The Engineer 1908/10/02
1908 October - 02nd 14.7Mb PDF
Main Subjects
- 1908 Franco-British Exhibition (XIX) (Illustrated)
- 1908 Manchester Electrical Exhibition (II) (Illustrated)
- Apulian Aqueduct
- Catalogues
- Johnson and Phillips
- Lea Equipment Co
- James Archdale and Co
- Pitt Engineering Co
- Stirling Boiler Co
- Green and Boulding
- Schorch Electrical Co
- W. B. Brown and Co
- Stockton and Thornaby Chamber of Commerce
- Santoni Arc Lamp and Engineering Co
- J. Dampney and Co
- Smith and Grace
- Siemens Brothers
- Alfred Herbert
- Dudbridge Iron Works - 90 BHP Gas Engine (Illustrated)
- Editorial
- Coaling and Coal Economy
- Heat and Work
- Water Hammer?
- Gun Accident of the Latouche-Treville
- Edwin Freund - A New Brake for electric Tramcars (Illustrated)
- Electric Mill Equipment
- Estimating and Rate-Fixing for Fitting and Machine Shops (II) - A. E. Ragot
- French Submarines and Submersibles
- G. and J. Weir - Petroleum Pumping Engine (Illustrated)
- German Experimental Tanks (V)
- Institute of Metals
- Iron and Steel Institute (I) - Annual Meeting
- Italian Locomotive Building
- John Pickles and Son - Mortising and Boring Machine (Illustrated)
- King's Dock, Swansea - P. W. Meik and A. O. Schenk - Harbour Works (Illustrated)
- Loetschberg Tunnel
- North Eastern Railway and Wilson Worsdell - Six-Coupled Tank Locomotive (Illustrated)
- Obituaries
- Paris Telephone Service
- Review of September
- Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal
- Stothert and Pitt - Cross Traversing Jib Crane (Illustrated)
- Strikes and Lock-Outs
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim - Russian Cruiser Rurik (Illustrated)