxidising Beds, Hart, 15,28
- Works, Colwyn Bay, 438, 444 Sewerage System, Aberdeen 551 Shearing Machines—see Machine Tools
Ships and Shipbuilding, General;
- American Shipbuilding, The Lusitania and, 346
- Cableways Used on Shipbuilding Berths, Henderson, 107
- Capsizing of Vessels in Launching, Benjamin, 588
- Coal Consumption of the Great Cunarders, 566 Guns—see War Material i
- Gyroscopic Apparatus for Steadying Ships, Schlick’s, 515
- High-speed Vessels, Welch, 6
- Marine Propulsion, 114, 139
- Motor Boats, High-speed, Bauer, 534, 576 Navigation, Congress on, 634
- Producer Gas Boat Trials, Crossley, 630
- Propellers, Electrically-driven, Schulthes, 575 ; Screw, Fiamm, 588
- Shipbuilders’ Strike, 193, 216, 288 Shipbuilding Industry, 600; Scottish, 36, 346, 676
- Shippiner, British and Foreign, 454
- Steam Navigation, R. Fulton and Centenary, 153 ; (Latter), 212
- Steamship Problems and Progress, 424
- Turbine, Marine Steam, Practical Points in Application of, Parsons and Ridsdale, 94
- Turbine Steamers, Power Estimating for, 445 Turbines, Marine—see Turbines
- Vibration of Ships, 599 ; (Letters), 632, 658 Wreck Statistics, 256
Ships: British Navy:
- Bellerophon, Battleship, 84^ 86 Ghurka, Destroyer, 452, 576
- Kestrel, Destroyer, 173
- Superb, Battleship, Launch, 502 Swift, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 593
- Tartar, Destroyer, Official Trials, 624
Ships: Naval Matters:
- Clyde, Naval Work on, 188
- Naval Base at Rosyth, 575
- Guns, 601—see also War Material
- Review at Portsmouth, 141 Warships and Machinery under Construction in England, Progress of, 7
Ships: Foreign Navies:
- Brazilian Customs Cruiser, 170
- Brazilian Torpedo Boat Goyaz, 294, 342, 346 French Battleship Jena Inquiry, 240
- Battleship La Liberie at St. Nazaire. 422
- Cruiser Victor Hugo, 46 Shipbuilding Programme, 317, 420 Submarines, 2C7
- German Naval Programme, 497 Surveying Ship Planet, 245 Turbine Torpedo-boat Destroyers, 256, 397
- Turkish Torpedo Cruiser Peit-i-Shevket, 630 United States Battleship Georgia, Accident, 64
Ships: Mercantile and General Vessels:
- Adriatic, White Star Liner, Engines, 270, 271
- Austria and New Shipping, 441
- Camden, Turbine Steamer, Trials, 603
- Dredger, Lord Desborough, Sand Pump, Ferguson, 525
- Electric Tug Boat. 657
- Lusitania, Cunard Liner, 10, 12, 38. 44, 292. 344, 346, 468, 566 > j »
- Mauretania, Cunard Liner, 468, 566
- Prineipessa Jolanda, Disaster at Launching, 136
- Racing Launch Typhonoide, 246
- Steamer, Screw Trunk, for Norway, Ropner, 442
- Suevic, White Star Liner, Repairing, 311, 375, 475
- Tug and Salvage Steamer, Tanjong Pagar, 186
Ships: Launches and Trial Trips :
- 22, 93, 145, 172, 221, 246, 297, 326, 356, 402, 431, 454, 477, 506, 523, 556, 584, 662
- SHOWS—see Exhibitions
- Signalling—see also Railways
- Signalling, Submarine, 155
- Silica Brick Plant in United States, 502
- Slotting Machines—see Machine Tools and Woodworking Machinery
- Sluice Gates at Belleek, 650
- Smithfield Cattle Show, 592
- Stamping Works in Birmingham, Deritend Company, 298
- Stations—see Railways Steam Engine Economy, 297, 348
- Meter, Sarco, 363
- Pressure—see Cylinder Pressures
- Pressure Gauges, Stromeyer, 191, 325; (Letter), 212
- Trap, Ross, Hotchkiss and Co., 366 Stone Cubing Mill, 595
- Drier and Breaking Plant, 595 Grappling Machine for Submarine Work, 298
- Subway Dust, 162
- Superheated Steam, Mellanby, 165, 266, 628 ; (Letter), 212
- Application to Locomotives, Garbe, 407, 435, 459, 485, 511,531, 562, 565 ; (Letter), 658
- Specific Heat of, R. H. Smith, 180; (Letter), 400
- Superheater, Portable Engine with, Garrett, 566 Superheaters—see also Locomotives
- Superheating, Modern Applications of, to Marine Steam Boilers, Spyer, 6
- Archdale, J., and Co., Milling Machines, i., ii., iv.
- Armstrong, Whitworth, Slab, Plate Edge, and Four-spindle Milling Machines, ii., iii., iv., v.
- Butler, J., and Co., Slab and Test-piece Milling Machines, iv., v., vi.
- Craven Bros., Slab and Vertical Milling and Profiling Machines, vi.
- Cuncliffe’s Motor-driven Vertical and Planer Type Milliner Machines, iv., v., vi.
- Herbert, Alfred, Milling and Profiling Machines, vi., vii., viii.
- Hetherington’s Profiling, Milling, and Drilling Machines, viii, ix., x., xi.
- Hulse’s Milling Machines, ix., xi., xii.
- Kendall’s Pianotype and Locomotive Cylinder Milling Machines, xi,, xii., xiii.
- Muir’s Motor Engine Crank, Turbine Blade, and Electrical Profile Milling Machines, xii., xiii., xiv.
- Parkinson’s Milling Machine, xix., xx. Richards, George, Milling Machine, xiii., xiv. Smith and Coventry, Automatic Milling Machine, Motor-driven Vertical Milling Machine, xiv., xv.
- Spencer’s Milling and Profiling Machines, xiv., XV., xvi.
- Tangyes’ Face, Horizontal and Vertical Milling Machines, xv., xvi., xvii.
- Ward’s Horizontal, Vertical and Lincoln Type Milling Machines, xvi., xvii., xx.
- Webster and Bennett, Cam Milling Machines for Motor Car Parts, xvii., xviii., xix.
- Wilkinson’s Milling Machine, xix.
- SUPPLEMENTS, Illustrated—see Separate Section
- Syphon in Upper Egypt, Construction, Neuhaus, 414, 418
- TAR MACADAM, Drying and Mixing Plant, 595
- Technology, Some Tendencies of the College of, 426
- Telegraphy, Wireless, Tuning in. Sir 0. Lodge, 158
- Telephone Lines, Pupin Method, Sir W. Preece, 158
- Testing Hardness, Instrument for, The Scleroscope, 580
- House, German, 451
- Machine, Electric, Buckton’s, Larard’s Paper on, 121, 131, 147
- Machine for Weighing Forces on a Cutting Tool, Brooks’, 183
- Timber and its Protection from Marine Enemies, 371
- Tin—see Metals
- Tools—see Machine Tools, Pneumatic Tools, and Woodworking Machinery
- Torsion Tests, Larard, 121, 131, 147
- Traction Engines—see Engines
- Tractor, Light Oil, Marshall, 592
- Tractors, Motor—see Motor Vehicles Traffic Board, London, 89, 141 Tramcar Accident, Bradford, 475 Tramway, North-West London, 551
- Rails, Corrngation of. Fell, 401
- Rails, Corrugation of, Worby Beaumont, 182
- and Railways, London, 61. 265, 419 Tranmere Bay Development Work, E lis, 582 Transporters, Electrical Rolling Mill, Kolben,398 Traveller, Hauling, 657
- Traversers, Railway, Electrically Driven, Felten and Guilleaume, 604
- Tube Syndicate, International, 217 Tunnel under Detroit River, 524 Tunnels on Piles, 288
- Turbine at Sea, Curtis, 472 ; (Letter), 503, 632
- Hydraulic, Governing of, Robert Ball, 183 Marine Steam, Practical Points in Connection with, Parsons and Ridsdale, 94 and Piston Engines. 114, 139
- Steam, Mechanical Points in Connection with, 641
- Steam, Parsons’ Type, 349
- Turbo Compressors for High Pressures, Rateau, 3 Turbo Generators in the United States, Tests.. 439, 499
- Turning—see Machine Tools
- UNEMPLOYED and Reclamation Works, 266-
- VALVE Leakage, 165, 266
- Safety Stop, Alexander, 366 and valve Gear—see also Locomotives^ General
- Viaduct, Armoured Concrete, at Deurne- Merxem, 156, 157
- Concrete, at Key West, 10
- Reinforced Concrete, at Richmond. Va.,476
- WAGON, Five-ton Steam, Mann’s, 16 Railway, 150-Ton, 194 Six-ton Steam, Savage Brothers, 16
War Material:
- Artillery, French and English, Canet, 52K 623, 525, 653
- Dynamics of Long Recoil, Greenhill, 184 Naval Guns, 601
- Rifled Artillery, Greenhill, 513, 538, 561
Water Supply:
- Water Board Plant and Works, The Rand, 436. 462, 516, 520
- Power Scheme at Loch Awe, 502
- Power Works at Loch Leven, 336
- Supply, Birkenhead, Alwen Scheme,. 642
- Horwich, 417
- Liverpool, 15
- London, 542, 546, 564, 591 ;;
- Correction, 673 Manchester, 83 Mexico, 162 New York, 170
- WATERWORKS, Dalny, Pumping Machinery for (Fawcett, Preston), 112, 116, 117
- Welding of Structural Materials in Place, Ruck- Keene, 7
- Wheel, Horizontal, for Puy de Dome Adhesion Railway. 643; Driving, Influence of the Diameter, 653
- Wind Pressure, Expsriments on, Ssanton, 607
- Wire Rope Haulage Clip, Atherton, 340
- Wood Planing Machine, Picklts, 92; Planing Machines, Tool for, Glover, 120
- Woodworking Tools, Robinson, 142
- Woolwich, 64, 87
- Workmen’s Compensation Rules, 1907,15, 89,292
- Works, Austrian Steel and Engineering, 499
- - Beardmore’s, at Parkhead and Dalmuir, 196
- - Bohemian Mining Company’s, at Kdoigshof, 384
- - Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company’s, at Fraserburgh, 154, 164
- - Deritend Stamping Company, 298
- - Harper’s Craiginches Iron, 108
- - Hungarian State Steel, 230, 287
- - Oerlikon, 186, 190
- - Railway—see Railways Rowan’s Engineering, 616, 619
- - Yarrow’s, at Scotstoun, 437 {Four-page
- Workshops
- Wreck Statistics
See Also
Sources of Information