Thomas Edmund Marsh
Thomas Edmund Marsh (1862-1928)
1928 Obituary [1]
THOMAS EDMUND MARSH was born on the 15th October, 1862.
He was educated at the Park Grammar School, Plymouth, and later attended evening classes at the Finsbury Technical College.
For 10 years, 1885-1894 inclusive, he was an assistant on the electrical staff of Messrs. Woodhouse and Rawson, during which time he was engaged in connection with tenders for electric lighting plant and in the testing and carrying out of installations.
In January 1895 he was appointed a representative of the Silvertown Company and continued with that company until his retirement in 1922. Of his 27 years' service, 4 years were spent in travelling in the United Kingdom, 5 years in charge of the company's branch at Calcutta, 4 years in charge of their electrical department at Liverpool, and 13 years as branch manager of all the Silvertown Co.'s interests at Liverpool.
He joined the Institution in 1888 as an Associate, became an Associate Member in 1899, and was transferred to full membership a few months before his death, which took place on the 20th September, 1928.