Thomas and Bishop

of 119, Finsbury-pavement. (1915).[1]
of 37 Tabernacle Street, London, EC2. (1937)
of 39 Arthur Road, London, SW19. (1945)
1915 Created the 'Soldier's Own Diary' pocket-book bound in khaki decorated with flags, and containing hints on signalling and first aid. The only advertisement is one for Permac powder jointing material made by the firm. Cling Surface for belt treatment, for which the firm holds the agency, is not mentioned.[2]
1917 Advert for driving belt treatment. [3]
1919 Advert for driving belt treatment. [4]
1926 Patent - A device for testing joint packings. [5] Patent - A device for testing pulley and similar belting. [6]
1937 British Industries Fair Advert for 'Flexo' Belt Treatment for tensionless driving and 'Permac', the original Metal-to-Metal Jointing. "Flexco" Tinning Compound. "Flexco" B. Fire Cement. "Flexco" Power Brick. "Kester" Flux-Cored Solders. "Tebeon" Roofing Compound. (Engineering/Metals/Quarry, Roads and Mining/Transport Section - Stand No. Ca.312) [7]
See Also
- 1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company T
- 1937 British Industries Fair
- 1938 Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide: Companies T
- 1950 British Industries Fair: Companies T
- Engineering 1914 Jan-Jun: Index: Addresses of Advertisers
- The Engineer 1922/03/24
- The Engineer 1926/04/30
- The Engineer 1931/04/10
- The Engineer 1933 Jul-Dec: Index
Sources of Information
- ↑ The Engineer 1915/04/16 p 392
- ↑ The Engineer 1915/04/16 p 392
- ↑ Mechanical World Year Book 1917. Published by Emmott and Co of Manchester. Advert p139
- ↑ Mechanical World Year Book 1919. Published by Emmott and Co of Manchester. Advert p177
- ↑ [1] Wikipatents
- ↑ [2] Wikipatents
- ↑ 1937 British Industries Fair Advert p663; and p424