The Engineer 1933 Jul-Dec: Index

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- A.C.-SPHINX Sparking Plug Company, Ltd., Oil Filters, Petrol Pumps, 381
- A.E.C. (Associated Equipment Company, Ltd.). Captain Eyston's 130 H.P. Oil-engined Racing Car, 43; Chassis for Omnibuses and Lorries, 486; Tractor for 15-Ton Oversee Transport Unit, 55, 62 (Two-page Supplement, July 2184 1933); Note (246) 130 H.P. Oil-engined Railcar, 80; 130 H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 135, 486
- Associated Equipment Company, Ltd., and English Electric Company, Ltd.. Double-deck Trolley Bus, 473
- A.E.G. Electric Company, An Automatic Synchroniser, 120
- "Acklam Cross," Oil-Electric Tug, Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd., 239
- Aerogen Co, Ltd., " Dean " Lock Nut, 364
- Aerostyle, Ltd., Portable Petrol Engine-driven Compressor Set, 226: Portable and Stationary Spray-painting Equipment, 226
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., Heavy Oil Engines, 248 4-6 B.H.P. Marine Petrol Engine, 248: 12-30 B.H.P. Oil Engine Driven 1O-k11.Generating Set, 248; 20 B.H.P. Oil Engine for Rail Traction, 193
- Air Pumps, Ltd., Air Compressing Plant, 519
- Albion Motors, Passenger Vehicles, 430; 6-Ton Lorry Chassis, 4.29; 35-85 H.P. " Val-kyno " 32-36-seater Passenger Chassis, 430 70 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 484, 485
- Alfa-Laval Co, Ltd., Centrifugal Oil Purifiers, 329; De-waxing Centrifuge, 83; Marine Type Oil Purifier, 329 :
- Allen, John, and Sons (Oxford), Ltd., Trench Excavating Machine, 453
- Allen, Richard, W., Experiences in Mechanical Engineering, 236
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., D.C. Ventilated Drip Proof Motor, 277; Drum Type Starting Panel, 277; Drum Typo Variable-speed Controller, 277; Oil Engine Generator Set with Anti-vibration Attachment, 144 Screen Protected D.C. Motor, 277: 50-kW Turbo-generator, 277 (Supplement, September 22nd. 1933); Irrigation Plant for Egypt, Floating, 118 • Marine Oil Engine, 134 -B.H.P. Four-cylinder, 277; Oil Engine and Pump, 100 B.H.P., Three-cylinder, 118; Oil Engine, 550 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, 277: Pump. Turbine-driven Axial Flow, 277 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- American Express Locomotives, Recent, E. C. Poultney. 614, 637
- American Industrial Recovery Bill, 39
- Anglo-French Telephone Cable, 364
- Appleby Iron Co. Visit of Members of Iron and Steel Institute, 291
- Arend. R. G., Copper Wire Scrap, 71
- Argentine-Chilean Railway, 39
- Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Oil-engined Lorries, 485 ' • 90 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 134; 110 B.H.P. Oil Engine. 485
- Armstrong, Sir V. G., Whitworth and Co.(Engineers), Ltd., Air Compressors, 300; "Ironclad " Lightweight Body, 470; Oil-electric Railbus Results, 168; Oil-electric Train for Santo Paulo Railway of Brazil, 69; Oil-electric Train Set for Brazil, 529; 60- ] Seater Railbus, 18; 0-4-0 Oil-electric Shunting Locomotive, 300
- Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., Automatic Coal Stoker. 29 •
- Atlantic Engine Company (1920), Ltd., High-speed Oil Engines. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v; 55 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v; 70 B.H.P. Four-cylinder High-speed Oil Engine, Suppt.,1 September 8th, 1933, vi, ix
- Atlas Diesel Co, Ltd. Portable Air Compressor, 519; Portable Electric Air Compressor, 519
- Austin Hayes Self-Selector Tran.smissi, )ii System, 380
- Austin 7 H.P., 10 H.P., and 12 H.P. Cars, 3841
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., Lobos Strainer for Engine Fuel Oil Pipe Lines, 225 • Lobos Strainers for Engine Fuel, 225; Lubricating Oil Strainer, 225
- Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co, Ltd., Criss-Cross Coil Winder, I Suppt., September 8th, 1933, i;
- Aveling and Porter and Barford and Perkins Ltd., Victor Roller, 30, 31
- Aylmer, Gerald, Fate of Well-known Steamships. 140
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Equipment for Use of Oil for Boiler Firing. 83; Marine Water-tube Boilers, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiii; Single Nozzle Soot Blower, Suppt., September 8th, 1933. xiii; " S X " Type Boiler, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiii; 80-Ton Electric Level-luffing Jib Crane at Durban, 339
- Babcock and Wilcox Company of New York, Steel Conduits for Hoover Dam, 374, 384
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., Oiliness Comparator, 579
- Ball, J. D. W., Effect of High Winds on Crain Sheds, 551; Relining for Transition Citrves by Offsets, 156
- Bamford Ltd., Solid Injection Vertical Oil Engine, 66
- Barclay, W. R., Twenty-five Years' Progress in Metallurgical Plant, 313
- Barford and Perkins, Ltd., Road Rollers. 520
- Barimar, Ltd., Low-temperature Welding Process, 43
- Battersea Power Station, Purification of Flue Gases, 32, 33 (Leading Article, 37)
- Beauharnois Hydro-electric Generator, Opi 'ikon, Ltd., 618, 622
- Beardmore, Wm., and Co., Ltd., High-speed Oil Engines, 544; Mobile Generating Set, 436; 85 B.H.P. Five-cylinder Oil Engine. 474; 225 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, 544
- Beck, R. and J., Ltd., Luminex Magnifier, 169
- Bell and Co., Theodore, Raw Rubber Cutter, 43
- Bell Brothers (Manchester, 1927), Ltd., Chlorination Plant, 519; Pulsating Gas Meter, 520
- Bellamy Ltd., John, Welded Buoys and Tanks, 143
- Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Arca Type Regulator for Boiler and Industrial Steam Control, 279;
- "Midget " Horizontal Turbine and Condenser, 278; 200 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 278 (Supplement. September 22nd, 1933); 1500 B.H.P., 4500 R.P.M. Self-contained Turbine, 278
- B. E. N. Patents, Ltd., Automatic Compressor Unit, 364; " Handi-Spray " Outfit. Suppt.. September 8th, 1933, ii; " Pneumatic 12 Spray Paint Plant, Suppt.. September 8th. 1933, ii
- Bennett and Sayer. Ltd., Self-contained Tile, Pipe, Ridge and Brick-making Machine, 66
- Bennis. Ed.. and Co., Ltd., Stokers, Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xiv
- Bentall and Co., Ltd.. Specially Lubricated Mower, 66; Tandem Disc Harrow, 66
- Bentleys, Low-pressure System of Sewage Ejection for Marine Purposes, 303, 310
- Bergius Co. Ltd., 30-36 B.H.P. Kelvin Ricardo Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii; 88 H.P. Four-cylinder " Kelvin-Diesel " Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ix
- Berlin-Stettin Waterway, 1000-Ton Canal Lilt Lock on, 36, 44
- Bessler, Waechter and Co.. Ltd., Steel Dome for Colombian Church, Boulton and Paul, Ltd., 69
- "Bettitskaf " Built-up Trolley, 83
- Black and Decker, Ltd., High-cycle Nut Runner, 253; Portable Electric Tools, 263
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Sin. Pumping Sot, 503; Fuelol Engine, 31; Oil Engines, 503; 40 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ix, xii; 55 B.H.P. Horizontal Cold-starting " Spring Injection " Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xii; Potato Digger, 31
- Blairs Ltd., Glucose Converter, 514; Multiplex Triple-effect Film Evaporator, 515, 516
- Boby, Robert, Ltd., Cantilever Conveyor for Brick Field, 522, 530
- Bosch Ltd., Electric Grinder for Moulds and Dies, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xv; Electric Hand Motor, Suppt., September 8th, 1933. xv; Electric Screwdriver, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xv; Mechanical Force Feed Oil and Grease Lubricators, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xv
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., steel Dome for Bogota Church, 69
- Bradford, S. C., Co-operation in Science, 360
- Bradley and Foster, Ltd., Pig Iron Refined. 325
- Bretts Patent Lifter Co, Ltd., Burner for Creosote Oil, 144
- Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co, Ltd, Single and Double Deck Omnibus Chassis, 485 103 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 485
- British Dardelet Threadlock, Ltd.. Bolt Factory at North Acton, 158, 159
- British Electric Transformer Co, Ltd., Transformer Booster Regulator, 565
- British Engineering Products, Quality of, 317
- British Oxygen Co, Ltd., Air Compressors, 274; Double Bevel Cutting Attachment,, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xv; Gas Compressor, 274 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933); Oxyacetylene Welding and Cutting Apparatus, 67
- British Pitometer Co, Ltd., Instrument for Measurement of Speed at Sea, 182
- British Power Boat Co, Oil Engine Test Bench, 43
- British Ropeway Engineering Co, Ltd.,
- Ballast Pit Ropeway in Yorkshire, 182, 170
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Electrical Apparatus for Commercial Vehicles, 474 • Oil Blast Fuses, 95; 114-, generative Trolley Omnibuses, 390; Visit to Rugby Works (242)
- Broadbent, R., and Son, Ltd., Counterbalanced Shaking Screen, 518
- Brooke Marine Motors, Ltd., Brooke-A.E.C. 130 B.H.P., High-speed Marine Oil Engine, 265, 414; " Dingymota," 18; Vee Drive Unit, 43
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Air Compressing Unit, 501; " Broomwade " Multi-vane Drill, 280;
- "Broomwade " Pneumatic Tools, 280; Sleeve Valve Compressor, 280 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Water Circuit Breakers, 120
- Brown, C. A. Candron, Use of Electricity iw Soil Heating, 131
- Brown and Sons (Huddersfield). Ltd., David, Efficiency Tests on 600 H.P. Increasing Gear, H. E. Merritt, 392; Gears, 488
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., Brotherhood-Ricardo Type, 300 B.H.P. Oil Engines for Oil-Electric Tug, " Acklam Cross," 239
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co, Ltd., Motor Coaches and Omnibuses, 475; 160
- B.H.P. Vis-a-Via Oil Engine, 650
- Budenberg Gauge Co, Ltd., " Orbit " Tachometer, 18
- Burn and Co., Ltd., Twin-screw Tug, " Sir Guthrie Russell," 68
- Burnley, Gasification of Town's Refuse at, Whitfield Gas Producers, Ltd., 355
- Burton, Delingpole and Co., Ltd., " Dresser " Couplings for Pipe Lines, 83
- Butler Machine Tool Co, Ltd.. " General Purpose " Crank Shaper, 491; Railway Axle-box Planing Machine, 168
- C.A.V.-BOSCH Ltd.. Magnetos, Suppl., September 8th, 1933, iii
- Canadian Copper Refiners, Ltd., Electrolytic Copper Refinery, 153
- Canning and Co., Ltd., Electro-plating Barrels, 18
- Cape Asbestos Co, Ltd., Insulation Material, 330
- Casella, C. F. and Co., Ltd., Owens' Smoke-measuring Instrument, 40
- Castan, H., Manormus Drawing Instrument, 438
- Cave, C. J. P., Water Supply of Country House at Petersfield, 36:3
- Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., Glass Silk after Exposure to City Atmosphere, 230; Glass Silk for Heat Insulation, 229
- Chance System of Coal Cleaning, 92
- Chiswick Bridge, 17
- Chorlton, Alan E. L., The Engineer and Conditions of To-day, 435; (Leading Article, 433)
- Christie and Grey, Ltd., W., Anti-vibration Attachment for Oil Engine Generator Set, 144
- Christy and Norris, Ltd., " Yeoman " Grinder, 66
- Clark " Autotram " Experimental Railcar, 120
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Combined Winch and Derrick, 439; Johnson Naval Type Boiler, 644, 648; Mooring Winches for Floating Crane, 216
- Clifton and Baird, Ltd., Cold Sawing Machine, 216; Duplex Milling Machine, 216
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, Pneumatic) Plant for Stone Dressing, 500 Rock Drill Sharpener, 500
- Commer Cars, Ltd., Perkins 45 B.H.P., C.I. Oil Engine, 470; " Pug " 2-Commer Commercial Van, 470
- Compagnie Literate d'Electro-Ceramique 3,000,000-volt Testing Plant, Professor d'Arsonval, 20
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co, Ltd., Air Motor-driven Sump Pump, 503; Pneumatic Tools, 503
- Copes Regulators, Ltd., " Thrustor " Valve, 68
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., 12 H.P. Oil Engines, 502
- Cowana, Ltd., Cowan-Still Induction Regulator, 600
- Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry, Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 71
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., High-speed Milling Machine, 528; Railway Axle Plant for Russia, 330, 334
- Crittall and Co., Ltd., R., Electric Thermal Storage Installation at Banliside, 94
- Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., Electric Tramcar Equipment, 391; " Tong Test " Ammeters, 265
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and Premier Gas Engine Company, Ltd., Horizontal via•a-via Eight-cylinder. 600 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, viii, xii; Six-cylinder, 150 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ix, xii •
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., Commercial Vehicles, 471; Rear-engined streamline Car, 352; 100 B.H.P. " V R 6 " Oil Engine, 471
- Czechoslovakia, Some Engineering Works in, T. Makerason, 651
- Daimler Company. Ltd., Fluid fly-wheel Transmission Gear, 485; 15.11.P. and 20 H.P. Cars, 380
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., 100 B.H.P., Four-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, 281 (Suppt., September 22nd, 1933); 300 B.H.P., Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 281
- Davidson and Co., Ltd.. Fans and Flue Dust Collectors at Dunston, 217; Vacuum Smoke-box Cleanser at L.M.S. Depot, Willesden, 166
- Davies, Dr. S. J., High-speed. Oil Engine, 405; Ignition and Combustion in High-speed Oil Engines 405
- Davis, A. H., Silencing Aircraft, 316
- "Dean " Lock Nut, Aerogen Co, Ltd., 364
- Delaware River Lift Span Bridge, 562
- Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Gully Emptiers, 520; 40-45-cwt. Chassis with Lorry Body, 430
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Research Exhibits at Olympia, 330;
- Derby, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 8, 28, 66
- Dewrance and Co., Water Level Indicator, 326; Plug Cock for Corrosive Fluids, 326
- Dickerman, William C., Modern Trend in Railway Motive Power, 489
- Dickinson, H. W., Technical Museums, 381
- Dixon, D., The Industrial Machine, 603
- Dobbie, McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., " Farnboro " Electric Indicator, 325; " Farnboro " Electric Pressure Gauges, 325; Stabilograph, 325; " Feledep " Boiler Water Level Gauge, 325
- Dominion Machinery Co, Ltd., Combined Surfacing, Thicknessing and Moulding Machine, 225; Open-end Belt Sander, 225
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Petrol Engines, 503; 15 H.P. Oil Engine, 503
- Douglas Multiple Winder, Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933,
- Dowding and Doll, Ltd.. Krause Fine Boring Machine, 330 -; Magdeburg " Chip-flow " Lathe, 330; Pfauter Gear and Spline Hobhing Machine, 330
- "Dragon " 8 Cubic Yard Dipper Dredger, Ruston-Bucyrus and R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., 132, 133
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co, Ltd., Dead Beat, Dead Set Regulator, 555
- Dunlop, Eng.-Captain S. H., Liquid Fuels from Coal for Naval Purposes, 568
- Durban, 80-Ton Electric Level-tufting Jib Crane for, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 339
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Trailers for Commercial Vehicles, 474: Trailers for Oversee. Transport Unit, 57
- Eagle Engineering Co, Ltd., 4-5-Ton Semi-trailer Vehicle, 472
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Cramp Folding Machine for Sheet Metal, 251; Sheet Metal Bender, 251
- Egyptian Ministry of Public Works, Oil Engine Driven Floating Pumping Plant, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 119
- Egyptian State Railways, Converted " Atlantic " Locomotive, 58
- Electric Control, Ltd., Central Control Gear at Southampton Docks. 53
- Electric Resistance Furnace Co, Ltd..Muffe and Crucible Electric Furnaces, 252; Self-regulating Induction Furnace, 251
- Electrical Apparatus Co, Ltd., Barbour Regulator, 613
- Electro-Mechanical Brake Co, Ltd., 40 B.H.P. Three-cylinder Marine Oil Engine. 281 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Electrical Meters Co, Ltd., Electrically Operated Flow Meter, 502
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Electrical and Mechanical Measuring and Testing Apparatus, Bunt., September 8th, 1933, vi; Optical Direct-reading Pyrometer, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi; Power Factor Finder and Circuit Analyser, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi; Programme Transmitter, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi; Pulverised Coal Storage Bin Indicator, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi
- Engelbach, C. R. F.. Waste in Manufacture, 336; (Leading Article, 359)
- English Drilling Equipment Co, Ltd., Duplex Steam Slush Pump, 82; " Edeco " 300 P. Drilling Rig, 82
- English Electric Co, Ltd., Induction Regulators, 602; 200 H.P. Oil-electric Rail Coach, 626, 627
- English Steel Corporation, Intricate Pump Bedplate Casting. 530; Steel Furnaces at Sheffield, 230, 234
- Enstriim, Axel, F., Trade Cycles, 41
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Illuminated Indicator Board and Accessories at Southampton Docks. 53; Recording Insulation Tester. 652
- FAIRBOURNE Railway Accident, (35), 41
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., Heavy Current Switchgear, 554; Metal-clad Ring Main Switch Unit, 240; Thermal Gas Closing Mechanism for Oil Circuit Breakers, 415
- Ferranti, Ltd., Automatic Control Panel and Motor, 541, 542; Mercury Switch Tap-changing Regulators, 541; Patented Moving Coil Regulator, 564; Tail End Booster, 512, 513
- Fiat (England), Ltd., Fiat A.S. 6 Oil Engine, 83
- Fiegehen, E. G., Heat Transfer in Electric Furnaces, 377
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Hydraulic Press, 469
- Fodens, Ltd., Oil Engine Driven Lorries, 31
- Foster Engineering Co, Ltd., " Apex " Regulator, 513, 514
- Foster Instrument Co, Ltd., Indicating and Recording Temperature Measuring Apparatus, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v; "Introscope " for Examination of Internal Surfaces of Tubes, &c., Suppt., September 81h, 1933, v; Multi-point Temperature Recorder, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Foundry Equipment, Ltd., 1 and 8-Ton Chain Blocks, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi
- Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., John. " Gyrotiller " Ploughing. Cultivating, Harrowing Subsoiling and Furrowing Machine, 9; Motor Gully Emptier, 455, 456; Oil-engined Road Roller, 455; 30 H.P. Caterpillar Tractor, 10
- Foxwell. G. E., Ash Content of Domestic Coke, 5
- Francois Cementation Company, Ltd., Work on Ryburn Reservoir, 284, 287
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Coal and Coke Conveyor System at Oldham Gasworks, 348, 350, 358
- Freeth, Major F. A., Presidential Address to Cast Iron Research Association, 475
- French Railway Speeds, 40
- Froude, William, Professor Sir Westcott Stile Abell, 110
- Fry's (London), Ltd., Die-cast Drill Stand, 603
- Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Co, Ltd.. Regulator for Small Outputs. 540
- Garner Motors, Ltd., Chassis and Lorries. 472; 4 W.D. Cross-country Chassis, 472
- Gardner, L., and Sons, Ltd., High-speed Oil Engines, Suppt., September 8tn, 1933, v; Three-cylinder 54 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine of Vertical Marine Type, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v; 102 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Marine Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v, ix
- Garrett Engineering Works, Ltd., Richard, Oil Engine-driven Caterpillar Tractor, 415
- General Electric Company, Ltd. (Fraser and Chalmers Branch), Coal Washing Plant at Newmarket Colliery, Wakefield, 92; Electrical Generators for Oil-electric Tug Acklam Cross," 239; Motors at Southampton Docks, 52; Traffic Bollard, 454
- General Post Office, Electrical Communication Apparatus, 303; 500-Watt " Heptode " Valve, 304
- Germ Lubricants, Ltd., Cutting Oils and Lubricants for Wire Drawing, 330 •
- Gifford Motor Co, Ltd., " Hera " 32-Seater Luxury Coach, 428, 429; " Zeus " 56-Seater Double-deck Omnibus, 430
- Gillett and Johnston, Chronoscope Clock for Paddington Station, G.W.R., 315
- " Gits " Oil Seal, Charles Weston and Co., Ltd., 303
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Sluice Valves at Southampton Docks, 52; Water Level Recorder. 69
- Gleniffer Motors. Ltd., 36 B.H.P. Three-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, 281 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933); 120 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 281
- Golden Gate Bridge, ( 61) 164
- Good, E. T., Steel Trade Improvement, 205
- Gordon, K., Hydrogenation of Bituminous Coal, 191
- "Gorgon," Blue Funnel Motor Ship, 175
- Great Western Railway, Chronoscope Clock at Paddington Station, Gillett and Johnston, 315: 130 H.P. Oil Engine driven Railcar, Hardy Motors, Ltd.. 411 (Two-page Supplement, October 27th, 1933)
- Greaves, Horace, and Co., Ltd., Colliery Appliances. 67
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., Economisers. 250; "Eco Minor " Dry Cleaning Machine, 250
- Griffiths. Dr. Ezer, and J. H. Awbery, Heat Transfer between Metal Pipes and a Stream of Air, 624 (Leading Article, 623), 628
- Gwynnes Pumps. Ltd., Pumping Plant at Southampton Docks, 52 : Trailer Fire Pump. 30
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co. Ltd.. A.C. Voltage Regulators. 612; On-load Transformer Tap-changing Equipment, 143
- Hackensack River Bridge, 586
- Hadfields Ltd., Crushing and Screening Plant, 518; Steels for Petroleum Industry. 83; Visit of Members of Iron and Steel Institute, 290, 291; Visit of Iron and Steel Institute, 289
- Haifa Harbour Opened, 426, 432
- Hidden, J., and Co., Ltd., " Dynalator " for Making Dye-line Prints, 328; Ferro-prussiate Printing Paper and Printing Process, 328
- Hall, B. J., and Co., Ltd., Ariel Electric Erasing Machine, 274; " Hall Mark " Copying Machine, 274; "Hall Mark " Drawing Table, 274; Protector Binding Machine, 274: Radioscript Reproduction Process, 274
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., CO, and Ammonia Gas Compressors, 275 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd.. Oil-electric Tug "Acklam Cross," 239
- Halsted-street Lift Bridge, Chicago, 563
- Hamburg Tank, Friends and Patrons of, Hamburg and Scandinavian Meetings, 14
- Hampton Court Bridge, 17
- Hancock and Co (Engineers), Ltd., Portable " Auto " Cutting Machine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi; " Simplex " Universal Cutting Machine, Stipp., September 8th, 1933, vi
- Hardy, A. C., Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, 266
- Hardy Motors, Ltd., 63-Seater Railcar, 470; 130 H.P. Railcar for Great Western Railway, 411 (Two-page Supplement, October 27th. 1933)
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Oil Engines for lend Pipe Line, 193
- Hastings Bathing Pool, 206
- Hammarforsen Power Plant, Sweden, 538, 548
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., and Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 8 Cubic Yard Dipper Dredger " Dragon," 132, 133
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Cross-sliding Turret Lathe, 438; Heavy Duty Auto Lathe, 366; Keller Automatic Toolroom Machine, 491
- Herbert, E. G., Ltd., Heavy Duty Gate Sawing Machine, 144; Simplified Pendulum Hardness Tester, 68
- Hewittic Electric Co, Glass Bulb Rectifiers on Liverpool-Southport Line, L.M.S., 97 : Grid Controlled Mercury Aro Rectifiers for Dar-es-Salaam, 194
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Centenary Celebrations, 469
- Hillnor, Ltd., Tube-bending Machines, 302
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Pneumatic Machinery for Rock Drills,
- Holmes, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Jubilee of the Firm, 389
- Hong Kong, University of, C. A. Middleton Smith, 78, 88
- Hoover Dam on Colorado River, 374, 384, 402, 440
- Houk, Ivan. E.. Technical Design of High Masonry Dams, 104, 105, 128, 138
- Hudson River Vertical Lift Drawbridges, 562, 563
- Hudson, R., Ltd., Light Railway Equipment, 454; Light Railway Switch, 454
- Hughes, Henry, and Son, Ltd., Echo Sounding Recorder, 326; Navigational Instruments, 326
- Hunter, P. V., Presidential Address to Institution of Electrical Engineers. 441
- Hunt, J. E., Resistance to Wear of Nitrogen-hardened Cast Iron, 337
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co.Ltd., Vulcan-Sinclair Hydraulic Coupling, 251
- Hydraulic, G.m.b.H., 10.000-ton Electrode Press, 146
- ILLINOIS River Highway Lift Bridge, 562, 572
- International Combustion, Ltd., Power Plant at Dartford Paper Mill of Wiggins, Teape and Co. (1919), Ltd., 110, 114
- International Harvester Company, Ltd., Deering-McCormick Potato Planter, 30; Harvester Thrasher, 30
- Iraq Pipe Line, Oil Engines for, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 193
- Isherwood and Co., Ltd., Sir Joseph W. "Arcform " Design of Hull, 83
- Isteg Steel, 652.
- JAMES River Vertical Lift Bridge, 562, 572
- Jarvio, J. Gibson, Credit in Industry, 592
- Japp, Sir Henry, Methods of Excavating Quicksands, 398, 422; (Leading Article, 409; see alto Letters to the Editor)
- "Jiges " Steam Boiler, Dipl.-Ingenieur E. Praetorius, 576
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Automatic Reclosing Circuit Breakers, 414; Ringmer and District Electrification Scheme, 354
- Johnson Naval Type Boiler, Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 644, 648
- Jones, E. H., Ltd., " Gyromatic " Automatic Lathe, 329: Thiel Vertical Punch and Form Shaper, 329; Werner Milling Machines, 329.
- KAPLAN Turbine Installation at Vargon Power Station, 448, 449, 482, 494
- Karrier Motors, Ltd.. " Cob Six," 14-52 H.P., Three-wheel Tractor, 485; Four-wheeled 10-30 H.P. Truck, 9; Petrol-driven Road Sweeper, 451; Refuse Collector with 10-30 H.P. Petrol Engine, 451; Three-wheeled A Truck, 8; Tractor-trailer Combination, 9
- Kaye, Joseph, and Co., Ltd., Force-feed Oiler, A (579)
- Kennedy, W., Tube and Bar-bending machine, 3 Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xi; Tube-bending Machine and Formers, Suppt., A September 8th, 1933, xi
- Kelvin Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Compasses, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, i; flotwell A Gauge, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, i
- Kent, George, Ltd. Automatic Boiler Control A Apparatus, 329; Electrical Flow Transmitter, 503; Fuel Air Ratio Controller, 329; Scientific Instruments for Petroleum Industry, 83; Water-measuring and Recording Instruments, 503
- Kershaw, J. B. C., World's Oil Supplies, 353
- Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Co, Ltd., Kestner Falling Film Evaporator, 516
- Keystone Driller Co, Pavement Smasher, N. 341
- Kitson and Co., Ltd., Kitson-Still Locomotive, A: Records of Runs, 238, 239
- Kitson Pump Sales and Engineering Co, Rotary Pump with Moving Blades, 326
- Krangede Hydro-electric Power Plant, Sweden, Ai 510
- Kungfors Spinning Mill, 1% Jiges " Steam Boiler at, 576 11
- LACY Hulbert and Co., Ltd., Air-cooled Compressor, 249; Paint-spraying Equipment, 249; Portable air Compressors, 249; Single-cylinder Compressor, 249
- Lancashire Steel Corporation, Manufacture of J. Sucker and Pull Rods, 82
- Lancaster, 10 H.P. and 18 H.P. Cars, 380
- Larke, Sir William J., Fuel and Man, 386
- Lea Recorder Co, Ltd., " Romer-Lea " Coal Meter, 302 P • Water Flow Measurement N Apparatus, 302, 310
- Lead Wool Co, Ltd., Portable Air- N! compressing Set, 455
- Lennard, T. C., Vertical Spindle Burr Stone Mill, 41
- Lester, A. M., Assembly of Experimental IS Machinery, 7 3'
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Chassis for Coaches and Lorries, 486; 60 B.H.P. " Light Six " Oil IS Engine, 486; 110 B.H.P. Petrol Engine and Torque Converter, 487; Hydraulic Torque Converter, 362
- Ley's Malleable Castings Company, Ltd., Malleable Castings, 67
- Lilley and Son, Ltd., John, Nautical Instruments, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iii; Stern Fog a Signal Emitter, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, tii
- Lindsay, Henry, Automatic Centrifugal Clutch, 364
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co, Portable Concrete Mixer, 500 Zi
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Auto-truck Cleansing Equipment, 455; Pumping Unit, 29; 3 H.P. C.I. Oil Engine, 455; 4 to 12 H.P. Petrol Engines, 455; 27 H.P. High-speed Oil Engine, 29
- Liverpool Refrigeration Co, Ltd., Refrigerator Compressors, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xi
- Lloyd's Register Year Book, 59
- Lodge-Cottrell, Ltd., Blast-furnace Gas-cleaning Plant at Corby, 69; Blast-furnace Gas-cleaning Plant, 193
- London Electric Firm, Self-sustaining Winch, 227; 10in. Projector and Stelmar Optical Unit, 226: 24in. Suez Canal Projector, 226
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Glass / Bulb Rectifiers on Liverpool-Southport
- Line, Hewittic Electric Co, 97; Improved Water Pick-up Gear, 468; Luggage, Parcels and Motor Car Vans, 94; " Pacific " Locomotive " No. 6200," 16; 2-6-4 Tank Locomotive " No. 2400," 406 I
- London and North Eastern Railway, Main Line Oil-electric Locomotive, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 490; (Note, 536); Trains for '1 °utast'l raffic, 112
- Loranco, Ltd., High-speed Rotary Tools, 325; Light Sensitive Drilling Machine, 325 : f H.P. Flexible Shaft Outfit, 325
- Louisville Lever-operated Lift Bridge, 586 "Luminex " Magnifier,R. and J. Beck, Ltd., 169 "Lynx " Motor Saw, John T. Pickles, 169
- Lysaght, Ltd., Blast-furnaces and Coke Ovens, at Scunthorpe, 291; Visit of Members of Iron and Steel Institute, 291
- McLAREN, J. and H., Ltd., Inertia Starting Device for Small Engine, 66, 67; Inertia Starting Gear for Oil Engines, 280; Steam Ploughing Engine, 66; 25 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, 280 (Supplement,September 22nd, 1933); 50 H.P. Oil Engine, 488; 60 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 280
- Makemson, T., Some Engineering Works in Czechoslavakia, 651
- " Malaita|Malaita," Single-screw Motor Ship, 175
- M.A.N. A.G., Ship Discharging at Gothenburg Harbour, 68
- Mansions Motor Co, Ltd., Motor Cylinder Reboring Bar, 218
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co. Ltd., Wireless Apparatus, 249
- Marconi Sounding Device Co. Ltd., "Echometer " Sounding Device. 253
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co, Ltd., Carbon Microphone, 390; Microphone, Carbon, 390
- Marine Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd., Wireless Apparatus for Use at Sea, 303, 310
- Marsden. H. R., Ltd., Mitchell Electric Vibrating Screen, 452; Stone Breakers, 452, 453
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.,Steam Roller for Consolidating Reservoir mbankments, 42; Working Results of a Remarkable Roller, 240; 10-Ton Oil Engine Driven Road Roller. 455; 30 H.P. Caterpillar Tractor, 8
- Marsland, T., Rural Water Supplies, Pooling of Supplies or " The Grid " in Mtniature, 93
- Mason, E. N., and Sons, Ltd., Drawing-office Printing and Developing Apparatus, 302, 310
- Massey, B. and S., Ltd., Clear Space Pneumatic Power Hammer, 42
- Mawdsley's, Ltd., A.D.C. Light Welding Set, 226; Testing Dynamometer, 226; Three-phase Alternator, 226
- Maybury, Sir Henry Percy, Presidential Address to Institution of Civil Engineers, 460
- Mercer, Thomas, Cylinder Gauge, 248; Dial Test Indicator, 248; Master Clock and Automatic Control Panel, 248
- Merritt, H. E., Efficiency Tests on 600 H.P. Increasing Gear, David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 392
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Fire Protection at Royal Show, Derby, 31; Motor Fire Engine for Far East, 193
- Merton College, Oxford, Electrical Clock at, Synchronome Co, 157
- Mestre-Venice Viaduct, 640, 641
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., A.C. Voltage Regulators, 638; Oil Circuit Breaker, D. R. Davies and E. I. Pitcher, 159
- Millars' Machinery Co, Ltd.,Plant for Making Tarmacadam and Roa Surfacing Mixtures, 500. 501
- Mitchell, Charles, Reorganisation of the Steel Industry, 10
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., and the Mirrlees Watson Co, Ltd., Compact Motor-driven Pump, 280; Petrol Engine-driven Pump, 280; Vertical Self-priming Pump, 279 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933); 120 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Sleeve-valve Marine Oil Engine, 279 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Mond Nickel Co, Ltd., Nickel Alloys in Various Engineering Fields, 227; Nickel Cast Iron, 241
- Morgan, Professor G. T., Engineering in Service of Chemical Research, 438
- Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., 3-Ton Lorry, 488
- Morris Motor Cars at Olympia, 381
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Governor for Marine Engines, 229 • Four-cylinder 11-18 " Navigator " Paraffin Engine, 229; 24-48 H.P. Petrol Engine, 229
- Morton, Edgar, Hydro-geological Surveys, 94
- Motor Rail, Ltd., 12-16 B.H.P. Oil-engined Locomotive, 501
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd.,Machine for Testing Welds, Suppe., September 8th, 1933. iii; Welding Plant, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iii
- Napier (N.Z.) Harbour Development Scheme. 593
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co Ltd.. Vertical Six-cylinder " F.A." Type 335 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v; 5 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, 456; 28 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, 456; 37-40 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v; 120 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Vertical Marine Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v, viii
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Cranes, 520
- Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., Recording Thermometer, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, x; Temperature Recorder, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, x
- Neill, James, and Co(Sheffield), Ltd., "Eclipse " 48 Tool, (579)
- New Process Welders, Ltd., Spot Welders, 301
- Newmarket Colliery, Wakefield, Chance Coal Washing Plant at. G.E.C., Ltd. (Fraser and Chalmers Branch), 92
- Newton and Bennett, Ltd., Automatic Clutch for Motor Vehicles, 469
- Newtons of Taunton, Ltd., High-frequency Electric Tools, 250; Mercury Arc Rectifier, 250; Oxide Cathode Rectifier, 250
- Nilsson, Major Ernst, Traneberg Arch Bridge, Stockholm, 258, 261
- Northern Counties Committee, Ireland, 2-6-0 Superheater Locomotives Built at Derby, 96
- OBERHANSLI 120 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 134
- Oerlikon, Ltd., Hydro-electric Generator for Beauharnois Power Station, 618, 622
- Oldham Gasworks at Higginshaw, 348, 358
- Ormandy, Dr. W. R., and Dr. J. Burns, Coal-oil Mixtures, 390
- Ormerod Shapers, Ltd., 321n. Heavy Duty Crank Shaper, 42
- Oversea Mechanical Transport Council, Tractor for 15-Ton Overseas Transport Unit, 55, 62 (Two-page Supplement, July 2181, 1933)
- Owens, Dr. J. S., Instrument for Measuring Smoke, 40
- Ozonair, Ltd., Heating and Ventilating Plant, 224; Plant for Treatment of Foul Odours, 225
- Pagefield Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., 7-Ton Light Six-wheeled Lorry, 487
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Multi-bucket Excavator, 518
- Parsons, C. A., and Co.. Ltd.. Boroscope. Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xiv; Model of R4 30,000-kW Turbo-alternator, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiv; 25-kVA Polo Mounting Transformer, Suppt., September 8th, 1933. xiv; Water Gauge Protector, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiv
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Ltd. Marine Steam Turbines, 228; " Simplex Unit " System for Cargo Boats, 228
- Parsons Steam Turbine, Development of thi• Editorial Announcement, 623, 645
- Paterson Engineering Co, Ltd.. Automatic Chloronome, 502; Gaseous Ammoniator, 503; Sterlisation of Water Supplies 502
- Paterson, R., High-speed Oil Engine Design, 134; (Loading Article, 139) : (Note, 222)
- Perman and Co., Ltd., 150 B.H.P. British Kromhout Oil Engine, 274
- Petters Ltd., 1-kW Lighting Sot, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iv.; Oil Engines. 66, 519; 4 B.H.P. Marine Petrol Engine, Suppt., September 8th. 1933, iv; 5 B.H.P. Engine. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iv, viii; 6 B.H.P. "Atomic " Engine, 519; Four-cylinder 40 B.H.P. High-speed Two-stroke C.T. Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iv : It Four-cylinder 195 B.H.P. Direct Reversing and Cold-starting Marine Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iv; 1-Ton Auto-truck, 66
- Petty, Thomas, Tube Diameter and Heat Transmission, 54
- Philips Industrial, Rectifier Welding Set, 167
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., Rectifier Welding Set, Suppt., September 8th, 1933. v • X-ray and Welding Equipment, Suppt., September 8th. 1933, iv
- " Phoenix " Steel, Steel, Peech and Tozer, Ltd . 58
- Pickles, J. T.," Lynx " Motor Saw, 169
- Plenty and Son, Ltd., Engines for Twin-ser,'N% Tug " Sir Guthrie Russell," 68
- Pollard, Professor A. F. C., Kinematic Design in Engineering, 458
- Post Office Research Station, Dollis Hill, 40 408
- Poultney, E. C.. Recent American Express s,Locomotives, 614, 637 S.
- Power Contracts (Batwin). Ltd., Split-phase. s, Induction-repulsion, D.C. and Capacitator Motors, 302
- Praetorius, Dipl.-Ingenieur E., " Jiges " Steam Boiler, 576
- Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., Drawing office Printing and Developing Apparatus, 302, 310
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Grab with Planing Action, 316
- " Princess Royal," Trial Trip of L.M.S. 4-6-2 Locomotive, 151
- Principality Wagon Co, Ltd., 114)V i II Floor Discharging Body, 472
- Pyrene Co, Ltd., Parkerising Tests oil Weathering of Paints, 431, (579)
- RADLEY, W. G., and S. Whitehead, Telephone Interference, 655
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 1-Ton Truck Type Mobile Crane, 454; Tilting Drum Concrete S Mixer, 463
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Double- S decker Trollybuses. 471; Electric Truck, 471; Four-wheel Regenerative Trollybus Chassis, 471: Hornsby-Leake Seed Drill, 31, 32
- Reavell, William, Position of British Engineering Industries. 388
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., Air-compressing Plant, 279; Air Compressors, 602; Portable Oil Engine Driven Compressor, 279; Reavell- 5 Ascania Regulator, 279; Rolling Drum Type Compressor, 279; Three-cylinder Air Compressor, 279 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933); 1600 Cubic Foot Motor-driven Compressor, 279
- Redfield, Lieut.-Commander H. J., Parallel coOperation of Single-stage Boiler Feed Pumps, 649
- Reed, Brian, Modern European Locomotive Practice, 176, 186, 200 .1
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton Haifa Harbour Works. 426, 432
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co, Ltd., Chain Clutch, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii; Chain Driven Systems, 381; Power Transmission Chains, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Electric Water :1 Heaters. 341; Electrical Plugs and Sockets, 94
- Ricardo, H. R., High-speed Marino Oil Engines, 566; (Leading Article, 573)
- Richards, George, and Co., Ltd.. Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 528
- Richards Ironworks, Ltd., Motor Trawler "Ala." 555
- Riley 9 H.P. and 14 H.P. Cars, 380
- Ringmor and District Electrification Scheme. Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., 364
- Roadless Traction, Ltd., Caterpillar Track, 8
- Robertson, Dr. David, Whirling of Shaft with Skew Stiffness, 152, 179, 213
- Robertson and Co., Ltd., W. H. A., High-speed Wire-drawing Bench, 95
- Robey, E. W., and W. F. Harlow, Heat Liberation and Transmission in Boilers, 524, 531, 552
- Robinson, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Railws. Sleeper Adzing and Boring Machine, 190, 191; Two Wood-working Machines. 142; Vertical Band Sawing Machine, 29
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Deeolorising Apparatus, 515
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Derby, 8. 28. 66
- Russell, Robert, Force, Shrinkage anasion Fits, 604
- Russell, Captain, S. P. B., " Alumalloy Semi-weld Solder, 327; " Alumalloy " Tinning Fluid, 327
- Russian Oil Products, Ltd., Oils, 330
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., Dipper Dredger for-Shannon Power Scheme, 7 : 3 Cubic Yitni Electric Navvy, 168
- Ruston-Bucyrus Company and R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ltd., 8 Cubic Yard Dipper Dredger " Dragon." 132. 133
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Oil Engines. 452 : 16-20 H.P. Oil Engine Locomotive, 452: 96-104 B.H.P. Six-cylinder. Oil Engine, 281; 150 B.H.P. Five-cylinder Oil Engine Generator Set, 281 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933) : Roller for Grass Work, 452
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. and Ruston-Lister Marine Co, Ltd., 7 B.H.P. Single-cylinder Oil Engine, 281: Twin-cylinder 10-16 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 415; 35 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Oil Engine. 281
- Ryburn Reservoir for Wakefield's Water Supply, 284, 287
- SAMAGGIO. P. C., Diesel-electric Units for the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway. 579
- Sams, J. G. B., Engineers and East Afrienit Prospects, 106; (Letter, 146)
- Sandvik Steelworks Co, Ship Discharging at Gothenburg Harbour, 68
- Sandwall, J. C., " Jiges " Steam Boiler, 576
- San Mateo Vertical Lift Bridge, 562, 672
- Sargeant70. E. F., " Sauerman ' Typo Excavator, 1
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Articulated Eight-a wheel Chassis, 484
- Schaefer, Chief Engineer M., Economic Mine Ventilation, 589
- Schiess-Defries (Great Britain), A. G., Forging Machine. 326
- Schindler-Huber, D., Depreciation of Curroney and Exports. 192
- Selson Machine Tool Co, Ltd., Universal Testing Machine, 224: Universal Balancing Machine, 224; 71in. Brass Finishers' Lathe, 492
- Sentinel Waggon 'Works, Ltd., Rigid Eight-wheeler Steam Wagon, 487; Steering Bogie for Steam Wagon, 487; 120 B.H.P. Glandless Four-cylinder Single-acting Non-compound Steam Engine, 487
- Service Equipment Co, Ltd., Degreaser, 18
- Servis Recorders Ltd., Recorder for Lorry Working, 472
- Shannon Power Scheme. Dipper Dredger.Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 7
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co, Ltd., Gyratory Crusher, 520
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrigufal Castings Corn Co, Ltd., Castings of Alloy Cast Irons. 249
- Shell-Mex and B. P. Ltd., Oils and Lubricants, 330
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Olympia, 224, 248, 274, 300, 310, 324 (Sixteen-page Suppletnent, September 8th, 1933) (Four-page Supplement, September 22nd. 1 1933)
- Short and Mason, Ltd., " Dubl " Response Regulator, 250; Volumetric Pressure Recorder, 251
- Sillre Mire Power Plant, Sweden, 539
- Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Atomisers and Fuel Injection Pumps, 381; Fuel Pump, 487
- Simon Carves, Ltd., Coking Plant at Manvert• Main Collieries. 291
- Simons, Eric N., Organising an Information Service, 130
- Skelton, R. A., and Co., Pot Sleeper or Rail bearer, 414
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, University of Hong Kong, 78, 88
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., Oil-engined Contractor's Mobile Crane, 578 ii Smithson, J. G., and Co.. Ltd., Industrial Motor Controllers, Suppt., September 8th, 1, 1933, xi
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., Welding Machines. 330
- Soldo Co, " Soldo " Compound for 1 Tinning Metals, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iii
- S.O.S. Patents, Ltd., " Pascal!• " Patent t•+ I Turbine Sifter, 330
- Southampton Docks Extensions. 2, 3, 12, 26, 27 (Two-page Supplement, July 14th, 1933), 63; (Leading Article, 63), 77
- Sperry Gyroscope Co, Ltd.. Distant Controller for Searchlights, 327; High-intensity Naval Searchlight, 327; Sperry Villiers " Odograph," 327 •
- Spiral Tube and Components Co, Combined Water and Oil Cooler, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xi; Water Coolers for Internal Combustion Engines, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xii
- Stamp, Sir Josiah, Must Science Ruin Economic Progress ? 294
- Standage Power Couplings, Ltd., Industrial Type Coupling, 228; Propeller Shaft Assembly, 228
- Standard Free-wheel Mechanism, 380
- Standard 10 H.P. Engine and Gear box, 380
- Stanley. W. F., and Co., Ltd., " Allbrit " Polar Planimeter. 84
- Steel Band Conveyor and Engineering Co, Ltd., Ship Discharging at Gothenburg Harbour, 68
- Steinle, Leo C.. Ltd., Holler Vertical Cold Sawing Machine, 329; Vomag Two-spindle Precision Turning and Boring Machine, 329
- Stephen, Alexander. and Sons, Ltd., Three-cylinder Compound Marine Steam Engine, 329; 2000 I.H.P. Marine Steam Engine, 416
- Sternol, Ltd., Oils and Greases, 488
- Stodola, Professor A.. Sulzer Single-tube Steam Generator, 496. 525
- Stone. J., and Co., Ltd., Stone Empson Oil Purification Plant. 276
- Storstrom Bridge, 44
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Concrete Mixers, 502;
- Multi-bucket Excavator, 501; 50-ton Cantilever Crane, 119
- Stream Line Filter Co, Ltd., Devices for Filters for Direct Attachment to Engine-lubricating Systems, Suppt., September 8th. 1933, x; Portable Filter Set, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, x
- Stromsnns Paper Mill, " Jiges " Steam Boiler at, 577
- Submarine Signal Company (London), Ltd., "Fathometer " Depth-sounding Apparatus, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii
- Suisun Bay Vertical Lift Drawbridge, 562. 572
- Sulzer Single-tube Steam Generator, Professor A. Stodola, 496, 526
- Sunbeam Motor Car Company. Ltd., Four-cylinder 12.8 H.P. Engine, 380; Six-wheel Electric Trollybus Chassis, 429, 430
- Super-centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., Laboratory Centrifuge, 303: 65in. Bulk centrifuge, 303, 310
- Swedish Hydro-electric Power Plants, 448, 449. 482, 494. 510, 538, 648
- Synchronome Co, Electrical Clock at Merton College, Oxford, 157
- Tangyes, Ltd., Garage Equipment, 471 Hydraulic Car Lift, 381; Hydraulic Press, 578; 140 B.H.P., Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 471
- Tata Iron and Steel Co, Ltd., Lodgc-Cottrell, Ltd., Blast-furnace Gas-cleaning Plant, 193
- Taylor, Dr. E. McKenzie, and Harbans Lal Uppal, Flow of Water in Sand, 107
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Electric Etching Machine, 556
- Tees Towing Co, Ltd., Oil-electric Tug "Acklam Cross." Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd-, 239
- Telephone Manufacturing Co, Ltd., A.C. and Battery-operated Synchronous Clocks. 253; Intercommunicating Telephones, 253; Noise-proof Telephones, 253
- Tonsometer, Ltd., Elongation and Reduction Gauges, 328: Hounsfield Tensomoter, 328; Shoot Metal Test-piece Chucks, 328
- Thames Board Mills, Ltd., 165in. Paper Board Machines at., Charles Walmsley and Co. Ltd., 70
- Thames Bridges at Chiswick, Hampton Court and Twickenham. 17
- Thomas and Bishop, Ltd., " Flexo " Bolt Dressing, S ppt., September 81h, 1933, xvi; "Flex° " Tinning Compound, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi; " Koster " Solders, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi
- Thompson Associated Companies, Ltd., John, Dejector Scale Proventer, 275; Gas Welded Annealing Cover, 275; Konnicot Pressure-type Water Softener, 275; Pressed Dished End, 275; Vortical Economic Boiler Adapted for Marine Work, 275: 750 lb. Pressure Fusion Welded Drum, 275
- Thompson, P. W., and R. M. Van Duzer, Junr., High-temperature Steam Experiences at Detroit, 619
- Thornton, A. G.. Ltd., Slide Rule Magnifying Attachment, 342
- Thorpe. W. H., The Marquis of Worcester, and Vauxhall, 141
- 'Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Motor Yacht " Trenora," 109 Paraffin Marine Engines, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi "Stag " Insulated 12-Ton Box Van, 473 : 12 Cubic Yard Refuse Collector, 452; 2-Ton Handy Platform Lorry, 473; Four-cylinder 38 B.H.P. Oil Engine, Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xv; 50-65 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Marine Oil Engine. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, viii.xv; 100 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 474
- Traneberg Arch Bridge, Stockholm, Major Ernst Nilsson, 258, 261
- Transplanters Ltd., " Robot " Planter. 66, 67
- Tratman, E. E. R., Vertical Lift Drawbridges. 562. 572, 586
- "Trenora " Motor Yacht, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 109
- Triplex Safety Glass Co. Ltd., Toughened Glass, 381
- Turbine Furnace Co, Ltd., Furnace Suitable for Marine Boiler, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vii
- Twickenham Bridge, 17
- United States Metallic Packing Co, Ltd., Metallic Packings, 304; Piston Rings, 304: Steam Traps, 304
- United Water Softeners, Ltd., Base Exchange Industrial Water Softener, 227: Electro-chemical Dosing Gear, 227; " L.H." Patent Positive Chemical Discharge Valve, 227
- Usksido Engineering Co, Ltd.. Uskside Flexible Coupling, 365
- VARGON Hydro-electric Power Station, 448. 449, 482, 494
- Varley Pumpsand Engineering. Ltd., Motor-driven Positive Displacement Pump, 301
- Vasteras Steam Power Plant in Southern Sweden, 81
- Verdon, Ocean Port of Lo, 203, 210
- Vickors-Carden-Loyd Tractor Truck and Trailer for Long Loads, 82
- Vickers Ltd., Official Statement, 232
- Victoria, Southern Railway, 13 ffer Stogy) Collision, Colonel Woodhouses' Report. 33'2, (333)
- Vitry Locomotive Testing Station. 462. 465
- "Vouga " Portuguese Destroyer. Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 112
- Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd.. 3-Ton Refuse Collector. 452
- Walter Kiddo Co. Ltd., " &lex " Firo Detector, 253: " Zonit " Fire Detector, 253
- Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., 8-Ton Steam Roller, 453; 10I-Ton Oil Engine-driven Roller, 453
- Walmsley, Charles, and Co., Ltd., 165in. Paper Board Machine at Thames Board Mills. 90
- Wandle Valley Sewage Disposal, 592. 596, (628)
- Ward, Ltd.;H. W., Combination Turret Lathe, 311
- Watts, Oliver P., Electro-chomical Theory of Corrosion, 267
- Weston, Charles. and Co.. Ltd., " Gits " Oil Seal, 303 Raymill " Grub and Cup Screws, 303
- White, R., and Sons, Automatic Tipping Skip, 217
- White, J. Samuel, and Co.. Ltd., Oil Firing Equipment for Boilers and Furnaces. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vii; 24 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Marine Engine, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vii, viii
- Whitelaw, William, Thirty-five Years on the Railway—and After, 367; (Leading Article, 359)
- Whitfield Gas Producers, Ltd., Gasification of Burnley's Town's Refuse, 355
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Wimet Tipped Inserted Blade Milling Cutter, 468
- Wiggin and Co., Ltd., Henry, Monel Metal for Marine Purposes, 228; Nickel in Alloys. 227
- Wiggins Toape and Co. (1919), Ltd., Power Plant at Dartford Paper Mills, 110. 114
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Electric Furnaces. 252; Toolroom Tempering Equipment, 252
- Willcox and Raikes, Wandlo Valley Sewage Disposal, 592, 596, (628)
- Williams, A. E., Manufacture of Glucose, 514
- Wingrove and Rogers. Ltd.. 5-Ton Elevating Platform Truck, 529
- Wollaston, T. R., Producer Gas Furnace for Lancashire Boilers, 156
- Wolseley Motor Cars at Olympia, 380
- Woodall-Duckham Vertical Retort and Oven Co (1920), Ltd., Carbonising Plant at Oldham Gasworks, 348
- World Power Conference, Scandinavian Sectional Meeting, 80, 116
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Portuguese Destroyer "6 Vouga," 112; Trials of Portuguese Destroyer " Lima," (342)
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co, Ltd., Oil Engine-driven 6-Ton Chassis, 484
- Youngolson, E. L., Ltd., Machine Vice, 327; Universal Drilling Stop, 328
- ZWICKY Ltd., Oil Filter, 328
- ABRASIVE Cleaning Machine " Airless Wheelabrator ", (185)
- Abrasive Paper, " Electrocating " Process for, (521)
- Acetylene Blow-pipe for Repairing Copper Locomotive Fire-boxes, (621)
- Aerodrome at Southend, (643)
- Aerodrome for Shanghai, (621)
- Aerodrome near Colombo, Ceylon, (621)
- Aeronautical Research Report for 1932-33, 214
- Aeroplane, Fast Passenger, 175
- Aeroplane " K 7 " Completed at Kharkov Factory, (493)
- Aeroplanes, Nicholas Florine's Invention fur Hovering of, (431)
- Aeroplanes Driven by Man Power, Comeet i tion by Frankfurt Polytechnic Societ v. (113)
- African Air Mail, Cap© Town to London lit Ten Days, (11)
- Aircraft Achievements, 51
- Aircraft at Sea, Use of, 163
- Aircraft Industry in France, Position of, 221
- Aircraft Performance of British Machine,. (493)
- Air Lines, American Rail and, 54
- Air Mail Pillar-boxes, Additional, (209)
- Air Routes of Europe, (209)
- Air Service between Cairo-Luxor and
- Assuan, (621)
- Air Services, London, Southampton, Portsmouth, and Plymouth, (209)
- Airways Routes to Egypt, India, Burinah and Africa, Increased Traffic on Imperial. (431)
- American Rail and Air Lines, 54
- Anti-aircraft Batteries for Portuguese Government, British, (137)
- Atlantic Flight by Italian Squadron, 127, 151
- Competition for Airship Hangars, U.S.S.R.. (595)
- Croydon to Sydney in Fourteen Days, (113)
- Fighting Aircraft and Diving Tests, (113)
- Flying Boats for Turkish Government, (521)
- Gliding Altitude Record, (185)
- Great Britain's Export of Aircraft, (490)
- Indian Air Mail, Expeditious Delivery between Karachi and London, (35)
- Italian Seaplane Flight, 151
- Landing Grounds in United States, (643)
- Lindbergh's 715 H.P. Aeroplane Engine,
- Lightest in World, Colonel, (643)
- Mammoth Aeroplane Building at Kharkov, (309)
- Northern Transatlantic Mail and Passenger Aerial Service, (61)
- Royal Air Force, Central Flying School. "Coming-of-Age " Dinner. (439)
- Royal Air Force, Stores Officers, (72)
- Royal Italian Air Force Flight to Chicago, 51
- Seaplane Floats, Tests of Stainless Steel and
- Shot-welded, (11)
- Seaplanes and Glidi Boats, Influence of Bottom Breadth on : ehaviour of, Dr. Ing.
- W. Sottarf, 14
- Silencing Aircraft, A. H. Davis, 316
- Zeppelin Airship Services in S. America, (233)
- Zeppelin Building in Germany to Accommodate Fifty Passengers, (257)
- AGRICULTURAL Machinery, Bamfords, Ltd.. 66
- Agricultural Machinery Testing Committee. (256)
- Air, Parity in the, 573
- Air Conditioning and Relief from Hay Fever and
- Asthma, (161)
- Air Turbines for Driving Grinding Spindles. (383)
- Alcohol Distilleries in Irish Free State, Industrial, (283)
- Allen, W. H., Sons, and Co., Ltd., Twenty-first
- Annual Dinner of Past and Present Students. (546)
- Alloy in Case-hardening Steels in High-grade Gear Work, (493)
- Alloys, Research into Creep Resistance of, (113)
- Aluminium, Welding and Soldering Paste for, (209)
- Aluminium Alloys, Restriction in Use of, (35)
- Aluminium and its Alloys, Surface Treatment of, (493)
- Aluminium Floor for Pittsburg Bridge, (621)
- Aluminium from Low-grade Clays, Russian Research on, (621)
- Aluminium Plant Started by Dneiper Aluminium Combine, (61)
- Aluminium Sheet with Satin Surface for Drawing Purposes, (113)
- Amalgamation of Ross Institute and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Confirmed, (547)
- American Tramway Construction, 205
- Engine Driven by Sewage Gas, 205
- Steel Shapes for Machine Frames, 205
- Waterworks Pumps, 205
- ANALYSER, Power Factor, Finder and Circuit, Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi
- Anti-noise League, Formation of, (521)
- Anti-vibration Attachment for Oil Engine Generator Set, W. Christie and Grey, Ltd., 144
- Ammonia Sulphate Factory for Japan, (571)
- Annealing Cover, Gas-welded, Thompson Associated Companies, Ltd., 275
- Architects, Admission to Statuary Register, (457)
- Armoured Rubber Pipes, Experiments Singapore. (383)
- Asbestos Production in Canada, (595)
- Ash Content of Domestic Coke, G. E. Foxwell,
- Research on Steels for High Temperatures. 642, 654; (Leading Article, 549)
- Position of British Engineering Industries,
- William Roavell, 388
- Modern Factory Design, Professor Mali.Leibnitz, (368)
- Rural Water Suplies, 93; Hydro-Geological Surveys, 94; Pooling of Supplies : " The Grid " in Miniature, T. Maryland, 93
- Crazing, Dr. Stradling on Cause of, (431)
- Presidential Address, Major F. A. Freeth, 475
- Architectural Adviser, Mr. B. Marriott., (407)
- Summer Meeting at Portsmouth, 96
- Annual Meeting at Leicester, 223, 235, 237, (257), 264, 285, 292
- Papers :
- Growth of Scientific " .Jargon," 285
- Must Science Ruin Economic Progress ? Sir Josiah Stamp, 294; (Leading Article, 286)
- Science and Progress, 285, 294
- Television, Present Position of, Major Church, (309)
- Section le :
- Organisation as a Technical Problem, Dr. E. F. Armstrong's Remarks, 254
- Section 4:
- Aircraft Noise, Reduction of, S. Capon, 255
- Film in Engineering, Discussion on The, 255
- Legal Aspect of River Pollution, with Special References to tho Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, H. F. Atter, 264
- Lenses, William Taylor, 254
- Machinery for Dealing with Sewage, H. It Lupton, 265
- Mechanisation of Knitting, John (11:1,ititif •r lain, 254
- Sea Defences and Reclamation of Land from the Sea, M. Du-Plat-Taylor, 293
- Sewage Treatment and Disposal, Discussion, 264
- Ship Canals. Walton Maughan, 293
- Shoe Manufacturing Machinery, Joseph Gouldbourn, 292
- Steel Embrittlement, A. M. Kay and R. N. Arnold, 314
- Unemployment, Great Engineering 'Works of Profit as Cure for, Professor Miles Walker, 292
- Work of Safety in Mines Research Board. 292
- Section J :
- Motion Study Applied to Small Assembly and Machine Work, Miss A. G. Shaw, 254
- Presidential Address, William Froude, Professor Sir Westcott Stile Abell, 110
- Breakdown of Pumps at. Throckloy t, A. B. Hare, (551)
- Annual Dinner, (603)
- Constantine Medal Awarded to S. N. Brayshaw, Design and Operation of Industrial Furnaces, (428)
- Advantages of Using Reinforced Concrete, &c., in Place of Wood, (11)
- Annual Conference at Bristol. 122
- Visit to Southainpton Docks, 223
- Inaugural Lecture, Dr. Nagel, 391
- Developments in Design of Cold Rolling Mills, F. W. Fass, (476)
- Dinner and Dance, (556)
- Improvement of Ships' Plans, Dr.-Lug.
- Eberhard Westphal, (606)
- Berlin :
- Modern Motive Power Developments. Dr. S. J. Davies, (606)
- Andrew Carnegie Research Fund, (606)
- Autumn Meeting, Papers for Discussion, 169
- Research on Steels for High Temperatures, 542, 554; (Leading Article, 549)
- The Williams Prize Awarded to D. F. Marshall and A. Robinson, (504)
- Autumn Meeting at Sheffield, 287
- Opening Sessions, 287, 305
- Papers :
- Alloys of Iron Research : Part XI., The Constitution of the Alloys of Iron and Manganese, Dr. Marie Gaylor, 306
- Beryllium on Steel, Influence of, J. H. S. Dickenson and Dr. H. W. Hatfield, 305
- Blast-furnace Gas, Notes on Utilisation of, W. B. Baxter, 289
- Coke-fired Reheating Furnace, F. Lloyd and Professor R. V. Wheeler, 306
- Co-ordinated Heat Conservation at Normanby Park Steel Works, Scunthorpe, W. J. Brooke, 288
- Heterogeneity of Steel Ingots, Fifth Report. 305
- Nitrogen-hardened Cast Iron, Some Experiments on the Resistance to Heat of, J. E. Hurst, 306, 337
- Visits and Excursions, 289
- Mr. A. R. Cooper to Remain President for Another Year, (621)
- Programme for 1933, (35)
- Some Engineering Works in Czeclioslovakia, T. Makemson, 651
- Annual Dinner Report, (406)
- Melchett Lecture, Sir John Cadman,
- Place of Oil in the World of Fuel, (383), 387
- Presidential Address, Fuel and Man, Sir William J. Larks, 386
- Coal-oil Mixtures, Dr. W. R. Ormandy and Dr. J. Burns, 390
- Presidential Address, Sir George Higgins, 342
- Regulations for Admission of Students. (332), (357)
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, A. C. Hardy, 266
- Silver Jubilee Meeting at Birmingham, 306; Programme, (98)
- Autumn Lecture, Twenty-five Years' Progress in Metallurgical Plant, W. R. Barclay, 306, 312
- Papers :
- Green Patina on Copper, Note on, Examples from Elan Valley and Dundalk. Dr. W. H. J. Vernon, 308
- Magnesium Alloy Protection by Selenium and Other Coating Processes, Dr. Bengough and Mr. Whitby, 308
- Metallurgical Progress, 1908-1933, Some Stops in, Dr. W. Rosenhain, 306
- Porosity in Aluminium and Copper Ingots, Further Observations on Distribution of, Notes on Inverse Segregation, N. P. Allen, 307
- Precipitation - hardening Nickel • Copper Alloys Containing Alluminium, Messrs. Jones, Pfeil, and Griffiths, 306
- Temper-hardening Copper Alloys Containing Addition of Nickel and Aluminium, Properties of Some, Messrs. Browndon, Cook, and Miller, 306
- Wear in Polishing of Plated and Other Surfaces, Dr. O. F. Hudson, 307
- Wire Drawing, Experiments in, W. E. Atkins and W. Cartwright, 308
- Visits, 306
- Annual Dinner, (425)
- A. E. Tattersall Elected a Fellow, (431)
- Presidential Address, Thirty-five Years on the 'Railway—and After, William Whitelaw, 367; (Loading Article, 359)
- Christmas Lectures by Sir James Jowl,. 580
- Annual Dinner Report, (492)
- Presidential Address, Waste in Manufacture, C. R. F. Engelbach, 336; (Leading Article, 359)
- Associate Membership Examination, (442)
- Engineering in Service of Chemical Research, Professor G. T. Morgan, 438
- Selenium Process for Protection of Magnesium Alloys Against Marine Corrosion, Messrs. Bengough and Whitby, (621)
- Award of Coopers Hill Memorial Prize for 1932, (532)
- Presidential Address, Sir Henry Percy Maybury, 460
- Presidential Address, P. V. Hunter, 441, (461)
- Scholarships Awarded, 1933, 392
- Sub-Committee on Electrical Interference with Broadcasting, (407)
- London Students :
- Smoking Concert, (504)
- C. Strachey Hawden Elected President, (333)
- Air-lift Pumps in London Area, A. C. Judd, (407)
- Modern System of Education, K. W. Willans, (366)
- Scholarship Awards, (392)
- Liquid Fuels from Coal for Naval Purposes.
- Eng.-Captain S. H. Dunlop, 568
- Autumn Meeting Programme, 406
- Visit to Canada and United States, (257)
- Annual Dinner Report, (435)
- Heat Liberation and Transmission in
- Large Steam Generating Plants. E. W. Roboy and W. F. Harlow, 524, 531, 552
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture, Kinematic Design in Engineering, Professor A. F. C. Pollard, 458
- Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture, Marine Oil Engines, High-speed, H. R. Ricardo, 566; (Leading Article, 573)
- North-Western Branch :
- Force, Shrinkage and Expansion Fits, Robert Russell, 604
- Buenos Aires:
- Diesel-electric Units of the Buenos Aires Groat Southern Railway, P. C. Saccaggio, 579
- Mayor and Coulson " Travelling Studentship, (368)
- Annual Meeting and Summer Meeting, (431)
- Awards for 1933, 403
- Scholarships Offered in 1934, (804)
- President, Godfrey M. C. Taylor, (415)
- Electrochemical Theory of Corrosion, Oliver P. Watts, 267
- Weathering of Building Stones Research. R. J. Schaffer, (61)
- Marquis of Worcester and Vauxhall, W. H. Thorpe, 141
- Presidential Address, Technical Museums, H. W. Dickinson, 381
- Twelfth Annual Report, 570
- Application of Science and Industry, Sir Richard Gregory, 77
- Award of Diplomas, (198)
- Derby Show, 8, 28, 66
- Reduction of Subscription, (11)
- Application to the Battersea Power Station" of Researches into the Elimination of
- Noxious Constituents from Flue Gases, and the Treatment of Resulting Effluents, G. W. Howson, S. L. Pearce, A.
- Pollitt, and R. L. Roes, 32, 33
- British Section :
- Council for 1933-34, (392)
- Ekcavating Quicksands, Method of, Sir Henry Japp, 398, 422; (Leading Article, 409)—see also Letters to the Editor
- High-temperature Steam Experience at Detriot, P. W. ThompsoR and R. M. Van Duzer, jun., 619
- Fiftieth Anniversary Dinner, (346)
- Formation of Society. (493)
- ATMOSPHERIC Pollution, 51
- Atomisers, Simms Motor Units, Ltd., 381
- Autoclave Work, Higher Pressures from (461)
- Automatic Machine for Sorting Sheets, (233)
- Automobile Engine Research and Standardisation, 127
- Auto-truck, 1-Ton, Petters, Ltd., 66
- BALL-BEARING Plant in Moscow, (643)
- Balloon Ascent into Stratosphere, Third, (137)
- Balloon Ascent into Stratosphere, U.S.S.R., (233)
- Baroscope, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiv
- Barrage on Euphrates, Habbaniya, Tenders Received for, (621)
- Barrage, Severn, 223
- Barter, Inter-Imperial, 223
- Barter, Inter-Imperial, Lister-Cockstutt. Venture, 223
- Bathing Pool at Hastings, 206
- Beam of Light for Safety of Passengers, (309)
- Beilhy Memorial Fund, Awards for 1932, (24)
- Belt-dressing, " Flexo," Thomas and Bishop, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi
- Belt Sander, Open-end, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., 225
- Benzol Production, (521)
- Benzol Recovery Plant at Dublin, (383)
- Binding Machine for Drawing, Protector, B. .1 Hall and Co., Ltd., 274
- Bituminous Sand in Alberta, (431)
- Blasting at Raynes Quarry, Record, (283)
- Board of Trade, Conditions for Candidates for First Mate's or Master's Certificate, (595)
- Boiler, " Jiges " Steam, Dip. I lig. E. Praetorius, 576
- Boiler, Johnson Naval Type, Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 644, 648
- Boiler, S.X. Type, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiii
- Boiler Adapted for Marine Work, Vertical Economic, Thompson Associated Companies, Ltd., 275
- Boiler Control Apparatus, Automatic, G. Kent, Ltd., 329
- Boiler Extensions at Hong Kong Electric Light and Power Company, (113)
- Boiler Firing Equipment (Oil), Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 83
- Boiler Plant at Wiggins Teape and Co. (1919), Ltd., 65,000 lb., Combustion Steam Generator, Ltd., 110, 114
- Boilers, Heat Liberation and Transmission in, E. W. Robey and W. F. Harlow, 524, 531, 552
- Boilers, Marine Water-tube, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiii
- Boilers for Liners " Alcantara " and "Asturia." Thos. Firth and John Brown, Twelve Hollow-forged Steam Drums for, (407) " jiges " Steam Boiler, Dipl.-Ingenieur E. Praetorius, 576
- Locomotive Type Boiler, 50 H.P., Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 82
- Loeffler High-pressure Boiler, Scale Model at Science Museum, (571)
- Scale in Boilers, Professor F. G. Straub, (113)
- BOLT Factory at North Acton, British Dardelet Threadlock, Ltd., 158, 159
- Bore-hole of 2500ft. on Rand, (521)
- Brick-making Machine, Bennett and Sayer, Ltd., 66
- Brick-making Works to Use up Oil Shale Refuse, (407)
- Brickwork, Reinforced, 80
- Bridge, Traneberg Arch, Stockholm, Major, Ernst Nilsson, 258, 261
- Bridge Across First Narrows, Vancouver, (643)
- Bridge Across Coral River on Eastern Bengal Railway, Proposed, (521)
- Bridge at Wyoming Coal Mine made of Scrap, Welded Together, (643)
- Bridge between Caughnawaga and Ville La Salle, Completion of, (333)
- Bridge between Troy and Menauds, N.Y. opened, (209)
- Bridge over Forth at Kincardine, (461)
- Bridges, Improving Approaches to London Docks by Reconstructing, (137)
- Bridges on L.M.S. Railway Company Strengthening of, (181), (185)
- Cantilever Bridge at Howrah, (407)
- Chiswick Bridge, 17
- Concrete Arch Bridge over Teesta River, India, (521), (547)
- Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry, Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 72
- Forth Road Bridge, 323, 561
- Golden Gate Bridge, Work Started on Placing Concrete for, (61), 164
- Hampton Court Bridge, 17
- Hackensack River Bridge, 586, 587
- H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Opens Three Thames Bridges, 17
- Illinois River Highway Lift Bridge, 562, 572
- James River Vertical Lift Bridge, 562, 572
- Louisville Lever-Operated Lift Bridge, 586
- Marlow Bridge, Strengthening of, (35)
- Middlesbrough Bridge, Opening by Duchess of York, (643)
- Nebrudda Bridge, India, Construction of, (35,) I
- North Bridge, Edinburgh, Opened for Traffic, (521)
- Pearl River, Canton, Scherzer Rolling Type Bridge over, (61)
- Railway Bridge near Mandalay, (35)
- Road Bridge over River Teesta Opened, Reinforced Concrete, (521), (547)
- Scotswood Suspension Bridge Closed for Repairs, (407)
- Storstrom Bridge, Further Details of, 44
- Tranebergssund Concrete Bridge, (185)
- Twickenham Bridge, 17
- Vertical Lift Bridge at Kawasaki Harbour , (643)
BRIDGES (continued)
- Vertical Lift Drawbridges in America, E. R. Tratman, 562, 572, 586
- Waterloo Bridge, L.C.C. Proposal for, (407)
- BRIGHTON Corporation Presents Southern Railway's a.s. Brighton " with Painting, ( 621 )
- British Engineering Industries, Position of, William Reavell, 388
- British Engineering Products, Quality of, 317
- Aeronautical Terms, Uric i 11 standard, Glossary of, 95
- Chairman of General Council Elected, Mr. E. J. Elford, (76)
- Half-yearly Handbook, (318)
- Specifications :
- Asphalt, Two-coat, and Single-coat, (Cold Process), 504
- Cast Iron Airbricks and Gratings, 68
- Cast Iron Drain Pipes, 67
- Cast Iron Manhole Covers and Frames, 2fo;
- Cement Concrete Pipes and Tubes, 68
- Creosote Fuel, 368
- Definitions and Symbols for Welding and Cutting, 308
- Files and Rasps, 133
- Fittings for Double-capped Tubular Lamps, 44
- Girder Bridges, 67
- Graphical Symbols, 268
- Insulating Varnish, 570
- Larch Poles, 517
- Lead Traps, 439
- Leclanche-type Primary Cells, 628
- Light Alloy Castings for Aircraft Purposes. 368
- Notched Bar Impact Pieces, 241
- Precast Concrete Slabs. 19
- Relays for Signalling, 628
- Road Traffic Signals, 476
- Rubber Conveyor and Elevator Belting, 19
- Rubber Tubing for Petrol, 570
- Sampling and Analysis of Coke, 67
- Samplings of Coal, 368
- Steel Railway Sleepers, 406
- Tars for Road Purposes, 308
- Tungsten Filament Electric Lamps, Addendum (C.D. 833), 241
- Weldless Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes. 67
- BRITISH Oxygen Company, Ltd., Annual Dinner, (606)
- British Russian Gazette Luncheon, (560)
- British Trade with Russia, (87)
- Bromine Plant for Palestine Potash, Ltd., (595)
- Building Feat by Dorman, Long and Co. at Avonmouth, (546)
- Building Stones, Research on Weathering of, (61)
- Buoys and Tanks, Welded, John Bellamy, Ltd., 143
- Burner for Coal Gas, Special, (
- Burner for Creosote Oil, Brett's Patent Lifter Company, Ltd., 144
- Burr Steno Mill, Vertical Spindle, T. C. Lennan 41
- Business Conditions in Canada, 232
- Business Forecast of F.B.I., 127
- Busk Studentships in Aeronautics, Awarded to Leslie Howarth, 1933-34, (113)
- CABLE Relaying at Chancery-lane, 136
- Caisson Floated into Position at King George Graving Dock, Southampton, 199
- Calcium Chloride and Gravel Roads, (571)
- Calcined Magnesite, Great Britain's Imperil; of, (87)
- Calendars, Diaries, &c., 630, 649
- Cam Mechanism for Hackbridge A.C. Regulator, 613
- Beauharnois Increases Capital, 356
- Bridge Over St. Lawrence, Progress of, :356
- British Exhibits in Canada, 356
- Canadian Coal in Gasworks, 266
- Cement-coated Nails, 594
- Churchill Water Supply, 169
- Development of Newfoundland's Resources, 391
- Domestic Coal for Coking Plant, 169
- Electric Railways, 594
- Electricity, Municipalisation of, 594
- Engineering Standards, 391
- First Transatlantic Steamer, " Royal
- William," 266
- Harbour Improvements at Saint John, 69
- Highways, 391
- Lumber, 356
- Magnesium Products Industry, 169
- Montreal Water Level Problems, 594
- Reservoir Completed at Battlefields Park, 266
- Safety Record at Lysaght Dominion Sheet Metal Corporation's Works, 69
- St.. Lawrence Channel Deepened, 594
- steel Rail Order, Valuable, 69
- Vehicular Bridge Over St. Lawrence, 266
- Water Supply for City of Niagara, 266
- Water Tunnel Completed at Vancouver, 169
- CANADIAN Manufacturing Industries and Use of Electricity, (61)
- Canadian Mint to Refine United States Gold, Decision for Royal, (309)
- Canal, Start of Dortmund-Ems, (309)
- Canal Borne Traffic, (209)
- Canal from Gulf of Finland to Ladoga Lake, (161)
- Canal Lift Lock, 1000-Ton, Niederfinon, 36, 44
- Canal Traffic Through London, (431)
- Canals, Electric Traction on, 211
- Ship Canal Across Florida Peninsula, (571
- CANNING Fruit and Vegetables in England and Wales, Seventy-two Factories for, (113)
- Car Lift, Hydraulic, Tangyes Ltd., 381
- Carbon Dioxide at Krynitsa, Solidified, (257)
- Cargo of Soft Wood Imported to London Docks, Largest, (383)
- Case-hardening, Improved Methori of, (547) I
- Casting for Pump Bed-plate, Intricate, English Steel Corporation, 530
- Catalogues, 72, 217, 242, 318, 391, 476, 492, 630
- Cement Output at Ketton, (431)
- Cement Plant at Saichuen, Extension of, (333)
- Centenary Celebrations of Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., 469
- Centreless Grinding in Cylinder Work, (283)
- Centrifuge, De-waxing, Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., 83
- Centrifuge, Laboratory, Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., 303
- Centrifuge, 65in. Bulk, Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., 303, 310
- Ceramic Bodies for Electrical Heating Devices, (137), (205)
- Chain Blocks, 1 and 8 Tons, Foundry Equipment, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi
- Chain-driven Systems, Renold and Coventry Chain Company, Ltd., 381
- Chain or Pulley Blocks, Origin to be Marked on, (547)
- Chadwick Public Lectures, 338
- Channel of Charles River to be Diverted, (547)
- Chains, Power Transmission, Renold and Coventry Chain Company, Ltd., Suppt. September 8th, 1933, ii
- Chassis—see Motor Vehicles (Road)
- Chemical Discharge Valve, " L.H." Patent Positive. United Water Softeners, Ltd.. 227
- Chemical Factory in Bulgaria, (431)
- Chemical Fertiliser Factories in Soviet, Three, (643)
- Chemical Institute at Leningrad, (87)
- Chemical Research, Engineering in Service of, Professor G. T. Morgan, 438
- Chlorination Plant, Bell Brothers (N1ancliester, 1927), Ltd., 519
- Chloronome, Automatic, Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd., 502
- Chromium Coatings, Treatment of, (209)
- Cleansing Apparatus for Auto-trucks, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 455
- Clock and Automatic Control Panel, Master. Thomas Mercer, 248
- Clock at Merton College, Oxford, Electrical, Synchronome Company, 158
- Clock for Eiffel Tower, Electrically Operated, (233)
- Clock for Paddington Station, Chronoscope, Gillett and Johnston, 315
- Clocks, A.C. and Batter-operated Synchronous, Telephone Manufacturing Company, Ltd., 253
- Clutch, Automatic Centrifugal, Henry Lindsay, 364
- Clutch. Chain, Renold and Coventry _Chain Company, Ltd., Suppe., September 8th, 1933, ii
- Clutch for Motor Vehicles, Automatic, Newton and Bennett. Ltd., 469
- Analysis of Coal and Coke, Fuel Research Survey Paper, No. 29, 476
- Analysis of Coal and Coke, Magnitude of Experimental Errors, (643)
- Anti-breakage Coal Box, Roes', (223)
- Anti-coal-breakage Appliances at North Shields, (643)
- Back-to-Coal Movement, Agitation for Deputation to Board of Admiralty, (209)
- Carbonising Plant at Tottenham, (621)
- Carbonising Plant at Oldham Gasworks, Woodall-Duckharn Vertical Retort and Oven Company (1920), Ltd., 348
- Chalainer Coal Mine of Chinese Eastern Railway to Reopen, (309)
- Coal, Hydrogenation of Bituminous, K. Gordon at World Petroleum Congress, 191
- Coal, Use of, 481
- Coal and Coke Research, (461)
- Coal Ash, Research on, (185)
- Coal and Carbonaceous Shale Discovered at Driefontein, Transvaal, (595)
- Coal and Coke Shipments from Newcastle, (643)
- Coal Carbonisation Plant at Regina, (461)
- Coal Cleaning at Newmarket Colliery, Wakefield, General Electric Company, Ltd. (Fraser and Chalmers Branch), 92
- Coal Deposits of Faroe Islands, (547)
- Coal Discovered in Greece, (571)
- Coal Discovered at, Mikhailovsk, (571)
- Coal Distillation Factory near Irvine, (357)
- Coal Dust as Fertiliser, (407)
- Coal Exports from Blythe, (643)
- Coal from myth Pit, (461)
- Coal Meter, Romer-Lea." 302
- Coal Mine Explosion Caused by Electric Spark at West Cannock, (407)
- Coal for Naval Purposes, Liquid Fuels from, Eng.-Captain S. H. Dunlop, 568
- Coal-oil Developments, 509
- Coal-oil Mixtures, Dr. W. R. Ormandy and Dr. J. Burns, 390
- Coal Output. for 1932,223
- Coal Pit of Cowpen oal Company, (521)
- Coal Resources in Ashland Coalfield, Montana, (407)
- Coal Stoker, Automatic, Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., 29
- Coal Transport by head Saves Stoke-oil-Trent City Council Large Sums, (137)
- Coal Washing for Coke, 71
- " Coalite " Demonstration Plant at Lens, France, (595)
- Coke-handling and Grading Plant at Beektort, (87)
- Coke Ovens at Gartsberrie Works, Coat-bridge, (87)
- Coking Plant at Manners Main Collieries, Simon-Carves, Ltd., 291
- Colliery Apparatus. Horace (heaves and Co., Ltd., 67
- Colliery Practice in France, 387
- Cost of Pulverising Coal, 46
- Domestic Coke, Ash Content of. G. E. Foxwell, 5
- Dusting in Mines to Prevent Explosions, (493)
- Electricity in Mines, 199
- Ignition of Firedamp, Prevention of, (621)
- Ignition of Firedamp by Filaments of Broken Electric Lamp Bulbs, G. Allsop and T. S. E. Thomas, (461)
- Mines Rescue Station for Lancashire and Cheshire at Boothstown, (461)
'COAL AND COKE (continued) :
- Power Plant in 03tran-Karwin Coalfield, Trebovice, (521)
- Pulverised Coal for Use in Carlton Main Colliery Company, (137)
- Pulverised Coal Storage Bin Indicator. Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi
- Seam of Coal Discovered at Denton Colliery, Cumberland, (571)
- Slack Coal as Soil Fertiliser, Australian, (161)
- Technical Development and Research of Various Aspects of Coal Utilisation, (35)
- Vertu Process of Coal Distillation, (233)
- West 'Yorkshire Coalowners and Amalgamation. (571)
- COACH, " Hera " 32-Seater Luxury. Gilford Motor Company, Ltd., 428, 429
- Cobalt Production in N. Rhodesia, (431)
- Coil Winder, Cries Cross, Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, i
- College for Birmingham, Technical, Commercial and Art, (113)
- Columns, Strength of Thin Cylindrical Shells Used as, (35)
- Commercial Van, " Pug " 2-Ton, Commer Cars, Ltd., 470
- Comparator, " Aptol " Oiliness, Sir W. H. Bailey and Co., Ltd., 579
- Compasses. Ships', Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, i
- Compressed Air Cylinders, Testing, 509
- Compressed Gas Filling Station at Chesterfield, 509
- Air Compressing Plant, Air Pumps. Ltd., 519
- Air Compressing Plant, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 279
- Air Compressin Set. Portable, Lead Wool Company, Ltd., 455
- Air Compressing Unit, Broom and Wade, Ltd.. 501
- Air Compressor, Portable, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 519
- Air Compressor. Portable Electric, Atlas Diesel Company. Ltd.,519
- Air Compressors. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 300
- Air Compressors, British Oxygen Company.Ltd., 274
- Air Compressors. Wm. Reavell and Co., Ltd., 502
- Air Compressors, Portable, Lacy Hulbert and Co., Ltd.. 249
- Compressor, Air-cooled, Lacy, Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 249
- Compressors, Portable Oil Engine Driven. Reavell and Co., Ltd., 279
- Compressor, Rolling Drum Type, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 279
- Compressor, Sleeve-Valve, Broom and Wade, Ltd.,280 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Compressor, Three-cylinder Air, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 279 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Compressor, 1500 Cubic Feet Motor-driven, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 279
- Compressor Set, Portable Petrol Engine Driven, Aerostyle, Ltd., 226
- Compressor Unit, Automatic. B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 364
- Compressors, Single-cylinder, Lacy, Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 249
- Compressor, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 274 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- CONCRETE, Cooling of Boulder Dam, (35)
- Concrete, Influence of Temperature on, (461)
- Concrete, Ready-mixed, 193
- Concrete Mixer, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 502
- Concrete Mixer, Portable, Liner Concrete Machinery Company, 500
- Concrete Mixer, Tilting Drum, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.. 453
- Concrete Pouring Skip, }-Yard, R. Hudson, Ltd., and R. H. Neal, Ltd., 454
- Conduits for Hoover Dam, Steel, Babcock and Wilcox Company of New York, 374. 384
- Contracts, 20, 76, 102, 126, 127, 146, 198, 222. 242, 268, 298. 318, 342, 369, 392, 415, 439, 508, 536, 556, 580, 606, 630. 652
- Control Gear at Southampton Docks, Central. Electric Control, Ltd., 53
- Converter, Glucose, Blairs Ltd., 514
- Conveyor for Brickfield, Cantilever, Robert Boby, Ltd., 522, 530
- Conveyor Plant at Oldham Gasworks, Coal and Coke, Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 348, 350, 358
- Cooler, Combined Water and Oil, Spiral Tube and Components Company, Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xi
- Cooling Water of Heavy Oil Engines, Treatment of, (407)
- Co-operation in Science, S. C. Bradford, 360
- Copper, Hydrogen and Embrittlement of. (617)
- Copper Deposits in Djez-Kargan Region, (643)
- Copper Production at Eustis Mine, Near Sherbrooke. Quebec, Fifty-five Years', (161)
- Copper Refinery, Electrolytic, Candian Copper Refiners, Ltd., 153
- Copper Wire Scrap, R. G. Arend, 71
- Copying Machine, ' Hall Mark," B. J. Hall and Co., Ltd., 274
- Corrosion. Electro-chemical Theory of, Oliver P. Watts, 267
- Corrosion Phenomena in Tar Stills and Retorts, (137)
- Costing Distribution, Major L. Urwick, 509
- Coupling, Industrial Type, Standage Power
- Couplings, Ltd., 228
- Coupling, Uskside " Flexible, Uskside Engineering Company, Ltd., 365
- Coupling, Vulcan-Sinclair Hydraulic, Hydraulic
- Coupling and Engineering Company. Ltd.. 251
- Couplings, Standage Resilient Power, Standage Power Couplings, Ltd., 228
- Cracking Oil, Dubrovay's Process of, Craft Tools in Sheffield, 103
- Crane at Durban, 80-Ton Electric Level Lulling Gib, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.,339
- Crane, Oil-en fined Contractor's, homas Smith and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 578
- Crane. 011.engined Contractor's Mobile. Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley). Ltd., 578
- Crane for Handling Seaplanes. 50= Ton Cantilever. Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 119
- Crane, 1-Ton Truck Typo Mobilo, Ransomes and Rapier. Ltd.. 454
- Cranes. R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., 520
- Crank Shaft. for Arrostrong-Saurer Oil Engine. 136
- Credit in Industry. J. Gibson Jarvio, 592
- Creosote Oil. Burner for, Brett* Patent Liftei Company. Ltd.. 144
- Creosoting Plant at Prince Albert. sa.kii: chewan, Pressure, (643)
- Crows and the Engineering Profession, (11)
- Crusher, Gyratory, Sheopbridge Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., 520
- Crushing and Screening Plant, Midfields Ltd.. 518
- Crystal Graphite Discovered in Turkmenistan Mountains, (571) •
- Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, Awards of Certificates and Prizes. (126)
- Cup Screws. " Rayn3ill " Grub and. Charles Weston and Co.. Ltd., 303
- Currency and Exports. Depreciation of, D. Schindler-Huber, 19
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels—Weekly Current Official Statistics. Annual Guide to, (137)
- Cutting Attachment, Double Bevel. British Oxygen Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xv
- Cutting Machine. Portable " Auto " Metal. Hancock and Co. (Engineers). Ltd.. Stipp.. September 8th, 1933. vi
- Cutting Machine. " Simplex " Universal Metal, Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd.. Suppt.. September 8th. 1933. vi
- Curves, Relining for Transition. by Offsets. J. D. W. Ball. 156
- Cylinder Finishing by Honing with Abrasive Sticks. (257)
- DALLAS', Mr. J. D.. Complimentary Dinner to. (628)
- Dates Across the Manjra,, Capacity of Nizanisagar, (431)
- Dam at Grande Coulee. Washington, Bonneville. (571)
- Dam on Colorado River. Hoover, 374, 384. 402, 440
- Dam on Missouri River at Fort Peck. It (547)
- Dams, International Congress on, 64. in) (Leading Article, 89)
- Dams. Technical Design of High Nfasonry. Ivan. E. Houk. 104, 105
- Mottur Darn Sluices Opened. (357)
- DECOLORISING Apparatus. Rose, Dowil, Thompson, Ltd.. 515
- Depreciation of Currency and Exports. I ). Schindler-Huber, 19
- Degreaser. A, Service Equipment Coinpiiii Ltd.. 18
- Dished End. Pressed, Thompson Companies. Ltd.. 275
- Dock Approaches. London's. 51
- Dock Employment. Safety in, (87)
- Dock Extensions at Southampton. 2. 3, 12, 26, 27 (7 wo-page Supplement, July 14th, 1933), 52; (Leading Article, 63)
- Docks for Giant Ships, 63
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Restarting Acklam Steel Mills, (643)
- Dosing Gear for Water Softeners, Electrochemical, United Water Softeners, Ltd., 227
- Drawing Instrument. " Manormus." H. Casten, 438
- Drawing Office Printing and Developing Apparatus, Precision Photo Printing Plant. Ltd.. 302. 310
- Drawing Office Printing and Developing Apparatus, 302, 310
- Drawing Table, " Hall Mark," B..1. Hall and Co., Ltd., 274
- Drill Sharpener, Rock, Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, 500
- Drilling Deep Holes, Method in. (521)
- Drilling Rig. 300 P. " Edeco," English Drilling Equipment Company. Ltd., 82
- Drum, 750 lb. Pressure Fusion Welded, Thompson Associated Companies. Ltd.. 275
- Dry-cleaning Machine, " Eco Minor," E. Green and Son. Ltd., 250
- Duncan Stewart-Demag Corporation. Ltd..Particulars of Agreement, 25
- Dyke Subsidence on Eastern Scheldt. (357)
- " Dynalator " for Making Dye-line Prints. J. Halden and Co.. Ltd.. 328
- Dynamometer, Testing, Mawdsley's, Ltd., 226
- ECONOMIC Conditions in Canada. 2 I 8
- Economisers, E. Green and Son, Ltd., 250
- Educational Intelligence. 198
- Eels and Hydro-electric Plant Stoppages, (383)
- See able Scientific Instruments
- A.C. Voltage Regulators. 512. 540, 564, 600. 612, 638
- Alternator, Three-phase, Mawdsley's, Ltd , 226
- American Electrical Machinery and Apparatus, (431)
- Automatic Control Panel and Motor. 541, 542
- Booster. Tail End. Ferranti, Ltd., 512. 513
- Booster Regulator, Transformer. British Electric Transformer Company, Ltd., 565
- Brussels Central Power Station, Repair of, (87)
- Buzzard Point Power Station. Lubricating Plant for Turbines. (383)
- Cable-testing Outfit in Buenos Aims. Travelling. (61)
- Circuit Breakers, Automatic Re•elosilig. Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., 414
- Circuit Breakers, Water, Brown Boveri and Co., 120
- Clarence Dock Power Station Most Efficient in Great Britain. (61)
- Colour of Sodium Lamps. (61)
- Consumers and Off-load Periods. Terns' to. (333)
- Copper Conductors. Hollow-core Heddernhelm Single-layer, Transmission Line from Boulder Dam to Southern California. (35)
- Electric Cleaning Bath, 45
- Electric Clock Installed in President Roosevelt's Swimming Pool, (113)
- Electric Energy in United States, Three Months' Output of, (61)
- Electric Energy of Canada. (87)
- Electric Furnaces, Heat Transfer in. E. C. Fiegehen, 377
- Electric Generators for Boulder Dam Power Station, (493)
- Electric Lamp Factory at Agra. India. (137)
- Electric Machine for Sorting Postal Orders. (309)
- Electric Melting of Soil for Road-making. (87)
- Electric Motor, Expeditiously Stopping 100n H.P., (309)
- Electric Motors and their Use in Driving Machine Tools, (61)
- Electric Outboard Motor. (185)
- Electric Power Plant at Balaklava. (333)
- Electric Power in Canadian Industries. (131)
- Electric Power Station at Port Dundas, Glasgow, Dismantling, (407)
- Electric Power Stations of Birmingham. Record Demand on. (643)
- Electric Steam Boilers in Montreal, Two. 61)
- Electric Thermal Storage Installat inn. Richard Crittall and Co.. Ltd., 94
- Electric Traction on Canals, 211
- Electric Winding Machines at Johannesbut g. (333)
- Electrical Accidents. Home Office Report. 1932. 181
- Electrical Apparatus, Italy's Imports of, (357)
- Electrical Apparatus for Commercial Vehicles. British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd.. 474
- Electrical Communication Appartit uM. General Post. Office. 303
- Electrical Exhibits at Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Derby. 28
- Electrical Goods and Apparatus. Export of. (309)
- Electrical Goods Imported into France, Mark of Country of Origin on, (137)
- Electrical Indicator. " Farnboro," Debbie, McInnes and Clyde, Ltd.. 325
- Electrical Machinery Imports. Czechoslovakia's, (185)
- Electrical Machinery Imports, Italy's, (185)
- Electrical Plugs and Sockets, A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 94
- Electricity Commissioners' Official Returns. 1932, 504; Statistics, June, 1933. (35) :July, 1933. (161); August, 1933. (257) September, 1933, (383), (431)
- Electricity Consumption in West Midlands Area, (357)
- Electricity Distribution. 187
- Electricity Extensions at Pretoria. (521)
- Electricity for Soil Heating. Use of. C. A. Candron Brown. 131
- "Electricity Fortnight " in Belgium. (185)
- Electricity Generated by Using Lantana Charcoal in Mysore State, (35)
- Electricity Supply to Thos. Firth and John Brown. Ltd., (113)
- Electricity Supply. 1931-32, 591
- Electricity Undertaking for Ahmedabad. (379)
- Electrification Scheme at Renginer and District, Johnson and Phillips. Ltd., 354
- Electro-chemical Dosing Gear, United Water Softeners. Ltd., 227
- Flexible Segmental Conductor at Spalding, (571)
- Generators for Beauharnois Hydro-electric Power Scheme, Five, (383); Oerlikon, Ltd.. 618, 622
- Generators for Oil-electric Tug " Acklam Cross." General Electric Company. Ltd.. 239
- Generating Sot, Mobile, William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 436
- "Grid " Electricity Scheme, South Wales Section Complete, (547)
- "Grid " Failure. Temporary, 635
- "Grid " Pylon at Fordingbridge, Last, 223
- "Grid " Secondary Lines, 504
- "Grid " Tariff, 537
- Japanese and Russian Lamps. Menace to British Market, (333)
- Jubilee of J. H. Holmes and Co., Ltd., 389
- Kearsley Power Station. Babcock and Wilcox Bailey Water-cooled Furnace at, (571)
- Kilo-amperes and Measurement of Lightning. (309)
- Lantana Charcoal for Generating Electricity in Mysore, (595)
- Magnetos, C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Supple, St: p- (ember 8th, 1933, iii
- Mercury Switch, Westinghouse, (113)
- Motor, D.C. Ventilated 'Drip-proof, W. 1i. Allen. Sons and Co., Ltd., 277
- Motor, Electric Hand, Bosch. Ltd., Suppt. September 8th, 1933, xv
- Motor, Screen-protected D.C., W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 277
- Motor Controllers, Industrial. J. G. Smithson and Co., Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xi
- Motor Installations, Interruptions to American Industrial, (137)
- Motors, Split-phase, Induction-repulsion D.C., and Capacitator, Power Contracts (Batwin), Ltd., 302
- Moving Coil Regulator, Ferranti. Ltd., 564
- Municipal Power Plant Extensions at Worcester, S. Africa, (87)
- National " Grid," Problem of Distribution and Development of Sales, G. G. L. Preece, (461)
- Oil Circuit Breaker, Messrs. D. R. Davies and E. I,. Pitcher, of Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.. 159
- Oil Engine Generator Set with Anti-vibration Attachment, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 144
- On-load Transformer Tap-changing Equipment. Hackbridge Electric Construction Company, 143
- Panel System for Heating and Cooling at Thames House and Imperial Chemical House, (35)
- Photo-electric Cells and their Practical Applications. (35)
- Power Plant at Dartford Paper Mill, International Combustion, Ltd., 110, 114
- Power Scheme for Johannesburg, (87)
- Power Transmission from Norway to Germany, 594
- Public Plants Production of Electricity in United States, (233)
- Pylon, Last " Grid," near Fordingbridge, 223
- Rectifier, Mercury Arc, Newtons of Taunton. Ltd., 250
- Rectifier, Oxide Cathode, Newtons of Taunton, Ltd., 250
- Rectifier, Welding Set, Philips Industrial, 167
- Rectifiers for Dar-es-Salaam, Grid-controlled Mercury Arc. Hewittic Menne Company.Ltd., 194
- Rectifiers on Liverpool-Southport Line Glass Bulb, Howittic Electric Company. 97
- Regulator. Apex." Foster Engineering Company, Ltd., 513. 514
- Regulator, Barbour Induction. Electrical Apparatus Company, Ltd.. 613
- Regulator. Dead Beat, Dead Set, Drayton
- Regulator and Instrument Company. Ltd.. 555
- Regulator. V.X.C.O., A.C., Hackbridge Electric Construction Company, Ltd., 612
- Regulator for Small Outputs. Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Company. Ltd., 540
- Regulator used with Tapped Transformer, Ferranti. Ltd., 564
- Regulators. Mercury Switch Tap-changing. Ferranti, Ltd., 641
- Regulators, Stop Voltage, G.E.C., (257)
- Resistor, 100-Megohm. G. W. Bowdlor, (1371
- Rural Electrification Schemes, 481
- Salford Electricity Undertaking, 103
- Sodium Electric Lamps, Light Output of. (35), (61)
- Sodium Vapour Electric Lamp for Interior Illumination, (61)
- Starting Panel, Drum Type, W. H. Allen. Son and Co.. Ltd.. 277
- Switch Unit. Metal-clad Ring Main, Ferguson-Pailin, Ltd., 240
- Switchgear, Heavy Current. Ferguson-Pailin.Ltd.,554
- Tap-canging Equipment with Barbour Regulators. Electrical Apparatus Company, Ltd.. 613
- Testing Plant, 3,000,000-Volt. Professor
- d'Arsonval, 20
- Transformer, Small On-load Tap-changing,
- Electrical Apparatus Company, Ltd., 614
- Transformer. 25-kVA Pole Mounting, C. A.
- Parsons and Co.. Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiv
- Transformer, 10,000-kW On-load Tap-changing, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 639
- Transformer Booster Regulator, British Eketile Transformer Company, Ltd.. 565
- Transmission Lines from Erode to Trichinopoly. (6211
- Turbo-alternator. 30,000-kW, Model of, C. A.
- Parsons and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiv
- 'Turbo-generator at ‘ratiteras, 50,000-kW Ljungstrom, 81
- Turbo-generator for Moscow, Stahlin Works, (621)
- Tuticarin Power-house Extensions, (595)
- Vacuum Tube Control for Synchronous Motors, (309)
- Wattmeter, Dr. K Mallett's, (309)
- ELEcrRO-PLAT1NG, Metal Cleaning Before, 45
- Elevators in Rockefeller Centre Building. High-speed. (257)
- Empire Communication, Professor E. V. Appleton, 537
- Empire Conference, Proposed. 77
- Employment, Effect of Mechanisation on, 199
- Employment and Unemployment Figures, 223, 347
- Engineering Works in Czechoslovakia, Some. T. Makemson, 651
- Engineers and East African Prospects, J. G. B. Sams, 106
- Aero-engine, Resler Stearn. 160 H.P., (113)
- Engine Driven by Sewage Gas, 205
- Engine Fuel, Lobos Strainer for, Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 225
- Engines, Scavenging Two-cycle, R. Bohner, (185)
- Engines, Twin-screw, Triple-expansion, Surface-condensing, Twin-screw Tug "Sir
- Guthrie Russell," Plenty and Son, 68
- Geared Diesel Engines, Ober-Ing. P. Muller. 15
- Heat Engine. Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company's, (389)
- Heat Engine at Chicago's World's Fair, Westinghouse Company's Unusual, (61)
- Marine Engine, Four-cylinder, 11-18 H.P., Morris "Navigator " Unit, Morris Motors, Ltd., 229
- Marine Oil Engine, 24 B.H.P., Four-cylinder, J. Samuel White and Co., Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vii, viii
- Marine Oil Engine, 25 B.H.P., Four-cylinder, J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., 280 (Supplement, September 22nd. 1933)
- Marine Oil Engine, 36 B.H.P., Three-cylinder, Gleniffer Motors, Ltd.. 281 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Marine Oil Engine, 37-40 B.H.P., National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933. v
- Marine Oil Engine. 40 B.H.P.. Three-cylinder, Electro-Mechanical Brake Company, Ltd., 281 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Marine Oil Engine, 40 B.H.P., Four-cylinder, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Suppe., September 8th, 1933, ix, xii
ENGINES (continued) :
- Marine Oil Engine. 50-65 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Sir J. I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933. viii. xv
- Marine Oil Engine. Three-cylinder, 54 B.H.P., L. Gardner and Sons. Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Marine Oil Engine, 55 B.H.P., Atlantic Engine Co. (1920), Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933. v
- Marine Oil Engine, 100 B.H.P., Four-cylinder. Davey. Paxinan and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., 281 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Marine Oil Engine, 102 B.H.P., Six-cylinder. Suppt., September 8th. 1933, v, ix
- Marine Oil Engine, 120 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Mirrlees. Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 279 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Marine Oil Engine, 120 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v, viii
- Marine Oil Engine, Brooke-A.E.C., 130 B. H . P. , 414
- Marine Oil Engine. Brooke-A.E.C., 130 B.H.P., High-speed, 265
- Marine Oil Engine. Four-cylinder, 134 B. H.1'., W. H. Allen. Sons and Co.. Ltd., 277 (Supplement, September 22nd, 19331
- Marine Oil Engine, 150 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and Premier Gas Engine Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ix, xii
- Marine Oil Engine. Four-cylinder. 195 B. H.P., Petters, Ltd., Suppt.. September 8th. 1933, iv
- Marine Oil Engine, 225 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 544
- Marine Oil Engine, Horizontal Vis-a•Vis Eight-cylinder. 600 B. H.P.. Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and Premier Gas Engine Company. Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, viii, xii
- Marine Oil Engines, Mr. Hanson, 15
- Marine Oil Engines. High-speed, H. It. Ricardo. 566: (Leading Article, 573) Oil Engine. High-speed. Atlantic Engine Company (1920). Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Oil Engine, High-speed, L. Gardner and Sons, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Oil Engine, The High-speed, 139
- Oil Engine, 3 H.P., CI., R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd.. 455
- Oil Engine, 5 B. H.P., Petters, Ld., Suppt., September 8th. 1933. iv, 'vii i
- Oil Engine. 5 B.H.P. Heavy. National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 456
- Oil Engine, 5 B.H.P. " Atomic." Petters. Ltd., 519
- Oil Engine. 7 B.H.P., Single-cylinder, Ruston-Lister Marine Company, Ltd.. 281
- Oil Engine, Twin-cylinder, 10-16 B.H.P. Ruston-Lister Marine Company, Ltd.. 415
- Oil Engines, 12 H.P.. Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., 502
- Oil Engine, 12-30 B.H.P., Driving 10-kW Generating Set, 248
- Oil Engine, 15 H.P., W. H. Dorman and co.,Ltd.. 503
- Oil Engine, 27 H.P. High-speed. It. A. Lister and Co.. Ltd.. 29
- Oil Engine. 28 B.H.P. Heavy, National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 456
- Oil Engine. 30-36 B.H.P. Kelvin-Ricardo-Bergius Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii
- Oil Engine, 35 B.H.P., Four-cylinder, Ruston-Lister Marine Company, Ltd., 281
- Oil Engine, 36 B.H.P., Four-cylindor. Sir John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xv
- Oil Engine, Four-cylinder. 40 B.H.P., Petters, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 193:3. iv
- Oil Engine, Perkins, 45 B.H.P., C.1., Commor Cars, Ltd., 470
- Oil Engine, 50 H.P., J. and H. McLaren, Ltd.. 488
- Oil Engine. 55 B.H.P., Horizontal Cold Starting, Blackstone and Co., Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xii
- Oil Engine. 60 B.H.P.. " Light Six," Leyland Motors, Ltd., 486
- Oil Engine, 60 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, J. and H. McLaren, Ltd.. 280
- Oil Engine, 70 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Albion Motors, Ltd., 484, 485
- Oil Engine, 70 B.H.P.. High-speed, Atlantic Engine Company (1920), Ltd., Sapp., September 8th, 1933, vi, ix
- Oil Engine. 83 H.P., Four-cylinder. Kelvin. Diesel Engine. Bergius, Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii. ix
- Oil Engine. 85 B.H.P.. Five-cylinder, William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 474
- Oil Engine, Armstrong-Saurer 90 B.H.P., 134, 136
- Oil Engine, 96-104 B.H.P., Six•cylinder, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 281
- Oil Engine, 100 B.H.P., Three-cylinder. W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd.. 118
- Oil Engine, 100 B.H.P., Six-cylinder. Sir J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 474
- Oil Engine. 100 B.H.P., " V R. 6," Crossley Motors, Ltd.. 471
- Oil Engine, 103 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company. Ltd., 485
- Oil Engine. 120 B. H. P., Six-cylinder. Gleniffer Motors, Ltd., 281
- Oil Engine. Oberhausli, 120 B.H.P., 134
- Oil Engine, A.E.C., 130 B.H.P., 134, 135
- Oil Engine, 130 H.P., Six-cylinder, Associated Equipment Company, Ltd.. 486
- Oil Engine, 140 B.H.P., Six-cylinder,
- Oil Engine 140 B.H.P. Six-Cylinder Tangyes, Ltd, 471.
- Oil Engine. 150 B.H.P., Five-cylinder. Generator Set, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. 281 (Supplement. September 22nd, 1933)
- Oil Engine, 150 B.H.P., British Kromhout, Norman and Co., Ltd., 274
- Oil Engine, 160 B.H.P., Via-a- Via, Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., 650
- Oil Engine, 200 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., 278 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Oil Engine, 300 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester). Ltd., 281
ENGINES (continued) :
- Oil Engine, Vertical Six-cylinder. 335 B.H.P., National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Oil Engine, 550 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Ltd.. 277
- Oil Engine at Oersted Station. Copenhagen, 22.500 H.P., Two-stroke, Double-acting, (35)
- Oil Engine Design, High-speed, R. Patersoil. 134; (Leading Article, 139) (Note, 222)
- Oil Engine Driven Floating Pumping Plant for Egypt, W. H. Allen. Sons and Co., Ltd., 118
- Oil Engine Driven Power Plant at Vernon California, (547)
- Oil Engine for Railcar, 130 H.P., Associated Equipment Company. Ltd., 86
- Oil Engine for Rail Traction, 20 13.14.1' Ailsa Craig, Ltd., 193
- Oil Engine Test Bench, British Power Bow Company, 43
- Oil Engine Wrecked Through " Gumming-up of Sleeve Valve, (333)
- Oil-engined Locomotives. 12 16 13.11.1'.Motor Rail, Ltd., 501 Vertical Fuelol Engine, Blackstone and Cu.. Ltd., 31
- Oil Engines, Ignition and Combustion in High-speed. Dr. S. J.. Davies, 405
- Oil Engines, Blackstone and Co.. Ltd., 503
- Oil Engines, Brotherhood-Ricardo, 3151 B.H.P., Peter Brotherhood. Ltd.. 239
- Oil Engines. Heavy, Ailsa Craig, Ltd., 248
- Oil Engines, Petters, Ltd.. 519
- Oil Engines, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 45'i.
- Oil Engines for Iraq Pipe Line. Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 193
- Oil Engines for Lorries. Fodens. Ltd., 31
- Oil Engines in Flour and Oil Mills, Order by the Dewan Saheb of Junagad, (257)
- Paraffin Engine"; Four-cylinder, 11-18 "Navigator," Morris Motors, Ltd.. 229
- Paraffin Marine Engines. Sir John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. Suppt., September Rth, 1933. xvi
- Petrol Engine and Gear-box of Standard Motor Car. 10 H.P.. 380
- Petrol Engine and Torque Converter. 11 13.H.P., Leyland Motors. Ltd., 487
- Petrol Engine, Marine. 4 13.H.P.. Potion:. Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iv
- Petrol Engine, 4-6 B.H.P., Marine. Ailsa Craig, Ltd., 248
- Petrol Engine, Four-cylinder, 12.8 H . P., Sunbeam Motor Company, 380
- Petrol Engine. 24-48 'H.P.. Morris Motors. Ltd., 229
- Petrol Engines, W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., 503
- Petrol Engines. 4 to 12 H.P.. R. A. Lister and Co.. Ltd., 455
- Starting Device for Oil Engines, .J. mid 11. McLaren, Ltd., 67
- Steam Engine, Marine. Three-cylinder Compound, Alexander Stephen and Sons. Ltd.. 329
- Steam Engine. Efficiency of Condensing. (185)
- Steam Engine, 120 B.H.P.. Glandless Four-cylinder, Single-acting, Non-compound, Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., 487
- Steam Engine, 2000 I.H.P., Marine. Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 416
- ERASING Machine, Aerial Electric, B. .1. Hall and Co., Ltd., 274
- Etching Machine, Electric. Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., 556
- Etching Medium for Tool Steels, (87)
- Ethylene Dileromide, Industrial Outlet for Bromine, (333)
- Evaporator. Kestner Falling Film. 516
- Evaporator, Multiplex Triple-effect Film, Blair's. Ltd., 515, 516
- Evaporator, Multiplex Triple-effect. Kostnor
- Evaporator and Engineering Company, Ltd.. 515, 516
- Examinations, Sir Josiah Stamp's Defence of, 481
- Excavating Grab, 390
- Excavating Machine, Trench, John Allen and Sons (Oxford). Ltd., 453
- Excavating Quicksands, Methods of. Sir Henry Japp. 398, 422; (Leading Article, 409)--see also Letters to the Editor
- Excavator, Multi-bucket, Frederick Parker, Ltd., 518
- Excavator, Multi-bucket, Stothert. and Pitt. Ltd., 501
- Excavator, Sauerman Type, E. F. Sitrgvant. 162. 170
- Advertising and Marketing Exhibition, 51
- Exhibition of Apparatus on Motor Vessel "Monte Rosa ' during Meeting Friends and Patrons of Hamburg Tank, 14
- British Industries Fair, 1934, Applications for Space, (257); Birmingham Section Divided into Four Sections, (521); Bookings, (11); Travel Concessions fur Overseas Buyers. (65); Visitors. Travel Concessions to, (571)
- Chemical Industries Exposition at New York, (493), (530)
- Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition, 428, 470, 484
- Exhibition Hall for Liverpool, (521)
- Ford Motor Exhibition, 406
- French Shipping Exhibition, 338
- Leipzig Autumn Fair. German State Railway Concessions, (209)
- Levant Fair, British Participation in, (431);
- Imperial Chemical Industries to Erect Pavilion at. (621)
- Exhibition of Machinery and Technical Apparatus at Chiao-Tung University Shanghai, (233)
- Engineer Exhibition, Trade Section Exhibits, (87), (161), 237
- Motor Car Show at Olympia. 352. 380
- Oil Industries Exhibition. 82
- Public Works, Roads, and Transport Exhibition, 365. 451, 500, 518
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Derb . 8, 28, 66; Awards of Silver Medals, 10
- Royal Agricultural Society of England Ipswich, 1934, (161)
EXHIBITIONS (continued) :
- Samples Fair at Leipzig, 1934, (407)
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia, 224, 248, 274, 300, 310, 324 (Sixteen-page Supplement, September 8th, 1933) ( Pour-page Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Smithfield Club Show, 561
- Trains for Exhibition for British Goods. (521)
- 'Wireless Exhibition at Olympia, 151
- Proposed Annual Wireless and Uraniaphone Exhibition in Dublin, (185)
- EXPERIMENTAL Machinery, Assembly of, A. M. Lester, 7
- Experimental Tank at Hamburg, 14
- Explosion at King's Dock Power station, (461)
- Explosion of Boiler Supplying Steam to Gas Generator, (333)
- Explosion of Compressed Air Receiver, Report, (35)
- Explosions Manufacturing in Manchukuo, (595)
- Exports, Depreciation of Currency and, D Schindler-Huber, 19
- Exports of Motor Cycles and Trkars, els(' Push " Cycles, (5,17)
- FACTORIES Established in Great Britain in 1932, (11) 646
- Fans and Flue Dust Collectors at Dunston, Davidson and Co., Ltd., 217
- Farm Tractors, Pneumatic Tires for, 127
- Federation of British Industries, Empire Conference, 25
- Fender at Port of Le Verdon, Mechanical, 204
- Ferro-manganese Works at Sestafoni. Capacity of, (547)
- Ferro-prussiate Printing Paper and Printing Process, J. Holden and Co.. Ltd.. 328
- Film Camera of Great Speed, Western Electric Company, (571)
- Filter Set, Portable, Streamline Filter Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, x
- Filters for Engine Lubricating Systems. Stream Line Filter Company. Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, x 4 Firebrick, Minimising Risk of Spoiling in. (61)
- Fire Detector, "Selex." " Zonit," Walter Kiddea Company. Ltd., 253
- Fire Engine for Far East, Motor, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., 193
- Fire Protection Apparatus, Merryweather and Sons, 31
- Fire Pump, Gwynne Trailer, Gwynne's Pumps Ltd., 30
- Fire Regulations on French Passenger Ships. 176
- Flame Devised for Forging Operations, Diffused, (493)
- Flexible Shaft Outfit, j H.P., Loranco, Ltd., 325
- Floods. Thames, 509
- Flue Gases at Battersea Power Station, Purification of, 33
- Fog Signal Emitter, Stern, John Lilley and Son, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, iii
- Folding Machine for Sheet, Metal. Cramp, F. J. 41* Edwards, Ltd., 251
- Food Canning Factories in Great Britain. Eighty-two, (547)
- Foul Odours, Plant for Treatment of, Ozonair, Ltd., 224, 225
- Forestry Aids Employment. 553
- Forest Plantations in New Zealand. (11)
- Force, Shrinkage, and Expansion Fits, Robert Russell, 604
- Forthcoming Engagements, Weekly Free Pendulum, Developing a, (185)
- Free-wheel Mechanism, Standard, 380
- African Tunnel, 297
- Air Organisation, 633
- Aircraft Industry, 221
- Alcohol Motor Fuel, 75, 371
- Anglo-French Trade, 535
- Artesian Well, Deep. 321
- "Atlantique " Dry-docked at Cherbourg, Aviation, Private, 173
- Bargemen's Strike, 221, 297
- Bridge Builders' Responsibility, 535
- Coal, 479, 633
- Coal Problem, 125
- Colonial Works, 101
- Commercial Treaties, 655
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique. 321, 559
- Confidence and Trade, 271
- Congo-Ocean Railway, 75
- Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. 395
- Craftsmanship, 609
- Dredger " Pas de Calais II.," 271
- Dunkirk Lock-out, 479
- Electricity Supply, 419
- Energy from Warm 1Vater, 271
- Engineering Degrees, 345, 609
- Engineering Trades,321
- Engineers and Architects. 395
- Exhibition of Quality, 583
- Export Trade, 419
- Exporting Industries, 173. 321
- Federation of European Engineers. 479
- Flood Reservoirs, 245
- Foreign Exchanges and Quotas. 297
- Forty Hours Week, 395
- Free Ports, 535
- French Trade Policy, 559
- Import Licences. 559
- Import Quotas, 245
- Industrial Deadlock, 445
- Industrial Outlook, 149
- Industrial Situation, 583
- Level Crossings, 271
- Loss of Liner " Nicolas-Paquet," 49
- Machine Tools, 75
- Marine Engineers, 149
- Motor Torpedo Boats. 23
- Naval Construction, 445
- Navy, The, 197, 271
- Oil-electric Locomotives, 197
- Pairdeve, Monsieur Paul, 479
- Peak Load Electricity Supply, 221
- Port of Dunkirk, 297
- Public Works, 23, 371, 419, 507
- Rail and Road, 655
- Rail and Road Controversy, 507
- Rail Motor Coaches, 245
- Railway Amalgamation, 101
- Railway Disaster, 445
- Railway Electrification. 101
- Railway Reorganisation. 23
- Railway Rolling Stock, 655
- Railway Speeds, 125
- Riviera Water Supply, 125
- Rolling Stock, 49, 197
- Sales Comptoirs, 173
- Seaplanes for South Atlantic, 149
- Shipbuilding, 173, 245, 479
- Shipping, 655
- Shipping Laid Up, 609
- Steam and Oil Engine Traction, 345
- Steamboat Inventor, 221
- Steel Cartel, 345, 395, 559
- Steel Prices, 101
- Steel Trade, 49, 419
- Surtax, The. 583, 633
- Tax on Foreign Labour, 633
- Trade Arrangements, 345
- Trade with British Dominions. 445
- Traffic Competition, 197
- Vosges Tunnel, 395
- Wilbur Wright Anniversary, 655
- FUEL Air Ratio Controller, G. Kent, Ltd., 329
- Fuel and Man, Sir William J. Larkn, 386
- Fuel Oil Duties. Regulations for Recovery of, (383)
- Fuel Pump, Simrns Motor Units. Ltd., 487
- Furnace, Self-regulating Induction, 251
- Furnace, Electric, Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces. Ltd., 252
- Furnace for Marine Boilers, Turbine Furnace Company, Ltd., Suppe., September 8th. 1933. vii
- Furnaces, Muffle and Crucible Electric, Electric Resistance Furnace Company, Ltd., 252
- Furnaces, Temperature Requirements of Modern, (137)
- Furnaces in France, Electric, (283)
- Furnaces. Throe-phase Heroult at. Vereeniging,. (333)
- Fuses. Oil Blast, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 95
- GARAGE Equipment. Tangyes, ttd., 471
- Garbage Incineration at Chicago, 112
- Gas Compressors, CO, and Ammonia. J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 275 (Supplement, September 22nd. 1933)
- Gas Cylinders for Motor Vehicles, (161)
- Gaseous Ammoniator, Paterson Engineering Company. Ltd., 503
- Gasification of Burnley's Town's Refuse, Whitfield Gas Producers, Ltd., 355
- Gas-making Plant at Harbin, (309)
- Gas Meter, Pulsating, Bell Brothers (Manchester 1927). Ltd., 520
- Gas Sales in Great Britain, 1932, (209)
- Gasholder at Neunkirchen Ironworks, (493)
- Gasholder at Skipton, High-pressure, (11)
- Gas Proposal, Glasgow, 175
- Gas Propulsion of Road Vehicles, 151
- Gasworks at Oldham, 348, 358
- Gauges, Elongation and Reduction, Tensometer, Ltd., 328
- Gear, Efficiency Tests on 600 H.P. Increasing, H. E. Merritt. 392
- Gears, D. Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 488
- Geyser Appears in Larderello District of Italy, (223)
- Glass. Polishing of, (87)
- Glass Silk for Heat Insulation, Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., 229 (Glass, Toughened, Triplex Safety Glass Company. Ltd., 381
- Glenfiold and Kennedy. Ltd., Record of Long Service, (392)
- Glucose, Manufacture of. A. E. Williams, 514
- Glucose Converter. Blain. Ltd., 514
- Gold and Copper Deposite in Klyavlettsk District, Central Volga Area, (11)
- Gold from the " Egypt," 127, (493)
- Gold in Western Siberia, (209)
- Gold Mills for Canadian Mining Companies. (643)
- Gold Mine. Reduction Plant at Sub Nigel. (595)
- Gold Mine Worked by Boy, (493)
- Gold Mine Reopened, Reliance, (493)
- Gold Mine to he Reopened, Ogofan, (87)
- Gold Mine Shaft for East Geduld, (137)
- Gold Mine Sold for £3500, Meyer and Charlton, (35)
- Gold Production in Australia, (621)
- Gold Prospecting in Western Siberia, (283)
- Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Work, W. A. Steward. (113)
- Governor for Marine Engines, Morris Motors, Ltd., 229
- Grab with Planing Action, Priestman Brothers, Ltd.. 316
- Grain Elevator at Fort Erie. Ontario. (430)
- Grain Sheds, Effect of High Winds on. J. D. AN Ball, 551
- Grand Union Canal Company, Improvements, (357)
- Graphite Deposits Discovered near Polion. Greece. (283)
- Greases, Oils and, Sternol, Ltd.. 488
- Great Eastern Train Ferries, Ltd., Acquired by London and North-Eastern Railway Company, (61)
- Grinder, Yeoman. for Grain, Christy and Norris.Ltd.. 66
- Grinder for Moulds and Dies, Electric, Bosch.Ltd.. Suppe., September 9th, 1933, xv
- Gully Emptier, Dennis Brothers, Ltd., 520
- Gully Emptier. Motor, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 455, 456
- "Gyrotiller " Ploughing, Cultivating, Harrowing, Subsoiling, and Furrowing Machine, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.. 8
- HADFIELD, Sir Robert, Commendatore of the Order of the Crown of Italy, (11)
- Hammer " Clear Space," Pneumatic, 42
- Harbour at Haifa Opened, 426, 432
- Harbour Development of Copenhagen, Director G. Lorenz, 15
- Harbour Development Scheme at Napier. N.Z.. 593
- Harbour of Montreal. Serious Effect of Low Water on, (595)
- Harbour of Oslo, Y. Kjelstrup, 15
- Harbour of Vizagapatam. Opening of. (521)
- Harbour Works at Cherbourg, 103
- HARROW, Tandem Disc, Bentall and Co., Ltd.. 66
- Harvester Thrasher, International Harvester Company, Ltd., 30
- Hastings Bathing Pool, 206
- Heat from Electric Lamp Transmitted to Insulation of Flexible Wire, (61)
- Heat Insulation with Crumpled Aluminium. (35)
- Heat Liberation and Transmission in Large Steam Generating Plants, 524, 531, 552
- Heat Losses in Bare and Insulated Pipes, (11)
- Heat Transfer Between Metal Pipes and a Stream of Air, Dr. Ezer Griffiths and J. H. Awbery, 624. 628; (Leading Article, 623)
- Heat Transmission. Tube Diameter and, Thomas Petty, 54
- Heating and Lighting Budapest with Sewage. (595)
- Heating and Ventilating Plant. Ozonair. Ltd.. 224
- High Winds on Grain Sheds, Effect of, J. D. W. Ball, 551
- H.M. The King Opens Southampton Dock (King George V. Graving Dock). 77
- Hoist Drums for Hoover Dam. (137)
- Hooks for Cranes, Demag " Ply-Steel," (547)
- Hot Water. Cost of Electrically Heated. (61)
- Hydraulic Torque Converter, Leyland Motors. Ltd., 362
- Hydro-electric Plant and Canals at Orsova' (233)
- Hydro-electric Power from Tributaries of Groat Slave Lake, (161)
- Hydro-electric Power Plant. Krungede, 510
- Hydro-electric Power Plant at Beauharnois, (161)
- Hydro-olectric Power Plant at Bonneville. (383) 618, 622
- Hydro-electric Power Plant. at Bridge River, (461)
- Hydro-electric Power Plant at Krangede, Sweden, 510
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Alloz, (461)
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Janjula. Station Built Entirely in Dam, (333)
- Hydro-electric Power Station on Nagano, River, Japan. (283)
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Niederenbach, Pelton Wheels in, (283)
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Orsova. (283)
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Ryon, (333)
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Vargon, 448. 449, 482, 494
- Hydro-electric Power Plants in Sweden. 448, 449, 482, 494. 510, 538. 548
- Hydro-electric Project. Mandi. 457
- Maymo Hydro-electric Power Scheme, (44)
- Niva River Hydro-electric Station, (60)
- Power Plant at Hammarforsen. Sweden, .538. 548
- Power Plant at Sillre. Sweden, 539
- Water Power Plants in U.S.A., (1371
- HYDROGENATION of Bituminous Coal, K Gordon at World Petroleum Congress. 191
- ILLUMINATIONS at Blackpool, (209)
- Immigrant Factories, 13
- Import Duties Advisory Committee, (461), (476), (591)
- Inconel Alloy and Spring Properties, (209)
- Industry and Empire. Sir E. W. Potter, 77
- Industrial Administration Students' Union, No. 1 London Group. (492)
- Industrial Areas. 509
- Industrial Control in America, Mr. Roosevelt's Experiment, 89 •
- Industrial Development and Unemployment, 25
- Industrial Development in 1932, (87)
- Industrial Developments at Ley's Malleable Castings Company. Ltd., 635, (643)
- Industrial Heating Congress in Paris, Third, (60), 389
- Industrial Machine, The, I). Dixon, 603
- Industrial Psychology. 561
- Industry, Credit in, .1. Gibson Jarvis, 592
- Information Service, Organising an. Eric N. Simons, 130
- Insulation Material. ('ape Asbestos Company, Ltd., 330
- Inventions. Financing of, 223
IRON AND STEEL : (See also Iron and Steel Institute and Institute of Metals)
- Ageing of Miscellaneous Steels. R. L. Dowdell's Research on, (493)
- Alloy Cast Irons, Castings of, Sheepbridge Stoke Centrifugal Castings Company. Ltd.. 249
- Asowstal Steel Works at Mariupol, S. Russia, Completion of, (L85)
- Association, Cast Iron Research, Presidential Address, Major F. A. Freeth, 475
- Blast-furnace and Coke-oven Gas, Lysaght, Ltd.. 291
- Blast-furnace Gas Cleaning at Corby. Lodge-Cottrell, Ltd., 69
- Blast-furnace Gas-cleaning Plant for Tata Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Lodge-Cottrell, Ltd., 193
- Blast-furnace Slag and Manufacture of Class. (547)
- Blast-furnace to be Blown in January, S. African Steel Works at Pretoria. (309)
IRON AND STEEL (continued):
- Blast-furnaces Blown in at Cleveland and Acklam Works, (493)
- Blast-furnaces in Luxemburg, Automatic Charged. (161)
- Blast-furnaces in Soviet Union, (309), (333)
- Blast-furnaces Output at South Banks Works. (333)
- British Steel Industry, Position of, (431)
- British Steel Reorganisation, Brymbo Steel Works, Wrexham, Reopening of, (571)
- Cast Iron. Improvements in, 136
- Cast Iron, Tooling Costs Applicable to Heavy-duty Milling in, (547)
- Cast Iron and Welded Steel Construction, Relative Merits of, (407)
- Conference on Research on Steels for High Temperatures," 542, 554 • (Loader, 549)
- Construction of Chinese dovernment Ironworks at Pukow, (11)
- Crystallisation Taking Place in Ingots, G. Heggie. (161)
- Die Steel Used in England and Americ:t. Types of, (137)
- Dunron Castings, Welding of, (233)
- Electrolytic Extraction of Slag from Iron and Carbon Steel, (309)
- English Steel Corporation, Extension Olt Plant at Vickers Works, Sheffield, (532)
- English Steel Corporation's Six Months' Orders, (113)
- Failures in Steel and Cast Iron Mains and Provision for their Protection, E. F. Reid, (532)
- Galvanised Iron Sheets for Locust Fencing in Argentina, (233)
- Ingot Slicing Tools, Tipping with Alloy Steel, (383)
- Iron and Steel Casting Works at Brail:t. Roumania, (11)
- Iron and Steel Plant near Pukow, (493)
- Iron and Steel Shipments from the Tees, (257)
- Iron Deposits at Krivoi Rog, Russia,1547)
- Iron Castings, Machine Tool Designer and. (571)
- Iron Ore from Newfoundland Exchanged for Welsh Coal, (431)
- Iron Ore from Sierra Leone, (333), (383)
- Tsteg Steel, Isteg Steel Products. 652
- Italian Cartel for Rolled Steel, (237)
- London Iron and Steel Exchange, Animal Dinner, (476)
- Malleable Castings for Agricultural Machinery. Ley's Malleable Castings Company, Ltd., 67
- Marble-surfaced Steel, (161)
- National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers' Output of Pig Iron and
- Steel, Statistics, July, 1933, 166; October, 1933, (493)
- Nine Locks Ironworks, Brierley Hill, Opening After Eight Years' Idleness, (643)
- Phoenix Steel, Steel Peech and Tozer, Ltd., 58
- Pig Iron, Refined, Bradley and Foster, Ltd., 325
- Reopening Low Moor Ironworks near Bradford, (11)
- Rolling Mill, 84in.. Four-high Cold, (11)
- Rolling Mill at Ilyich Works at Mariupol Russia, (621)
- Rolling 433 Tons of Material During Eight hour Shift, (521)
- Scottish Ironworks Scheme at Coatbridge, Soft Places in Case-hardened Steel Articles, Method of Leaving, (233)
- Stainless Steel for Underground Pipes, (595)
- Steel Dome for Bogota Roman Catholic Church, Boulton and Paul, Ltd., 69
- Steel, Encouraging the Use of, 481
- Steel for Bridges. American Specification for, (521)
- Steel Furnaces at Sheffield, 2:30, 234
- Steel Furnaces of English Steel Corporation,
- Ltd., 60-ton Acid Open-hearth, 230, 234
- Steel Industry, Reorganisation of, Charles Mitchell, 10
- Steels for High Temperatures, Research cm. 542, 554; (Leader, 549)
- Steels for Petroleum Industry, Special Hadfields, Ltd., 83
- Steel for Structural Purposes, (113)
- Steel Piling in Gulf of Mexico, Examination of Unpainted, (571)
- Steel Production in Canada, (283)
- Steel Shapes for Machine Frames in American Works, 205
- Steel, Tin and Tensile Properties and Ductility of, (407)
- Steel Trade Difficulties, (493)
- Steel Trade Improvement, E. T. Good. 203
- Steel Tubular ?Scaffolding, " Bettaskaf," 83
- Tanks of Steel Plate " Clad " or Surfaced with Stainless Steel, (11)
- Tariff on Steel, Effect on N.B. Coast of, (461)
- United States Steel Code, 175
- 'JAPAN and Scientific Development, Dr. Kempf, 15
- Jute for Street Paving in Prague, (137
- KAOLIN Deposits in Finland, (621)
- Kinematic Design in Engineering, Professor A. F. C. Pollard, 458
- Korea, Hydro-electric Power Resources of, (35)
- LANOLIN in Paint, Use of, (521)
- Lantern Slides, E. Bennis and Co., Ltd., (476)
- Larch Poles for Transmission Poles, (357)
- Launches and Trial Trips, 24, 72, 146, 198, 222, 272, 318, 346, 372, 392, 439, 504, 556, 580, 603
- Lead, Chemical Resistance of, (595)
- Lead Melting by Oxy-hydrogen and Oxy-coulgas Processes, (521)
- Lead Mill at Sheffield, Sheet, 175
- Admiralty Contracts, 433
- Aircraft at Sea, Use of, 163
- Autumn Meetings, 335
- Blue Eagle, 235; (Letter, S. P. Christie, 282)
- British and American Locomotives, 13
- Concrete for Special Purposes. 645
- Continental industrial Plans, 463
- Cruiser Position, 139
- Cruisers, Larger, 523
- Cunard Liner, 624
- Docks for Giant Ships, 63
- Diving and the Young Engineer, (Letters, W. T.. G., 282); Siobo, Gorman and Co., Ltd., 304; Maurice Wilson, 304
- Electric Traction on Canals. 211
- Electrical Accidents in Mining, 259
- Electricity Distribution, 187
- Excavation in Unstable Ground, 409
- Express Locomotive, London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 63
- Flying, The Use of, 385
- Growth of Scientific Jargon," 285; (Letter, B. W. Holman. 332)
- Ill-informed Railway Criticism, 645
- Immigrant Factories, 13
- International Congress on Large Dams. 89
- Invention and Design, 597
- Kinematical Design, 463
- Locomotives, High-pressure, 115
- London Passenger Transport Board and Electrification, 211
- Mechanical Operation of Form, 163
- Multiple Marine Oil Engines, 573
- High-speed Oil Engine, 139
- Parity in the Air, 573
- Patents and Government Departments, 335
- Power Cultivating Machinery, 311
- Principle of Similitude, 623
- Professional Ethics, 385
- Quality and Price, 311
- Railway Chairman's Address, 359
- Railway Criticism, Ill-informed, 645
- Renaissance, 433
- Road Accidents, 409
- Road Accidents Report, 574
- Roosevelt's Experiment, Mr., 89
- Science and Future, 235
- Science and Progress, 285; (Letters, W. 1-Bardsloy. 332; W. T. Symons, 332)
- Shipbuilding, 646
- Sporting Event, A, 14
- Stool Research, 549
- Steel Trade Reorganisation Plate.. 59,; (Letter, S. G. Newstead, 647)
- Street Design, 495
- Sulphur Fumes and Power Stations, 37
- Superheated Steam in Locomotive Semlee, 523
- Trade Cycles, 37
- Two Standards, 495
- Unemployment, Realities and Problems of, 115
- Unemployment and Professional Men, 187
- Waste, 359
- Water Survey. 549
- American Locomotive Developments, Paul T. Warner, 91
- Blue Eagle, S. P. Christie, 282
- Coal-Oil-Gas, S. P. Christie, 457
- Colliery Electricians, A.M.I. Mech. E.. 2s2
- Compressed Air Cylinders, J. Hope Itarykon. 570
- Cylinder Wear, Germ Lubricants, Ltd.. 60
- Cylinder Wear and Lubricants, J. E. South-combo, 304
- Diving for Young Engineers, W. T. G.. 282;
- Siobe, Gorman and CO., Ltd., 304; Maurice Wilson, 304
- Efficiency or Employment.. M. Jacklin, 38
- Engineer Salesman, The, " Sales Engineer. 517; " Export." 551
- Engineers and East African Prospects J. G. B. Sams, 145
- Fate of Well-known Steamships, H. 0. Jones, 166
- France and .Manchukuo, " China Hand," 517
- Free Vortices, B. Hodkinson, 166
- Glass-bulb Rectifiers for Electric Railways, H. Rissik, 145
- Growth of Scientifie Jargon, B. W. Holman. 332
- Heat Liberation and Transmission in Boiler. E. W. Robey, 551
- Heating by Reversed Heat Engines, It. C'. Gunson, 145
- L.M.S. Compounds, F. W. Brewer, 145
- Locomotive Progress, P. C. Dewhurst, 6; C. F. Dendy Marshall, 39; F. W. Brewi,r, 39
- Magnetic Gear-boxes, H. Ravenshaw, 6 "Money v. Man," M. Jacklin, 256; R. Gaudin, 304
- Multiple Marine Oil Engines, J. A. Neilson, 627
- Preventable Waste in Industry, Robert True, 457
- Production and Employment, F. H. Auger, 38
- Rail and Water Transport Rates, E. T. Good. 60
- Railway Speeds, W. B. Thompson, 332
- Research on Steels for High Temperatures, F. Samuelson, 594
- Restricting Supplies, B. Wood, 7
- Road Accidents, R. J. N. Willcox, 456;
- R. Douglas Archibald, 551
- Rolling Mills. Controlled Cooling, A. 11. Huddart, 91
- Science and Progress. W. L. Bardsloy, 332; W. T. Symons, 332
- Steel Trade Reorganisation, S. G. Newstead, 647
- Trade with Scandinavia, J. Roston, 365
- Water Lowering in Quicksands, T. L. Ree Cooper, 439; " Waterworks Engineer,"' 467; H. J. B. Harding, 488; J. M. Lacey, 489
- Waterworks Pumping Machinery, NV. Durtnall, 282
- Welded Wagon Underframes, W. D. Knight, 60
- Work and Leisure, Vincent Baulk!), 7; C. R. King, 38
- LIGHTHOUSE at Talairnan.nar, Ceylon, (521 a
- Lighting Set, 1-kW, Petters. Ltd., Suppt.,
- September 8th, 1933, iv
- Lightning, Measurement of a Flash of, (113)
- Lightning Investigation by South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, (87)
- Lightning Investigation Committee Set up by South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, (223)
- Lightning Rod, Protection by, (621)
- Lining Blocks, Pure White, Acid-proof Vitreous, (233)
- Linotype Machine Production in Leningrad. (87)
- Liquid Fuels front Coal for Naval Purposes, Engineer-Captain S. H. Dunlop, 568
- Lister, R. A.. and Co., Ltd., Smithfield Show Dinner, (606)
Reviews :
- Acoustics for the Constructor, Practical C. W. Glover, 598
- Analysis of Oil for Production of Lubricants, A. A. Ashworth. 520
- Bridge Design, Reinforced Concrete, C. Chett.00 and H. C. Adams, 520
- British Industrieg and their Organisation. G. C. Allen, 410
- Clays, Chemistry and Physics of, Alfred B.Searle, 260
- Commercial Motor Road Transport, L. M. Meyrick-Jones, 260
- Dio Statik in Eisenbetonbau, K. Beyer, 599
- Industrial Heat, Elements of, John A. Randall and J. Warren Gillen, 550
- Metallurgy, Rise of, with Special Reference to Sheffield. Discoveries, -Inventions, and Research, Sir Robert Hadfield, 520
- Moscow, 1911-33, Being the Memoirs of Allan Monkhouse, 646
- Neon Tube Practice, Dr. W. L. Sohallreuter, 575
- Office Administration for Manufacturers, R. A. Mills, 550
- Physical Thought, Development of. L. B. Loeb and A. S. Adams, 598
- Plastic Working of Metals and Power Press Operations, E. V. Crane, 314
- Professions. The, A. M. Carr-Saunders and P. A. Wilson., 212
- Railway Vehicles on a Curved Line, Motion of. C. F. Dendy Marshall, 647
- Reinforced Concrete Water Towers, Bunker Silos and Gantries, W. S. Gray, 189
- Road Engineering, E. L. Looming, 599
- Steel Structures. Competitive Design of, Peter Russell and George Dowell, 189
- Thermodynamics Applied to Heat Engines E. H. Lewitt, 15
- Unemployed Man, The, A Social Study. Dr. E. Wight Bakke, 574
- "Works Management Education, with Special Reference to the Case System, T. II. Burnham, 464
Short Notices :
- Automobile Electrical Equipment, A. 1' Young and L. Griffiths, 599
- Automotive Engineers, P. M. Heldt, 599
- Car, Mechanism of the, A. W. Judge, 351
- Commercial Cinematography for Business and Commerce, Using Sub-standard Films, G. H. Sewell, 464
- Electric Arc Welding, Principle of, Metallic Arc Processes, R. C. Stockton, 387
- Electrical Measurements, Advanced, W. R. Smythe and W. C. Michels, 387
- Electrical Transmission and Distribution, E. T. A. Rapson, 351
- Mechanical Refrigeration, Hal Williams, 351
- Modern Welding, Technique of, 599
- Power Economy in the Factory, J. C. Todman, 261
- Power Generation. Elements of, A. M. Greene. jun., 260
- Power Plant Engineering and Design, F. T. Morse, 260
- Punctuation, Modern English, Reginald Skelton, 599
- Radio-Communication, Principles of, J. H. Morecroft, 141
- Radio Upkeep and Repairs for Amateurs, A. T. Witte, 599
- Reinforced Concrete Design, Elements of, H. C. Adams, 599
- Sanitation of Water Supplies, M. P. Horwoml, 351
- Standard Methods of Analysis, 599
- Transmission of Power, Mechanical, late G. F. Charnock, 599
- Wireless Over Thirty Years, R. N. Vyvyan. 141
Books of Reference :
- British Waterworks Year Book and Directory with Statistical Tables, 1932-33, General 1, Editor, G. P. Warner Terry, 492
- Minerals Year Book. 1932-33, 593
- Motor Ships of the World and Motor Shipping Register, Edited by A. C. Hardy, 593
- :8 Railway Officials and Railway Year Book, 1, Universal Directory of, 205
- Statesman's Year Book, 1933, Edit..,1 by M. Epstein, 205
Books Received :
- Acoustics for the Constructor, Practical, C. W. Glover, 117
- Aerodynamics, An Introduction to, R. Poole. 496
- Aeronautical Engineering, Introduction to, Vol. III., Properties and Strength of Materials, J. D. Haddon, 15
- Aeroplane Structures, Stresses in, If. B. Howard, 261
- Air Conditioning, J. A. Moyer and R. t tiz , 496
- Aircraft Performance Testing, T. Scott Han and T. H. England, 464
- Air Transport Manual, 575
- Alloys of Iron and Silicon, E. S. Greiner, J. S. Marsh, and B. Stoughton, 464
- Analysis of Iron, Steel, and Ferro-alloy, Standard Methods of. 575
- Analysis of Oil for Production of Lubricants, A. A. Ashworth, 91
- Analytical Judgment Accounts, W. R. Dunlop, 575
LITERATURE (continued) :
- Books Received (continued) :
- Architectural Hygiene. Sir Banister Fletcher and Major H. Fletcher. 304
- Automobile Electrical Ecluipment. H. P. Young and L. Griffiths, 464
- Automotive Construction and Operation, J. C. Wright and F. Smith, 387
- Automotive Engineering, P. M. Hildt, 222
- Azimuth Determination, E. F. Coddington, 575
- British Bridges : An Illustiated Technical and Historical Record, 410
- British Isles, Geographic and Economic Survey, L. Dudley Stamp and S. Beaver, 304
- British Rainfall, 1932, 351
- British Ships Illustrated, A. C. Hardy, 286
- British Standard Specifications, Handbook of Information and Indexed List of, 261
- British Trade Mark Law, Memorandum on, The Joint Trade Marks Committee, 117
- British Waterworks Year Book and Directory. with Statistical Tables, 1932-33, Edited by G. P. Warner Terry, 496
- Building Brick Industry. Economic and Manufacturing Aspects of, 304
- Calculus of Finite Differences, L. M. Milne-Thompson, 464
- Chemical Engineering. Rubber in, H. P. Stevens and M. B. Donald, 286
- Clays and Other Ceramic Materials. Chemistry and Physics of, A. B. Searle, 15
- Commercial Cinematography, G. IL Sewell. 304
- Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, Huitieme Session; Recueil des Travaux et Compte Rendu des Séances, 15
- Concrete Floor Faces, Prevention of, Report on, 261
- Conjugate Functions for Engineers, Miles Walker, 575
- Crystalline State, Edited by Sir W. H. Bragg, F.R.S.. and Dr. W. L. Bragg, F. R.S., 496
- Die Statik im Eisenbetonbau, Dr. Ing. Kust Beyer, 351
- Die Workzeugrnaschine tinter Last, Formiinderungen und Beanspruchungcn der Drohbank unter Betriebslast, Or. -Ing.
- II. Kiekebusch, 189
- Diesel Engine, Modern, 222
- Differential Equations for Electrical Engineers, P. Franklin, 65
- Education for Industry and Commerce in England. A. Abbott, 496
- Electric Welding. Principles of : Metallic Arc Process, R. C. Stockton, 304
- Electrical Circuits and Machinery, Second Edition, Vol. I., Continuous Currents, 91
- Electrical Engineering Practice. Vol. III..J. W. Meares and R. E. Neale, 464
- Electrical Measurements, Advanced, W. R. Smythe and W. C. Michels, 91
- Electrical Transmission and Distribution, E. T. A. Rapson, 91
- Electron Tubes and their Applications, J. H. Slorecroft, 222
- Engineering Thermodynamics, Elements of, J. A. Mayer, J. P. Calderwood, and A. A. Potter, 222
- Factory and Workshop Orders, 1933, 212
- Fire Assaying. Text-book of, E. E. Bugbee, 351
- Food Investigation Board for Year 1932, Report. 117
- Forward from Chaos, A. P. Young. 15
- Geological Survey of Great Britain and the Museum of Practical Geology for the Year 1932, Part I., Summary of Progress of, 15
- Gesetzmassigkeiten des Dauerbruches und Wege zur Steigerimg der Dauerhaltbarkeit. Dr.-Ing. H. Oschatz, 189
- Gyroscoic Stabilisation of Land Vehicles, J. F. b. Ross, 464
- Heat, Dr. J. M. Cook, 65
- Hydraulics, H. W. King and C. 0. Wisler, 351
- Influence of Temperature upon the Strength Development of Concrete, N. Davey, 496
- Industrial Accidents, Illustrated Series of Abstracts from Reports on, (34)
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Ten Years' Index to Volumes 60-69 (1922-1931), 351
- Internal Combustion Engineering. Introduction to. J. B. 0. Sneodon, 91
- Internal Combustion Engines : Theory and Design, V. L. Maleev, 496
- Kelly's Directory of Merchants,• Manufacturers and Shippers of the World, 1933, 15
- Krise und Neuaufbau in den exakten Wissonschaften, 15
- liaw relating to Electrical Energy in India,
- J. W. Meares, 304
- Marine Aircraft Design, W. Munro, 410
- Marine Machinery, Running and Maintenance of, 387
- Mathematics for Students of Building, Book IL, F. E. Drury and W. T. Haslam, 464
- Mayfair to Maritzburg : Reminiscences of Eighty Years, Gustave Halle, 351
- Mechanical Drawing, Basic Units in, R. P. Hoelscher and A. B. Mays, 65
- Mechanics of Applied Heat, S. H. Moorticla and H. H. Winstanley, 410
- Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectroscope, D. M. Smith, 464
- Mineral Industry of British Empire and Foreign Countries : Lead, 15
- Mineral Resources of United States, 1930: Part I., Metals, 464
- Minerals Year Book, 1932.-33, 410
- Mitteilungen. ausden Forschungsanstalten dos Gutshoffnungshutte-Konzerns, 261
- Modern Machinery, Plant, Tools and Materials in connection with Municipal Undertakings, 15
- Motorships of the World, Edited by A. C. Hardy, 575
- Neon Tube Practice, W. L. Schallreuter, 91
- Northumberland and Durham Coalfield, 15
- Office Administration for Manufacturers, R.A Mills, 351
- Oil Problem, Now Aspect of, L. Heyman, 91
- Physical Mechanics, R. B. Lindsay, 410
- Physical Thought, Development of, A Survey Course of Modern Physics, L. B. Loeb and A. S. Adams, 65
LITERATURE (continued): Books Received (continued):
- Physics, An Elementary Introduction to, E. Booth, 91
- Power Generation, Elements of, A. M. Greene. 65
- Power Plant Engineering and Design, F. T. Morse, 65
- Power Sales, Dean Taylor, 496
- Radio Communications, Principles of, J. H. Morecroft, A. Pinto, and W. A. Curry, 15
- Radio Upkeep and Repairs for Amateurs. A. T. Witte, 464
- Railway Officials and Railway Year Book, 1933-34, Universal Directory of, 117
- Railway Returns for 1932, (7)
- Raleigh's Principle and its Applications to Engineering, G. Temple and W. G. Hickley, 91
- Reinforced Concrete Design, Elements of, H. C. Adams, 464
- Reinforced Concrete Water Towers, Bunkers, Silos, and Gantries, W. S. Gray, 15
- Rietnen-und Sieltriebe, Dr.-Ing. E. Endo, 496
- Road Engineering, E. L. Leeming, 222
- Rubber and Automobiles, C. Macbeth, 15
- Rubber in Chemical Engineering, H. I'. Stevens and M. B. Donald, 286
- Safety in Minos Research Board, 1932. Eleventh Annual Report, 261
- Salvage, Deep Sea, A. Gowans Whyte and R. L. Hadfield, 464
- Steam, Air, and Gas Power, W. H. Severna and H. E. Degler, 222
- Steam Power Engineering, Elementary. E. MacNaughton, 65
- Steam Reciprocating Machinery, Runiniw and Maintenance of, 304
- Steel Construction, Handbook No. 21, R. A. Skelton, 91
- Steel Makers, Harry Ifrearley, 496
- Steel Work for Buildings, Report on : Part .1.Loads and Stresses, 304
- Stromungsgesetze in rauhen Rohren, Dr.-1ng. J. Nikauradse, 261
- Th6orie genOralo du coup de Wier, C. Jaeger, 575
- Thermodynamics, Technical, Professor Dip.lug. W. Shale, Translated by E. W. Geyer. 464
- Thermometers, Correction Tables for Use with Platinum Resistance, 0. S. Callender and F. E. Hoare, 464
- This Soft Age, Ernest J. P. Bonn, 286
- Trade Depression and the Way Out, R. G. Hawtre, 575
- Unemployed Man, E. Wight Bakke, 286
- Vectors for Electrical Engineers, Dr. E. Mallett, 464
- Varmetechnische Arbeitmappe, 575
- Welding, Technique of Modern, Professor P. Bardtko, Translated by H. Kennedy. 575
- Wireless Receivers : The Principle of their Design, C. W. Oatley, 496
- Works Management Education, T. H. Burnham and E. S. Byng, 91
- LITHOPONE Manufacturing Industry, (357)
- Lock Nut. Aerogen Company, Ltd., 364
- Area of t Iw Board, 1
- Appointments to the Board, (11), (35)
- London Passenger Transport Arbitration Tribunal Installed at Columbia House, Aldwych, (383)
- Electrification, London Passenger Transport Board and, 211
- London Transport " for General Use, (309)
- M. J. C. Mitchell's Appointment as Secretary to Liquidators of Underground Railways. (35)
- Railway Extension Aided by Government Grants, (113)
- Southern Traffic Commissioner, Post Abelimbed of, (521)
- Standing Committee on Suburban Passenger Services, (91)
- LORRIES—see Motor Vehicles, Road
- Low-temperature Carbonisation, Future Prospects of, 353
- Low-temperature Carbonisation of Coal 11,-;National Industry, (521)
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant at Nostell Colliery, (431)
- Lubricators. Mechanical Forge Feed Oil and I Grease, Bosch, Ltd., Suppt., September 8114. 1933, xv
- MACHINE Gun Driven by Petrol Engine, (19 11
- Adzing and Boring Machine, Railway Sleeper, Thomas Robinson and Sons, Ltd.,190
- Automatic Tool-rootn Machine, Keler, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 491
- Bender, Sheet Metal, F. J. Edwards. Ltd., 251
- Bending Machines, Tube and Bar. W. Kennedy, Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xi
- Boring Machine, Krause, Fine, Dowding and Doll, Ltd., 330
- Boring and Turning Mill, Vertical, George Richards and Co.. Ltd., 528
- Chucks, Sheet Metal Test Piece, Tensometer. Ltd., 328
- Crank Shaper, " General Purpose." Butler Machine Tool Company, Ltd. 491
- Crank Shaper, 32in. Heavy Dt;ty. Ormerod Shapers. Ltd.. 42
- Drill," Broomwade." Multi-vane, 280
- Drilling Machine, Light Sensitive, Lorancu. Ltd., 325
- Drills, Production of High-speed Steel, (185)
- Forging Machine, Schiess-Defries (Great Britain), Ltd., 326
- Gear and Spline Robbing. Machine. Planter, Dowding and Doll, Ltd.,330
- Hydraulic Press, Tangyes,Ltd., 578
- Lathe, 7iin. Brassfinishers', Selman Machine Tool Company, Ltd., 492
MACHINE TOOLS (continued) :
- Lathe, Combination Turret, H. W. Ward, Ltd., 341
- Lathe, Cross-sliding Turret, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 438
- Lathe, '4 Gyromatic " Automatic, E. 11. Jones, Ltd., 329
- Lathe, Heavy-duty Auto, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 366
- Lathe, Magdeburg " Chip-flow," Dowding and Doll, Ltd., 330
- Milling Cutter, Wimet Tipped Inserted Blade. A. C. Wickman, Ltd., 468
- Milling Machine, Duplex, Clifton and Baird, Ltd., 216
- Milling Machine. High-speed, Craven Bros. (Manchester), Ltd., 528
- Milling Machines, Werner. E. H. Jones, Ltd., 329
- Machine Tools. Imports and Exports, Statistics, (113)
- Machine Tools at Austin Motor Co.'s Long-bridge Works, (11)
- Planer and Milling Machines. Comparison of, (643)
- Planing Machine, Railway Axle-box, Butler Machine Tool Company, Ltd., 168
- Press, 10,000-Ton Electrode, Hydraulik, G.rn.b.H.. 146
- Press, Hydraulic, Fielding and Platt, Ltd., 469
- Press Hydraulic, Tangyes, Ltd., 578
- Railway Axle Plant for Russia, Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., 330, 334: Correction, (392)
- Saw, " Lynx," Motor, John T. Pickles, 169
- Sawing Machine, Cold, Clifton and Baird, Ltd., 216
- Sawing Machine. Heavy-duty Gate, E. G. Herbert, Ltd., 144
- Sawing Machine, Heller Vertical Cold, Leo. r_
- Steinle, Ltd., 329
- Sawing Machine, Vertical Band, T. Robinson and Son, Ltd., 29
- Shaper, Thiel Vertical Punch and Form, E. H. Jones, Ltd., 329
- Straight Drills for Brass, (257)
- Surfacing. Thicknessing and Moulding Machine, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., 225
- Thread Grinding, Plant for, (376)
- Tool. " Eclipse," James Neill and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 48, (579)
- Tool-room Machine. Keller Automatic, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 491
- Tools, High-frequency Electric, Newtons of Taunton, Ltd.. 250
- Tools. Portable Eleetrir, Black and Decker.Ltd., 253
- Tools with Cemented Carbide Cutting Tips, Grinding of, (87) 3. Tube Bending Machine, Hilmor, Ltd., 302
- Tube Bending Machine and Formers, Wit Kennedy, Suppl., September 8th, 1933, xi
- Turning and Boring Machine, Vomag Two-spindle Precision, Leo. C. Steinle, Ltd., 329 Drill Stand, Die-cast, Fry's (London), Ltd., 603 Drilling Stop, Universal, E. L. Youngelson, Ltd., 328
- Tools, Use of Super-hard Materials for Tipping, (357)
- Trends of Machine Tool Design, I. H. Wright, (595)
- Wear of Tool Testing Machine. Steel, Peecil and Tozer, Ltd.. 59
- MACHINERY Imports, Licensing of, 194
- Machinery Metals, Trouble Caused by Temperature Changes, (595)
- McDonald Observatory, Contract for, (309)
- Magnesite Mines in France. (383)
- Magnesium, Protection from Corrosion, (595)
- Magnesium Alloys, Wheels for Grinding, (233) Lt.
- Magnifier, " Luminex," R. and J. Beck, Ltd., 169 1- Mahogany Tree of Great Girth, (571)
- Man, Fuel and, Sir William J. Larks, 386
- Trustworthiness of Cartographers, 10
- Argentine-Chilean Railway. Route and Profile of, 39
- Chile and Argentina, Map of, 39
- English Steel Corporation's Steel Furnace Plant at Sheffield, General Arrangement of, 231
- Fairbourne Railway Accident, Profiles at Site of Slip, 41
- Hatamerforsen Power Supply Area. 538;
- Position of Cofferdams, 539
- King's Cross-Hertford Profile, 168
- Le %erdon, Plan of Mole at Ocean Port • ,f , 2013
- Liverpool-Southport. Line, 1..M.S., 97
- Mestre-Venice Viaduct, 641
- Oldham Gasworks Plant, 349
- Ringmer and District Electrification Area, 354
- Silks Hydro-electric Power Plant, 540
- Southampton Docks, Showing Western Extensions, 3
- Stockholm, Bridges of, 261
- Sweden, State Power Stations and Main Transmission Lines, in, 449
- Swedish Hydro-electric Power Plant Lines, 510
- Vargon Power Station. General Plan of Regulating, 449
- Vauxhall Ordnance Works, Circa 1667, 141
- Vickers Works, Brightside Lune. Sheffield, Steel Furnace Plant, 231
- Wand.le Valley Sewage Disposal Scheme, 592
- MARKET Notes and News—Weekly
- Measurement of Speed at Sea, 182
- Mechanical Coaling Plant at Shoeburyness, (209)
- Mechanical Engineering. Experiences in, R. W. Allen, 238
- Mechanical Engineering, National Certificates and Diplomas in, 611
- Mechanisation in the Post Office, 103
- Mechanisation on Employment, Effect of, 199
- Medway Canal, Abandonment of, (621)
- Mercury Ions for X-rays, (643)
- Mercury Production in United States. ( 1 I)
- Mercury Purification by Electrolytic Method, (283)
- Mercury Switch for Controlling Cement Mills, (621)
- Metal Cutting, Photographic Exposures of One-millionth of a Second in Research on. (185)
- Metal Powders, Compressing and Moulding, (11)
- Metallic Packings, United States, Metallic Packing Company, Ltd., 304
- Meteorological Balloons Released in Canada Register Temperature at Height of 9 Miles, (161)
- Metric Units of Volume. 286
- Micro-chemical Club, Formation of. (571)
- Microphone, Carbon, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., 390
- Milk, Bulk Conveyance of. (461)
- Mill-scale on Paint, (431)
- Mine Ventilation, Economic. Chief Engineer M. Schaefer, 589
- Mirrors, Minute, (233)
- Molybdenum Oro Deposits in Rokko Hilt•, Japan, (493)
- Monel Metal for Marine Purposes, Henry Wiggin and Co.. Ltd., 228
- Monsoon in India, 14in. Rain Recorded in Ono' Day at Shivpuri, (87)
- Montreal may have Rapid Transit. Overhead Highway, (87)
- Mooring Winches for Floating Crane. 216
- Motor Remote in Alcohol Fuels, (87)
- Chassis :
- Chassis, Articulated Eight-wheeled, Scannell Lorries, Ltd., 484
- Chassis, Oil-engine-driven, 6-ton, Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Company, Ltd., 484
- Chassis, 4 W D Cross-country, Garner Motors, Ltd., 472
- Chassis, 35-85 H.P. " Valkyrie " 32-36-seater, Passenger, Albion Motors, 430
- Chassis for Buses and Lorries, Associated Equipment Company. Ltd., 486
- Chassis for Coaches and Lorries, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 486
- Chassis for Lorry, 40-45 cwt., Dennis Brothers, Ltd., 430
- Chassis for 6-ton Lorry, Albion Motors, 429
- Omnibus Chassis, Single and Double-deck, Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company.Ltd., 485
- Coaches :
- Coach, " Kers " 32-seater Luxury, (Mon Motors, Ltd., 428, 429
- Motor Coaches and Omnibuses, Brush Electrical Engineering Company. Ltd., 475
- Motor Coaches Used in Electric Traction, Railway- Rates Tribunal's Judgment, (521)
- Lorries :
- Commercial Van, " Pug " 2-ton, Commer Cars, Ltd., 470
- Lorry, 2-ton Handy Platform, Sir J. I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., 473
- Lorry, 3-ton, Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.. 488
- Lorry, 7-ton Light Six-wheeled, Pagefield Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., 487
- Lorry Body, " Ironclad " Lightweight, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers). Ltd., 470
- Lorry Chassis, 6-ton, Albion Motors, 429
- Lorries, Oil-engined, Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., 485
- Lorries and Chassis. Garner Motors, Ltd., 472
- Moving Floor Discharging Body, Principalis Wagon Company, Ltd., 472
Motor Cars.
- General :
- Car Production in Russia, (493)
- Motor Car Developments at French Exhibition, 361
- Motor Car Show at Olympia, 352, 381
- Motor Cars and Tractors Produced in Russia, (87)
- Motor Cylinder Re-boring Bar, Mansions Motor Company, Ltd., 218
- Motor Industry of Great Britain, Report of Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., 25
- Motor Industry of Great Britain, Annual Statistics, (144), (283)
- Motor Spirit from Alcohol in India, (357)
- Motor Traffic Census, (460)
- Motor Vehicles for U.S. War Department, (621)
- Cars :
- Associated Equipment Company. Ltd., 130
- H.P. Oil-engined Racing Car, 43
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., Rear-engined Streamline Car. 352
- Daimler 10 H.P. and 20 H.P. Cars, 380
- Lanchester 10 H.P. and 18 H.P. Cars, 380
- Morris Cars at Olympia, 381
- Riley 9 H.P. and 14 H.P. Cars, 380
- Wolseley Cars at Olympia, 380
- Motor Omnibuses for Hyderabad, (547)
- Omnibus, " Zeus " 56-seater, Double-deck, Gifford Motor Company, Ltd., 430
- MOWER, Specially Lubricated, Bentall and Co., Ltd., 66
- NATIONAL Industrial Recovery Bill, American, 39
- Natural Gas and Oil Resource in Manitoba to be Piped to Winnipeg, 95 Miles Away, (309)
- Natural Gas Plant at Regina, (461)
- Natural Steam, Utilisation of, l75
- Nautical Instruments, John Lilloy and Son. Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933. iii
- Naval Work, Value of, Sir Alexander Kennedy, 537
- Navigation of Sea Passage to Kara Sea, (571)
- Navy and Coal Fuel, 561
- Navvy, 3 Cubic Yard Electric, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd.. 168
- New York City a Production of Communication Revolution, R. G. Albion, (257)
- Nickel Alloys in Various Engineering Fields, Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., 227
- Nickel Cast Iron, Mond Nickel Company, I d , 241
- Nickel in Various Alloys, Applications of, Henry Wiggin and Co.* Ltd., 227
- Nickel Ore Discovered in Northern Finland, (61)
- Nitrogen Alloyed in Chromium and Nickel Chromium Steels, Effect of, (283)
- Non-ferrous Metals for Low Temperatures, Mechanical Properties of, (595)
- Non-ferrous Metal Statistics, 208
- Non-metallic Minerals Produced in America, (571)
- Norman Lockyer Lecture, Empire Communication, Professor E. V. Appleton, 537
- Nut Runner, High-cycle, Black and Decker, Ltd., 253
- Bain, David, (309)
- Baines, Sir Frank, 635
- Beaumont, Sir George. (383)
- Biles, Sir John Harvard (Portrait). 434
- Churchward, G. J., 611. 647 (Portrait)
- Cramp, C. T., (61)
- Craven, Tom, 625
- Currie, David, (185)
- Cuss, Nevi! John, (209)
- D'Albe, Dr. E. E. F., (35)
- Delfos, Cornelius Frederik, 570
- Ellerman, Sir John, 51
- Ellis, T. W.* (198)
- Everest, A. 11., 77
- Fowler, Alfred, (163)
- Glegg. Sir Alexander, 273
- Grunwell, Hartley, 421
- Harris, J. W., (571)
- Hiller, E. G., 91
- Houston, Sir Alexander (Portrait). 434
- Hunter, Adam, 447
- Kearns, J. R. C., 91
- Lapworth, Dr. Herbert, 299
- Mansergh, E. L., 406
- Martin, Harold Medway, 527
- Milton, Dr. James T. (Portrait), 626
- Painleve, Monsieur Paul, 479
- Parsons, The Hon. Lady, 373
- Pearn, Sinclair, 382
- Powel, H. O., (409). (621)
- Rolland, John, 151
- Saunders, S. E.. 611
- Shannon, D. M., 611
- Smith, J. Waldo, (431)
- Spring. Sir Francis, 199
- Stewart, A. W., 127
- Stevens, R. H., 232
- Stewart, Val. B.. 51
- Traill, William A.. 25, (35)
- Vyle, Sir Gilbert (Portrait), 256
- Wainford, E. H., (532)
- Westinghouse. H. H., (595)
- Wolfe, Joseph P., (357)
- "ODOGRAPH " Sperry-Villiers, 327
- Oil and Mineral Riches of Chinese Turkestan, (257)
- Oil Filter. Zwicky, Ltd.. 328
- Oil Filters. A.C.-Sphinx Sparking Plug Company, Ltd., 381
- Oil Firing to Coal Firing, Risk of Flue Explosions when Changing from, (461)
- Oil Firing Equipment for Boilers and Furnaces, J. Samuel White and Co.. Ltd., Suppe., September 8th, 1933, vii
- Oil from Coal, 51, 130
- Oil from Coal, Orders Placed for Rillingham Plant, 286
- Oil from Coal Plant in New South Wales, (87)
- Oil Pollution, 509
- Oil Purification Plant, Stone-Empson, J. Stone and Co., Ltd., 276
- Oil Purifier, Marino Typo, Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., 329
- Oil Purifiers, Centrifugal, Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., 329
- Oil Refinery at Ellesmere Port, Crude, (137)
- Oil Refinery at Hulutso, (547)
- Oil Seal, " Cita," Charles Weston and Co., Ltd., 303
- Oil Shale near Weymouth, (493)
- Oil Shows Saving Over Coal at National Institute for the Blind, (407)
- Oil Supplies of the World, J. B. C. Kershaw, 353
- Oiler, Force Feed, Joseph Kaye and Co., Ltd., (579)
- Oiliness Comparator, Sir W. H. Bailey and Co., Ltd.. 579
- Oils and Greases, Sternol, Ltd., 488
- Oils and Lubricants, Russian Oil Products, Ltd., 330
- Oils and Lubricants, Shell-Mex and B.P.. Ltd.. 330
- Oils and Lubricants for Wire Drawing, Cutting, Germ Lubricants, Ltd.. 330
- Optophone. Death of Inventor, Dr. E. E. F. D'Albe, (35)
- Oro Deposits of Northern Albania. Charter Granted to Naylor, Benson and Co. (London) to Work, (61)
- Ore Deposits of Irsky Region of Samara, (87)
- Ore Disposal in Slog, Lahn, and Dill Districts, Agreement on, (257)
- Organising an Information Service, Eric N. Simons, 130
- Overseas Trade Development Council, Additions to Membership, 151
- Overseas Transport Unit, Tractor for 15-Ton. Associated Equipment Company Ltd 55, 62 (Two-page Supplement July 21st 1933 Note 246)
- Oxy-acetylene Equipment, Dublin Jobbing Plumber and, (520)
- Ozone Produces " Knocking " in Petrol Engines, (407)
- PAINT Plant, Pnetunatic l2in Spray, B.E.N.Patents. Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933. ii
- Paint-spraying Apparatus. Aerostyle, Ltd., 226
- Paint-spraying Equipment, Lacy, Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 249
- Paint Weathering, Parkerising Tests on, Pyretic, Company, Ltd., 431. (579)
- Painting Equipment, Spray, Aerostyle, Ltd., 226
- Paints, German Railways and, Weathering Tests of, (431)
- Paper Board Machine at Thames Board Mills, 165in.. Charles Wa!matey and Co., Ltd., 70
- Paper Factory on Umgeni River, Natal, (521)
- Paper-making Machine. Walmsleys (Bury), Ltd.. Largest in World, (461)
- Paper-making Machinery Factory at Sheffield, (407)
- Paper Mill Without Windows at Blandin, America, (407)
- Aeronautics, 173
- Batteries and Accumulators, 609
- Cranes and Conveyors. 297
- Crushing and Grinding, 149, 420
- Dynamos and Motors. 49, 125, 173, 197, 221. 245, 271, 297, 321, 371, 445, 479, 507, 535, 559, 583, 633, 655
- Electrical Appliances. 49, 75, 245. 321, 315, 371, 655
- Engines, Internal Combustion, 23, 49, 125, 149. 245, 345, 371, 395, 419. 507, 559, 633, 655
- Furnaces. 221, 479, 507, 535, 559 (las Producers, 149, 197. 419
- Lighting and Heating, 76. 174, 198, 634
- Locomotives, 174
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 24, 50. 75, 101, 149, 198, 246, 272, 298. 445, 479. 535, 559, 584. 610, 655
- Measuring and Testing Instruments, 50, 150, 173, 419, 479, 609, 655
- Metallurgy, 50. 150, 198, 222. 445, 634
- Mining Machinery, 50
- Miscellaneous, 24. 50, 76, 102, 126, 150, 174. 198. 222, 246, 272. 298, 322, 346, 372, 396. 420, 446. 480, 507. 536, 560, 584, 610, 634, 656
- Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 246, 272, 535. 610
- Ordnance and Armour, 298
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery. 101
- Ships and Boats, 24, 50, 75, 610
- Steam Generators, 101. 173, 245. 271, 297. 321. 345, 371, 419, 507, 535, 583. 609, 633
- Switchgear, 23. 101, 125, 197, 221, 245, 272. 297. 345, 395
- Telegraphs and Telephones. 371
- Tramways and Railways, 49, 126, 174, 222. 322. 560, 583
- Transformers and Converters, 23, 75, 101, 125. 173. 197, 395. 445, 535. 583, 609. 633
- Transmission of Power, 49, 75, 101, 126, 149, 221. 345, 372, 395. 419, 479, 559, 609, 633
- Turbine Machinery, 75, 125, 445, 583
- Water Purification, 656
- Welding, 126, 150, 321, 633
- PASSENGER Vehicles, Albion Motors. 430
- Patent Fuel Plant at Pernik, (643)
- Patina on Copper, Artificial, (383)
- Pavement Smasher. Keystone Driller Company. 341
- Paving Brick, Treatment of Surface of Newly Laid, (155)
- Pendulum, Problem of Developing a Free. C. Chandrasekhariah, (11)
- Personal and Business, 20, 46, 72, 102, 126. 150, 170, 222, 242, 272, 298, 318, 342. 368, 392, 442, 508, 532, 556. 580. 806. 630, 652
- Petrol from British Coal, Air Force Experiments with, (595)
- Petrol from Coal in South Africa, (137)
- Petrol Pumps, A.C.-Sphinx Sparking Plug Company, Ltd., 381
- Petrol from Sawdust and Peat, Swedish Government's Experiments. (595)
- Petroleum Congress, World, Resolutions Passed at July Meetings, 189
- Petroleum Products Industry in Canada, 1932. (61)
- Photo Flash Lamp, (460)
- Pier No. 2 Reconstruction at Halifax, /CS_ (431)
- Pier at Weymouth, (137)
- Pipe Coupling, " Dresser." Burton, Delingpole and Co., Ltd., 83
- Pipe-cutting and Bevelling Machine. (595)
- Piston Rings, United States Metallic. 304
- Pitch, Viscosity of, (431)
- Planter, " Robot," Transplanters, Ltd., 66, 67
- Plasters and Renderings. Failures of, (493)
- Plastics, Demonstration of Machinery at Alfred Herbert. Ltd., Works, (400)
- Plastics Industrial Exhibition, Open until January. 1934, (383)
- Plating Barrels. W. Canning and Co., Ltd., 1
- Platinum and a Distinctive loran Mark, (35)
- Ploughing Engine, Steam, J. and H. McLaren. Ltd., 66, 67
- Plug Cock for Corrosive Fluids, Dowrance and Co., 326
- Plywood for Concrete Forms, (137)
- Pneumatic Machinery for Rock Drills. Holman Brothers, Ltd., 520
- Pneumatie Plant for Stone Dressing, Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, 500
- Pneumatic Tires for Farm Tractors, 127
- Pneumatic Tools, " Broomwade," 280
- Pneumatic Tools, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd.. 503
- Poplar. Perishable, and Difficult to Dry. (475)
- Porcelain, Dielectric Strength. of, (161)
- Port of Churchill, Hudson's Bay, Canada. Navigation Period, (309). (366)
- Port of Le Verdon, Ocean, 77. 203, 210
- Port of London, Annual Report. 286
- Port of Richborough. 509
- Port of Southampton, 2, 3, 12, 26, 27, 53; Approaches, 537; Dock Caisson Floated into Position, 199; Opening by H.M. The King, 77; (Leading Article, 63); (Two-page Supplement, July 14th, 1933)
- Port of Vizagapatam, Draft Rules Gazetted for. (283)
- Post. Office, Mechanisation in the, 103
- Potato Digger, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 31
- Power Station at Kramatorsk. Steam, (11)
- Precision Measuring Technique and its Influence ion the Progress of Shipbuilding and Ship Operation. Dr.-Ing. Pabst, 14
- Producer Gas for Motor Vans, (209)
- Producer Gas Furnace for Lancashire Boiler, T. Roland Wollaston, 156, 157
- Production Managers, How They Came into Existence, (547)
- Profit-sharing, Co-operative, 635 1$.! II. 3,
- Programme Transmitter, Elliott Broth•.r (London), Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933. vi
- Projector and Swirlier Optical Unit. Wm., London Electric Firm. 226
- Projector, 24in. Suez Canal, London Electric Firm, 226
- Propellor Shaft, Assembly. Standago Power Couplings, Ltd.. 228
- Propeller with Divided Blades, Skagen's, (431)
- Propeller Copper with Added Beryllium for, (643)
- Public Utility Plants and Plants Operated in Connection with Industrial Plant in U.S.A.. (407)
- Pulverised Fuel Plant, Sheffield to Manufacture. (595)
- Pump Bodplate Casting. Intricate, English Stool Corporation. 530
- Boiler Feed Pumps, Parallel Operation (Single•stage, Lieut.-Commander H. Redfield, 649
- Fuel Pump and Sprayer of Fuelol Engine, Blackstone and Co.. Ltd., 31
- Pump, Electrically Driven Self-lubricating. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd.. 29
- Pump, Fuel, Simms Motor Units, Ltd., 487
- Pump. Mirrlees Compact Motor-driven. 280
- Pump. Motor-driven Positive Displacement. Varley Pumps and Engineering, Ltd., 301
- Pump, Petrol Engine Driven, Mirrlees, 280
- Pump, Turbine•driven Axial Flow, W. 11. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd.. 277 (Supplement. September 22nd, 1933)
- Pump, Vortical Self-priming. Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 279 (Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Pump at Southampton Docks. 4in. Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., 62, 53
- Pumping Plant for Egypt, Oil Engine Driven Floating, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 118
- Pumping Plant of City of Montreal Extensions, (383)
- Pumping Set, 3in., Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 503
- Pump Set for Mine Work of Coltness Iron Company. Ltd., Harland Engineering Company, Ltd., Quick Delivery of. ( 407)
- Pumps, Fuel Injection, Simms Motor Unite, Ltd., 381
- Pumps, Parallel Operation of Single-stage Boiler Feed. Liout.-Commander H. J. Redfield, 649
- Rotary Pump with Moving Blades, Kitson Pump Saks and Engineering Company, 326
- Sump Pump, Air Motor Driven. Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company. Ltd., 603
- PURIFICATION of Flue Gases at .Battersea Power Station, 32. 33 3 3
- QUAY Extensions for Wanclsworth Gas ConsPliny, (431)
- RABBLING for Multiple Hearth Furnaces. A. J. Caddick, Correction. (24)
Accidents :
- Accident on Stanley Incline Recalled, (185)
- Accidents on Railways, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Annual Report. (35). 41, 4 I. (209)
- Accidents to Railway Servants, Reports on. (521); Ministry of Transport Inquiries, (137)
- Ais Gill Accident Recalled, (209)
- Buffer Stop Collision at St. Enoch Station. Glasgow—Thirty Years Ago, (87)
- Buffer Stop Collision at Victoria, Colonel Woodhouses Report, 332, (333)
- Christmas Railway Accidents, (643)
- Collision at Altrincham, (595); Colonel Trench Opens Inquiry. (621)
- Collision at Bowling, (257); Lieut.•Colonel Anderson's Report, (571)
- Collision at Broadheath. (595)
- Collision at Hove Station, (521)
- Collision at Level Crossing on Totton, Fawley and Hytho Light Railway, (113); Lieut.•Colonel Mount's Report, (493)
- Collision between Baskelf and Alm, (595)
- Coupling Failures. Colonel Mount's Report. (161) ('rich Junction, Amber ate Adjourned Inquest on Victims, (137)
- Colonel Trench's Report, (357), (383)
- Fairbourno Railway Accident, Lieut.Colonel Mount's Report, 41; Sequel, (595)
- Fatal Accident at Hollifield, (643)
- Fatal Accident to Capstanmen, (571)
- French Railway Disaster, 635, (643)
- Great Bridgeford Collision, (407)
- Hartlepool Yard, Driver's Clover Handling of Locomotive Prevents Serious Accident at, (161)
- Level Crossing Accidents. Lieut.-Colonel Mount and, (233), (493)
- Little Salkold Railway Collision, 25, (35);
- Inquest Adjourned, (87), (283); Signalman Charged with Manslaughter, (333);
- Acquitted, (383); Verdict of " Accidental Death," (407); Lieut. -Colonel Mount's Report, 457, (461)
- Passenger Killed by Obstruction from Passing Train between Beith and Glengarnocic. (333)
- Railway Accidents in Ireland, (357)
- Raynes Park Derailment and Collision. Colonel Anderson's Roport, (357), (382)
- Safety of Trains and Illness of Solitary Signalman, (257)
- Sandhills Station Collision, Colonel Anderson's Report, (113)
Accidents (continued) :
- Sirhowy Branch Collision, Colonel Trench's Report. (647)
- Three Bridges Collision, Lieut.-Colonel Anderson's Report, (61)
- Tiverton Junction Accident, Lieut.-Colon4.1 Woodhouse's Report. (11)
- Waterloo Station. Liverpool, Accident of July 15th, 1903. Recalled, (35)
- Wellingborough Runaway Train. (87)
- Wigan Disaster of Sixty Years, Recalled. (113). (137)
- All-metal Passenger Rolling Stock, Difficulty in Rescuing Passengers from, (137)
- Amalgamation of Unions, Proposed. (233)
- Argentine-Chilean Railway, 39
- Bailey, A. S., Retirement of. (643)
- Bells on Signal-boxes, (493)
- "Bradshaw," Numbering of. (61)
- British Railway Companies and Pickfords.Ltd., and Carter. Paterson and Co.. Ltd., (137)
- Campbeltown and Machrilianish Light Railway, Closing of, (547)
- Companies Using Peterborough Station4. (493)
Electrification of Railways:
- British Main Line Electrification, F. Lydall. (357)
- Electric Locomotives Required for Soy', t Electrification Scheme, (81)
- Electric Locomotives on Sud-Ouest Railway. (283)
- Electric Traction between Stockholm and Malmo, (407)
- Electrification of Railways. Minister of Transport arid. (521)
- Electrification of Main Lino of Orleans Company. Fine Inaugural Run. (161)
- Electrification of Railways and New-street Station. Birmingham, (333)
- Electrification of Swedish Railways, (571)
- Electrification of Warsaw Railways, 127
- Electrification on Spanish Northern Railways Company. (113)
- Export of Railway Material, (431)
- Fish Bolt for Indian Railways. " Guest Avatt," (283)
- Fish-plates on Branch Lines in India. (160)
- "Flying Hamburger " Type Ordered. Two. (19)
- Freight Train Operation, E. D. Ginn, (357)
- French Railway Speeds, 40
- Funicular Railway up Montmartre. Paris. Electrically Operated. (86)
- Gas-lighted Passenger-carrying Vehicles on the Railways, (493)
- German State Railways and Freedom from Railway Accidents, (643)
- Giant's Causeway Electric Tramway, Jubilee of. (35) (333)
- Glover, G. T.. Retirement of, (11)
- Goods Traffic Increases on Grouped Railways for the Twenty-fifth Week of Year, (20)
- Great Northern Railway, Seventy Years' Running between King's Cross to Fortingdon-street, (383)
- Great Orme Tramway. Affairs of. (283)
- Grey, Late Viscount, and the Railways, (257)
- Grouped Companies and Carter. Paterson and Co., and Pickfords, (461)
- Grouped Railways, Half-yearly Dividend Statements, (113)
- Increases in Traffic Receipts on Grouped Railways, (161)
- Indian Railway Board, Dynamometer Car on Great Indian Peninsular Railway, (11)
- Look and Manifold Railway, Late Mr. E. R. Calthrop and. (407)
- Length of Grouped Railways, (407)
- Level Crossings and Railways, Legal Position of Companies, (185)
- Light Railway Equipment, R. Hudson, Ltd., 454
- Liverpool and Manchester Railway Services, Competitive Running of, (11)
- Livestock Conveyance on the Railways, (521)
- London and Birmingham Railway, Cast Iron Plato Found at Wembley, (547)
- " London Transport " for General Use, (309)
- Ministry of Transport Statistics, April, 1933. (98) : May, 1933, (161); June, 1933, (333), (383); July. 1933, (461); August. 1933. (547)
- Motor Trolloy Gang Method on South African Railways, (81)
- Motor Trolley Maintenance on the Railways. (309)
- National Union of Railwaymen, Death of General Secretary, Mr. C. T. Cramp, (61);
- Mr. J. Marchbank Appointed Secretary, (621); President and Secretary Elected. (87)
- National Union of Railwaymen and Substitute for Central and National Wages Boards, Attitude of, (35)
- Paris Circular Railway, Passenger Traffic Discontinued on. (547)
- Persian Railway, Swedish Finn to Construct 1000-Mile. (461)
- Privately Owned Wagons, (571)
- Rails and Fish Plates for Bombay Park Trust Railway Purchased from Tata Iron and Steel Company, (621)
- Railway Appointments, (35). (61). (257,1. (333), (461)
- Railway and Canal Commission, Bill for Abolition of. (87)
- Railway Companies' Bills in Parliament, (571)
- Railway Companies and Privately Owned Stock, Agreement Between. (367)
- Railway Companies and Railway Unions (383)
- Railway Contracts (561)
- Railway from Lishuchen to Paotsing, Proposed (283)
- Railway Institute of Shildon, Centenary of, (283)
- Railway Labour and Coalition Government, (61)
- Railway Motive Power, Modern Trend in. W.C. Dickerman, 489
- Railway Rates Tribunal Decision on Rates and Charges, (87)
- Railway Returns for 1932, (7), (431). (643)
- Railway Staff Census. (309)
- Railway Strike in Ireland and MontanIciii Derailment. (383)
- Railway Wagon Census. 561
- Railways and National Wages Board, (257)
- Relining for Transition Curves by Offsets. J. D. W. Ball, 156
- Road Vehicles of the Railway Companies. 481
- Roll Call for Gangs May Prevent Accidents, (309)
- Safety of Railway Travel in 1873. (521)
- Safety on Single Lines of Railway, (185)
- Salaries and Wage*, Paid by Railway Companies, (233)
- Semaphore Signals, Light for Night Indications of. (643)
- Shanghai Railway Station, (309)
- Short Fish-plates on the Railways, 14:Xlwri-MINAS with, (493)
- Signal-box Bell at Hebdon Bridge. (431)
- Signalling History on Metropolitan Railway. (283)
- Sleeper, Pot, or Rail Bearer, R. A. Skelton and Co., Ltd„ 414
- " Smoking " and " Not Smoking " Carriages. Regulations for, (233)
- South African Railways Commission of Exports. Sir Guy Granot, Chairman, (161)
- South African Railways, Permanent Way in Good Condition, (309)
- South African Government Railways. Purchase of Steel Rails from Canada. (11)
- " Summer Tickets " for 1934, (595) : Effect on Railway. (283); Proposed Continuance. (161)
- Surrey Iron Railway. Wandsworth Gas Works on Site of, (383)
- Switch, Light Railway, 14. Hudson, Ltd., 454
- Third-class Sleeping Cars. Comfort of British, (137)
- Thirty-five Years on the Railway—and After, William Whitelaw, 367; (Loading Article. 359)
- Track Circuit Failures, (493)
- Traffic Receipts, Thirty-third Week, (233) :
- Thirty-oith Week, (333) : Forty-first, Week, (407); Forty-fifth Week, (521) : Forty-ninth Week, (643)
- Train Ferry for Nanking. (431)
- Wagons, Common Use of, (595)
- Wagons on British Railways, (547)
Great Western Railway :
- Acceleration of Cornish Riviera and Torbay Expresses. (233)
- Bishop's-road Station Merged into Paddington, (595)
- Cranes at Roath Dock Warehouse. (61)
- Motor Transport and G.W.R., 127
- Paddington and Power Signalling. (595)
- Railcar, 130 H.P., Oil Engine Driven. Hardy Motors, Ltd., 411 (Two-page Supplentent, October 27th, 1933)
- Rosignalling Cardiff General Station, (11)
- Steel Sleepers on the Great Western Railway, A. S. Quartermaine. (547)
- Steel Sleeper Order. (595)
- Time-table Clock at Paddington Working. (493)
- Water from Severn Tunnel. (309)
- Wood. Rates Reduction for Carriage of. (621)
London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- Bridge Strengthening Between Mangotsfield and Bath. (333)
- Bridge Replacements in London Area, (283)
- Chalkwell Bay Station, Progress on. (209)
- Containers, Additional Orders for. (233)
- Deviation of Cheadle Single-line Branch, (547)
- Dore and Chinloy Section Opened Forty Years, (431)
- Enlarged Siding Accommodation at Leicester, (257)
- Fastest Run Between Coventry and Huston, September 19th. 1933. (283)
- " Halt " Opened at " Golli Felon." (257)
- Improvements Between Bromsgrove and Stoke 'tVorks Junction. (61)
- Improvement Scheme at Nuneaton. (283)
- Irish Mail Trains, Acceleration of. (595)
- Leigh-on-Sea and Chalkwell Stations, (461)
- Llanfair Station, Full Name to be Exhibited. (461)
- Locomotive, L.M.S. 4-6 -2 Express. "Princess Royal," 63. 151
- Locomotive " No. 6201 " Named " Princess Elizabeth," (547)
- Locomotive Orders with Private Firma, 537
- L.M.S. Locomotive " Princess Royal," Trial Trip of, 151
- Locomotives Returned to Traffic. (407)
- Luggage. Parcels and Motor Car Vans, 95
- Mechanical Coaling Plant at Ashton and Rugby, (461)
- Pullman Cars and Staff Taken Over by the Railway Company. (647)
- Railway Bridges. Strengthening, (233)
- Railway Works at Hazel Grove and Bromhall Area, (595)
- Railways in Peak District, 361
- Railway Workers and Winter Studies, (357)
- Retirement of Mr. Fred. J. Ramsdell, (35)
- " Royal Scot " Train Tour in Canada and United States, (357); Completion of Tour, (521); Returning to England, (547), 561; On View at Button, (595)
- Signalling at Retford. (233)
- Slat Conveyors at Burnley and Huddersfield, (431)
- Sleeping Car Diamond Jubilee on West Coast Route. (407)
- Sleeping Cans. Third-class, New Type. (209)
- Speed of Trains Between Mangotstield and Gloucester, (35)
RAILWAYS (continued) :
London, Midland and Scottish Railway (continued):
- Speed Records Between EiNton and Coventry, (309)
- Staveley to Elmton and Cresswell Branch Opened Forty-five Years, (431)
- Vacuum Smoke-box Cleansing Apparatus at. Willesden. 166
- Wagon Conversion to Modern Conditions. (11)
- Wagons. 2000 12-Ton Open, (521)
- War Nreteratt Locomotive " No. 2717." 103.
- 'Works and Rolling Stock Program 1934, (696), (643)
London and North Eastern Railway :
- Ballast Riddle, Motor-driven, Designed by R. J. M. Inglis. (137)
- Cast Iron Permanent Way Chairs, Order, Placed for, (621)
- Closing of Line from Sperm Bridge to Fort Augustus, (431)
- Colour Light Signalling Between Seven Sisters and Enfield Town, (493)
- Oil-electric " Railbus " in Regular Service Between Newcastle and North Wylawn, (333)
- " Queen of Scots " 11,111man Train. Record Run. (671)
- " Scarborough Flyer.' Ruts t,, l of k. (87)
- Tourist Trunk Train 112
- Electricity Supply from Croydon Corporation. (383)
- Electrification Extension to Sevenoaks, 537, (547)
- Electrification, Further Schemes, 561
- Exeter Central Station Opened July 1st. 1933. (7)
- Gold Medal for Fifty Years' Service, (137)
- Paddle Steamer for Portsmouth-Ryde Service Ordered from \'m. Donny and Brothers, (621)
- Rearrangement of Rodhill and Sovonoaks Lines, (459)
- Relaying " North Kent East " Junction and Main and Greenwich Lines Between London Bridge and Now Cross, (521)
- Retirement. of Mr. G. R. Newcombe, (233)
- " Southern Belle " renamed " Brighton Belle." (621)
- Tonbridge Station Improvements, (459)
- Train Ferry Dock, Southern Railway, 127. (137)
- Train Ferries, Southern Railway, 1
Underground Railways of London :
- Electrification of Underground, (461)
- Inspection of Inner Circle Rolling Stock and Motors, (621)
- Piccadilly Railway Extension, 103
- Piccadilly Tube Opened to Cockfostors. (113)
- Tubo Railway for Ilford, Deputation to Lord Ashfield, (621)
- Underkzvound " a Misnomer, Manchedter Guardtan's London Correspondent, (113) I
- Underground Railway Station Improvements, (283)
- Uxbridge Branch of Metropolitan and L.P.T.B.. (257)
- Uxbridge Through Services, (383)
- American Locomotive Developments, Paul T. Warner, 91
- "Atlantic " Typo Locomotive Converted to 4-6-0 Typo on Egyptian State Railways, 58
- Austrian 2e--8-4 Locomotive. 176, 177
- Belgian 2-8-0 Locomotive. 201
- Board of Trado, Exports of Locomotive, (87)
- British and American Locomotives, 13
- Bulgarian 2-120--4T Locomotive, 202
- Czechoslovakian 2-10-2T Locomotive. 201
- Dundas and Nowtylo Railway, Centenary ut Use of Locomotives on, (309)
- Eight British Locomotives for China, (61)
- High-pressure Locomotives, 115
- Kitson-Still Locomotive, Records of Runs, Kitson and Co.. Ltd., 238, 239
- Locomotive for Northern Counties Commit t A' 4..
- Ireland, 2-6-0 Superheater, 96
- Locomotive Orders with Private Firms, .',37
- Locomotive Practice. Modern Europeatls. Brian Reed. 176. 186. 200
- Locomotive Repair Shops at. Bath fur S. & D. Locomotives. Improvements at, (209)
- Locomotive Testing Plant at Vitry, 402, 465
- Locomotives. Recent American Express, E. C. Poultney. 614. 636
- Locomotives Using Carlisle Station, 1'i grouping and To-day. (407)
- Locomotives Using York Station. Frt.. grouping and To-day, (407)
- London. Midland and Scottish Railway. 4-6-2 " Pacific " Express Passenger Locomotive " No. 6200," 16. 63
- No. 6201 " Named " Princess Elizabeth," (547)
- Netherlands Railways. 4 8-4T Locomotiv.., 202
- Nord Compound " Decapod " Locomotive. 200
- Norwegian 4-8-0 Locomotive, 202
- Smoke-box Cleanser at Willesden, Vacuum, Davidson and Co.. Ltd., 166
- Spray Cleaning for Locomotives, (333)
- Steam Locomotives in Use, Railway Returns. Statistics, (621)
- " Super-Mountain " Locomotive Not in Service on Cherbourg Line. (521)
- Tank Locomotive, L.M.S. Railway, 406 1Var Veteran, Locomotive " No. 2717," 103
- Water Pick-up Gear, Improved, L.M. and s. Railway. 468
Locomotives. Diesel. Oil, and Oil-Electric (also Railcars):
- Diesel Electric Units for the Buenos Aire, Great Southorn Railway. P. C. Saccaggio, 579 1 1
Locomotives, Diesel, Oil, and Oil-Electric (also Railcars) (continued) :
- German 1000 B.H.P. 4-4-4 Oil Locomotive. (461)
- Hauling Capacity of 800 H.P. Diesel-electric Locomotive, (257)
- Kitson-Still Locomotive. Records of RUIL4. 238, 239
- Oil-electric Train Set for Brazil, Sir W. C. Armstrong, Whitworth and ('o. (Engineers), Ltd., 529
- Oil-electric Locomotive, L.N.E.R. Main Line, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 490, (560), (Note, 536)
- Oil-electric Rail Coach, 200 H.P., English Electric Company, Ltd., 626, 627
- Oil-electric Rail-bus Demonstration, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and (%). (Engineers), Ltd., 127, 168
- Oil-electric Rail-bus Results, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 168
- Oil-electric Shunting Locomotive 0-4-0, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 300
- Oil-electric Train for San Paulo Railway, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 69
- Oil Engine Locomotive, 16-20 H.P., Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 452
- Oil Locomotives for Algiers-Oran Railway. (431)
- Rail-bus, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 18
- Railcar, 130 H.P. Oil-engined, Associated Equipment Company, Ltd., 86
- Railcar for Great 'Western Railway, 13o H.P., Hardy Motors, Ltd., 411 (Two page Supplement, October 27th, 1933)
- Rail-car, 63-Seater, Hardy Motors. Ltd.. 470
- Rail Coach, 200 H.P. Oil-electric, 1"; g1 sh Electric Company, Ltd., 626, 627
- RADIOSCRIPT Reproduction Process, B. J. Hall and Co., Ltd., 274
- Rain Water Tank at Gibraltar, (431)
- Recreation Ground of Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., Opened, (357)
- Refractories, Careful Handling of, (61) 1) Refrigerator Compressors. Liverpool Refrigeration Company, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xi
- Refrigerators and Load. Useful Proposition to Supply Authorities, (209)
- Refuse Collector, 12 Cubic Yard, Sir J . I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 452
- Refuse Collector, 3-ton, Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., 452
- Refuse Collector with 10-30 H.P. Petrol Engine, Karrier Motors, Ltd., 451
- Relining for Transition Curves by Offsets, J. D. W. Ball, 156
- Research by Metallurgists. Mechanical and Structural Engineers, Professor F. C. Lea,(461)
- Research Exhibits at Olympia, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 330 1) Research Station at Dollis Hill, Post Office. 404. 408
- Reservoirs and Floods, Committee's Reports to Institution of Civil Engineers, 188
- Retaining Wall in Cowes Harbour, (595)
- Rhodium in Electroplating, R. N. Atkinson. (571)
- Germany Building "1"11reo Continental Roads, (461)
- Highway between Milan and Genoa Nearing Completion, Heavy Motor Truck, (185)
- Road Accidents Report. 574
- Road and Rail Traffic Bill Read Third Time, 7) (87)
- Road and Rail Traffic Bill Criticised by Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, (87)
- Road and Rail Traffic Bill Receives Royal Assent, (521)
- Road Congress, Permanent International Association, German Meeting at Munich, 181
- Road Surfacing Mixtures, Plant for Making Tar Macadam and, Millars' Machinery Company, Ltd., 500, 501
- Road Sweeper, Petrol-driven, Karrier Motors, Ltd., 451
- Road Vehicles, Gas Propulsion of, 151
- Roads, Experimental Work on, 199
- Safety to Pedestrians Crossing Manchester, Liverpool Arterial Road, (161)
- ROCK Temperatures in Gold Mines, (283)
- Rods, Sucker and Pull, Lancashire Steel Corporation, 82
- Roller, Oil-eng.ined Road, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 455
- Roller, Report on Remarkable, Marshall, Son and Co., Ltd., 340
- Roller, 9-ton Steam, Wallis and Stevens, Ltd., 453
- Roller, 10-ton Oil-engine-driven Road, 455
- Roller, 102-ton Oil-engine-driven, Wallis Stevens, Ltd., 453
- Roller for Consolidating Reservoir Embankments, Special Steam, Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 42; Report, 340
- Roller for Grass Work, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 452
- Rollers, Motor Road, Aveling and Porter and Barford and Perkins. Ltd.. 30, 31
- Rollers, Road, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 520
- Roofing Materials, Bituminous Waterproofing of, (431)
- Ropeway, Ballast Pit, British Ropeway Engineering Company, Ltd., 162, 170
- Rotary Tools, High-speed, Loranco, Ltd., 325
- Rubber Cutter, Hydraulic Raw, Theodore Boll and Co., 43
- Rubber Factory for Travancore, (621)
- Rubber Factory near Erivan, Russia. Proposed Synthetic, (333)
- Rubber Guido Bearing for Exciter of Water Turbine, (161)
- Rubber Hose Covered with Metal, Chinese Authorities' Requirements for, (431)
- Rubber Manufacture at Yaroslav, Russia. Factory for Synthetic, (621)
- Rubber Paving, Cost of. (595)
- SALT from Saskatchewan, (469)
- Salvage from the " Egypt," (233)
- Sand. Flow of Water in, Dr. E. McKenzie Taylor and Harbans Lal Uppal, 107
- Sander, Open-end Belt, Dominion Maeliiiier Company, Ltd., 226
- Sardines, Japanese Industry at Saghalien for Canning. (253)
- Sawdust for Extinction of Fires. (185)
- Scale Preventer, Dejector, Thompson Associated Companies, Ltd., 275
- Scapa Flow and Metal industries, Ltd., (113)
- Scapa Flow Salvage Operations, Cox ail, l Danks, Ltd., 25
- Science, Co-operation in, S. C. Bradford, 360
- Science and Industry, Application of, Sir Richard Gregory, 77
- Science and the Nation, 509
- Science Museum, Extension to, 635
SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS (See also Electrical Matters)
- Ammeters, " Tong Test," Crompton Parkinson. Ltd.,265
- Arca Type Regulator for Boiler and Industrial Steam Control, Bellies and Morcom. Ltd., 279
- Balancing Machine, Universal, Selson Machine Tool Company, Ltd., 224
- Boiler Water Level Gauge, " Teledep," Dobbie, McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., 325
- Controller for Searchlights, Distant. Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., 327
- Cylinder Gauge, Thomas Mercer, 248
- Depth-sounding Apparatus. " Fat hometer, Submarine Signal Company (London), Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, ii
- Dial Test Indicator, Thomas Mercer, 248
- Flow Meter, Electrically Operated, Electron Meters Company, Ltd., 502
- Flow Transmitter, Electrical, George Kent, Ltd., 503
- Gauge, Hotwell, Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 1933. i
- Hardness Tester, Simplified Pendulum, E. G. Herbert, Ltd., 68
- Insulation Tester, Recording, Evershed anti Vignoles, Ltd., 652
- Navigational Instruments. Henry Hughes and Son, Ltd.,326
- Planimeter, " Albrit " Polar, W. F. Stanl.'y and Co., Ltd., 84
- Pressure Gauges. " Farnboro " Electric, Dobbie, McInnes and Clyde. Ltd., 325
- Pressure Recorder, Volumetric, Short and Mason, Ltd. 250
- Pyrometer, Optical Direct-reading. Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi
- Recorder for Lorry Working, Service Recorders, Ltd., 472
- Regulator, Cowan-Still Induction, Cowan?"Ltd.. 600
- Regulator, Induction, English Electric Company, Ltd., 602
- Regulator, Patented Moving Coil, Ferranti, Ltd., 564
- Regulator, Reavell-Ascania, Reavell and Co.. Ltd., 279
- Response Regulator, " Dub." Short and Mason, Ltd., 250
- Scientific Instruments for Petroleum Industry, George Kent, Ltd., 83
- Sounding Device. " Echometer," Marconi Sounding Device Company, Ltd., 253
- Sounding Recorder, Echo, Henry Hughes and Son, Ltd., 326
- Speed Controller, Drum type Variable, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 277
- Synchroniser, Automatic, A.E.t; l.:I',.•t ii• Company, 120
- Tachometer, " Orbit," Budenberg Gauge Company, Ltd., 18
- Temperature-measuring Apparatus, Indicating and Recording, Foster Instrument Company. Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Temperature Recorder, Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, x
- Temperature Recorder, Multi-point, Foster Instrument Co, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, v
- Testing Machine, Universal, Selson Machine Tool Company, Ltd., 224
- Thermal Gas Closing Mechanism for Oil Circuit Breakers, Ferguson-Pailin, Ltd., 415
- Thermometer, Recording, Negretti Zambra, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933. x
- Water Gauge Projector, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xiv
- Water Level Indicator, Dewrancc and (Io., 326
- Water Level Recorder, Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., 69
- Water Measuring_ and Recording Instrumental, George Kent. Ltd., 503
- SCIENTIFIC Management, Organisation of Sixth International Congress, London, (680)
- Scientific Management Congress, 103
- Screen, Counterbalanced Shaking, R. Broadbent and Son. Ltd., 518
- Screen, Mitchell Electric Vibrating, Marsden, Ltd., 452
- Screwdriver, Electric, Bosch, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xv
- Screw Threads, Testing, (61)
- Searchlight, High Intensity Naval, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd.. 327
- Seed Drill,- Hornsby-Leake, Ransomes. Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 31, 33
- Sewage Disposal Plant at Brunswick Barnet's, (161)
- Sewage Disposal Works, Wandle Valley, Willcox and Raikes, 592, 596 (Note, 628)
- Sewage Ejection for Marine Purposes. Low-pressure System, Bentley's, 303. 310, (Note. 628)
- Shaft with Skew Stiffness, Whirling of, Dr. David Robertson, 152. 179, 213
- Automatic Control of Propelling Machinery on Board Ship, Dr. Roux, 15
- Behaviour of Ships at Sea, Dr.-Ing. von den Steinen, 14
- Clyde Shipyard Appointment, 175
- Coastwise Shipping Medal, 1934 (504)
- Development and Future of High-pressure
- Turbines for Ship Propulsion, Dr.-Ing.
- E. Goos, 15
- " Dingymota," Brooke Marine Motors.
- Ltd., 18
- Drifters in Buckie Fleet, (357)
- Driving and Measuring Apparatus for Self-propelled Models. Ing. H. Schmier-schalskii 15
- Fishing Craft, OThengined, 481
- French Passenger Ship Fire Regulations, 175
- Hull, Isherwood, " Areforrn " Design of, 83
- Lengthening Hamburg-America Liners, 51
- Liner Records During Good Weather, 1933, 175
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 379
- Lloyd's Register Year Book, 59
- Main Manceuvres of the German and English Fleets, Before, During, and After Battle of Jutland, Vice-Admiral R. M. Rogge, 15
- Main Ship Types of Modern Norwegian Mercantile Fleet, Dr. Danehert-Smith, 15
- Measuring Apparatus for Sea Use, Dr. Pabst, 14
- Merchant Navy, Conditions of Service, 561
- Merchant Ships of America Laid Up, (87)
- Motor Boat Speed Record, (208)
- Motor Lifeboat for Wishner, Kent, (113)
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Contracts for Machinery Improvements to Six Vessels, (61)
- Raising Sunken Submarines, French Experiments. (233)
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, A. C. Hardy, 266
- Shipbuilding Industry,Welding in, 103
- Shipbuilding on the Cyde, 635
- Shipbuilding( Orders for Surntisland Shipbuilding Company, of Fife, (621)
- Shipbuilding Orders, Recent, 151, 199. 481, 537
- Shipbuilding Returns, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarterly. 46
- Ship Discharging by Steel Band Conveyor at Gothenburg Harbour, 68
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Olympia. 224, 248, 274, 300, 310, 324 (Sixteen-page Supplement,
- September 8th ,1933), (Four-page Supplement, September 22nd, 1933)
- Sound Signalling Technique for Ship Operation, Dr. Kunze, 14
- Speed at Sea, Measurement of, British Pitomoter Company, Ltd., 192
- Steamboat Inventor, Plate Fixed in Cannes Prison to Marquis Claude de Jouffrey d'Abbas, 221
- Stress and Strain Research on a Moving Ship, Dr. Dahlmann, 14
- Submarine, Fiftieth Anniversary of World's First Machine-propelled, (521)
- Vibration Measurements on Engines and Ships, Dr. Geiger, 14
Liners and Miscellaneous Vessels :
- " Atlantique, L', " Dry-docked at Cherbourg for Examination by Experts, 127
- " Atlantique," Problem of L', 199, 537
- Blue Star Line's 12,000-Ton Ships for Now Zealand Trade, (493), (547)
- Cargo Boats, " Simplex Unit " Systems, Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company. Ltd., 228
- Cimarder and Southampton's Graving Dock, 103
- Development of the " Monte " Class of Ship and their Operation, Ober frig. H. Dittmer, 14
- Dredger, 8 Cubic Yard Dipper, Ruston-Bucyrus. Ltd., 132, 133
- Famous Clyde Steamer daledonia." Passing of L.M.S., 561, (571)
- Ferry Boats for Clyde Navigation. Three, (621)
- " Gorgon," Blue Funnel Motor Ship, 175
- Icebreakers for Polar Expeditions. Soviet-built, (209)
- Icebreaker for Soviet Government. Electrical, (309)
- "L'Atlantique," Problem of Disposal of, 537
- Lengthening of s.s. " Doric Star," by Messrs. Palmers, (643)
- Lifeboat for Dungeness, Motor. (61)
- Liner Equipped with Oil Engines, Order to Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company. Ltd., for, (595)
- Malaita," Single-screw Motor Ship. Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., 175
- " Miss Britain III.." 151, 223
- Motor Passenger Boats for Sydney liarbout, (61)
- Motor Trawler " Ala," Richards Ironworks, Ltd.. 555
- Motor Vessel " Monte Rosa," Hamburg-South American Line, 14
- Motor Yacht, " Trenora." John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 109
- "Normandie," French Liner. 323
- Oil Tanker " Ben Sadler," for Coastal Service, 199
- Orient Fleet, 421, 585, 611
- Orient Liner to be Larger than " Orontes," (643)
- Steamer "Villa Selgas," Originally "John Bowes." First Iron Screw Colliery.Built Eighty-one Years Ago, (407)
- Steamers " Brighton " and " Dieppe." Lord Moyne and, (365)
- Steainithips. Fate of Well-known. Gerald Aylmer, 140
- S.S. " Royal William " Canada's Commemorative Stamp, (233)
- Tug " Acklam Cross," Oil-electric, Hall, Russell and Co.. Ltd., 239
- Tug, es Zwarte Zee," 373
Linen and Miscellaneous Vessels (continued):
- Tug for Peru, Oil-engined, Brooke Motors,LW., 551
- Twin-screw Tug " Sir Guthrie Russell,"Burn and Co-. Ltd-. 68
- Vessel for Towing Floating Targets, (309)
Naval Matters :
- Cruiser Position of Great Britain, 139
- Cruiser Building Programme, 1933, 481
- H.M. Light, Draught Gunboat " Sandpiper," Reassembled at Shanghai and has Successful Trial Trip, (137)
- Foreign :
- Portuguese Destroyer " Lima," Trials of, Yarrow and Co.. Ltd.. (342)
- Portuguese Destroyer " Vouga," Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 112
- Portuguese Navy Sloop " Gonsalves Zarco," Commissioned. (209)
- SELENIUM Production in Canada. (333)
- "Shorteriaing " Jobs Recorded. (521)
- Sifter, " Pascal " Patented Turbine, S.O.S. Patents. Ltd.. 330
- Silicosis. Research on. (257)
- Sintering Plants at Scunthorpe. Greenawalt System, (257)
- Sixty Years Ago. 15, 39, 60, 96, 117, 146. 160, 184. 205. 232, 261. 286. 308, 336. 357, 382, 406, 438, 460, 492, 517, 543. 575, 594. 625, 642
- Skip. Automatio Tipping, " Hoppa," R. White and Sons, 217
- Skyscrapers, End of. (431)
- Skyscrapers, Will They be Abandoned 2 (283)
- Slag Wool, Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., 230
- Slide Rule Magnifying Attachment. A. G. Thornton LW., 342
- Sluice Valve. 10ft., at Southampton Docks. Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., 53
- Smoke Abatement Committee for Merseyside and South-West Lancashire. Advisory Regional, (367)
- Smoke Emission Measuring Instrument. Dr. J. S. Owens', C. F. Casella and Co., Ltd., 40
- Sodium as Conductor of Heat and Electricity, (209)
- Sodium for Removing Antimony from Lead, (161)
- Sodium Sulphate Deposit in Saskatchewan, Development of, (493)
- Sodium Sulphate Refining Plant at Inglebright Lake, (461)
- Soil Heating. Electricity for. C. A. Candron Brown. 131
- Solar Apparatus Mass Production in Russia. (407)
- Solder, " Alumalloy " Semi-welded, Captain S. P. B. Russell, 327
- Soldering and Brazing. A. S. Newman and Dr. R. S. Clay, (621)
- Solders. " Kester," Thomas and Bishop. Ltd., Suppt., September 8th. 1933, xvi
- Soldo Compound for Tinning Metals, Soldo Company. Suppt., September 8th. 1933, iii
- Soot Blower, Single-nozzle. Babcock and Wilcox. Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiii
- Alcohol as Motor Fuel, 570
- Electrical Work at Pretoria, 570
- Electricity Schemes. 368
- Electrification of Main Lines. 570
- Electrification of Railways. 232, 368
- Enterprises, Some New. 570
- Galvanised Iron Industry, 232
- German Tender Lowest, 145
- Gold Output for Half-year, 232
- Goods Traffic Jump. 476
- Industrial Output, 476
- Johannesburg's Electricity Scheme, 145
- Johannesburg's Traffic System, 476
- Johannesburg Tramway System, 46
- Locomotive Yard at Bloemfontein. 46
- Mailboat Service, Faster, 476
- Port Elizabeth's Harbour. 570
- Railway Commission, 145
- Railway Earnings, 145
- Railway Works, Additional, 368
- Railways and Rolling Stock, Additional, 145
- Rand Water Supply Extension, 46
- Rhodesian Copper Refinery, 232
- Rolling Stock for Union Railways, 570
- State Steel Works, Dr. .1. H. Dobson Appointed General Works Manager of, 46
- Steel Works to Start in 1934. 232
- Subsidising Italian Vessels. 368
- Table Mountain Cableway, 368
- Tugs for Port Elizabeth. Two Powerful, 46
- Union Iron and Steel Works. 145
- Victoria Falls Power Commission. 232
- Wages in Gold Industry, 476
- SOUND and Air-conditioning in Buildings, (547)
- Spray Outfit, Paint " Handi-Spray," B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., Suppt, September 8th, 1933, ii
- Stabilograph. Dobbie, McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., 325
- Starting Gear for Oil Engines, Inertia, J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., 280
- Steam Experience at Detroit, High-temperature, P. W. Thompson and R. M. Van Duzer. Junr.. 619
- Steam Generator, Sulzer Single-tube, Professor A. Stodola. 496, 525
- Steam Pipe Failure in Steam Range, Report by Engineer Surveyor-in-Chief, Board of Trade, 111
- Steam-powered Generating Plants in California, (643)
- Steam Wagon, Rigid Eight-wheeler, Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., 487
- Steering Bogie for Steam Wagon, Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., 487
- Stokers, Ed. Bennis and Co., Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xiv
- Stone Breakers. H. R. Marsden, Ltd.. 452, 453
- Stones. Research Work on Roof of H.M. Office of Works, (113)
- Stoves for House Heating, Spacing of, (407)
- Strainer for Engine Fuel Oil and Oil Pipe Lines, " Lolos," Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 225
- Strainers for Engine Fuel Oil Pipe Lines, " Lolos," Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 225
- Strainers for Engine Fuel, " Lobos." Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 225
- Strainer for Lubricating Oil, Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 225
- Stratosphere Balloon. " U.S.S.R.," Second Ascent, (357)
- Stratosphere Cabin. Destruction of Professor Piccard's, 181
- Stratosphere Exploration in April, 1934, (571)
- Street Traffic Signals and Red Illuminated Advertisements, (157)
- Stud. Correct Way to Fit a. (357)
- Subsidence of Land in San Jose, California. (87)
- Subway. Plans Approved for Glasgow's, 199
- Sugar Beet Factories in Ireland, (461)
- Sugar Beet Factories in Irish Free State. (547)
- Sulphur from Gases, Removal of, (87)
- Sulphur from Iron Duko Mine. Rhodesia, (35)
- Sulphurotted Hydrogen, Danger of, (35)
- Sulphuric Acid Plant in Palestine, (621)
- Sun's Energy, Utilisation of, (357)
- Surveying Canadian Dominion Lands, (383)
- TANK Experimenters, International Congress in Holland of. 51
- Tanks, Welded Buoys and. John Bellamy, Ltd., 143
- Tar Distillation Plant at Teheran for Impregnating Railway Sleepers. (595)
- Taxation of Commercial Travellers in 'Mime anian, (621)
- Tea Factory at Serdang. F.M.S.. Experimental, (547)
- Technical College Opened, Wolverhampton and Staffs., (11)
- Technical Museums. H. W. Dickinson, 381
- Technical Press and World Recovery. 77
- Code Telegrams, Revised Rule Applicable to. (318)
- Telegrams to Friends at Sea, Olympia Exhibition and Free, (233)
- Automatic Telephone Exchange at Kovno and 'Memel, British Company to Instal. (405)
- Automatic Telephone Exchanges in I: land, (185)
- Telephone Cable, Anglo-French. 384
- Telephone Cable for London-Ryde service. (209)
- Telephone Extensions in Paris. (113)
- Telephone Interference, W. G. Radley and S. Whitehead, 555
- Telephone Service Between France and Colombia, (113)
- Telephone Stations Connected to Post Office System, Number of. (333)
- Telephone System of St. James's Palace. Alteration when Changing from D.C. to
- A.C., (643)
- Telephones, Intercommunicating. Telephone Manufacturing Company. Ltd., 253
- Telephones, Noise-proof, Telephone Manufacturing Company, Ltd., 253
- Telephones in Great Britain, Increase of. (621)
- Telephonic Communication on Goods Trains, General Electric Company of America. (111
- TELESCOPE for McDonald Observatory. (521t
- Temperature Chart. Prepared by Sir Robert Hadfield, (546)
- Tensometer, Hounsfield, Tensometer, Ltd., 328
- Tessellated Pavement, Check on Pedestrian, Safety Crossing. (357)
- Testing Apparatus, Electrical and Mechanical Measuring and, Elliott Brothers (London). Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, vi
- Testing Materials, Headquarters Moved of American Society for, (521)
- Textile Machinery and Accessories Exhibition Postponed, (357)
- Thallium Compounds and Exposure to Light, (283)
- Thurcroft By-product Plant, Yorkshire, to Reopen, (309)
- Timber, Dry Rot and, 25
- Timber Preservation in Telegraph Poles and Railway Sleepers, (283)
- Timber, Seasoning, Report on, (83)
- Tin, Uses of, (357)
- Tin Mine Reworking, Lady Gwendoline, (431)
- Tinning Compound, " Flexo," Thomas and Bishop, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933, xvi
- Tinning Fluid, " Alumalloy." Captain S. P. B. Russell, 327
- Titanium Pigments. Gillingham Factory for Production of, (283)
- Tool-room Tempering Equipment. Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 252
- Torque Converter, 110 B.H.P., Petrol Engine and, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 487
- Town's Refuse. Gasification of Burnley's, Whitfield Gas Producers, Ltd., 355
- Track Caterpillar, Roadless Traction, Ltd., 8
- Tractor, " Cob Six," 14-52 H.P., Three-wheel, Karrier Motors, Ltd., 485
- Tractor, Oil-engined Driven Caterpillar. Richard Garrett Engineering Works, Ltd., 415
- Tractor-Trailer Combination, Karrier Motors, Ltd., 8
- Tractor, 30 H.P. Caterpillar, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 10
- Tractor, 30 H.P. Caterpillar, Marshall. Sons and Co.. Ltd.. 8
- Tractor for 15-Ton Oversoa Transport Unit, Associated Equipment Company. Ltd.. 55, 62 (Two-page Supplement, July 21st, 1933)
- Tractor Truck and Trailer for Long Loads, Vickers-Carden-Loyd, 82, 83
- Trade Cycles, Axel P. Enstrom, 41; (Leading Article. 37)
- Trade in Birmingham, State of, (493)
- Trade Returns, Improved, 481
- Trade Union Congress President, Mr. A. G. Walkden, Former Railway Servant, (257)
- Trade with Austria, 1
- Traffic Advisory Council, Mr. Oliver Stanley and, (481)
- Traffic Bollard, General Electric Company. Ltd.. 454
- Traffic Lines, Information on, 1
- Trailers for Commercial Vehicles. R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd.. 474
- Trailer for Overseas Transport Unit. R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 55. 66 (Two-page Supplement, July 2144 1933)
- Trailer Vehicle, 4-5-Ton Semi, Eagle Engineering Company, Ltd., 472
- Tramcar Accident at Bath, (11)
- Tramcar Accident at Bath, Verdict of " Accidental Death " on Victims. (87)
- Tramcar Equipment, Electric, Crompton-ParI kinson. Ltd., 391
- Tramcar Journeys in Great Britain, (621)
- Tramway Construction in America, 205
- Tramways of Middlesbrough, Replacing by Trolley Omnibuses or Motor Omnibuses. (309)
- Transmission Gear. Fluid Fly-wheel. Daimler Company, Ltd.. 485
- Transmission Lines for Rural Service to Fanners in S.E. Nebraska, (336)
- Transmission System for Austin Motor Cars, "Hayes " Self-selector, 380
- Transport by Air and Ocean, Victoria, British Columbia. to Nairobi. Kenya Colony, in Thirteen Days, (595)
- Transport Board in Lancashire and Cheshire. Proposed Joint. Municipal, (353)
- Transport Industry, Mr. Herbert Morrison, (57I )
- Transport Industry, Technical Point of View. (35)
- Transport Unit, An Oversee, Oversee Mechanical Transport Council. 55, 62 (Two-page Supplement. July 21st. 1933)
- Transporting Sixteen Railway Coaches from Birmingham to Liverpool, (571)
- Traps, Steam, United States Metallic Packing Company. Ltd.. 304
- Trevithick Centenary Commemorating Committee, 382
- Trolley Bus, Double-deck. Associated Equipment Company. Ltd.. and English Electric Company, Ltd., 473
- Trolley Bus, Double-deck, Ransomes, Sims and .Jefferies, Ltd., 471
- Trolley-bus Chassis, Four-wheeled. Regenerative, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.. 471
- Trolley Bus Chassis, Six-wheeled Electric, Sunbeam Motor Car Company. Ltd., 429. 430
- Trolleybus Scheme for London, 537
- Trolleybuses to Replace Tramways. (547)
- Trolley Omnibuses, Regenerative, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 390
- Truck, Electric, Ransoms, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 471
- Truck, Throe-wheeled. Kerner Motors, Ltd., 8
- Truck, Four-wheeled 10-30 H.P., Karrier Motors, Ltd., 8
- Truck, 5-ton Elevating Platform, Wingrove and Rogers, Ltd., 529
- Tsetse Fly Trap, Harris', (383)
- Tube Diameter and Heat Transmission, Thomas Petty. 54
- Tube Wells for Irrigation Purposes in India. (113)
- Tubes, " Introscope " for Examination of Internal Surfaces of, Foster Instrument Company, Ltd., Suppt., September fith, 1933, v
- Tunnel, Ventilation of Wavtorm (257)
- Tunnel for Galloway Water Power Company Holed Through, (431)
- Tunnel Under First Narrows at Vancouver Tested, (35)
- Tungsten-carbide Alloys, Applications of, (461)
- Turbine, Development of Parsons Steam. Editorial Announcement. 623, 845
- Turbine and Condenser, " Midget " Horizontal, Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., 278
- Turbine Installation at Vargon Power Station. Kaplan, 448, 449, 482. 494
- Turbine, 1500 B.H.P.. 4500 r.p.m.. Self-contained, Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., 278
- Turbine Sifter, " Pascall " Patented, S.O.S.Patents, Ltd., 330
- Turbine Unit, Model of " Simplex," Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Ltd.. 228
- Turbines, Marine Steam, Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company. Ltd., 228
- Turbo-blowers for Corby, Richardsons, Westgarth's, (407)
- Turbo-generator. 50 kW, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 277 (Suppt., September 22nd. 1933)
- Turbo-generator Sets at Cape Town, Parsons ' (209)
- UNEMPLOYMENT :Its Realities anti Problems, 77
- Unemployment, Realities and Problems of, 115, 120
- Unemployment and Professional Men. 187
- Unemployment Returns for November, 561
- Unemployment Works in Holland, (357)
- Unilateral System for Waiting Vehicles in Jermyn-street. (493)
- University of Hong Kong. Professor C. A. Middleton Smith, 78, 88
- VALVE, " Thruster," British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 68
- Valve Control Board at Southampton Docks, 53
- Valve Opened while Steam in Pipe Causes Engine Wreck, (11)
- Van. " Stag " Insulated 12-ton Box. Sir J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 473
- Veo Drive Unit, Brooke Marino Motors, Ltd., 43
- Vehicles, Commercial, Crossley Motors, Ltd., 471
- Vehicular Tunnel Under Hudson River, Proposed, (233)
- Ventilation of Mersey Tunnel. Instruments by Cambridge Instrument Company. Ltd., (185)
- Vertical Burr Stone Mills, (Note. 150)
- Viaduct. Mestre-Venice, 640, 641
- Vice, Machine, E. L. Youngelson, Ltd., 327
- Vickers, Ltd., Official Document to the Press, 232
- Viscosity of Natural Gas, (521)
- Visit to British Thomson-Houston Works, Rugby, (242)
- WASTE in Manufacture, C. R. F. Engolbach, 336; (Loading Article. 359)
- Water Heaters, Electric. A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd.. 341
- Water in Sand, Flow of. Dr. E. Me Kenzie Taylor and Harbans Lai Uppal, 107
- Artesian Wells in London, 199
- Cardiff Water Supply from Brecon. (357)
- Filtration of Drinking Water, (383)
- Longsleddalo Tunnel Aqueduct Completed for Manchester Water Supply. (61)
- Macclesfield Water Supply. Mather and Plan, Ltd., Emergency Pumping Plant for, (282)
- Manchester's Water Scheme, Progress on, 51
- Metropolitan Water Board's Chief Engineer, Mr.11. E. Stilgoe, Retires. 77
- Rural Water Supplies, 93, 537, 635
- Ityburn Reservoir for Wakefield, 284, 287
- Sterilisation of Water Supplies, Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd.. 502
- Water Flow Measurement Apparatus, Lea Recorder Company, Ltd., 302, 310
- Water Scheme. Palestine, 611
- Water Softener. Base Exchange Industrial, United Water Softeners. Ltd.. 227
- Water Softener. Kennicott Pressure-type.Thompson Associated Companies, Ltd., 275
- Water Softeners at St. Helens, " Permutit," (372)
- Water Supply at Country House. Pntersfield, C. J. P. Cave, 363
- Water Supply for Rangoon, (357)
- Water Supply of Auckland from Waikato River. (137)
- Water Supply Schemes in U.S.A., (137)
- Waterworks Pumps in America. 205
- WATER Tanks, Building of. Hon. M. E. A. H. Blunt, (475)
- Water Wastage from Leaks, (11)
- Whirling of a Shaft with Skew Stiffness. Dr. David Robertson, 152. 179, 213
- Winch, Self-sustaining, London Electric Firm, 226, 227
- Winch and Derrick, Combined, Clarke. Chapman and Co.. Ltd., 439
- Winch Weighing 23 Tons for French Trawler "Jutland." James Robertson and Co., (643)
- Winder, Douglas Multiple, Automatic Coil
- Winder and Electrical Equipment Company. Ltd.. Suppe., September fith. 1933,
- Windows in Houses as Heat Traps, (643)
- A.D.C. Light Welding Set. Mavrdsley's, Ltd., 226
- Electric Are Welding for Goods Wagons, (185)
- Oxy-acetylene Welding and Cutting Equipment, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 67
- Spot Welding Apparatus, Now Process
- Welders, Ltd., 301
- Welded Buoys and Tanks, John Bellamy, Ltd.. 143
- Welded Joints, Testing of, (621)
- Welded Wagon Underframes on Egyptian State Railways, 60
- Welding Equipment. X-ray and, Phillips Lamps, Ltd.. Suppt., September 8th, 1933. iv
- Welding in Shipbuilding Industry. 103
- Welding Machines, Soag Machine Tools. Ltd.. 330
- Welding of Inflammable Materials, A. Stephenson, (361)
- Welding Plant, Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Suppt., September 8th, 1933. iii
- Welding Process. Low-temperature, Baritnar, Ltd., 43
- Welding Railway Bridge on Swiss Federal Railways, (61)
- Welding Repairs on South African Railways, (185)
- Welding Set, Rectifier, Phillips Lamps, Ltd. Suppt., September 8th. 1933, v
- Welding Sets in Germany, (209)
- Welds. liachine for Testing, Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Suppt.. September 8th, 1933. iii
- WHINE in Steel Gears. Removal of, (185)
- Wire Drawing Bench, High-speed, W. H. A. Robertson and Co., Ltd.. 95
- Aerial Mast at Budapest Radio Broadcasting Station, (571)
- Loudspeakers for Victoria Parliament. (333)
- Marconi Transmitter at Bergen Broadcasting Station, (85)
- Non-resonant Studio at Utrecht, Professor Swaardemaker's, (461)
- Radio Apparatus for Greece, (87)
- Radio Beacon with Revolving Frame, (209)
- Radio-telephones on San Francisco—Oakland Bridge Work, High-frequency, (309)
- Standardising Radio Wave Lengths. Instrument for. (625)
- Wireless, Ultra Short-wave. 151
- Wireless Apparatus, Marconi International Marine Communication Company. Ltd., 249
- Wireless Apparatus for Use at Sea. Marine Electrical Equipment Company, Ltd.. 303, 310
- Wireless Communication Between Christmas Island and Singapore, (283)
- Wireless in Industry, (647)
- Wireless Receiving Licences in United Kingdom. (257)
- Wireless Valve, 500 - Watt, " kieptode," General Post Office, 304
- WORKING Hours at Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., (185)
- Woodlands in Great Britain, (407)
- Wood Shrinkage Research, (333)
- Wood Sugar Production, Dr. F. Bergius, (521)
- Wood-working Machinery, Dominion Machinery Company. Ltd., 225
- Wood-working Machines, Moulders, Thomas Robinson and Son, Ltd.. 142 1Vork-sharing Scheme of Blaonavon Miners, (1 1)
- Scandinavian Sectional Meeting. so. 114
- Papers :
- British no Research Coal Survey. It. 1..Mitton and Dr. F. S. Sinnott. 81
- British Marine Oil Engines. T. V. Robin,:mi, 117
- Cosordinated Production of Industrial Stew it and Utility Power. A. R. Smith. 82
- Electrical Heating, 82
- Electrical Resistance Furnaces. 82
- Energy Problems of Urban and Suburbolk Traffic. 116
- Energy Supply of Large•seatI4. I 114Instry tricot). 80
- Energy Supply of Large•seate Industry (004). 81
- High•frequeney Induction Furnaces. V. ilarbord. 82
- Ljungstrom Turbo•generator at Vitsterm. 50.000.1:We 81
- Marine Transport, Energy Problems of, 117
- Motive Power for Industrial Machinery, Transmission and Adaption of, 116
- Oil Engine, 15,000-kW, Eight-cylinder. Double-acting. Two-stroke, Orsted Station. 81
- Power and Heat Combinations, 82
- Power Sit nation of Manufacturing Industry in Great Britain and the " Grid," 80
- Railways and Power Questions, 116
- Scandinavian Sectional Mooting, 80
- Solid and Liquid Fuels, 81
- Special Energy Problems of Iron and St 4.4.1 Industry, 82
- Special Energy Probloms of Steam Ileat• consuming Industries. 82
- Strain. Diesel. and Electric Traction on Railways. 80
- Tribute to Organising Committees, 117
- Vfistoras Stettin Power Plant in 80%11111.m Sweden, 81
- X•RAY and Welding Equipment, Phillip Lamps, Ltd., Suppl., September 8th, 1933, i%
- X-Ray Apparatus. Dr. A. Bowerle World Smallest. (595)
- Y 1 ARROW Boiler Plant• at. Forth Paper WI, (333)
- ZINC and Load, Fatal Accident while Extruding Alloy, of, (333)
- Zino Oxide Plant. Extension at svitton (357)
- Chassis of 130 H.P. Oil Engine Driven Railcar for Service on Groat Western Railway, Hardy Motors, Ltd. (Two•page Supplement. October 27th, 1933)
- Shipping. Engineering. and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia (Sixte©n•page Supplement, September 8th, 1933) (Four•page Supplement September 22nd, 1933)
- Southampton Dock Extensions. I 2nuft Dry Dock (Two-page Supplement, .July 14th, 1933)
- THE METALLURGIST (Sixteen-page Supplement, August. 25th, 1933, October 27th, 1933, December 29th, 1933)
- Tractor for 11$-Ton Oversea Transport, Unit (Two-page Supplement, July 21st. 1933)
A Seven Day Journal
- ADVERTISING and Marketing Exhibition, 51
- Aircraft Achievements. 51
- "Almiranto Saldanha," Brazilian Naval Training Ship, 611
- "Atlantiquo. L'," Hull Dry-docked at Cherbourg. 127; Problem of, 199. 637
- Atmospheric Pollution, 51
- Automobilo Engine Research and Standardisation. 127
- Avon Bridges. 299
- "BACK-TO-COAL " Movement, 447
- Baird, Wm.. and Co., Ltd., Gartsherrie works Scheme. 1
- Barter, Inter-Imperial, 223
- Beardmore Appointment, 223
- Beauty in Machinery, 373
- Belfast Dock. 421
- Blowing-up Shuttle Viaduct, 299
- Bogio Locomotive. Centenary of the, 299
- Brazilian Naval Training Ship " Almirans. Saldanha." 611
- Bridgo Replacement at Neasden, 347
- British Association at Loicostor, 223
- British Association, A Luncheon Party at. 24,
- British Exports, 373
- British Stool Reorganisation, I
- Brown, John, and Co.., 611
- Business Efficiency, 299
- Business Forecast of F.B.I., 127, 447
- CAR Prices and Road Accidents. 373
- Cast Iron Research, 421
- Central Heating. Fuel Oil for, 611
- Chelsea Bridge. 447
- Cherbourg Harbour Works, Completion of. 103
- Clyde Shipbuilding Orders, 199
- Cly ppde Shipyard Aointment 175
- Clydebank Navy Order, 347
- Coal, Chemical Constitution of, 585.
- Coal, Future of. 273
- Coal at Sea. Uso of. 611
- Coal Burning Appliance Makers' Association. 397
- Coal Dust Explosions, 447
- Coal Output for 1932. 223
- Coal-Oil Developments, 509
- Coke Problem, 247
- Compressed Air Cylinders, Testing, 609
- Compressed Gas Filling Station, 509
- Co-operativo Profit-sharing, 635
- Copper Dovelopment Association. 447
- Costing Distribution, 509
- Craft Tools in Sheffield, 103
- Cross-Channel Ships. Fire Protection in. 011
- Cruisers, Larger, 481
- Cunardor and Construction of Sister Ship, 1 03
- Dowlais Stool Works Projeet, 447
- Dry Rot of Timber. 25
- EFFECT of Mechanisation on Employment , 199
- "Egypt's " Gold, Salving tho, 127
- Electrical Dovoloemont, 397
- Electricity Commissioners' Returns, I
- Electricity in Minos. 199
- Electricity Supply, 247
- Empire Communication, 537
- Empire Conference of F.B.I., 25
- Empire Conference, Proposed, 77
- Employment Figures. Improved. 223, 117
- Encouraging the Use of Steel. 481
- Engineers' Gorman Circle, 223
- Examinations, Sir Josiah Stamp's Defence of. 481
- Experimental Ship's Hold, 273
- Experimental Work on Roads. 199
- FAMOUS Clyde Steamer. " Caledonia." 601
- Farm Tractors, Pneumatic Tires for, 127
- Fast Passenger Aeroplane. 175
- Finance for Small Firms. 273
- Fire Protection in Cross-Channel Ships. 611
- Fire Regulations. French Passenger Ship, 175
- Fireproofing of Timber, 273
- Flow of Thames M'ater, 686
- Foreign Capital in Poland, 686
- Forth Road Bridge. Proposed. 323, 561
- Forty-hour Week Negotiations. 397
- French Railway Disaster, 636
- Fuel Oil for Central Heating. 611
- GALLOWAY' Power Scheme. 373
- Gas, Industrial Uses of, 347
- Gas Industry, 299
- Gas Proeulsion of Road Vehicles. 161
- Gasification of Town's Refuse, 323
- Gibraltar Tunnel, Proposed, 247
- Glasgow Gas Proposal. Wm. Baird and Co.'s Offer, 25. 175
- Glasgow Subway, 199
- " Goon," Blue Funnel Motor Ship. 176
- " Grid" Electricity Schemes. 421
- " Grid " Failure, Temporary. 635
- " Grid " Pylon, Last, 223
- " Grid " Tariff, Now, 421, 537
- G.W.R. and Motor Transport. 127
- G.W. It . Dovelopront Schemes. 447
- HIGH Wycombe Waterworks, 247
- Hire Purchase, 273
- Holborn Station (Kingsway) Opened, 299
- INDUSTRIAL Areas, 509
- Industrial Developments, 25
- Industrial Developments at Derby. 035
- Industrial Psychology, 661
- Industry and Empire, 77
- Inventions. Financing of. 223
- Iron and Stool Developments at Cardiff, 397
- Ironworks Scheme, Scottish, 1
- Italian Atlantic Flight, 127, 151
- KENNEDY, Sir Alexander. Value "t Work. 537
- LAUNCH of " Arowear," 447
- Launch of Motor Liner " British Coast." 447
- Launches, Two Important Motor Ship. 347
- Liner Lengthening Programme, 61
- Liner Records, 176
- Little Salkeld, Thames-Forth Express Disaster at, 25
- Locomotive 'War Veteran. L.M.S. Locomotive No. 2717, 103
- London Airport at Gatwick, 585
- London Passenger Transport.. 1
- London Trollybus Scheme, 637
- London's Artesian Wells. 199
- London's Dock Approaches. 51
- London's Newest Rotel, Tho Cumberland. 585
- L.M.S. Locomotive Orders, 637
- L.M.S. Locomotive " Princess Royal," 151
- I,. M.S. It it i way_ Accident, 26
- L. and N.E.R. Development Schemes, 421
- Lyons. Sir Henry, Testimonial to, 3.17
- MABLETIIORPE Watorworks, 323
- Mail Plane. Accident to. 397 •
- "Malaita." Single•scrow Motor Ship, 175
- Manchester's Water Supply. 51
- Mechanical Power. Use of. 273
- Mechanisation in the Post Office, 103
- Merchant Navy. 561
- Metropolitan Water Board, 347
- "Miss Britain HI.." 161, 223
- Monoplane. High•speed. 585
- Moscow Engineers. Return of, 25
- Motor Industry of Great Britain, 25
- NATIONAL Certificates and Diplomas in
- Mechanical Engineering, 611
- Naval Work, Value of, 537
- Niivy and Coal Oil, 561
- "Normandie." French Iiinor, 323
- OIL•ELECTRIC Railbus Demonstration, 127
- Oilsoloctrio Tug. 299
- Oil•electrio Tug for Thames Service, " Lectro." 373
- Oil-engined Fishing Craft, 481
- Oil from Coal. 51, 103. 273. 323
- Oil Pollution, 509
- Oil Tanker for Coastal Servico. " Ben Renshaw." 199
- Olympia. 247
- Orient Liner Fleet. 421
- Orient Liner, 685, 611
- Overseas Trade Development Council, 151
- PALESTINE Water Schumo, 611
- Piccadilly Railway Extension. 103
- Pnoumatio Tires for Farm Tractors. 127
- Port of Riehborough, 609
- Port of Vordon, 77
- Prevention of Fires Aboard Ship, 3!17.
- Pnblio Works, 199
- QUAY Extension at Newcastle
- RAILWAY Companies' Road Volsie)os, 481
- Railway Contracts, 561
- Railway Disaster in Franco, 397
- Railway Wagon Census. 661
- Retirement of Mr. K. S. Murray. 323
- Road and Rail, 685
- "Royal Scot." Return of, 561
- Rural Electrification Schemes, 481
- Rural Water Supplies. 537, 635
- Ryburn Reservoir for Supply to Wakeflold. 247
- SALFORD Electricity Undertaking. 103
- Scapa Flow Salvage Operations. 25
- Science and Industry, 77
- Science and the Nation. 609
- Science Committee, Parliamentary. 421
- Science Museum, 635
- Scientific Management. Congress, 103
- Scottish Engineering Development, 20
- Scottish Oil Industry. 247
- Sevenoaks. Southern Railway Electrification to. 537
- Severn Barrage. 223
- Sheffield and Armsments, 421
- Sheffield Sheet, Lead Mill. 175
- Sheffield University. Sir Robert. Hadfield's Gift to. 273
- Shipbuilding and North-East. Coast. 397
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, 373
- Shipbuilding Orders, 151, 481, 537. 585. 635
- Shipbuilding Outlook on Clyde. 035
- Shipbuilding Rationalisation, 421
- Smithfield Club Show. 661
- Southampton Dock Caisson Floated into Position, 199
- Southampton Dock Opened by H.M. The King. 1010 111
- Southampton Dock Approaches, 537
- Southern Railway Eleetrification Extensions. 537. 501
- Southern Rnilway Train Ferry Dock. 127
- Statistics in industry, 347
- Steel Firm's Jubilee, II. J. Skelton and CO. Ltd.. 373
- Steel Trade Improvement. 347
- Stilgoo, Retirement of Mr. H. E.. 77
- Swiichgear Contract, t36 kV. 323
- TANK Ex rimenters' Congress in Holland. 51
- Technical Education and the Future. 447
- Technical Press and World Recovery. 77
- Telephone Cable between St. Margaret's Buy and Calais. 273
- Thames Floods, 509
- Timber, Dry Rot of. 25
- Timber Research. 323
- Tin, Uses of. 323
- Trade Agreement., Anglo•Russinn, 25
- Trade Returns. Improved. 481
- Trade with Austria, 1
- Traffic Lines. 1
- Traffic Signals. 299
- Train Ferries for Southern Railway, 1
- Tramp Shipping. 373. 585
- Tug. Powerful Ocean•going. " ?mart° Zee." 373
- ULTRA Short•wove Wireless. 151
- Unemployment, 77, 347, 561
- United States Steel Code, 176
- Uses of Coal. 481
- Utilisation of Natural Steam. 176
- WARSAW Railway Eleetrifleation Contract, 127
- Water " Grid," Proposed, 247
- Water Scheme. Palestine, 611
- Waterloo Bridge, 323
- Welding in Shipbuilding Industry, 103
- West Nfiddlesex Sewerage Seheme..397
- Wireless Exhibition. 151
- ZUIDER Zoo Reclamation, 299
See Also
Sources of Information