The Engineer 1916/09/29
Main Subjects
- British Built Passenger Locomotives for French State Railways, p 276 - p 278 and just after p 282.(Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 283 - 284.
- Coal Trade Difficulties.
- The Turning of The Tables.
- Taking Stock of Knowledge.
- Electric Tramway Rail Grinding Machine, p 285. (Illustrated).
- Engineering Progress in Chile, p 285.
- Federation of British Industries, p 280.
- F. Dudley Docker - President.
- Other Members and their Companies Listed.
- Influence of Some Elements on the Mechanical Properties of Steel, by Dr J. E. Stead.
- Iron and Steel Institute, No I, Sir William Beardmore, p 278 - p 280.
- 'Influence of Some Elements on The Mechanical Properties of Steel' by J. E. Stead
- Letters to The Editor, p 280.
- 'The Modern Vertical Boiler' by J. T. Towlson.
- 'English Lineal Measures' by James Stormonth.
- 'Motor Cultivators' by John Henry Knight.
- 'Salaries of Trained Engineers.'
- Aguas Corrientes.
- H. Sharp.
- Obituary, p 284.
- Oil Burners With Natural Draught, p 286 - p 287.
- Photographic Paper Coating Plant, p 282. (Illustrated).
- Proposed Department of Minerals and Metals, p 285.
- Shell Nose Screwing-On Machine, p 286. (Illustrated).
- The Art of Coating Paper, No V, p 273 - p 274. (Illustrated).
- The British Association, No III, p 274 - p 276.
- The Institute of Metals, George Beilby - President, p 284.
- 'The Annealing of Brass' by C. H. Mathewson and E. M. Thalheimer.
- 'The Development of the Spelter Industry' by E. A. Smith.
- 'Cadmium in Spelter' by Professor Ingalls.